These are the "People" We are Allowing in This Country

Hamas were elected 18 years ago on promise they were moderates... It was a lie obviously... It was only agreed to have elections again in September, Hamas were going to get wiped in the polls...
This is a lie. There popularity goes up after bombing Israel, according to polls.
The freaking President had to cancel elections a while back because he knew HAMAS was going to win big.
I made a thread about this stuff.
The Palestinians have never had any right to resist anything the Israelis did to them. Not ever.

If your looking for fair and humane treatment, We in America have tried,
but the human condition leans towards distrust of others.
And this is propped up by your limited one sided information. There are ALWAYS more sides & situations to the problem.
Want blame, look to the kind of leaders that have been chosen.
It is actually not...

Is there individuals that want it ? Yes
Are there individuals that want to destroy Palestine? Yes

Let's not pretend that they are angels on either side..

I personally support both the Isreali and Palestinian people to live in peace and am very much against extremists like Ismail Haniyeh (Hamas) and Netanyahu... Both of those pricks should be stuck on an island with each other, them and their supporters have eradicated any chance of peace numerous times over the years.
Hamas started the killing, nimrod.
Yet another idiot who doesn’t know the history.

Hey idiot, history didn’t start on 10/7.

One thing you should know and take to heart, is NEVER believe the authorities. They have a long history of lying.
I’ve never voted for a D in my life, you dumb fucking neocon.

I wasn't saying you voted for Democrats, I said you sound just like one with all the cowardice not being willing to fight for freedom and Jew hating. Are you Nancy Pelosi?
I wasn't saying you voted for Democrats, I said you sound just like one with all the cowardice not being willing to fight for freedom and Jew hating. Are you Nancy Pelosi?
So you admit you’re dumb. So let’s see? You hate Muslims and democrats. Do you want them all murdered?
That is debatable…”vast majority”?

There is a lot of ongoing propaganda circulating both from Hamas and Israel, somewhere in the truths and histories.

Do you have some examples of what you consider to be the Israeli propaganda?
Yet another idiot who doesn’t know the history.

Hey idiot, history didn’t start on 10/7.

One thing you should know and take to heart, is NEVER believe the authorities. They have a long history of lying.
Go back all the way to Israel's creation, the fact remains that Hamas started the killing.
Yet another idiot who doesn’t know the history.

Hey idiot, history didn’t start on 10/7.

One thing you should know and take to heart, is NEVER believe the authorities. They have a long history of lying.
Hey idiot, how do you justify raping and murdering foreign nationals?

Crickets from DUMB FUCK YOU!
What has Israel done to them?
A lot.
Who the fuck cares. Why is Gaza a shithole? Why are pali's poor, while their leaders live large on the American tax payers dime?

This is the sad reality, if every Pali magically vanished tomorrow, the world would be a better place.

The opposite isn't true if all the Jews vanished.

Go back all the way to Israel's creation, the fact remains that Hamas started the killing.
No they didn’t. Learn history otherwise you expose yourself as a fool, which is exactly what you’ve done.
When you murder people, your life is forfeit, that's true, some people's lives are in fact more valuable than others. The people who haven't murdered Jews and don't want to are more valuable than Democrats and other evil groups who do
Idiot. Who did those thousands of Pali babies and women murder? You’re so dumb it hurts.

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