These Union Workers Need To Be Fired - All Of Them

Simple concept to me to the extent that we can use that once again."
yep, and you can, federal employees have no right to strike and can be fired.

So, why did you have to lie and edit his comment to spread your false narrative? Why is the truth such a hard thing for you dembots?
yep, and you can, federal employees have no right to strike and can be fired.

So, why did you have to lie and edit his comment to spread your false narrative? Why is the truth such a hard thing for you dembots?
You are being obtuse

You might have a point if it was federal employees threatening to strike. But that hasn’t happened in 40 years

He was asked specifically about the UAW

He used the Air Traffic Controllers as an example of what should be done to the UAW
You are being obtuse

You might have a point if it was federal employees threatening to strike. But that hasn’t happened in 40 years

He was asked specifically about the UAW

He used the Air Traffic Controllers as an example of what should be done to the UAW
No I am not, his quote is straighforward, you guys are bending over backwards and editing it to try and fit your false narrative.

It's sad and pathetic
No I am not, his quote is straighforward, you guys are bending over backwards and editing it to try and fit your false narrative.

It's sad and pathetic

It is difficult to argue with an intelligent person
It is nearly impossible to argue with a stupid person
B Murray
Federal law, according to the National Labor Relations Board, prohibits workers from being fired for "participating in a protected strike or picketing against" one's employer,
That is the big problem. The Union filth should not be protected by the equally filthy government.

That law passed by corrupt Democrats taking Union money and it is bad law.

You can strike all you want but then you will have to suffer the consequences.
It is difficult to argue with an intelligent person
It is nearly impossible to argue with a stupid person
B Murray
Very true, and it's impossible to argue with liars willing to edit someone's quote to spread a false narrative.
Very true, and it's impossible to argue with liars willing to edit someone's quote to spread a false narrative.
It s difficult to argue with an intelligent person
It is nearly impossible to argue with a stupid person
B Murray
That is the big problem. The Union filth should not be protected by the equally filthy government.

That law passed by corrupt Democrats taking Union money and it is bad law.

You can strike all you want but then you will have to suffer the consequences.
Since unions are filth, do you demand that you aren't afforded the same labor rights that unionizing won for you?

Like, do you rebel and refuse to accept vacation pay because of those communist unions bargaining for paid vacation?

Do you insist on working 90 hr weeks with no overtime pay because of your principled stance against collective bargaining?
It s difficult to argue with an intelligent person
It is nearly impossible to argue with a stupid person
B Murray
Are you ever going to explain to us why you felt the need to edit his quote to make try and spread you false narrative?
Since unions are filth, do you demand that you aren't afforded the same labor rights that unionizing won for you?

Like, do you rebel and refuse to accept vacation pay because of those communist unions bargaining for paid vacation?

Do you insist on working 90 hr weeks with no overtime pay because of your principled stance against collective bargaining?
Henry Ford created the 40 hour work week, good wages, vacation and the weekends off before any of the shitheads unionized, you moron.

By the way dipshit. As a salaried Engineer I worked many more hours each week than any of the Union pukes.
Are you ever going to explain to us why you felt the need to edit his quote to make try and spread you false narrative?
Talk about whining over nothing....


This also applies to you idiots tho.....


By the way, win
"Hey, lets be the elected representatives for the greedy Union filth because they pay really well."
Henry Ford created the 40 hour work week, good wages, vacation and the weekends off before any of the shitheads unionized, you moron.

By the way dipshit. As a salaried Engineer I worked many more hours each week than any of the Union pukes.
Except, back in 1900, trade unions had already won the right to reduce the average work day to 8 hrs

Henry Ford followed suit AFTERWARDS.......

But keep sucking corporate dick
Except, back in 1900, trade unions had already won the right to reduce the average work day to 8 hrs

Henry Ford followed suit AFTERWARDS.......

But keep sucking corporate dick
Bullshit moron. You are confused again. Ford had the 40 hr work week and he paid $5/day which was a great wage back in that day.

Unions are the scum of America, just like the Democrats that are on the Union's payroll.

Henry Ford became one of the first employers to adopt a five-day, 40-hour week at his Ford Motor Company plants in 1926. He was not just responding to pressure from the labor movement, though, because he saw employment as a way to grow the middle class—his customer base.
You want the good life then realize it. I see no Americans promoting what you do living much poorer on purpose. Trump told us the truth about oil. For many to understand. All of those protesters living comfortable lives.
What truth was that?

"Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) praised then-President Reagan's firing of thousands of striking federal workers when asked Monday about the ongoing United Auto Workers strike. "I think Ronald Reagan gave us a great example when federal employees decided they were going to strike," Scott said Monday in Iowa during a campaign event. "He said, you strike, you're fired. Simple concept to me to the extent that we can use that once again."

Federal law, according to the National Labor Relations Board, prohibits workers from being fired for "participating in a protected strike or picketing against" one's employer, though not all strikes are protected. Scott's campaign said his comments dealt entirely with federal workers rather than the UAW strike. The UAW comprises non-federal workers. Biden last Friday urged U.S. automakers to share more of their "record profits" with striking union workers - Scott criticized President Biden, who has dubbed himself as the "most pro-union president ever." The percentage of American workers who are members of a union fell to a new low in 2022 despite the total number of unionized workers increasing. 71% of Americans approved of labor unions in 2022, the highest mark recorded by Gallup since 1965."

It was smart for Scott to bring up the firing of federal workers when asked about striking union workers, because it is always fun to fire federal employees because they aren't real people anyway with real jobs - and if you get any blowback for implying we should fire non-federal union workers; just run the "Oh, we were just talking about federal workers" defense -- even tho the question asked was about non-federal employees.

I think it is a winning policy to be anti-union, because for the most part, unions are bad news; they have far too much power - just look at what they have done in the last few decades; forced corporations to pay them overtime; forced them to give them vacation and sick leave, subsidize their medical insurance, it's just insane....

Over the years, conditions have been very unfair to the corporate/wealth class ; so this recent power grab by the unions will backfire as most people will view the unions as being pro-Democrat, pro woke (especially since the largest portion of union membership are black workers) - all of these things make unions even less popular and the corporate elite more popular. So Tim Scott and the GOP really needs to do whatever they can to make it easier to fire these strikers both in Detroit and Hollywood.

What you're forgetting is that when Reagan fired those Air Traffic Controllers, it was a disaster for the airline industry and for travelers. They tried replacing them with military Air Traffic Controllers who weren't close to being able to keep up with the amount of traffic at the major airports.

Then they tried training new controllers, which took months, and were still unable to keep up with the traffic.

In the end they quietly rehired the original Air Traffic Controller - and met all their demands.

Firing UAW workers from GM means ending GM. Only an idiot would suggest it - and apparently one has!
What you're forgetting is that when Reagan fired those Air Traffic Controllers, it was a disaster for the airline industry and for travelers. They tried replacing them with military Air Traffic Controllers who weren't close to being able to keep up with the amount of traffic at the major airports.

Then they tried training new controllers, which took months, and were still unable to keep up with the traffic.

In the end they quietly rehired the original Air Traffic Controller - and met all their demands.

Firing UAW workers from GM means ending GM. Only an idiot would suggest it - and apparently one has!
That is the part that Tim Scott and company love to leave out

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