These Republicans Aren't Sure What Motivated A White Guy To Kill 9 Black Churchgoers

wow, but yet in your mind all blacks are victims and you make threads like this believing that. hypocrite.

I consider you a narcissistic fools who claims victim hood for yourself and say Blacks are not victim in spite of plenty of documentation
The Dark History of Race and Terror
to support the suffering and indignities visited on them then and now ...screw your piteous claims to victim hood...I pass gas in your general direction

So blacks can't do no wrong and all these murdered whites deserved it. People like you are the true evil ones and will probably lead to some very dark times in this country...No logic, just hatred of whites. even fail at deflection.
Is it caution that prevents these Republicans from stating the obvious? Is it legal and political cover?

Or is it an ostrich defense? Stick your head in the sand and maybe, just maybe by shear avoidance, Republicans just won't have to recognize and own the problem of racism in America.

The answer is out there in the open for anyone to see: knowing that a hefty portion of their ultra-conservative base is as racist as the day is long, no GOP candidate is going to want to say anything that will turn off the base.
God forbid any of them consider Black Lives Matter.

All lives matter. Whats really sad is that if the shooter in SC had been black this would not have made the evening news except in Charleston, and it would be over as a national story.

the media and the administration are doing exactly what the asshole shooter wanted, starting a race war.

Are you people that fucking stupid?
So you think that race had nothing at all to do with this tragedy regardless of the information we have about the shooter? Do you really believe that your outlook is correct and should be accepted in spite of Mr. Roof's background and personal attitudes about race? Can you be proud of that assumption? Do you think that there is a general attitude among your fellow Conservatives that race, as an issue, can be largely ignored and other rationales can be used to bolster that position?

Of course race had something to do with it. But the crime is murder. Is having racist thoughts a crime?

We all are against racism in all cases and by all races. Sharpton is an avowed racist. He also owes over 4 million in back taxes. Why no outcry about his racism?

Because his racism doesnt kill. You poor white mofo's think that blacks saying cracka is the same as white peoples racism which involves disenfranchising or murdering people.
But somehow you leftist fucks and blacks honestly believe you're NOT racist. You people are the sick ones!

Poor Matthew, the privilege is so ingrained that he believes a black person commiting a crime against a white person is the same as a white person committing a crime against a black person for being black.

Not realizing that one is personal and the other is based on race alone. In poor Matty's mind they are the same thing as long as you don't think about too much. Fortunately, Matty has that part down.

OK, dingleberry. explain why its worse if someone kills you because of your race than if he kills you to steal your money.

Either way you are dead and he is a murderer. Why does it matter what he was thinking at the time?

Answer: because leftists want the government to engage in thought control and punish those who do not think as dictated by the govt.

Hate crime legislation is bullshit. Crime is crime. Punish the crime, the motivation does not matter.
Thanks for proving that you aren't intelligent enough to answer your own question...

then you answer it. in red above
But somehow you leftist fucks and blacks honestly believe you're NOT racist. You people are the sick ones!

Poor Matthew, the privilege is so ingrained that he believes a black person commiting a crime against a white person is the same as a white person committing a crime against a black person for being black.

Not realizing that one is personal and the other is based on race alone. In poor Matty's mind they are the same thing as long as you don't think about too much. Fortunately, Matty has that part down.

OK, dingleberry. explain why its worse if someone kills you because of your race than if he kills you to steal your money.

Either way you are dead and he is a murderer. Why does it matter what he was thinking at the time?

Answer: because leftists want the government to engage in thought control and punish those who do not think as dictated by the govt.

Hate crime legislation is bullshit. Crime is crime. Punish the crime, the motivation does not matter.
Thanks for proving that you aren't intelligent enough to answer your own question...

So when are we going to start punishing blacks for slaughtering whites at twice the number every year? When are we going to start punishing them harder for their racism???

Matty doesnt believe jail exists...thats the only explanation for the cry baby shit above
wow, but yet in your mind all blacks are victims and you make threads like this believing that. hypocrite.

I consider you a narcissistic fools who claims victim hood for yourself and say Blacks are not victim in spite of plenty of documentation
The Dark History of Race and Terror
to support the suffering and indignities visited on them then and now ...screw your piteous claims to victim hood...I pass gas in your general direction

So blacks can't do no wrong and all these murdered whites deserved it. People like you are the true evil ones and will probably lead to some very dark times in this country...No logic, just hatred of whites. even fail at deflection.

Some whites maybe fighting back against the destruction of our communities and the slaughter of our people. How is that deflection??? Maybe blacks should stop doing it and attempt to work with us so we can live together as one people. You can start down this path by admitting your mistakes and work to stop killing us.
The answer is out there in the open for anyone to see: knowing that a hefty portion of their ultra-conservative base is as racist as the day is long, no GOP candidate is going to want to say anything that will turn off the base.
God forbid any of them consider Black Lives Matter.

All lives matter. Whats really sad is that if the shooter in SC had been black this would not have made the evening news except in Charleston, and it would be over as a national story.

the media and the administration are doing exactly what the asshole shooter wanted, starting a race war.

Are you people that fucking stupid?
So you think that race had nothing at all to do with this tragedy regardless of the information we have about the shooter? Do you really believe that your outlook is correct and should be accepted in spite of Mr. Roof's background and personal attitudes about race? Can you be proud of that assumption? Do you think that there is a general attitude among your fellow Conservatives that race, as an issue, can be largely ignored and other rationales can be used to bolster that position?

Of course race had something to do with it. But the crime is murder. Is having racist thoughts a crime?

We all are against racism in all cases and by all races. Sharpton is an avowed racist. He also owes over 4 million in back taxes. Why no outcry about his racism?

Because his racism doesnt kill. You poor white mofo's think that blacks saying cracka is the same as white peoples racism which involves disenfranchising or murdering people.

Ok, just for drill. lets say Sharpton killed a white guy because he hates whites. Then lets say that Sharpton kills a black guy to steal his money. Should one crime get a stiffer punishment? yes or no.
But somehow you leftist fucks and blacks honestly believe you're NOT racist. You people are the sick ones!

Poor Matthew, the privilege is so ingrained that he believes a black person commiting a crime against a white person is the same as a white person committing a crime against a black person for being black.

Not realizing that one is personal and the other is based on race alone. In poor Matty's mind they are the same thing as long as you don't think about too much. Fortunately, Matty has that part down.

OK, dingleberry. explain why its worse if someone kills you because of your race than if he kills you to steal your money.

Either way you are dead and he is a murderer. Why does it matter what he was thinking at the time?

Answer: because leftists want the government to engage in thought control and punish those who do not think as dictated by the govt.

Hate crime legislation is bullshit. Crime is crime. Punish the crime, the motivation does not matter.
Thanks for proving that you aren't intelligent enough to answer your own question...

So when are we going to start punishing blacks for slaughtering whites at twice the number every year? When are we going to start punishing them harder for their racism???

Matty doesnt believe jail exists...thats the only explanation for the cry baby shit above

And you don't believe that most of the blacks there deserve it. That happens when they commit a little thing called a crime...
God forbid any of them consider Black Lives Matter.

All lives matter. Whats really sad is that if the shooter in SC had been black this would not have made the evening news except in Charleston, and it would be over as a national story.

the media and the administration are doing exactly what the asshole shooter wanted, starting a race war.

Are you people that fucking stupid?
So you think that race had nothing at all to do with this tragedy regardless of the information we have about the shooter? Do you really believe that your outlook is correct and should be accepted in spite of Mr. Roof's background and personal attitudes about race? Can you be proud of that assumption? Do you think that there is a general attitude among your fellow Conservatives that race, as an issue, can be largely ignored and other rationales can be used to bolster that position?

Of course race had something to do with it. But the crime is murder. Is having racist thoughts a crime?

We all are against racism in all cases and by all races. Sharpton is an avowed racist. He also owes over 4 million in back taxes. Why no outcry about his racism?

Because his racism doesnt kill. You poor white mofo's think that blacks saying cracka is the same as white peoples racism which involves disenfranchising or murdering people.

Ok, just for drill. lets say Sharpton killed a white guy because he hates whites. Then lets say that Sharpton kills a black guy to steal his money. Should one crime get a stiffer punishment? yes or no.

dimocraps are scum

AUGUST, 1991

A car driven by an Orthodox Jew, and part of a procession led by a police car, is struck by another vehicle causing it to veer onto the sidewalk, where it kills a seven-year-old Black boy named Gavin Cato. Fearing that the Jewish driver was about to be killed by the angry Black mob, a police officer summons aprivate Jewish ambulance to whisk the driver to safety. After being removed from under the car, the little boy, and his cousin Angela, are treated by a city ambulance which arrives soon after. Angela survives, but Gavin dies.

Fueled by Al Sharpton's false claim that the boy was left to die so that the driver could be taken away from the scene, Black mobs riot for four days. Black youths loot stores and beat Orthodox Jews in the street. As the mob chants, "Kill the Jew!" , a rioter named Lemrick Nelson stabs and kills Yankel Rosenbaum, a visiting student from Australia. After the murder, Sharpton continues to agitate in Crown Heights, marching with 400 protesters chanting, "No justice, no peace!"
God forbid any of them consider Black Lives Matter.

All lives matter. Whats really sad is that if the shooter in SC had been black this would not have made the evening news except in Charleston, and it would be over as a national story.

the media and the administration are doing exactly what the asshole shooter wanted, starting a race war.

Are you people that fucking stupid?
So you think that race had nothing at all to do with this tragedy regardless of the information we have about the shooter? Do you really believe that your outlook is correct and should be accepted in spite of Mr. Roof's background and personal attitudes about race? Can you be proud of that assumption? Do you think that there is a general attitude among your fellow Conservatives that race, as an issue, can be largely ignored and other rationales can be used to bolster that position?

Of course race had something to do with it. But the crime is murder. Is having racist thoughts a crime?

We all are against racism in all cases and by all races. Sharpton is an avowed racist. He also owes over 4 million in back taxes. Why no outcry about his racism?

Because his racism doesnt kill. You poor white mofo's think that blacks saying cracka is the same as white peoples racism which involves disenfranchising or murdering people.

Ok, just for drill. lets say Sharpton killed a white guy because he hates whites. Then lets say that Sharpton kills a black guy to steal his money. Should one crime get a stiffer punishment? yes or no.

Thats up to the courts. You're having this argument all by yourself
But somehow you leftist fucks and blacks honestly believe you're NOT racist. You people are the sick ones!

Poor Matthew, the privilege is so ingrained that he believes a black person commiting a crime against a white person is the same as a white person committing a crime against a black person for being black.

Not realizing that one is personal and the other is based on race alone. In poor Matty's mind they are the same thing as long as you don't think about too much. Fortunately, Matty has that part down.

OK, dingleberry. explain why its worse if someone kills you because of your race than if he kills you to steal your money.

Either way you are dead and he is a murderer. Why does it matter what he was thinking at the time?

Answer: because leftists want the government to engage in thought control and punish those who do not think as dictated by the govt.

Hate crime legislation is bullshit. Crime is crime. Punish the crime, the motivation does not matter.
Thanks for proving that you aren't intelligent enough to answer your own question...

then you answer it. in red above
No problem, just try to follow along.

Motive, Motive Motive.

A white man see two well dressed men walking down the street each one flashing a load of cash, one is Black The other White.

He robs the Black man. Is that a hate crime??? it isn't. The motive wasn't because the man was Black, it was the cash.

Same scenario but this time the white robber says, "I'm going to rob the Black man instead of the White man. I don't believe Black people should have money."

Is it a hate crime???...of course it is. The MOTIVE wasn't about the money, it was about the race.
The robbery was incidental to race as the motive for the crime.
Poor Matthew, the privilege is so ingrained that he believes a black person commiting a crime against a white person is the same as a white person committing a crime against a black person for being black.

Not realizing that one is personal and the other is based on race alone. In poor Matty's mind they are the same thing as long as you don't think about too much. Fortunately, Matty has that part down.

OK, dingleberry. explain why its worse if someone kills you because of your race than if he kills you to steal your money.

Either way you are dead and he is a murderer. Why does it matter what he was thinking at the time?

Answer: because leftists want the government to engage in thought control and punish those who do not think as dictated by the govt.

Hate crime legislation is bullshit. Crime is crime. Punish the crime, the motivation does not matter.
Thanks for proving that you aren't intelligent enough to answer your own question...

So when are we going to start punishing blacks for slaughtering whites at twice the number every year? When are we going to start punishing them harder for their racism???

Matty doesnt believe jail exists...thats the only explanation for the cry baby shit above

And you don't believe that most of the blacks there deserve it. That happens when they commit a little thing called a crime...

Tell me more about what I think, dumbass
But somehow you leftist fucks and blacks honestly believe you're NOT racist. You people are the sick ones!

Poor Matthew, the privilege is so ingrained that he believes a black person commiting a crime against a white person is the same as a white person committing a crime against a black person for being black.

Not realizing that one is personal and the other is based on race alone. In poor Matty's mind they are the same thing as long as you don't think about too much. Fortunately, Matty has that part down.

OK, dingleberry. explain why its worse if someone kills you because of your race than if he kills you to steal your money.

Either way you are dead and he is a murderer. Why does it matter what he was thinking at the time?

Answer: because leftists want the government to engage in thought control and punish those who do not think as dictated by the govt.

Hate crime legislation is bullshit. Crime is crime. Punish the crime, the motivation does not matter.
Thanks for proving that you aren't intelligent enough to answer your own question...

then you answer it. in red above
No problem, just try to follow along.

Motive, Motive Motive.

A white man see two well dressed men walking down the street each one flashing a load of cash, one is Black The other White.

He robs the Black man. Is that a hate crime??? it isn't. The motive wasn't because the man was Black, it was the cash.

Same scenario but this time the white robber says, "I'm going to rob the Black man instead of the White man. I don't believe Black people should have money."

Is it a hate crime???...of course it is. The MOTIVE wasn't about the money, it was about the race.
The robbery was incidental to race as the motive for the crime.

And you honestly believe that most of the black on white murders aren't? This is why I think your argument is full of hole.
Some whites maybe fighting back against the destruction of our communities and the slaughter of our people. How is that deflection??? Maybe blacks should stop doing it and attempt to work with us so we can live together as one people. You can start down this path by admitting your mistakes and work to stop killing us.

Is it your view that this killer was "maybe fighting back against the destruction of our communities and the slaughter of our people." ?
Poor Matthew, the privilege is so ingrained that he believes a black person commiting a crime against a white person is the same as a white person committing a crime against a black person for being black.

Not realizing that one is personal and the other is based on race alone. In poor Matty's mind they are the same thing as long as you don't think about too much. Fortunately, Matty has that part down.

OK, dingleberry. explain why its worse if someone kills you because of your race than if he kills you to steal your money.

Either way you are dead and he is a murderer. Why does it matter what he was thinking at the time?

Answer: because leftists want the government to engage in thought control and punish those who do not think as dictated by the govt.

Hate crime legislation is bullshit. Crime is crime. Punish the crime, the motivation does not matter.
Thanks for proving that you aren't intelligent enough to answer your own question...

So when are we going to start punishing blacks for slaughtering whites at twice the number every year? When are we going to start punishing them harder for their racism???

Matty doesnt believe jail exists...thats the only explanation for the cry baby shit above

And you don't believe that most of the blacks there deserve it. That happens when they commit a little thing called a crime...
Why are so many Americans in jail? Why does the population of the United States comprise just 2% of the earth's population while 25% of people in jail are American citizens?

Conservative crime policies. Three strikes and you're out, higher sentencing guidelines for crack cocaine as opposed to powdered cocaine are just two examples of how Conservative policies are crushing the disadvantaged population here in this nation.

Couple that with repressive police tactics, granting local police military equipment for civil crime fighting, failure to continue prison rehabilitation programs in favor of using prison as pure punishment and soon the flaws in Conservative polies come home to roost, so to speak.
Well Redfish, stammer away.

No problem, just try to follow along.

Motive, Motive Motive.

A white man see two well dressed men walking down the street each one flashing a load of cash, one is Black The other White.

He robs the Black man. Is that a hate crime??? it isn't. The motive wasn't because the man was Black, it was the cash.

Same scenario but this time the white robber says, "I'm going to rob the Black man instead of the White man. I don't believe Black people should have money."

Is it a hate crime???...of course it is. The MOTIVE wasn't about the money, it was about the race.
The robbery was incidental to race as the motive for the crime.
All lives matter. Whats really sad is that if the shooter in SC had been black this would not have made the evening news except in Charleston, and it would be over as a national story.

the media and the administration are doing exactly what the asshole shooter wanted, starting a race war.

Are you people that fucking stupid?
So you think that race had nothing at all to do with this tragedy regardless of the information we have about the shooter? Do you really believe that your outlook is correct and should be accepted in spite of Mr. Roof's background and personal attitudes about race? Can you be proud of that assumption? Do you think that there is a general attitude among your fellow Conservatives that race, as an issue, can be largely ignored and other rationales can be used to bolster that position?

Of course race had something to do with it. But the crime is murder. Is having racist thoughts a crime?

We all are against racism in all cases and by all races. Sharpton is an avowed racist. He also owes over 4 million in back taxes. Why no outcry about his racism?

Because his racism doesnt kill. You poor white mofo's think that blacks saying cracka is the same as white peoples racism which involves disenfranchising or murdering people.

Ok, just for drill. lets say Sharpton killed a white guy because he hates whites. Then lets say that Sharpton kills a black guy to steal his money. Should one crime get a stiffer punishment? yes or no.

Thats up to the courts. You're having this argument all by yourself

translation = once again liberals are defeated by logic, reason, and common sense.

You are the one who said hate crimes should be treated differently, I only asked why you think that.
Nice dodge though.

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