These are the "People" We are Allowing in This Country

Apparently you don’t know the difference between war and peace. You’ve become the Fascist Nazi warmonger you claim to hate. This is why I hate you.

Apparently it is you who don't. Ham-ass launched an invasion of Israel. Killed 1400 people. Many of whom were foreigners.

Ham-ass started this war, Israel will finish it.
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Apparently you don’t know the difference between war and peace. You’ve become the Fascist Nazi warmonger you claim to hate. This is why I hate you.

kaz: I think we need to fight for freedom

gipper: Ah, then you don't know what war is!

That's stupid, nothing I said says that. I advocate war for life and liberty, I know exactly what that means. You're a coward and an antisemite
kaz: I think we need to fight for freedom

gipper: Ah, then you don't know what war is!

That's stupid, nothing I said says that. I advocate war for life and liberty, I know exactly what that means. You're a coward and an antisemite

The gipper is a special breed of moron.

The Nazis love tools like him. Easily led about, and excellent cannon fodder.
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Apparently it is you who don't. Ham-ass launched an invasion of Israel. Killed 1400 people. Many of whom were foreigners.

Ham-ass started this war, Israel will finish it.
Lol. That’s all you know. You think this started on 10/7. I bet you also think Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was entirely unprovoked.

Can’t fix stupid.
The gipper is a special breed of moron.

The Nazis love tools like him. Easily led about, and excellent cannon fodder.

I was thinking about all the WWII movies I saw growing up. It never occurred to me to root for the Nazis, like gipper did
Lol. That’s all you know. You think this started on 10/7. I bet you also think Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was entirely unprovoked.

Can’t fix stupid.

It did not start on 10/7, the Palestinians have been trying to die killing Jews since 1947. Like the 16 year old Palestinian girl who was brainwashed by you sort into killing herself and a 16 year old Jewish girl in a grocery store.

You relate to the hate
They are called Hamas supporters

When a terror group invades a country and massacred innocent people waking up in the morning, don't cry when that country comes knocking on your door
It is possible to support the cause and rights of the Palestinians without supporting HAMAS, it’s actions or anti-semitism.

People can’t or won’t see that.
It is possible to support the cause and rights of the Palestinians without supporting HAMAS, it’s actions or anti-semitism.

People can’t or won’t see that.

There are many who do that. The problem is that the vast majority of Palestinians don't. That is critical to Hamas brainwashing, the support of the Palestinian people to their evil cause. If Palestinians let go of the hate, their lives would be so much better. Whether you want them to or not, the Jews aren't leaving. Should the Palestinians accept that and work with them or just keep living in hate and squalor?
I hope we wake up before it's too late. These are NOT AMERICAN values. But they are growing

Neither are these.



But you don’t seem bothered.
Lol. That’s all you know. You think this started on 10/7. I bet you also think Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was entirely unprovoked.

Can’t fix stupid.

Correct, you can't fix stupid. But you should try.

You still can't condemn your ham-ass heroes for slaughtering the foreigners at the music festival, can you, fucktard.
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There are many who do that. The problem is that the vast majority of Palestinians don't. That is critical to Hamas brainwashing, the support of the Palestinian people to their evil cause. If Palestinians let go of the hate, their lives would be so much better. Whether you want them to or not, the Jews aren't leaving. Should the Palestinians accept that and work with them or just keep living in hate and squalor?
That is debatable…”vast majority”?

There is a lot of ongoing propaganda circulating both from Hamas and Israel, somewhere in the truths and histories.

Hamas barely won the election, by only a few seats. It remained fairly unpopular, based on polling, after it forcibly took power.

Moreover, half (50%) agreed with the following proposal: “Hamas should stop calling for Israel’s destruction, and instead accept a permanent two-state solution based on the 1967 borders.” Moreover, across the region, Hamas has lost popularity over time among many Arab publics. This decline in popularity may have been one of the motivating factors behind the group’s decision to attack.

In fact, Gazan frustration with Hamas governance is clear; most Gazans expressed a preference for PA administration and security officials over Hamas—the majority of Gazans (70%) supported a proposal of the PA sending “officials and security officers to Gaza to take over the administration there, with Hamas giving up separate armed units,” including 47% who strongly agreed. Nor is this a new view—this proposal has had majority support in Gaza since first polled by The Washington Institute in 2014.

In regards to ”hate” and “just working with them”. What does that mean?

Does it mean a 2-state solution
? Netanyahu has never been a proponent and has pretty much dismantled it. Israel has steadily increased its building of settlements, further dividing and breaking up the territory that was supposed to be a Palestinian state In addition to splitting the Gaza Palestinians from the Westbank Palestinians. It has systematically weakened the PA as a deliberate strategy. Support for a 2-state solution was high among the Palestinians.

Does it mean a 1-State solution? That seems far-fetched and even less likely than a 2-state solution.

Does it mean some variation on the status quo? A continuation of the policies that led to this? A 56 yr occupation with no end? A semi-autonomy under Israeli military control, military justice system and few rights and freedoms?

The Jews aren’t leaving, nor should they, this is their country too. Yet shouldn’t we also accept the fact that Palestinians aren’t going to conveniently go away either? Yet, that is what some in this Israeli government have called for, mass expulsion whether officially or attrition by the tacit approval (if not direct) of settler led violence and vigilantism in the West Bank.
That is debatable…”vast majority”?

There is a lot of ongoing propaganda circulating both from Hamas and Israel, somewhere in the truths and histories.

Hamas barely won the election, by only a few seats. It remained fairly unpopular, based on polling, after it forcibly took power.

Moreover, half (50%) agreed with the following proposal: “Hamas should stop calling for Israel’s destruction, and instead accept a permanent two-state solution based on the 1967 borders.” Moreover, across the region, Hamas has lost popularity over time among many Arab publics. This decline in popularity may have been one of the motivating factors behind the group’s decision to attack.

In fact, Gazan frustration with Hamas governance is clear; most Gazans expressed a preference for PA administration and security officials over Hamas—the majority of Gazans (70%) supported a proposal of the PA sending “officials and security officers to Gaza to take over the administration there, with Hamas giving up separate armed units,” including 47% who strongly agreed. Nor is this a new view—this proposal has had majority support in Gaza since first polled by The Washington Institute in 2014.

In regards to ”hate” and “just working with them”. What does that mean?

Does it mean a 2-state solution
? Netanyahu has never been a proponent and has pretty much dismantled it. Israel has steadily increased its building of settlements, further dividing and breaking up the territory that was supposed to be a Palestinian state In addition to splitting the Gaza Palestinians from the Westbank Palestinians. It has systematically weakened the PA as a deliberate strategy. Support for a 2-state solution was high among the Palestinians.

Does it mean a 1-State solution? That seems far-fetched and even less likely than a 2-state solution.

Does it mean some variation on the status quo? A continuation of the policies that led to this? A 56 yr occupation with no end? A semi-autonomy under Israeli military control, military justice system and few rights and freedoms?

The Jews aren’t leaving, nor should they, this is their country too. Yet shouldn’t we also accept the fact that Palestinians aren’t going to conveniently go away either? Yet, that is what some in this Israeli government have called for, mass expulsion whether officially or attrition by the tacit approval (if not direct) of settler led violence and vigilantism in the West Bank.

I guess you aren't aware there was an election and Hamas dominated it.

Nice try though since you didn't know that
That is debatable…”vast majority”?

There is a lot of ongoing propaganda circulating both from Hamas and Israel, somewhere in the truths and histories.

Hamas barely won the election, by only a few seats. It remained fairly unpopular, based on polling, after it forcibly took power.

Moreover, half (50%) agreed with the following proposal: “Hamas should stop calling for Israel’s destruction, and instead accept a permanent two-state solution based on the 1967 borders.” Moreover, across the region, Hamas has lost popularity over time among many Arab publics. This decline in popularity may have been one of the motivating factors behind the group’s decision to attack.

In fact, Gazan frustration with Hamas governance is clear; most Gazans expressed a preference for PA administration and security officials over Hamas—the majority of Gazans (70%) supported a proposal of the PA sending “officials and security officers to Gaza to take over the administration there, with Hamas giving up separate armed units,” including 47% who strongly agreed. Nor is this a new view—this proposal has had majority support in Gaza since first polled by The Washington Institute in 2014.

In regards to ”hate” and “just working with them”. What does that mean?

Does it mean a 2-state solution
? Netanyahu has never been a proponent and has pretty much dismantled it. Israel has steadily increased its building of settlements, further dividing and breaking up the territory that was supposed to be a Palestinian state In addition to splitting the Gaza Palestinians from the Westbank Palestinians. It has systematically weakened the PA as a deliberate strategy. Support for a 2-state solution was high among the Palestinians.

Does it mean a 1-State solution? That seems far-fetched and even less likely than a 2-state solution.

Does it mean some variation on the status quo? A continuation of the policies that led to this? A 56 yr occupation with no end? A semi-autonomy under Israeli military control, military justice system and few rights and freedoms?

The Jews aren’t leaving, nor should they, this is their country too. Yet shouldn’t we also accept the fact that Palestinians aren’t going to conveniently go away either? Yet, that is what some in this Israeli government have called for, mass expulsion whether officially or attrition by the tacit approval (if not direct) of settler led violence and vigilantism in the West Bank.

The pali's were given Gaza. The Jews there were forcibly removed. Gaza could have become a new Monaco. The whole pali population could have become wealthy.

But no, they CHOSE a life of violence, murder and strife.

Fuck 'em.

No Arab nation will ever allow them in.

I wonder why.

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