These are the facts in evidence. Trumpette's, avert your eyes.

If Trump has commited impeachable offenses then he deserves to be impeached, nothing to do with voting.

If you knew how to spell committed then I would take your seriously. You also don't answer my questions. You're a disgrace to our ancestors. You're a coward. Antosha. Gavno!

That it?

If all you are down to is spelling complaints and name calling, then you probably lost the argument.

Your ancestors didn't teach you that?

You lost the argument when you refused to answer my questions. One way conversations do not work. You also didn't dispute that you're a little sissy boy. Gavno!

If Trump has commited impeachable offenses then he deserves to be impeached, nothing to do with voting.

As soon as you could actually address that point I would have something to answer.
Let me say from the outset I fully understand Trumpette's are not typically persuaded by facts.

Congress authorized $391M in aid to Ukraine at the end of 2018. $250M under the control of the DoD and $141M under the control of the Dept. of State.

July 3.........Lt. Col. Vindman testified that is the date when he learned a hold on the aid had been put on.

July 10.......During a meeting at the WH Gordo Sondland makes Ukrainian officials aware Zelensky will only get a WH meeting w/ Donzo the Clown if he agrees to launch investigations in to the Biden's. Bolton tells Fiona Hill to report this to the NSC lawyer.

July 18........In a secure call with national security officials, a staff member of the WH OMB announces there’s a freeze on Ukraine aid until further notice, based on a presidential order to the budget office.
Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal

July 25.........the "perfect" call. Immediately after Zelensky offers to buy more military weapons Trump replies by saying "I would like you to do us a favor though" and proceeds to ask Zelensky to look in to the batshyte crazy conspiracy theory about the Crowdstrike server and later to work with Slimy Rudy in investigating the Biden's.
FEC chairwoman reiterates illegality of soliciting campaign help from foreign governments

Two US officials, Catherine Croft and Laura Cooper, have testified that as early as July 25 Ukraine officials expressed concern over the military aid they knew had been approved. “On July 25, a member of my staff got a question from a Ukraine embassy contact asking what was going on with Ukraine security assistance,” Cooper testified.

Aug. 12.......A whistleblower files a formal complaint addressed to Congress that details concerns over the July 25 phone call and the hold placed on the military aid. The complaint is withheld from Congress until Sept. 25. At some point after the call was made alarmed WH and national security officials, including John Eisenberg, make the decision to use a code level secure server to the transcript of the call even though it contains nothing of national security import to justify such a measure. The DoJ is notified of a criminal referral issued by the CIA's top lawyer regarding the call. Despite the obvious violation of the law prohibiting the solicitation of election assistance from a foreign country Billy the Bagman determines the call is no problemo.

Congressional testimony from Sondland, Hill, Vindman, Taylor, Cooper, Volker all corroborate the fact that diplomatic officials were aware the assistance to Ukraine would be held up until an announcement was made by Ukraine that the investigations Trump wanted were being initiated. Sondland testified that...... “Everyone was in the loop. It was no secret.” He went on to say.......“Was there a quid pro quo? As I testified previously, with regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting, the answer is yes.”

Various WH officials such as................

could offer more details but their testimony is being illegally blocked by the imposition of a claim that does not exist in law, "blanket privilege" for any and all WH officials the prez sees fit to block.

Once the WH became aware Trump had been caught they released the military aid and an edited copy of the call transcript cuz...............what else could they do?

In a nutshell, Trump put a hold on military assistance to use as leverage in order to get Zelensky to agree to announce Ukraine would investigate a political rival of Don's who at the time was the front runner to get the Dem nomination to run for the presidency............breaking two laws.
Trump isn't going to be removed from office. FACT.
He’s hiding everything that isn’t the phone transcript and whistleblower report.

Zero document subpoenas are being honored. He’s ordered his entire administration to ignore testimony subpoenas.

How can you not know this?

This is what he said and I see ZERO wrong with it. How can you not agree with me?

I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike… I guess you have one of your wealthy people… The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it’s very important that you do it if that’s possible.
Do you think the phone transcript is the end of the story?

The data is out there and I believe the voters should decide. I do not want politicians deciding for me. I am glad many disagree that is what democracy is all about. So yes, I do.

Do you want voters to be fully informed when they decide?

How much more informed may we be? We have seen hours of testimony and more hours of opinion. I was hoping the Republicans would be allowed to call more witnesses but that was squashed. The transcript was released, we have had hours of hearings, we have heard from numerous persons, Zelinsky stated there is no pressure and I don't buy the argument that he is being strong armed he could easily say there was, get Trump out and still garner his aid. The Bidens are corrupt, that is for sure. But I do not believe Biden will be the nominee, I could be wrong of course. I believe it will be Sanders vs. Trump in the end.
There’s witnesses that haven’t been allowed to testify, haven’t there? There’s documents that haven’t been allowed to be reviewed, haven’t there?

Hours of hearings doesn’t mean we’ve been fully informed. Wouldn’t you agree?
Do you want voters to be fully informed when they decide?

Indeed I do. In 2016, while CNN was conspiring with the Hillary campaign claiming Trump was "inciting violence" at Trump's events, the TRUTH was that the fights were started by PAID HILLARY CAMPAIGN WORKERS....


You liked it when CNN was LYING....

And you CHEERED when CNN gave Hillary the debate questions before the debate.

That was the only documentable provable FACT of CHEATING in 2016, that CNN gave Hillary the debate questions before the debate.

Blah, blah, blah. Nutty conspiracy after another nutty conspiracy theory.
If Trump has commited impeachable offenses then he deserves to be impeached, nothing to do with voting.

If you knew how to spell committed then I would take your seriously. You also don't answer my questions. You're a disgrace to our ancestors. You're a coward. Antosha. Gavno!

That it?

If all you are down to is spelling complaints and name calling, then you probably lost the argument.

Your ancestors didn't teach you that?

You lost the argument when you refused to answer my questions. One way conversations do not work. You also didn't dispute that you're a little sissy boy. Gavno!

Trump has commited impeachable offenses then he deserves to be impeached, nothing to do with voting.

As soon as you could address that point I have no problem replying to you.

Bullshit. Impeachment is for high crimes. Winning in 2016 is not a high crime. Stating this:

I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike… I guess you have one of your wealthy people… The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it’s very important that you do it if that’s possible.


Let the people decide. So you believe America is so weak that this right here would destroy our democracy? You're delusional, Antosha and a disgrace to our ancestors. I mean that 100%. You're a fucking disgrace. Gavno.
He’s hiding everything that isn’t the phone transcript and whistleblower report.

Zero document subpoenas are being honored. He’s ordered his entire administration to ignore testimony subpoenas.

How can you not know this?

This is what he said and I see ZERO wrong with it. How can you not agree with me?

I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike… I guess you have one of your wealthy people… The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it’s very important that you do it if that’s possible.
Do you think the phone transcript is the end of the story?

The data is out there and I believe the voters should decide. I do not want politicians deciding for me. I am glad many disagree that is what democracy is all about. So yes, I do.

Do you want voters to be fully informed when they decide?

How much more informed may we be? We have seen hours of testimony and more hours of opinion. I was hoping the Republicans would be allowed to call more witnesses but that was squashed. The transcript was released, we have had hours of hearings, we have heard from numerous persons, Zelinsky stated there is no pressure and I don't buy the argument that he is being strong armed he could easily say there was, get Trump out and still garner his aid. The Bidens are corrupt, that is for sure. But I do not believe Biden will be the nominee, I could be wrong of course. I believe it will be Sanders vs. Trump in the end.
no, the limitation of witnesses makes this a farce. Period. Either this is serious or it isn't.
Let me say from the outset I fully understand Trumpette's are not typically persuaded by facts.

Congress authorized $391M in aid to Ukraine at the end of 2018. $250M under the control of the DoD and $141M under the control of the Dept. of State.

July 3.........Lt. Col. Vindman testified that is the date when he learned a hold on the aid had been put on.

July 10.......During a meeting at the WH Gordo Sondland makes Ukrainian officials aware Zelensky will only get a WH meeting w/ Donzo the Clown if he agrees to launch investigations in to the Biden's. Bolton tells Fiona Hill to report this to the NSC lawyer.

July 18........In a secure call with national security officials, a staff member of the WH OMB announces there’s a freeze on Ukraine aid until further notice, based on a presidential order to the budget office.
Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal

July 25.........the "perfect" call. Immediately after Zelensky offers to buy more military weapons Trump replies by saying "I would like you to do us a favor though" and proceeds to ask Zelensky to look in to the batshyte crazy conspiracy theory about the Crowdstrike server and later to work with Slimy Rudy in investigating the Biden's.
FEC chairwoman reiterates illegality of soliciting campaign help from foreign governments

Two US officials, Catherine Croft and Laura Cooper, have testified that as early as July 25 Ukraine officials expressed concern over the military aid they knew had been approved. “On July 25, a member of my staff got a question from a Ukraine embassy contact asking what was going on with Ukraine security assistance,” Cooper testified.

Aug. 12.......A whistleblower files a formal complaint addressed to Congress that details concerns over the July 25 phone call and the hold placed on the military aid. The complaint is withheld from Congress until Sept. 25. At some point after the call was made alarmed WH and national security officials, including John Eisenberg, make the decision to use a code level secure server to the transcript of the call even though it contains nothing of national security import to justify such a measure. The DoJ is notified of a criminal referral issued by the CIA's top lawyer regarding the call. Despite the obvious violation of the law prohibiting the solicitation of election assistance from a foreign country Billy the Bagman determines the call is no problemo.

Congressional testimony from Sondland, Hill, Vindman, Taylor, Cooper, Volker all corroborate the fact that diplomatic officials were aware the assistance to Ukraine would be held up until an announcement was made by Ukraine that the investigations Trump wanted were being initiated. Sondland testified that...... “Everyone was in the loop. It was no secret.” He went on to say.......“Was there a quid pro quo? As I testified previously, with regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting, the answer is yes.”

Various WH officials such as................

could offer more details but their testimony is being illegally blocked by the imposition of a claim that does not exist in law, "blanket privilege" for any and all WH officials the prez sees fit to block.

Once the WH became aware Trump had been caught they released the military aid and an edited copy of the call transcript cuz...............what else could they do?

In a nutshell, Trump put a hold on military assistance to use as leverage in order to get Zelensky to agree to announce Ukraine would investigate a political rival of Don's who at the time was the front runner to get the Dem nomination to run for the presidency............breaking two laws.
Trump isn't going to be removed from office. FACT.
Which is exactly why Zelinsky will never come out and say exactly what happened.
Let me say from the outset I fully understand Trumpette's are not typically persuaded by facts.

Congress authorized $391M in aid to Ukraine at the end of 2018. $250M under the control of the DoD and $141M under the control of the Dept. of State.

July 3.........Lt. Col. Vindman testified that is the date when he learned a hold on the aid had been put on.

July 10.......During a meeting at the WH Gordo Sondland makes Ukrainian officials aware Zelensky will only get a WH meeting w/ Donzo the Clown if he agrees to launch investigations in to the Biden's. Bolton tells Fiona Hill to report this to the NSC lawyer.

July 18........In a secure call with national security officials, a staff member of the WH OMB announces there’s a freeze on Ukraine aid until further notice, based on a presidential order to the budget office.
Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal

July 25.........the "perfect" call. Immediately after Zelensky offers to buy more military weapons Trump replies by saying "I would like you to do us a favor though" and proceeds to ask Zelensky to look in to the batshyte crazy conspiracy theory about the Crowdstrike server and later to work with Slimy Rudy in investigating the Biden's.
FEC chairwoman reiterates illegality of soliciting campaign help from foreign governments

Two US officials, Catherine Croft and Laura Cooper, have testified that as early as July 25 Ukraine officials expressed concern over the military aid they knew had been approved. “On July 25, a member of my staff got a question from a Ukraine embassy contact asking what was going on with Ukraine security assistance,” Cooper testified.

Aug. 12.......A whistleblower files a formal complaint addressed to Congress that details concerns over the July 25 phone call and the hold placed on the military aid. The complaint is withheld from Congress until Sept. 25. At some point after the call was made alarmed WH and national security officials, including John Eisenberg, make the decision to use a code level secure server to the transcript of the call even though it contains nothing of national security import to justify such a measure. The DoJ is notified of a criminal referral issued by the CIA's top lawyer regarding the call. Despite the obvious violation of the law prohibiting the solicitation of election assistance from a foreign country Billy the Bagman determines the call is no problemo.

Congressional testimony from Sondland, Hill, Vindman, Taylor, Cooper, Volker all corroborate the fact that diplomatic officials were aware the assistance to Ukraine would be held up until an announcement was made by Ukraine that the investigations Trump wanted were being initiated. Sondland testified that...... “Everyone was in the loop. It was no secret.” He went on to say.......“Was there a quid pro quo? As I testified previously, with regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting, the answer is yes.”

Various WH officials such as................

could offer more details but their testimony is being illegally blocked by the imposition of a claim that does not exist in law, "blanket privilege" for any and all WH officials the prez sees fit to block.

Once the WH became aware Trump had been caught they released the military aid and an edited copy of the call transcript cuz...............what else could they do?

In a nutshell, Trump put a hold on military assistance to use as leverage in order to get Zelensky to agree to announce Ukraine would investigate a political rival of Don's who at the time was the front runner to get the Dem nomination to run for the presidency............breaking two laws.
Trump isn't going to be removed from office. FACT.

Republicans not holding Trump acocuntable is not contradictory to the facts of his corrupt abuse of office.
If Trump has commited impeachable offenses then he deserves to be impeached, nothing to do with voting.

If you knew how to spell committed then I would take your seriously. You also don't answer my questions. You're a disgrace to our ancestors. You're a coward. Antosha. Gavno!

That it?

If all you are down to is spelling complaints and name calling, then you probably lost the argument.

Your ancestors didn't teach you that?

You lost the argument when you refused to answer my questions. One way conversations do not work. You also didn't dispute that you're a little sissy boy. Gavno!

If Trump has commited impeachable offenses then he deserves to be impeached, nothing to do with voting.

As soon as you could actually address that point I would have something to answer.

Alan Dershowitz, a Clinton supporter and the preeminent constitution expert says they are not impeachable offenses. Should I believe him or a pussy like you?
I've ask them what specific law Trump broke, they cannot tell me.
LOL Berg won't even answer the simple question whether he believes Schiff's claim that he doesn't know the Whistleblower.
What difference does it make? Do you folks have anything other than diversions?
It makes ALL the difference. When the mastermind behind the entire Impeachment farce bald face lies to the committee, he shows he has no credibility. Since you are ducking the question I assume you don't believe him.

How did Schiff mastermind Trump holding up millitary aid to Ukraine with absolutely no proper explanation?

How did Schiff mastermind Jiuliani running around Ukraine looking for dirt on Bidens and trying to get embassador to Ukraine removed?

How did Schiff mastermind Trump call with Zelensky where he talked about Ukraine not recieprocating generous American aid, and how they ought to do us favors in investigating DNC server and Bidens?

How did Schiff mastermind Sondland telling Ukrainians that everything is conditioned on announcement of investigations?

How did Schiff mastermind Zelensky scheduling CNN interview?

He must be no less than God himself.
You can make up stuff better than Schiff. Tell me why didn't Obama give military aid to Ukraine?
Here's a novel idea. Why don't you research it yourself. But before you do here's something to consider.

Trump Resisted Sale of Javelins to Ukraine
This is what he said and I see ZERO wrong with it. How can you not agree with me?

I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike… I guess you have one of your wealthy people… The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it’s very important that you do it if that’s possible.
Do you think the phone transcript is the end of the story?

The data is out there and I believe the voters should decide. I do not want politicians deciding for me. I am glad many disagree that is what democracy is all about. So yes, I do.

Do you want voters to be fully informed when they decide?

How much more informed may we be? We have seen hours of testimony and more hours of opinion. I was hoping the Republicans would be allowed to call more witnesses but that was squashed. The transcript was released, we have had hours of hearings, we have heard from numerous persons, Zelinsky stated there is no pressure and I don't buy the argument that he is being strong armed he could easily say there was, get Trump out and still garner his aid. The Bidens are corrupt, that is for sure. But I do not believe Biden will be the nominee, I could be wrong of course. I believe it will be Sanders vs. Trump in the end.
There’s witnesses that haven’t been allowed to testify, haven’t there? There’s documents that haven’t been allowed to be reviewed, haven’t there?

Hours of hearings doesn’t mean we’ve been fully informed. Wouldn’t you agree?

I HAVE THE TRANSCRIPT!!!! What else is there to tell?
This is what he said and I see ZERO wrong with it. How can you not agree with me?

I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike… I guess you have one of your wealthy people… The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it’s very important that you do it if that’s possible.
Do you think the phone transcript is the end of the story?

The data is out there and I believe the voters should decide. I do not want politicians deciding for me. I am glad many disagree that is what democracy is all about. So yes, I do.

Do you want voters to be fully informed when they decide?
why weren't all witnesses allowed to testify? without that, then no, not all voters were properly informed.
Agree 100%.
Please inform Trump.
he wasn't a witness. the whistleblower is my reference. there is no such thing as protecting whistleblowers. just isn't, unless you make it up. The folks the gop wanted to testify were denied. why? Trump delivered the transcript, you didn't need anything else from him.
Nutty conspiracy after another nutty conspiracy theory.

Truth is now "another nutty conspiracy theory"

Donna Brazile Regrets Sharing Debate Questions With Hillary Clinton - SFGate

"Former DNC chairwoman and disgraced CNN commentator Donna Brazile has admitted that she relayed confidential questions to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in advance of last year’s primary debate."

Maybe it should be illegal to notice that truth, that the ONLY DOCUMENTED CHEATING in the 2016 election was that Hillary and CNN "colluded" to deceive the American people by CHEATING in DEBATE....

Gosh, you'd get expelled from school for doing that, yet there the Dems today want Hillary to run AGAIN....

Do you think the phone transcript is the end of the story?

The data is out there and I believe the voters should decide. I do not want politicians deciding for me. I am glad many disagree that is what democracy is all about. So yes, I do.

Do you want voters to be fully informed when they decide?

How much more informed may we be? We have seen hours of testimony and more hours of opinion. I was hoping the Republicans would be allowed to call more witnesses but that was squashed. The transcript was released, we have had hours of hearings, we have heard from numerous persons, Zelinsky stated there is no pressure and I don't buy the argument that he is being strong armed he could easily say there was, get Trump out and still garner his aid. The Bidens are corrupt, that is for sure. But I do not believe Biden will be the nominee, I could be wrong of course. I believe it will be Sanders vs. Trump in the end.
There’s witnesses that haven’t been allowed to testify, haven’t there? There’s documents that haven’t been allowed to be reviewed, haven’t there?

Hours of hearings doesn’t mean we’ve been fully informed. Wouldn’t you agree?

I HAVE THE TRANSCRIPT!!!! What else is there to tell?

Lots. As we have learned, engagement and discussion of investigations and foreign aid didn’t end with the phone call. i don’t know why you think the transcript is enough to tell the entire story. There’s obviously much, much more to this.
Let me say from the outset I fully understand Trumpette's are not typically persuaded by facts.

Congress authorized $391M in aid to Ukraine at the end of 2018. $250M under the control of the DoD and $141M under the control of the Dept. of State.

July 3.........Lt. Col. Vindman testified that is the date when he learned a hold on the aid had been put on.

July 10.......During a meeting at the WH Gordo Sondland makes Ukrainian officials aware Zelensky will only get a WH meeting w/ Donzo the Clown if he agrees to launch investigations in to the Biden's. Bolton tells Fiona Hill to report this to the NSC lawyer.

July 18........In a secure call with national security officials, a staff member of the WH OMB announces there’s a freeze on Ukraine aid until further notice, based on a presidential order to the budget office.
Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal

July 25.........the "perfect" call. Immediately after Zelensky offers to buy more military weapons Trump replies by saying "I would like you to do us a favor though" and proceeds to ask Zelensky to look in to the batshyte crazy conspiracy theory about the Crowdstrike server and later to work with Slimy Rudy in investigating the Biden's.
FEC chairwoman reiterates illegality of soliciting campaign help from foreign governments

Two US officials, Catherine Croft and Laura Cooper, have testified that as early as July 25 Ukraine officials expressed concern over the military aid they knew had been approved. “On July 25, a member of my staff got a question from a Ukraine embassy contact asking what was going on with Ukraine security assistance,” Cooper testified.

Aug. 12.......A whistleblower files a formal complaint addressed to Congress that details concerns over the July 25 phone call and the hold placed on the military aid. The complaint is withheld from Congress until Sept. 25. At some point after the call was made alarmed WH and national security officials, including John Eisenberg, make the decision to use a code level secure server to the transcript of the call even though it contains nothing of national security import to justify such a measure. The DoJ is notified of a criminal referral issued by the CIA's top lawyer regarding the call. Despite the obvious violation of the law prohibiting the solicitation of election assistance from a foreign country Billy the Bagman determines the call is no problemo.

Congressional testimony from Sondland, Hill, Vindman, Taylor, Cooper, Volker all corroborate the fact that diplomatic officials were aware the assistance to Ukraine would be held up until an announcement was made by Ukraine that the investigations Trump wanted were being initiated. Sondland testified that...... “Everyone was in the loop. It was no secret.” He went on to say.......“Was there a quid pro quo? As I testified previously, with regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting, the answer is yes.”

Various WH officials such as................

could offer more details but their testimony is being illegally blocked by the imposition of a claim that does not exist in law, "blanket privilege" for any and all WH officials the prez sees fit to block.

Once the WH became aware Trump had been caught they released the military aid and an edited copy of the call transcript cuz...............what else could they do?

In a nutshell, Trump put a hold on military assistance to use as leverage in order to get Zelensky to agree to announce Ukraine would investigate a political rival of Don's who at the time was the front runner to get the Dem nomination to run for the presidency............breaking two laws.
Trump isn't going to be removed from office. FACT.
Which is exactly why Zelinsky will never come out and say exactly what happened.

So you're smarter than Alan Dershowitz now?

Trump: Impeachment Accusations Are "Of No Merit," Alan Dershowitz And Ken Starr Agree
Let me say from the outset I fully understand Trumpette's are not typically persuaded by facts.

Congress authorized $391M in aid to Ukraine at the end of 2018. $250M under the control of the DoD and $141M under the control of the Dept. of State.

July 3.........Lt. Col. Vindman testified that is the date when he learned a hold on the aid had been put on.

July 10.......During a meeting at the WH Gordo Sondland makes Ukrainian officials aware Zelensky will only get a WH meeting w/ Donzo the Clown if he agrees to launch investigations in to the Biden's. Bolton tells Fiona Hill to report this to the NSC lawyer.

July 18........In a secure call with national security officials, a staff member of the WH OMB announces there’s a freeze on Ukraine aid until further notice, based on a presidential order to the budget office.
Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal

July 25.........the "perfect" call. Immediately after Zelensky offers to buy more military weapons Trump replies by saying "I would like you to do us a favor though" and proceeds to ask Zelensky to look in to the batshyte crazy conspiracy theory about the Crowdstrike server and later to work with Slimy Rudy in investigating the Biden's.
FEC chairwoman reiterates illegality of soliciting campaign help from foreign governments

Two US officials, Catherine Croft and Laura Cooper, have testified that as early as July 25 Ukraine officials expressed concern over the military aid they knew had been approved. “On July 25, a member of my staff got a question from a Ukraine embassy contact asking what was going on with Ukraine security assistance,” Cooper testified.

Aug. 12.......A whistleblower files a formal complaint addressed to Congress that details concerns over the July 25 phone call and the hold placed on the military aid. The complaint is withheld from Congress until Sept. 25. At some point after the call was made alarmed WH and national security officials, including John Eisenberg, make the decision to use a code level secure server to the transcript of the call even though it contains nothing of national security import to justify such a measure. The DoJ is notified of a criminal referral issued by the CIA's top lawyer regarding the call. Despite the obvious violation of the law prohibiting the solicitation of election assistance from a foreign country Billy the Bagman determines the call is no problemo.

Congressional testimony from Sondland, Hill, Vindman, Taylor, Cooper, Volker all corroborate the fact that diplomatic officials were aware the assistance to Ukraine would be held up until an announcement was made by Ukraine that the investigations Trump wanted were being initiated. Sondland testified that...... “Everyone was in the loop. It was no secret.” He went on to say.......“Was there a quid pro quo? As I testified previously, with regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting, the answer is yes.”

Various WH officials such as................

could offer more details but their testimony is being illegally blocked by the imposition of a claim that does not exist in law, "blanket privilege" for any and all WH officials the prez sees fit to block.

Once the WH became aware Trump had been caught they released the military aid and an edited copy of the call transcript cuz...............what else could they do?

In a nutshell, Trump put a hold on military assistance to use as leverage in order to get Zelensky to agree to announce Ukraine would investigate a political rival of Don's who at the time was the front runner to get the Dem nomination to run for the presidency............breaking two laws.
Trump isn't going to be removed from office. FACT.
Which is exactly why Zelinsky will never come out and say exactly what happened.
What trump is doing is what american citizens are allowed. why do you wish to deny him his rights?
Do you think the phone transcript is the end of the story?

The data is out there and I believe the voters should decide. I do not want politicians deciding for me. I am glad many disagree that is what democracy is all about. So yes, I do.

Do you want voters to be fully informed when they decide?
why weren't all witnesses allowed to testify? without that, then no, not all voters were properly informed.
Agree 100%.
Please inform Trump.
he wasn't a witness. the whistleblower is my reference. there is no such thing as protecting whistleblowers. just isn't, unless you make it up. The folks the gop wanted to testify were denied. why? Trump delivered the transcript, you didn't need anything else from him.
Trump is definitely a witness.

What did the whistleblower witness? I thought it was all fourth or fifth hand information?

We need lots more from Trump. I don’t know why thinks the transcript is enough to understand what happened.
The data is out there and I believe the voters should decide. I do not want politicians deciding for me. I am glad many disagree that is what democracy is all about. So yes, I do.

Do you want voters to be fully informed when they decide?

How much more informed may we be? We have seen hours of testimony and more hours of opinion. I was hoping the Republicans would be allowed to call more witnesses but that was squashed. The transcript was released, we have had hours of hearings, we have heard from numerous persons, Zelinsky stated there is no pressure and I don't buy the argument that he is being strong armed he could easily say there was, get Trump out and still garner his aid. The Bidens are corrupt, that is for sure. But I do not believe Biden will be the nominee, I could be wrong of course. I believe it will be Sanders vs. Trump in the end.
There’s witnesses that haven’t been allowed to testify, haven’t there? There’s documents that haven’t been allowed to be reviewed, haven’t there?

Hours of hearings doesn’t mean we’ve been fully informed. Wouldn’t you agree?

I HAVE THE TRANSCRIPT!!!! What else is there to tell?

Lots. As we have learned, engagement and discussion of investigations and foreign aid didn’t end with the phone call. i don’t know why you think the transcript is enough to tell the entire story. There’s obviously much, much more to this.

Yes, I would like to know how Hunter Biden got that gig when he had zero experience and why he was paid such a sum of $$ and why Maria Yavanovich was told to sled lightly around this issue when she was appointed the ambassador.

We can do this all day. Let the voters decide.
The data is out there and I believe the voters should decide. I do not want politicians deciding for me. I am glad many disagree that is what democracy is all about. So yes, I do.

Do you want voters to be fully informed when they decide?
why weren't all witnesses allowed to testify? without that, then no, not all voters were properly informed.
Agree 100%.
Please inform Trump.
he wasn't a witness. the whistleblower is my reference. there is no such thing as protecting whistleblowers. just isn't, unless you make it up. The folks the gop wanted to testify were denied. why? Trump delivered the transcript, you didn't need anything else from him.
Trump is definitely a witness.

What did the whistleblower witness? I thought it was all fourth or fifth hand information?

We need lots more from Trump. I don’t know why thinks the transcript is enough to understand what happened.

Because it states what happened on the phone call. LOL.

You have to prove intent for an offense to be impeachable. How do you prove intent here? Do tell.

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