They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

Not one Lib has condemned what is happening.

It breaks my heart, but all of you are now my enemy.

It means nothing unless we end up in a Civil War.

At that point it will mean everything.
They're not just your personal enemy, they're the enemies of humanity, and always have been.

They even admit it. They think humans are a blight upon the earth.
Not sure you're talking about me but I'll take a swing (and the arrows that follow--lol).

I listen to NPR almost every time I get into my car. It's an old Mazda RX7 I inherited from my grandfather. Nice car. Really expensive to maintain but I like it. Anyway, the programs I listen to most often are Morning Edition and All Things Considered.. Now, I have given money to the local station, bought NPR swag, attempted to be a caller on 3 or 4 of their programs like Car Talk, Wait Wait, and TOTN. That being said, whenever one of their stories comes on about the middle east, I change the station.

Gee, religious upheaval in the Middle this still news?

Now as to why I really don't care that much, it's in the title of the thread... They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths. They. I paid much more attention when guys from Camp Pendleton were in the cross hairs over there in the ME.

That there is turmoil in the ME is simply a non-story.

It's a non issue, eh? That's incredible! First you tell me you don't mind the Catholic priests liver being eaten by an al qaeda terrorists so long as you can have yours with onions - now you tell me that the murder of these people is a "NON -ISSUE"?! It won't be a non - issue when it shows up at your front door and bites you in the behind!

Egypt today, America tomorrow! We have muslim brotherhood here too you know! The Egyptian women children and men stuck in Egypt may be a non issue to you but it is a huge issue to anyone who knows what is going on over there right now! There but for the grace of God go you, Miss Candycorn! It would behoove you to have some compassion on those people! They are trapped like mice over there right now!

I know I have stirred the pot a bit in this thread, but believe it or not I agree with you. Nothing going on in Egypt right now is a non-issue. That statement is about as ignorant as it gets. Whatever barbs I've hurled at people that I think have made statements I disagree with, I happen to have a great deal of concern for innocent civilians in Egypt. It is NOT a non-issue.

Can you point out the innocent civilians in Egypt?
This is Obama's fault?
Not the people actually carrying out the killing and burning?

If Obama can blame a filmmaker for the Benghazi attacks because the movie upset the poor little Muslims, then shouldn't we apply the same logic to their reaction of his statements? After all, they all believe that Obama is pro-Muslim Brotherhood and, therefore, approves of terrorism. Obama did not condemn the 9/11 terrorists and made excuses for them. He doesn't call the Fort Hood shooter a terrorists and claimed workplace violence despite evidence to the contrary.

The Obama administration sent the message that Muslims shall never be blamed. So, whose fault is it this time?
I thought she was talking about the GOP's largest voting block...apparently we lose about 10,000 seniors each day and it could be a reason the GOP lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes.

A liberal finally posted here and nary a word about the innocent people who were slaughtered in the name of Islam. Instead you choose to make light of the issue at hand and even sneak a jab in there at the other party.

Your post demonstrates a lack of class and makes you look hateful. I am not surprised since it's a favorite tactic for some. If you can't defend, then deflect.
It's a non issue, eh? That's incredible! First you tell me you don't mind the Catholic priests liver being eaten by an al qaeda terrorists so long as you can have yours with onions - now you tell me that the murder of these people is a "NON -ISSUE"?! It won't be a non - issue when it shows up at your front door and bites you in the behind!

Egypt today, America tomorrow! We have muslim brotherhood here too you know! The Egyptian women children and men stuck in Egypt may be a non issue to you but it is a huge issue to anyone who knows what is going on over there right now! There but for the grace of God go you, Miss Candycorn! It would behoove you to have some compassion on those people! They are trapped like mice over there right now!

I know I have stirred the pot a bit in this thread, but believe it or not I agree with you. Nothing going on in Egypt right now is a non-issue. That statement is about as ignorant as it gets. Whatever barbs I've hurled at people that I think have made statements I disagree with, I happen to have a great deal of concern for innocent civilians in Egypt. It is NOT a non-issue.

Can you point out the innocent civilians in Egypt?

The people over there who are not raping and murdering people. The ones who want no part in this. Those people - whoever they are. You can be sure there are plenty!

I would love to know the psychology behind the way some folks will defend and deflect for the slaughters perpetrated by Muslim radicals. Slaughters happening right now; slaughters being planned; slaughters that have happened only months or years ago.

No big deal, who cares, there are other murderers, etc.

This is absolutely bizarre. What motivates this?


Not sure you're talking about me but I'll take a swing (and the arrows that follow--lol).

I listen to NPR almost every time I get into my car. It's an old Mazda RX7 I inherited from my grandfather. Nice car. Really expensive to maintain but I like it. Anyway, the programs I listen to most often are Morning Edition and All Things Considered.. Now, I have given money to the local station, bought NPR swag, attempted to be a caller on 3 or 4 of their programs like Car Talk, Wait Wait, and TOTN. That being said, whenever one of their stories comes on about the middle east, I change the station.

Gee, religious upheaval in the Middle this still news?

Now as to why I really don't care that much, it's in the title of the thread... They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths. They. I paid much more attention when guys from Camp Pendleton were in the cross hairs over there in the ME.

That there is turmoil in the ME is simply a non-story.

It's a non issue, eh? That's incredible! First you tell me you don't mind the Catholic priests liver being eaten by an al qaeda terrorists so long as you can have yours with onions - now you tell me that the murder of these people is a "NON -ISSUE"?!
Don't recall saying that but since you're a conservative, quoting people correctly isn't a skill set you're likely to have.

It won't be a non - issue when it shows up at your front door and bites you in the behind!
You got me there. If Al Queda takes over my high-rise condominium tower, it will likely be a story. If they bite me in the butt, that will likely be a story as well.


Egypt today, America tomorrow!
Okay, now you're just being stupid.

We have muslim brotherhood here too you know! The Egyptian women children and men stuck in Egypt may be a non issue to you but it is a huge issue to anyone who knows what is going on over there right now! There but for the grace of God go you, Miss Candycorn! It would behoove you to have some compassion on those people! They are trapped like mice over there right now!

And guess what; they were trapped like mice 3,000,000 years ago or whenever and they'll be trapped like mice 3,000,000 years from now too. As long as you have tribalism, on this scale it's going to be a continual blood bath in the middle east.
Not sure you're talking about me but I'll take a swing (and the arrows that follow--lol).

I listen to NPR almost every time I get into my car. It's an old Mazda RX7 I inherited from my grandfather. Nice car. Really expensive to maintain but I like it. Anyway, the programs I listen to most often are Morning Edition and All Things Considered.. Now, I have given money to the local station, bought NPR swag, attempted to be a caller on 3 or 4 of their programs like Car Talk, Wait Wait, and TOTN. That being said, whenever one of their stories comes on about the middle east, I change the station.

Gee, religious upheaval in the Middle this still news?

Now as to why I really don't care that much, it's in the title of the thread... They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths. They. I paid much more attention when guys from Camp Pendleton were in the cross hairs over there in the ME.

That there is turmoil in the ME is simply a non-story.

It's a non issue, eh? That's incredible! First you tell me you don't mind the Catholic priests liver being eaten by an al qaeda terrorists so long as you can have yours with onions - now you tell me that the murder of these people is a "NON -ISSUE"?! It won't be a non - issue when it shows up at your front door and bites you in the behind!

Egypt today, America tomorrow! We have muslim brotherhood here too you know! The Egyptian women children and men stuck in Egypt may be a non issue to you but it is a huge issue to anyone who knows what is going on over there right now! There but for the grace of God go you, Miss Candycorn! It would behoove you to have some compassion on those people! They are trapped like mice over there right now!

C'mon, what else would you expect? She lives in Mom and Dads basement, drives GrandDads "hand me downs", and listens to NPR. It's rather hard to develop much of a "world view" when your "world" depends on the charity of others......nothing seems more important that who you can scam next. :cuckoo:

My basement has a view of the mountains. :lol:
Not sure you're talking about me but I'll take a swing (and the arrows that follow--lol).

I listen to NPR almost every time I get into my car. It's an old Mazda RX7 I inherited from my grandfather. Nice car. Really expensive to maintain but I like it. Anyway, the programs I listen to most often are Morning Edition and All Things Considered.. Now, I have given money to the local station, bought NPR swag, attempted to be a caller on 3 or 4 of their programs like Car Talk, Wait Wait, and TOTN. That being said, whenever one of their stories comes on about the middle east, I change the station.

Gee, religious upheaval in the Middle this still news?

Now as to why I really don't care that much, it's in the title of the thread... They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths. They. I paid much more attention when guys from Camp Pendleton were in the cross hairs over there in the ME.

That there is turmoil in the ME is simply a non-story.

It's a non issue, eh? That's incredible! First you tell me you don't mind the Catholic priests liver being eaten by an al qaeda terrorists so long as you can have yours with onions - now you tell me that the murder of these people is a "NON -ISSUE"?! It won't be a non - issue when it shows up at your front door and bites you in the behind!

Egypt today, America tomorrow! We have muslim brotherhood here too you know! The Egyptian women children and men stuck in Egypt may be a non issue to you but it is a huge issue to anyone who knows what is going on over there right now! There but for the grace of God go you, Miss Candycorn! It would behoove you to have some compassion on those people! They are trapped like mice over there right now!

I know I have stirred the pot a bit in this thread, but believe it or not I agree with you. Nothing going on in Egypt right now is a non-issue. That statement is about as ignorant as it gets. Whatever barbs I've hurled at people that I think have made statements I disagree with, I happen to have a great deal of concern for innocent civilians in Egypt. It is NOT a non-issue.

For me it is; sorry but it's just not newsworthy. If this were going on in Helsinki...yep...newsworthy. But one faction of whatever is battling another faction of whatever...if it wasn't Cairo, it would be Beirut; If it wasn't Beirut, it would be Basra. If it wasn't Basra, it would be some other shit hole in lower Ass-crack-istan.

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