These Republicans Aren't Sure What Motivated A White Guy To Kill 9 Black Churchgoers

Here is the left loons for you...and media bias. Never trust a left loon(most certainly one with any "power" LMAO)

Liberal Professor Makes HORRIBLE Claim About SC Church Massacre

With nine innocent and by all accounts decent, honorable, law-abiding South Carolina citizens murdered but not even yet buried, University of Pennsylvania professor, Anthea Butler, writing for the Washington Post has jumped on the “white privilege” band wagon because the murderer hasn’t been called a “terrorist.”

“…listen to major media outlets and you won’t hear the word “terrorism” used in coverage of Tuesday’s shooting. You won’t hear the white male shooter, identified as 21-year-old Dylann Roof, described as “a possible terrorist.” And if coverage of recent shootings by white suspects is any indication, he never will be. Instead, the go-to explanation for his actions will be mental illness. He will be humanized and called sick, a victim of mistreatment or inadequate mental health resources. Activist Deray McKesson noted this morning that, while discussing Roof’s motivations, an MSNBC anchor said “we don’t know his mental condition.” That is the power of whiteness in America.”

Liberal Professor Makes HORRIBLE Claim About SC Church Massacre - Allen B. West -

What's the "horrible claim"? He is a terrorist.

The claim is based on the lie that whites are the only ones that are racist and do bad shit. Blacks kill twice as many whites in raw number every year and do shit out of racism all the time.

Wow, maybe Dylann Roof should be running for president on the GOP ticket on that theme.
Here is the left loons for you...and media bias. Never trust a left loon(most certainly one with any "power" LMAO)

Liberal Professor Makes HORRIBLE Claim About SC Church Massacre

With nine innocent and by all accounts decent, honorable, law-abiding South Carolina citizens murdered but not even yet buried, University of Pennsylvania professor, Anthea Butler, writing for the Washington Post has jumped on the “white privilege” band wagon because the murderer hasn’t been called a “terrorist.”

“…listen to major media outlets and you won’t hear the word “terrorism” used in coverage of Tuesday’s shooting. You won’t hear the white male shooter, identified as 21-year-old Dylann Roof, described as “a possible terrorist.” And if coverage of recent shootings by white suspects is any indication, he never will be. Instead, the go-to explanation for his actions will be mental illness. He will be humanized and called sick, a victim of mistreatment or inadequate mental health resources. Activist Deray McKesson noted this morning that, while discussing Roof’s motivations, an MSNBC anchor said “we don’t know his mental condition.” That is the power of whiteness in America.”

Liberal Professor Makes HORRIBLE Claim About SC Church Massacre - Allen B. West -

What's the "horrible claim"? He is a terrorist.

The claim is based on the lie that whites are the only ones that are racist and do bad shit. Blacks kill twice as many whites in raw number every year and do shit out of racism all the time.

So terrorism should be allowed as long as you don't exceed the worst act of terrorism ever??

Holy fuck on a biscuit.
Here is the left loons for you...and media bias. Never trust a left loon(most certainly one with any "power" LMAO)

Liberal Professor Makes HORRIBLE Claim About SC Church Massacre

With nine innocent and by all accounts decent, honorable, law-abiding South Carolina citizens murdered but not even yet buried, University of Pennsylvania professor, Anthea Butler, writing for the Washington Post has jumped on the “white privilege” band wagon because the murderer hasn’t been called a “terrorist.”

“…listen to major media outlets and you won’t hear the word “terrorism” used in coverage of Tuesday’s shooting. You won’t hear the white male shooter, identified as 21-year-old Dylann Roof, described as “a possible terrorist.” And if coverage of recent shootings by white suspects is any indication, he never will be. Instead, the go-to explanation for his actions will be mental illness. He will be humanized and called sick, a victim of mistreatment or inadequate mental health resources. Activist Deray McKesson noted this morning that, while discussing Roof’s motivations, an MSNBC anchor said “we don’t know his mental condition.” That is the power of whiteness in America.”

Liberal Professor Makes HORRIBLE Claim About SC Church Massacre - Allen B. West -

Wow that is horrible. That professor described what is happening and you are mad at the person who sees it and not the people who are doing it. Good job!

So it is mental health that white people are angry at being slaughtered by blacks at twice the number each year? Do you ever think about what you post?
I dont know, but when we are talking about that I'll be sure to tee that up
Here is the left loons for you...and media bias. Never trust a left loon(most certainly one with any "power" LMAO)

Liberal Professor Makes HORRIBLE Claim About SC Church Massacre

With nine innocent and by all accounts decent, honorable, law-abiding South Carolina citizens murdered but not even yet buried, University of Pennsylvania professor, Anthea Butler, writing for the Washington Post has jumped on the “white privilege” band wagon because the murderer hasn’t been called a “terrorist.”

“…listen to major media outlets and you won’t hear the word “terrorism” used in coverage of Tuesday’s shooting. You won’t hear the white male shooter, identified as 21-year-old Dylann Roof, described as “a possible terrorist.” And if coverage of recent shootings by white suspects is any indication, he never will be. Instead, the go-to explanation for his actions will be mental illness. He will be humanized and called sick, a victim of mistreatment or inadequate mental health resources. Activist Deray McKesson noted this morning that, while discussing Roof’s motivations, an MSNBC anchor said “we don’t know his mental condition.” That is the power of whiteness in America.”

Liberal Professor Makes HORRIBLE Claim About SC Church Massacre - Allen B. West -

What's the "horrible claim"? He is a terrorist.

The claim is based on the lie that whites are the only ones that are racist and do bad shit. Blacks kill twice as many whites in raw number every year and do shit out of racism all the time.

So terrorism should be allowed as long as you don't exceed the worst act of terrorism ever??

Holy fuck on a biscuit.

No it shouldn't...But people like you ignore black on white cases of it and think people that speak out about it like me are the evil one.
Here is the left loons for you...and media bias. Never trust a left loon(most certainly one with any "power" LMAO)

Liberal Professor Makes HORRIBLE Claim About SC Church Massacre

With nine innocent and by all accounts decent, honorable, law-abiding South Carolina citizens murdered but not even yet buried, University of Pennsylvania professor, Anthea Butler, writing for the Washington Post has jumped on the “white privilege” band wagon because the murderer hasn’t been called a “terrorist.”

“…listen to major media outlets and you won’t hear the word “terrorism” used in coverage of Tuesday’s shooting. You won’t hear the white male shooter, identified as 21-year-old Dylann Roof, described as “a possible terrorist.” And if coverage of recent shootings by white suspects is any indication, he never will be. Instead, the go-to explanation for his actions will be mental illness. He will be humanized and called sick, a victim of mistreatment or inadequate mental health resources. Activist Deray McKesson noted this morning that, while discussing Roof’s motivations, an MSNBC anchor said “we don’t know his mental condition.” That is the power of whiteness in America.”

Liberal Professor Makes HORRIBLE Claim About SC Church Massacre - Allen B. West -

What's the "horrible claim"? He is a terrorist.

The claim is based on the lie that whites are the only ones that are racist and do bad shit. Blacks kill twice as many whites in raw number every year and do shit out of racism all the time.

Wow, maybe Dylann Roof should be running for president on the GOP ticket on that theme.

He should be executed for killing innocent people...Just like in most cases in this country blacks do. Of course, your narrative that all whites are evil and must die is what you believe.
Matthew is really committed to the lie that every crime against a white person is because of their race.

He keeps comparing all crimes against whites to this crime that was based only on them being black.

Until you point out that thats not true...he ignores you and goes back to the lie again
A barbaric act like Wednesday's massacre of nine strangers by a white gunman at the historic black Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, shocks the conscience and makes it uncomfortable to face the painful truth about what happened.

This may help explain why some Republicans steered clear of the issue of race on Thursday in remarks about the killings. The politicians, including some 2016 presidential candidates, offered condolences to the victims, but resisted ascribing racial motivations to the gunman, even as information about suspected killer Dylann Roof mounts.

A Facebook photo surfaced on Thursday showing Roof wearing a jacket adorned with two patches that have long been linked to white supremacy. Another photo showed him in front of a car with a "Confederate States of America" license plate. Former friends, acquaintancesand a roommate have described Roof's racist sentiments and desires tocommit racial violence. Most damningly, a survivor of the church massacre said Roof told his victims he had come "to shoot black people."

More about Roof's beliefs and motives is likely to emerge later. But that's no reason to dance around what's already obvious, especially if you're doing so because reality doesn't fit your political agenda.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), a GOP presidential candidate, tied the shooting to a lack of faith among Americans during a speech Thursday at a Faith and Freedom Coalition conference in Washington.

"What kind of person goes into church and shoots nine people? There’s a sickness in our country, there’s something terribly wrong, but it isn’t going to be fixed by your government. It’s people straying away, it’s people not understanding where salvation comes from."

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), another 2016 presidential candidate, told CNNthat he saw the killings as an isolated act by a deranged individual.

"I just think he was one of these whacked out kids. I don't think it's anything broader than that. It's about a young man who is obviously twisted."

Jeb Bush, who recently threw his hat in the 2016 ring, fielded a question from The Huffington Post's Laura Bassett at the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference and wasn't willing to state with certainty what has now already been confirmed about the shooter's motive.

"It was a horrific act and I don't know what the background of it is, but it was an act of hatred. ... Looks like to me it was [racially motivated], but we'll find out all the information. It's clear it was an act of raw hatred, for sure. Nine people lost their lives, and they were African-American. You can judge what it is."

Rick Santorum, also running for the White House, said hatred spurred the killings, and went on to suggest the motive may have been hatred of religion.

“You just can’t think that things like this can happen in America. It’s obviously a crime of hate. Again, we don’t know the rationale, but what other rationale could there be? ... This is one of those situations where you just have to take a step back and say we -- you know, you talk about the importance of prayer in this time and we’re now seeing assaults on our religious liberty we’ve never seen before. It’s a time for deeper reflection beyond this horrible situation.”

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R), who is expected to announce plans for the 2016 presidential race soon, seemed uninterested in commenting on the shooter's possible motive during an interview with Fox News.

"Let's be honest, there's evil in the world. What you're seeing today, what we saw last night, that was evil. ... Law enforcement will figure out what his so-called motivations were. We shouldn't try to pretend we're going to understand his mind."

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), who is expected to run for president in 2016,addressed the situation in Charleston Thursday following a public event. He also chose not to speak about a motive for the crime.

"It's an awful tragedy anytime that somebody would walk in and participate in a prayer service for an hour and then get up and shoot the people you have been praying with? That's obviously a pretty depraved person. ... I understand that they believe they have the guy in custody and so let's let the criminal justice system work."

Rep. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.) told CNN that he didn't "have a clue" about Roof's potential connections to white supremacists or racist groups. Instead, he pointed to the supernatural.

"I don't know what was going through the kid's mind, but [it's] certainly the act of a deranged human being, and this level of malice I think is unfathomable in this community, in this nation. It is ... clearly the work of the devil."

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) released a statement late Wednesday, saying, "we'll never understand what motivates" people to commit such crimes. It was early, so perhaps she can be forgiven for not being willing to state the obvious. At a prayer vigil on Thursday, Haley focused on the community's efforts to heal, avoiding all mention of the shooter's motive.

These Republicans Aren t Sure What Motivated A White Guy To Kill 9 Black Churchgoers But It Wasn t Racism

Racism isn't a mental illness - it's an ignorant mindset. If the Charleston church massacre wasn't a racist hate crime - I don't know what is.

Well I'll tell you, Lackhota, I agree. Racism is an ignorant mindset. It is a mindset I do not understand. I do not understand what motivates a person to be a racist or a bigot. It makes absolutely no sense to me...

But... there are a lot of racists in this world who do not commit acts as heinous as the one carried out by Dylan Root, in fact the majority of them do nothing at all. So what's different about him? What made him do something thousands of other racists wouldn't consider? What motivated him? It wasn't just his hatred for people not like him, it couldn't be. If that was his only motivation, shouldn't expect to see more mass killings of minorities?

If you ask me, incomprehensible crazy was the biggest contributing factor to this feral animal's actions Wednesday night, his racism chose his targets but crazy made him kill...
Could anyone imagine following a political ideology so morally bankrupt that, in order to secure the nomination, candidates have to placate racists?
Defining a Hate Crime
A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias. For the purposes of collecting statistics, Congress has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.” Hate itself is not a crime—and the FBI is mindful of protecting freedom of speech and other civil liberties.

More: FBI Overview

The Charleston church massacre is clearly a "hate crime".
A lot of people are just getting tired of people jumping straight to judgement and then getting all upset when others won't validate their positions. This guy's almost certainly a flat-out racist, but we've seen other "certain" beliefs collapse on the release of more information. "Hands up, don't shoot" comes to mind.
And yet they died nobly. They are the martyred heroines of a holy crusade for freedom and human dignity. And so this afternoon in a real sense they have something to say to each of us in their death. They have something to say to every minister of the gospel who has remained silent behind the safe security of stained-glass windows. They have something to say to every politician [Audience:] (Yeah) who has fed his constituents with the stale bread of hatred and the spoiled meat of racism. They have something to say to a federal government that has compromised with the undemocratic practices of southern Dixiecrats (Yeah) and the blatant hypocrisy of right-wing northern Republicans. (Speak) They have something to say to every Negro (Yeah) who has passively accepted the evil system of segregation and who has stood on the sidelines in a mighty struggle for justice. They say to each of us, black and white alike, that we must substitute courage for caution. They say to us that we must be concerned not merely about who murdered them, but about the system, the way of life, the philosophy which produced the murderers. Their death says to us that we must work passionately and unrelentingly for the realization of the American dream.

Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr after the 1963 Birmingham church bombing
Defining a Hate Crime
A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias. For the purposes of collecting statistics, Congress has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.” Hate itself is not a crime—and the FBI is mindful of protecting freedom of speech and other civil liberties.

More: FBI Overview

The Charleston church massacre is clearly a "hate crime".

'hate crimes' are a fraud. They are no different from other physical crimes. You do not prosecute motives. Motives should be used as part of the case against the defendant, not additional punishment. But you and rest of the PC thought police do your own thing.
What motives BLACKS to blow away 400+ whites per year?? This is twice as many interracial murders then white on black. Think about it!!! Maybe the guy was just a nut or maybe he was motived by the slaughter of whites in Africa that you bastards praise so much.

Of course, you're happy that whites are dying and will swim in our blood as you post threads like this one.
Let's illustrate the usual stupidity of your posts shall we???

Why didn't he choose to kill the people blowing away white...other white people????
Why wasn't he motivated by the wholesale slaughter of whites in AMERICA by other whites???

Please just STFU and post the "Mantra"'s the best attempt at a rebuttal you could muster.

LOL, This must be a joke!!! We're talking about interracial murders here and blacks clearly kill twice as many whites every year. Yet, they're not painted as a bunch of monsters on the media and they sure as fuck can destroy peoples property! And as you bitch about whites,,,,Blacks are slaughtering there own brothers on the street at unbelievable numbers.

You have no case and are just a fool.
Sounds like you've been talking to the same people that that kid was talking to.

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