These Republicans Aren't Sure What Motivated A White Guy To Kill 9 Black Churchgoers

Some whites maybe fighting back against the destruction of our communities and the slaughter of our people. How is that deflection??? Maybe blacks should stop doing it and attempt to work with us so we can live together as one people. You can start down this path by admitting your mistakes and work to stop killing us.

Is it your view that this killer was "maybe fighting back against the destruction of our communities and the slaughter of our people." ?
Along with "Zimbabwe."
is struck by another vehicle causing it to veer onto the sidewalk, where it kills a seven-year-old Black boy named Gavin Cato. Fearing that the Jewish driver was about to be killed by the angry Black mob, a police officer summons aprivate Jewish ambulance to whisk the driver to safety. After being removed from under the car, the little boy, and his cousin Angela, are treated by a city ambulance which arrives soon after. Angela survives, but Gavin dies.

Geez, boy run over by a car takes a back seat to perceived scary blacks as a result the kid dies.

Fueled by Al Sharpton's false claim that the boy was left to die so that the driver could be taken away from the scene, Black mobs riot for four days.

Thats exactly what happened! You posted it right there.
Well Redfish, stammer away.

No problem, just try to follow along.

Motive, Motive Motive.

A white man see two well dressed men walking down the street each one flashing a load of cash, one is Black The other White.

He robs the Black man. Is that a hate crime??? it isn't. The motive wasn't because the man was Black, it was the cash.

Same scenario but this time the white robber says, "I'm going to rob the Black man instead of the White man. I don't believe Black people should have money."

Is it a hate crime???...of course it is. The MOTIVE wasn't about the money, it was about the race.
The robbery was incidental to race as the motive for the crime.

Horseshit, in both cases the crime was robbery. What the robber was thinking does not make one crime worse than the other. WTF is wrong with you?
So you think that race had nothing at all to do with this tragedy regardless of the information we have about the shooter? Do you really believe that your outlook is correct and should be accepted in spite of Mr. Roof's background and personal attitudes about race? Can you be proud of that assumption? Do you think that there is a general attitude among your fellow Conservatives that race, as an issue, can be largely ignored and other rationales can be used to bolster that position?

Of course race had something to do with it. But the crime is murder. Is having racist thoughts a crime?

We all are against racism in all cases and by all races. Sharpton is an avowed racist. He also owes over 4 million in back taxes. Why no outcry about his racism?

Because his racism doesnt kill. You poor white mofo's think that blacks saying cracka is the same as white peoples racism which involves disenfranchising or murdering people.

Ok, just for drill. lets say Sharpton killed a white guy because he hates whites. Then lets say that Sharpton kills a black guy to steal his money. Should one crime get a stiffer punishment? yes or no.

Thats up to the courts. You're having this argument all by yourself

translation = once again liberals are defeated by logic, reason, and common sense.

You are the one who said hate crimes should be treated differently, I only asked why you think that.
Nice dodge though.
Actually you seem to be the one dodging my reply to you...maybe you shouldn't attempt to tackle such things as logic and facts, they seem to be stumping you.
Some whites maybe fighting back against the destruction of our communities and the slaughter of our people. How is that deflection??? Maybe blacks should stop doing it and attempt to work with us so we can live together as one people. You can start down this path by admitting your mistakes and work to stop killing us.
Matthew 's views are above

Here are the views of the Charleston Killer

'You rape our women and are taking over our country,' Charleston church gunman told black victims

Any Questions ?
So you think that race had nothing at all to do with this tragedy regardless of the information we have about the shooter? Do you really believe that your outlook is correct and should be accepted in spite of Mr. Roof's background and personal attitudes about race? Can you be proud of that assumption? Do you think that there is a general attitude among your fellow Conservatives that race, as an issue, can be largely ignored and other rationales can be used to bolster that position?

Of course race had something to do with it. But the crime is murder. Is having racist thoughts a crime?

We all are against racism in all cases and by all races. Sharpton is an avowed racist. He also owes over 4 million in back taxes. Why no outcry about his racism?

Because his racism doesnt kill. You poor white mofo's think that blacks saying cracka is the same as white peoples racism which involves disenfranchising or murdering people.

Ok, just for drill. lets say Sharpton killed a white guy because he hates whites. Then lets say that Sharpton kills a black guy to steal his money. Should one crime get a stiffer punishment? yes or no.

Thats up to the courts. You're having this argument all by yourself

translation = once again liberals are defeated by logic, reason, and common sense.

You are the one who said hate crimes should be treated differently, I only asked why you think that.
Nice dodge though.

Please please please quote where I said that. When you come back with your hat in your hand you'll realize your imagination got the best of you.
Of course race had something to do with it. But the crime is murder. Is having racist thoughts a crime?

We all are against racism in all cases and by all races. Sharpton is an avowed racist. He also owes over 4 million in back taxes. Why no outcry about his racism?

Because his racism doesnt kill. You poor white mofo's think that blacks saying cracka is the same as white peoples racism which involves disenfranchising or murdering people.

Ok, just for drill. lets say Sharpton killed a white guy because he hates whites. Then lets say that Sharpton kills a black guy to steal his money. Should one crime get a stiffer punishment? yes or no.

Thats up to the courts. You're having this argument all by yourself

translation = once again liberals are defeated by logic, reason, and common sense.

You are the one who said hate crimes should be treated differently, I only asked why you think that.
Nice dodge though.
Actually you seem to be the one dodging my reply to you...maybe you shouldn't attempt to tackle such things as logic and facts, they seem to be stumping you.

go fuck yourself, asshole.

Yes, in my sharpton example it would be up to the courts to decide if the crimes were equal.

The point is that you want the federal govt to dictate to the courts that they MUST view race motivated crime as worse than other crime (unless of course its black on white crime and then lighter sentences are in order due to slavery and other shit)

you libs are pathetic excuses for human beings.
Of course race had something to do with it. But the crime is murder. Is having racist thoughts a crime?

We all are against racism in all cases and by all races. Sharpton is an avowed racist. He also owes over 4 million in back taxes. Why no outcry about his racism?

Because his racism doesnt kill. You poor white mofo's think that blacks saying cracka is the same as white peoples racism which involves disenfranchising or murdering people.

Ok, just for drill. lets say Sharpton killed a white guy because he hates whites. Then lets say that Sharpton kills a black guy to steal his money. Should one crime get a stiffer punishment? yes or no.

Thats up to the courts. You're having this argument all by yourself

translation = once again liberals are defeated by logic, reason, and common sense.

You are the one who said hate crimes should be treated differently, I only asked why you think that.
Nice dodge though.

Please please please quote where I said that. When you come back with your hat in your hand you'll realize your imagination got the best of you.

then you don't support hate crime legislation? Glad to hear it.
OK, dingleberry. explain why its worse if someone kills you because of your race than if he kills you to steal your money.

Either way you are dead and he is a murderer. Why does it matter what he was thinking at the time?

Answer: because leftists want the government to engage in thought control and punish those who do not think as dictated by the govt.

Hate crime legislation is bullshit. Crime is crime. Punish the crime, the motivation does not matter.
Thanks for proving that you aren't intelligent enough to answer your own question...

So when are we going to start punishing blacks for slaughtering whites at twice the number every year? When are we going to start punishing them harder for their racism???

Matty doesnt believe jail exists...thats the only explanation for the cry baby shit above

And you don't believe that most of the blacks there deserve it. That happens when they commit a little thing called a crime...
Why are so many Americans in jail? Why does the population of the United States comprise just 2% of the earth's population while 25% of people in jail are American citizens?

Conservative crime policies. Three strikes and you're out, higher sentencing guidelines for crack cocaine as opposed to powdered cocaine are just two examples of how Conservative policies are crushing the disadvantaged population here in this nation.

Couple that with repressive police tactics, granting local police military equipment for civil crime fighting, failure to continue prison rehabilitation programs in favor of using prison as pure punishment and soon the flaws in Conservative polies come home to roost, so to speak.

I got a better one. More Americans are in jail than other nations because America is full of crimeing no goodnicks. Which the prison population goes to show Americans as a whole are just shitty people prone to violence.

Wait,....oh, you dont like that?
Well Redfish, stammer away.

No problem, just try to follow along.

Motive, Motive Motive.

A white man see two well dressed men walking down the street each one flashing a load of cash, one is Black The other White.

He robs the Black man. Is that a hate crime??? it isn't. The motive wasn't because the man was Black, it was the cash.

Same scenario but this time the white robber says, "I'm going to rob the Black man instead of the White man. I don't believe Black people should have money."

Is it a hate crime???...of course it is. The MOTIVE wasn't about the money, it was about the race.
The robbery was incidental to race as the motive for the crime.

Horseshit, in both cases the crime was robbery. What the robber was thinking does not make one crime worse than the ;other. WTF is wrong with you?
Please stop making yourself look stupid, my post just destroyed your infantile argument.
To put the candle on top, is this one:
What the robber was thinking does not make one crime worse than the

Mens Rea
As an element of criminal responsibility, a guilty mind; a guilty or wrongful purpose; a criminal intent. Guilty knowledge and wilfulness.

A fundamental principle of Criminal Law is that a crime consists of both a mental and a physical element. Mens rea, a person's awarenessof the fact that his or her conduct is criminal, is the mental element, and actus reus, the act itself, is the physical element.

As I stated before, do try to keep up.
Because his racism doesnt kill. You poor white mofo's think that blacks saying cracka is the same as white peoples racism which involves disenfranchising or murdering people.

Ok, just for drill. lets say Sharpton killed a white guy because he hates whites. Then lets say that Sharpton kills a black guy to steal his money. Should one crime get a stiffer punishment? yes or no.

Thats up to the courts. You're having this argument all by yourself

translation = once again liberals are defeated by logic, reason, and common sense.

You are the one who said hate crimes should be treated differently, I only asked why you think that.
Nice dodge though.

Please please please quote where I said that. When you come back with your hat in your hand you'll realize your imagination got the best of you.

then you don't support hate crime legislation? Glad to hear it.

No I support hate crime legislation because as you said I've said it before. Or...were you lying then? And folded like a cheese omelet when confronted with facts
Well Redfish, stammer away.

No problem, just try to follow along.

Motive, Motive Motive.

A white man see two well dressed men walking down the street each one flashing a load of cash, one is Black The other White.

He robs the Black man. Is that a hate crime??? it isn't. The motive wasn't because the man was Black, it was the cash.

Same scenario but this time the white robber says, "I'm going to rob the Black man instead of the White man. I don't believe Black people should have money."

Is it a hate crime???...of course it is. The MOTIVE wasn't about the money, it was about the race.
The robbery was incidental to race as the motive for the crime.

Horseshit, in both cases the crime was robbery. What the robber was thinking does not make one crime worse than the ;other. WTF is wrong with you?
Please stop making yourself look stupid, my post just destroyed your infantile argument.
To put the candle on top, is this one:
What the robber was thinking does not make one crime worse than the

Mens Rea
As an element of criminal responsibility, a guilty mind; a guilty or wrongful purpose; a criminal intent. Guilty knowledge and wilfulness.

A fundamental principle of Criminal Law is that a crime consists of both a mental and a physical element. Mens rea, a person's awarenessof the fact that his or her conduct is criminal, is the mental element, and actus reus, the act itself, is the physical element.

As I stated before, do try to keep up.

LOL, thats funny. what you quoted has nothing to do with what is being discussed. Mens Rea has to do with the criminal knowing that what he is doing is a crime. Thats the mental element it is addressing, trying to extend that to support hate crime legislation is really dumb.
If a criminal targets an older person [ a category or class of persons] then the criminal is often subject to higher penalties. The rationale for that is that perhaps seniors are seen as "soft targets" and more subject to being made victims so whoever victimizes them will have additional sanctions based on the need to protect the "class of person" targeted as well as the individual actually harmed...
Ok, just for drill. lets say Sharpton killed a white guy because he hates whites. Then lets say that Sharpton kills a black guy to steal his money. Should one crime get a stiffer punishment? yes or no.

Thats up to the courts. You're having this argument all by yourself

translation = once again liberals are defeated by logic, reason, and common sense.

You are the one who said hate crimes should be treated differently, I only asked why you think that.
Nice dodge though.

Please please please quote where I said that. When you come back with your hat in your hand you'll realize your imagination got the best of you.

then you don't support hate crime legislation? Glad to hear it.

No I support hate crime legislation because as you said I've said it before. Or...were you lying then? And folded like a cheese omelet when confronted with facts

OK, one more time. Why should the thoughts of the criminal make the crime more or less severe?

Admit it, you want to punish thoughts. You are the big brother that Orwell was writing about and you are Mooch in Atlas Shrugged.
Why do so many blacks murder and rape whites? The Black on White crime rate is shockingly high. It's much higher than the White on Black crime rate. If you guys are gonna continue to ignore that, there's no point in discussing the issue. And how many Blacks are getting charged with 'Hate Crimes' when they hurt white people? Doesn't seem like too many are.

I'm willing to have an open honest discussion about race, but you guys aren't. You can't have this discussion without addressing the shocking Black on White crime rate in this country. Period, end of story.

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