They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.


I'm not a religious person, but it's not exactly difficult to observe what is happening:

  • Members of one religion slaughtering members of another religion in Egypt
  • Members of that same religion proudly committed to purposely slaughtering members of other religions globally
  • Only one religion on the planet with such an announced commitment and modern-day track record of murdering innocents
  • That same religion literally taking over parts of European countries, to the point where law enforcement from that country does not enter that area
  • Apologists for that religion, who don't even belong to it, so vociferous in their defense of it
Looking forward to denials of the above -- without the traditional diversion and/or deflection.


You make the mistake of confusing the actions of individuals as being somehow sanctioned by their faith, in this case Islam – which is not the case. This is likely a consequence of an ignorance of, and lack of exposure to, that faith.

For someone who fancies himself as intelligent you are indeed a religious illiterate.
It is not only approved of Islam it is demanded in the eyes of the extremists.

You are the New Nazi kid, revel in it.
And that's the long and short of it.

These progressive nuts will wax pedantic about how they see the "bigger" picture...they don't get "bogged down" in the particulars..

That's the same language that fascists have always used, and Nazis and Marxists in's the way they avoid any responsibility for visiting death upon people.

But we as Christians know that they won't escape culpability, and they will be held accountable, and pay, for the terrible decisions they are making now, and the support they are providing to the enemy. We know what will happen in the afterlife...but what is REALLY going to surprise them is when they suffer in THIS life as well.

Because most of them will. I think we are at that point. I see people suffering already, who thought their votes would protect their status...not threaten it.
What most on the right fail to understand is that the terrorists win when they get us to hate them, and hate the religion we incorrectly associate with them.

You are a disgustingly illiterate fuck kid.

Every one of them is a Muslim
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What most on the right fail to understand is that the terrorists win when they get us to hate them, and hate the religion we incorrectly associate with them.

You are a disgustingly illitearte fuck kid.

Every one of the is a Muslim

He likes to claim he is a lawyer. Yet, he has never cited a case. He just breezes through with a dropping on every topic. He is an ignoramus.

To Egypt's credit, many who have tried to kick the MB out were muslims. They didn't like the way the minorities and women were being treated. But our president has his black little nose up the MBs ass. And doesn't know whether to push or pull.
These murderous acts against Christians, and the outward hate of Christians; simply because of their faith, is exactly what the Lord told us about.

I remember being told in church in the 50s that Christians would be persecuted for their beliefs. Honestly, I never believed it. We were in American.

But Jesus even predicted that Christians would be persecuted and he did not confine that persecution to any general locality.

New King James

9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.

I recall one of our guides in Egypt telling us that the world follows Egypt. Whatever happens will happen first in Egypt then spread to the rest of the world.

What makes me sicker than sick is "our" hand in it. We used to have power, we used to be something. Prezbo Bitchboi needs to stay on holiday riding his bicycle with his little helmet and bicycle bell before he f's anything else up and more people die.

>>The Obama administration support for Muslim Brotherhood Islamists in Egypt is driving the powerful military there against the United States and toward Moscow, according to U.S. officials and reports from the region.

The pro-Muslim Brotherhood stance is undermining decades of U.S. policy toward the Middle East state and prompting concerns that the United States is about to “lose” Egypt as a strategic partner, said officials familiar with intelligence reports.

These murderous acts against Christians, and the outward hate of Christians; simply because of their faith, is exactly what the Lord told us about.

I remember being told in church in the 50s that Christians would be persecuted for their beliefs. Honestly, I never believed it. We were in American.

But Jesus even predicted that Christians would be persecuted and he did not confine that persecution to any general locality.

New King James

9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.

I recall one of our guides in Egypt telling us that the world follows Egypt. Whatever happens will happen first in Egypt then spread to the rest of the world.

What makes me sicker than sick is "our" hand in it. We used to have power, we used to be something. Prezbo Bitchboi needs to stay on holiday riding his bicycle with his little helmet and bicycle bell before he f's anything else up and more people die.

>>The Obama administration support for Muslim Brotherhood Islamists in Egypt is driving the powerful military there against the United States and toward Moscow, according to U.S. officials and reports from the region.

The pro-Muslim Brotherhood stance is undermining decades of U.S. policy toward the Middle East state and prompting concerns that the United States is about to “lose” Egypt as a strategic partner, said officials familiar with intelligence reports.


All this gives me pause to ponder a couple of things.

1. If he gets himself a seat in the UN, will he surrender US secrets to our enemies? (If he hasn't already.)

2. Is there a group in Washington secretly working together to get things back on track once he is out. You can't visit DC without seeing the influence of the Freemasons. So, I'm hoping they are waiting in the wings to reclaim this nation.
What most on the right fail to understand is that the terrorists win when they get us to hate them, and hate the religion we incorrectly associate with them.

You are a disgustingly illitearte fuck kid.

Every one of the is a Muslim

He likes to claim he is a lawyer. Yet, he has never cited a case. He just breezes through with a dropping on every topic. He is an ignoramus.

To Egypt's credit, many who have tried to kick the MB out were muslims. They didn't like the way the minorities and women were being treated. But our president has his black little nose up the MBs ass. And doesn't know whether to push or pull.

My point is never that ALL Muslims are bad, but everything that is going on is being done by Muslims.
And that's the long and short of it.

These progressive nuts will wax pedantic about how they see the "bigger" picture...they don't get "bogged down" in the particulars..

That's the same language that fascists have always used, and Nazis and Marxists in's the way they avoid any responsibility for visiting death upon people.

But we as Christians know that they won't escape culpability, and they will be held accountable, and pay, for the terrible decisions they are making now, and the support they are providing to the enemy. We know what will happen in the afterlife...but what is REALLY going to surprise them is when they suffer in THIS life as well.

Because most of them will. I think we are at that point. I see people suffering already, who thought their votes would protect their status...not threaten it.


Progressives (like their founders Margaret Sanger and Woodrow Wilson) were fond of the "bigger picture". So what if it required segration of the military? Or when founding the precursor to Planned Parenthood, expressing the virtues of eugenics? We, the American people, just didn't understand that THEY knew what was "best" for us - because they, and they alone, were privy to the "big picture".

We need to be "guided" and "nudged" by those much more "enlightened" and "intelligent" than we.

You are correct in your assertion that "progressives" don't get "bogged down in particulars". Absolutely correct. I can only imagine the angst that will take place when those "particulars" jump up and bite these "enlightened" assholes on their collective butts.
I remember being told in church in the 50s that Christians would be persecuted for their beliefs. Honestly, I never believed it. We were in American.

But Jesus even predicted that Christians would be persecuted and he did not confine that persecution to any general locality.

I recall one of our guides in Egypt telling us that the world follows Egypt. Whatever happens will happen first in Egypt then spread to the rest of the world.

What makes me sicker than sick is "our" hand in it. We used to have power, we used to be something. Prezbo Bitchboi needs to stay on holiday riding his bicycle with his little helmet and bicycle bell before he f's anything else up and more people die.

>>The Obama administration support for Muslim Brotherhood Islamists in Egypt is driving the powerful military there against the United States and toward Moscow, according to U.S. officials and reports from the region.

The pro-Muslim Brotherhood stance is undermining decades of U.S. policy toward the Middle East state and prompting concerns that the United States is about to “lose” Egypt as a strategic partner, said officials familiar with intelligence reports.


All this gives me pause to ponder a couple of things.

1. If he gets himself a seat in the UN, will he surrender US secrets to our enemies? (If he hasn't already.)

2. Is there a group in Washington secretly working together to get things back on track once he is out. You can't visit DC without seeing the influence of the Freemasons. So, I'm hoping they are waiting in the wings to reclaim this nation.

there are signs that the government of Egypt may be turning to Russia for assistance
You are a disgustingly illitearte fuck kid.

Every one of the is a Muslim

He likes to claim he is a lawyer. Yet, he has never cited a case. He just breezes through with a dropping on every topic. He is an ignoramus.

To Egypt's credit, many who have tried to kick the MB out were muslims. They didn't like the way the minorities and women were being treated. But our president has his black little nose up the MBs ass. And doesn't know whether to push or pull.

My point is never that ALL Muslims are bad, but everything that is going on is being done by Muslims.

But you aren't allowed to say that. If you do, then you are a racist~! Some kind of a strategy they've got there.
I do not mind the names I am called, fuck them.

Truth is truth and right is right no matter what some stupid fuck says.
You are a disgustingly illitearte fuck kid.

Every one of the is a Muslim

He likes to claim he is a lawyer. Yet, he has never cited a case. He just breezes through with a dropping on every topic. He is an ignoramus.

To Egypt's credit, many who have tried to kick the MB out were muslims. They didn't like the way the minorities and women were being treated. But our president has his black little nose up the MBs ass. And doesn't know whether to push or pull.

My point is never that ALL Muslims are bad, but everything that is going on is being done by Muslims.

Progressives have their hand in it too.

Many of them are Jewish...and the progressives are starting to have a very scary realization of exactly what's happening..all of a sudden, they are *getting* it. And it's too late. They've already put all the policies and all the people in place, they've already dumped out all the values and engaged in corruption to the point that now, when they want to stop it...they won't be able to.
He likes to claim he is a lawyer. Yet, he has never cited a case. He just breezes through with a dropping on every topic. He is an ignoramus.

To Egypt's credit, many who have tried to kick the MB out were muslims. They didn't like the way the minorities and women were being treated. But our president has his black little nose up the MBs ass. And doesn't know whether to push or pull.

My point is never that ALL Muslims are bad, but everything that is going on is being done by Muslims.

Progressives have their hand in it too.

Many of them are Jewish...and the progressives are starting to have a very scary realization of exactly what's happening..all of a sudden, they are *getting* it. And it's too late. They've already put all the policies and all the people in place, they've already dumped out all the values and engaged in corruption to the point that now, when they want to stop it...they won't be able to.

muslim extremists use progressives as a tool nothing more nothing less
Im not deflecting anything. I needed to know your stance.or would you rather I assume?
Again thats not a strawman. Look at how people are acting. As if because some muslims are killing Christians that this must be more important. My over all point is that in context this has been going on for centuries. Context matters when trying to solve these issues. If you feel im trying to minimize it then thats your issue.

No I got your point. There is of people set out to kill other people. We can either accept that or choose to ignore it. You dont need to shiny it up with labels. If the world is that outraged they will do something about it.

Yes my response is so what...but that is in reference that these are christians and not the fact people are dying.

Actually, Christians always speak up when human rights violations are being committed.

And your response is the same. You don't give a shit.

We've been going into these hellholes for years to help the women and children who are brutalized and murdered...all across the world.

And you, and progressives like you, just don't care. Because human rights violations don't mean anything to you. You'd like to visit more upon humans.

Which is just a sign of what scum you are.

MMmm.....hmmmmm...sort of like Afghanistan and the Taliban. And they just love us now, don't they?

The thing is, if Obama intervened and sent in the troops, you stupid idiots would call him a hypocrite and a warmonger.....just a sign of what scum you are.
"They" kill our people they pay the price. "They" don't love us? Tough bananas. Obama did worse than intervene. He went after leaders who were keeping their societies together in the best way they could considering the enemies. Other western leaders opted friendlier means of keeping dictators in line. Making martyrs of leaders overseas can come back to bite you in the butt. So stop whining about why 'they' don't love us. "They" don't love us because they are bottle fed on lies of hatred for all things western. It's been going on for centuries. Get over it.
What makes me sicker than sick is "our" hand in it. We used to have power, we used to be something. Prezbo Bitchboi needs to stay on holiday riding his bicycle with his little helmet and bicycle bell before he f's anything else up and more people die.

>>The Obama administration support for Muslim Brotherhood Islamists in Egypt is driving the powerful military there against the United States and toward Moscow, according to U.S. officials and reports from the region.

The pro-Muslim Brotherhood stance is undermining decades of U.S. policy toward the Middle East state and prompting concerns that the United States is about to “lose” Egypt as a strategic partner, said officials familiar with intelligence reports.


All this gives me pause to ponder a couple of things.

1. If he gets himself a seat in the UN, will he surrender US secrets to our enemies? (If he hasn't already.)

2. Is there a group in Washington secretly working together to get things back on track once he is out. You can't visit DC without seeing the influence of the Freemasons. So, I'm hoping they are waiting in the wings to reclaim this nation.

there are signs that the government of Egypt may be turning to Russia for assistance

The world is catching on to where the power is.

All this gives me pause to ponder a couple of things.

1. If he gets himself a seat in the UN, will he surrender US secrets to our enemies? (If he hasn't already.)

2. Is there a group in Washington secretly working together to get things back on track once he is out. You can't visit DC without seeing the influence of the Freemasons. So, I'm hoping they are waiting in the wings to reclaim this nation.

there are signs that the government of Egypt may be turning to Russia for assistance

The world is catching on to where the power is.


dont kid yourself

the United States has lots of power as well

what the people of the world are catching on to is that we are on the wrong side of the fence

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