They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

Im not deflecting anything. I needed to know your stance.or would you rather I assume?
Again thats not a strawman. Look at how people are acting. As if because some muslims are killing Christians that this must be more important. My over all point is that in context this has been going on for centuries. Context matters when trying to solve these issues. If you feel im trying to minimize it then thats your issue.

No I got your point. There is of people set out to kill other people. We can either accept that or choose to ignore it. You dont need to shiny it up with labels. If the world is that outraged they will do something about it.

Yes my response is so what...but that is in reference that these are christians and not the fact people are dying.

Actually, Christians always speak up when human rights violations are being committed.

And your response is the same. You don't give a shit.

We've been going into these hellholes for years to help the women and children who are brutalized and murdered...all across the world.

And you, and progressives like you, just don't care. Because human rights violations don't mean anything to you. You'd like to visit more upon humans.

Which is just a sign of what scum you are.

MMmm.....hmmmmm...sort of like Afghanistan and the Taliban. And they just love us now, don't they?

The thing is, if Obama intervened and sent in the troops, you stupid idiots would call him a hypocrite and a warmonger.....just a sign of what scum you are.

With each passing day, the superior choice the voters made in November 2008 and again in November 2012 becomes more vivid; does it not? The Bush doctrine of intervening militarily in foreign countries would have resulted in us, now, having troops in Syria, Egypt, and Lybia. And likely in Yemen as well.

That our President has kept us out of the pointless wars Bush and his supporters were so fond of is just one reason to applaud the voters. They don't always get it right when viewed by history but there is little doubt they got the last two choices 100% correct.
Did you write that with a straight face? I bet you didn't! Did you forget about-----------> Seal Team Six, Benghazi, 4 dead Americans and 400 surface to air missiles missing, NSA Spy on Citizens, IRS targets tea party, arming heart and liver eating terrorists in Syria, over 80,000 dead and counting, installs muslim brotherhood in Egypt while ignoring Iranians pleading for freedom from Achminijad, fast and furious arming of drug cartels, militarizing a private army on American soil, spying on the news media,canceling out on our own national day of prayer but inviting muslims to white house for prayer, calling Nidal Hassans jihad on 13 americans a case of work place violence, the cases of the dead journalists, Hastings, Breitbart, the Chinese inflamed over Taiwan, North Koreans threatening to strike us with a nuclear attack, going after the whistleblower Snowden rather than going after the 250 un indicted co conspirators to HLF trials still waiting to be prosecuted and sitting on Eric Holders desk, refusing to fire Holder when he should have, playing cards during Osama bin laden capture and going to bed during Benghazi massacre - then blaming it on a youtube video that had nothing to do with it. Making public speeches about Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin he had no business making as a president and then doing his level best to create a race war! You must be kidding me! Little doubt? There is little doubt right this very second it was the biggest mistake of our lives!!!! If we survive his presidency it will be nothing short of a miracle.

- Jeri
Did you write that with a straight face? I bet you didn't! Did you forget about-----------> Seal Team Six, Benghazi, 4 dead Americans and 400 surface to air missiles missing, NSA Spy on Citizens, IRS targets tea party, arming heart and liver eating terrorists in Syria, over 80,000 dead and counting, installs muslim brotherhood in Egypt while ignoring Iranians pleading for freedom from Achminijad, fast and furious arming of drug cartels, militarizing a private army on American soil, spying on the news media,canceling out on our own national day of prayer but inviting muslims to white house for prayer, calling Nidal Hassans jihad on 13 americans a case of work place violence, the cases of the dead journalists, Hastings, Breitbart, the Chinese inflamed over Taiwan, North Koreans threatening to strike us with a nuclear attack, going after the whistleblower Snowden rather than going after the 250 un indicted co conspirators to HLF trials still waiting to be prosecuted and sitting on Eric Holders desk, refusing to fire Holder when he should have, playing cards during Osama bin laden capture and going to bed during Benghazi massacre - then blaming it on a youtube video that had nothing to do with it. Making public speeches about Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin he had no business making as a president and then doing his level best to create a race war! You must be kidding me! Little doubt? There is little doubt right this very second it was the biggest mistake of our lives!!!! If we survive his presidency it will be nothing short of a miracle.

- Jeri

You are new here. You MUST learn that the liberals on this forum ALWAYS come out rooting for the lions when the Christians are thrown into the arena with them.
Awww. It's just lovely to tune into the chats over there to get a taste of what a laughing stock we are.

contra: europe and USA kept hosting the terrorists a political refugee and meanwhile they started to use them as political "cards"
murdea: oboma will safe egypt
josina: obama want chaos
contra: like he saved syria irak and aphganistan
murdea: obama is part of MB
nstpaulette: murdea i dont know where u are living or what u are watching to say that the MB are very peaceful
contra: I am a moslem Brotherhood
murdea: They are peacefull after they get rid of all
nstpaulette: really u think u will win in the end ...i dont think so
murdea: Have u not seen what is happening. Change is coming
nstpaulette: have u not seen either
nstpaulette: where are your leaders
nstpaulette: they have left u guys to take the heat
contra: no together if one of the sides wants to ruin the land where they live because they have other goals elsewhere
murdea: Where are leaders? They are leading
nstpaulette: they dont care what happens to u
I've been listening to that live stream all morning it's sickening and sad. I didn't think I could have less respect for Obama but he's degraded to something stuck to the bottom of my shoe.

I exchanged business cards with the Egyptian Undersecretary for Nursing when I was there. I really wonder if she is still alive. I don't know if she was muslim, but she didn't wear a scarf. Not all muslim women do, though. She was a very smart woman, and was so appreciative of the teaching we took to their nurses. Not sure where that card is right now, but I would be afraid to send an email anyway.
Awww. It's just lovely to tune into the chats over there to get a taste of what a laughing stock we are.

contra: europe and USA kept hosting the terrorists a political refugee and meanwhile they started to use them as political "cards"
murdea: oboma will safe egypt
josina: obama want chaos
contra: like he saved syria irak and aphganistan
murdea: obama is part of MB
nstpaulette: murdea i dont know where u are living or what u are watching to say that the MB are very peaceful
contra: I am a moslem Brotherhood
murdea: They are peacefull after they get rid of all
nstpaulette: really u think u will win in the end ...i dont think so
murdea: Have u not seen what is happening. Change is coming
nstpaulette: have u not seen either
nstpaulette: where are your leaders
nstpaulette: they have left u guys to take the heat
contra: no together if one of the sides wants to ruin the land where they live because they have other goals elsewhere
murdea: Where are leaders? They are leading
nstpaulette: they dont care what happens to u

Kinda like here where all the little liberal MB supporting puppets fail to realize that THEY too are the infidel!
Did you write that with a straight face? I bet you didn't! Did you forget about-----------> Seal Team Six, Benghazi, 4 dead Americans and 400 surface to air missiles missing, NSA Spy on Citizens, IRS targets tea party, arming heart and liver eating terrorists in Syria, over 80,000 dead and counting, installs muslim brotherhood in Egypt while ignoring Iranians pleading for freedom from Achminijad, fast and furious arming of drug cartels, militarizing a private army on American soil, spying on the news media,canceling out on our own national day of prayer but inviting muslims to white house for prayer, calling Nidal Hassans jihad on 13 americans a case of work place violence, the cases of the dead journalists, Hastings, Breitbart, the Chinese inflamed over Taiwan, North Koreans threatening to strike us with a nuclear attack, going after the whistleblower Snowden rather than going after the 250 un indicted co conspirators to HLF trials still waiting to be prosecuted and sitting on Eric Holders desk, refusing to fire Holder when he should have, playing cards during Osama bin laden capture and going to bed during Benghazi massacre - then blaming it on a youtube video that had nothing to do with it. Making public speeches about Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin he had no business making as a president and then doing his level best to create a race war! You must be kidding me! Little doubt? There is little doubt right this very second it was the biggest mistake of our lives!!!! If we survive his presidency it will be nothing short of a miracle.

- Jeri

You are new here. You MUST learn that the liberals on this forum ALWAYS come out rooting for the lions when the Christians are thrown into the arena with them.

Thanks. I am noticing that, Sunshine. And I am wondering.....who do they expect will save THEM when the Christians are gone?
Did you write that with a straight face? I bet you didn't! Did you forget about-----------> Seal Team Six, Benghazi, 4 dead Americans and 400 surface to air missiles missing, NSA Spy on Citizens, IRS targets tea party, arming heart and liver eating terrorists in Syria, over 80,000 dead and counting, installs muslim brotherhood in Egypt while ignoring Iranians pleading for freedom from Achminijad, fast and furious arming of drug cartels, militarizing a private army on American soil, spying on the news media,canceling out on our own national day of prayer but inviting muslims to white house for prayer, calling Nidal Hassans jihad on 13 americans a case of work place violence, the cases of the dead journalists, Hastings, Breitbart, the Chinese inflamed over Taiwan, North Koreans threatening to strike us with a nuclear attack, going after the whistleblower Snowden rather than going after the 250 un indicted co conspirators to HLF trials still waiting to be prosecuted and sitting on Eric Holders desk, refusing to fire Holder when he should have, playing cards during Osama bin laden capture and going to bed during Benghazi massacre - then blaming it on a youtube video that had nothing to do with it. Making public speeches about Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin he had no business making as a president and then doing his level best to create a race war! You must be kidding me! Little doubt? There is little doubt right this very second it was the biggest mistake of our lives!!!! If we survive his presidency it will be nothing short of a miracle.

- Jeri

You are new here. You MUST learn that the liberals on this forum ALWAYS come out rooting for the lions when the Christians are thrown into the arena with them.

Thanks. I am noticing that, Sunshine. And I am wondering.....who do they expect will save THEM when the Christians are gone?

I was waiting for that one. They simply do not realize that to islam THEY too are the infidel. Once the Christians are gone, they are next on the hit list. They don't get that.
Did you write that with a straight face? I bet you didn't! Did you forget about-----------> Seal Team Six, Benghazi, 4 dead Americans and 400 surface to air missiles missing, NSA Spy on Citizens, IRS targets tea party, arming heart and liver eating terrorists in Syria, over 80,000 dead and counting, installs muslim brotherhood in Egypt while ignoring Iranians pleading for freedom from Achminijad, fast and furious arming of drug cartels, militarizing a private army on American soil, spying on the news media,canceling out on our own national day of prayer but inviting muslims to white house for prayer, calling Nidal Hassans jihad on 13 americans a case of work place violence, the cases of the dead journalists, Hastings, Breitbart, the Chinese inflamed over Taiwan, North Koreans threatening to strike us with a nuclear attack, going after the whistleblower Snowden rather than going after the 250 un indicted co conspirators to HLF trials still waiting to be prosecuted and sitting on Eric Holders desk, refusing to fire Holder when he should have, playing cards during Osama bin laden capture and going to bed during Benghazi massacre - then blaming it on a youtube video that had nothing to do with it. Making public speeches about Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin he had no business making as a president and then doing his level best to create a race war! You must be kidding me! Little doubt? There is little doubt right this very second it was the biggest mistake of our lives!!!! If we survive his presidency it will be nothing short of a miracle.

- Jeri

You are new here. You MUST learn that the liberals on this forum ALWAYS come out rooting for the lions when the Christians are thrown into the arena with them.

Thanks. I am noticing that, Sunshine. And I am wondering.....who do they expect will save THEM when the Christians are gone?

Gee, a conservative trying to envoke fear....that almost never happens...:lol: :lol: :lol:
You are new here. You MUST learn that the liberals on this forum ALWAYS come out rooting for the lions when the Christians are thrown into the arena with them.

Thanks. I am noticing that, Sunshine. And I am wondering.....who do they expect will save THEM when the Christians are gone?

I was waiting for that one. They simply do not realize that to islam THEY too are the infidel. Once the Christians are gone, they are next on the hit list. They don't get that.

Wow..."Once the christians are gone"...I guess you guys have "given up" already in your crusade against all other religions...

Thanks. I am noticing that, Sunshine. And I am wondering.....who do they expect will save THEM when the Christians are gone?

I was waiting for that one. They simply do not realize that to islam THEY too are the infidel. Once the Christians are gone, they are next on the hit list. They don't get that.

Wow..."Once the christians are gone"...I guess you guys have "given up" already in your crusade against all other religions...


Christians don't proselytize with explosives.
I was waiting for that one. They simply do not realize that to islam THEY too are the infidel. Once the Christians are gone, they are next on the hit list. They don't get that.

Wow..."Once the christians are gone"...I guess you guys have "given up" already in your crusade against all other religions...


Christians don't proselytize with explosives.

Not saying you did in a direct way at least...but you've admitted that one day "the Christians" will be "gone".
Wow..."Once the christians are gone"...I guess you guys have "given up" already in your crusade against all other religions...


Christians don't proselytize with explosives.

Not saying you did in a direct way at least...but you've admitted that one day "the Christians" will be "gone".

That statement doesn't even make sense. I have no idea what you are referencing there. Most of the stupid libs trot out with the bombs the US government drops, all the while ignoring that the US government is secular. You know, no Christian stuff allowed in government decisions. Likely that is your drift, but you are only semi literate and your posts generally make very little sense. The are worthy of getting scrolled past, which is what I generally do.
Last edited:

I would love to know the psychology behind the way some folks will defend and deflect for the slaughters perpetrated by Muslim radicals. Slaughters happening right now; slaughters being planned; slaughters that have happened only months or years ago.

No big deal, who cares, there are other murderers, etc.

This is absolutely bizarre. What motivates this?


I would love to know the psychology behind the way some folks will defend and deflect for the slaughters perpetrated by Muslim radicals. Slaughters happening right now; slaughters being planned; slaughters that have happened only months or years ago.

No big deal, who cares, there are other murderers, etc.

This is absolutely bizarre. What motivates this?


Not sure you're talking about me but I'll take a swing (and the arrows that follow--lol).

I listen to NPR almost every time I get into my car. It's an old Mazda RX7 I inherited from my grandfather. Nice car. Really expensive to maintain but I like it. Anyway, the programs I listen to most often are Morning Edition and All Things Considered.. Now, I have given money to the local station, bought NPR swag, attempted to be a caller on 3 or 4 of their programs like Car Talk, Wait Wait, and TOTN. That being said, whenever one of their stories comes on about the middle east, I change the station.

Gee, religious upheaval in the Middle this still news?

Now as to why I really don't care that much, it's in the title of the thread... They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths. They. I paid much more attention when guys from Camp Pendleton were in the cross hairs over there in the ME.

That there is turmoil in the ME is simply a non-story.
Not saying you did in a direct way at least...but you've admitted that one day "the Christians" will be "gone".

That statement doesn't even make sense. I have no idea what you are referencing there. Most of the stupid libs trot out with the bombs the US government drops, all the while ignoring that the US government is secular. You know, no Christian stuff allowed in government decisions. Likely that is your drift, but you are only semi literate and you posts generally make very little sense. The are worthy of getting scrolled past, which is what I generally do.

Feel free; it's not as if you've ever added anything to a conversation outside of Carbon Dioxide.

You need to give it up. You aren't even good at baiting. And carbon dioxide does not have to be capitalized. Unless of course that is your name, which I am beginning to believe it is.

I would love to know the psychology behind the way some folks will defend and deflect for the slaughters perpetrated by Muslim radicals. Slaughters happening right now; slaughters being planned; slaughters that have happened only months or years ago.

No big deal, who cares, there are other murderers, etc.

This is absolutely bizarre. What motivates this?


Not sure you're talking about me but I'll take a swing (and the arrows that follow--lol).

I listen to NPR almost every time I get into my car. It's an old Mazda RX7 I inherited from my grandfather. Nice car. Really expensive to maintain but I like it. Anyway, the programs I listen to most often are Morning Edition and All Things Considered.. Now, I have given money to the local station, bought NPR swag, attempted to be a caller on 3 or 4 of their programs like Car Talk, Wait Wait, and TOTN. That being said, whenever one of their stories comes on about the middle east, I change the station.

Gee, religious upheaval in the Middle this still news?

Now as to why I really don't care that much, it's in the title of the thread... They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths. They. I paid much more attention when guys from Camp Pendleton were in the cross hairs over there in the ME.

That there is turmoil in the ME is simply a non-story.

It's a non issue, eh? That's incredible! First you tell me you don't mind the Catholic priests liver being eaten by an al qaeda terrorists so long as you can have yours with onions - now you tell me that the murder of these people is a "NON -ISSUE"?! It won't be a non - issue when it shows up at your front door and bites you in the behind!

Egypt today, America tomorrow! We have muslim brotherhood here too you know! The Egyptian women children and men stuck in Egypt may be a non issue to you but it is a huge issue to anyone who knows what is going on over there right now! There but for the grace of God go you, Miss Candycorn! It would behoove you to have some compassion on those people! They are trapped like mice over there right now!

I would love to know the psychology behind the way some folks will defend and deflect for the slaughters perpetrated by Muslim radicals. Slaughters happening right now; slaughters being planned; slaughters that have happened only months or years ago.

No big deal, who cares, there are other murderers, etc.

This is absolutely bizarre. What motivates this?


Not sure you're talking about me but I'll take a swing (and the arrows that follow--lol).

I listen to NPR almost every time I get into my car. It's an old Mazda RX7 I inherited from my grandfather. Nice car. Really expensive to maintain but I like it. Anyway, the programs I listen to most often are Morning Edition and All Things Considered.. Now, I have given money to the local station, bought NPR swag, attempted to be a caller on 3 or 4 of their programs like Car Talk, Wait Wait, and TOTN. That being said, whenever one of their stories comes on about the middle east, I change the station.

Gee, religious upheaval in the Middle this still news?

Now as to why I really don't care that much, it's in the title of the thread... They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths. They. I paid much more attention when guys from Camp Pendleton were in the cross hairs over there in the ME.

That there is turmoil in the ME is simply a non-story.

It's a non issue, eh? That's incredible! First you tell me you don't mind the Catholic priests liver being eaten by an al qaeda terrorists so long as you can have yours with onions - now you tell me that the murder of these people is a "NON -ISSUE"?! It won't be a non - issue when it shows up at your front door and bites you in the behind!

Egypt today, America tomorrow! We have muslim brotherhood here too you know! The Egyptian women children and men stuck in Egypt may be a non issue to you but it is a huge issue to anyone who knows what is going on over there right now! There but for the grace of God go you, Miss Candycorn! It would behoove you to have some compassion on those people! They are trapped like mice over there right now!

C'mon, what else would you expect? She lives in Mom and Dads basement, drives GrandDads "hand me downs", and listens to NPR. It's rather hard to develop much of a "world view" when your "world" depends on the charity of others......nothing seems more important that who you can scam next. :cuckoo:

I would love to know the psychology behind the way some folks will defend and deflect for the slaughters perpetrated by Muslim radicals. Slaughters happening right now; slaughters being planned; slaughters that have happened only months or years ago.

No big deal, who cares, there are other murderers, etc.

This is absolutely bizarre. What motivates this?


Not sure you're talking about me but I'll take a swing (and the arrows that follow--lol).

I listen to NPR almost every time I get into my car. It's an old Mazda RX7 I inherited from my grandfather. Nice car. Really expensive to maintain but I like it. Anyway, the programs I listen to most often are Morning Edition and All Things Considered.. Now, I have given money to the local station, bought NPR swag, attempted to be a caller on 3 or 4 of their programs like Car Talk, Wait Wait, and TOTN. That being said, whenever one of their stories comes on about the middle east, I change the station.

Gee, religious upheaval in the Middle this still news?

Now as to why I really don't care that much, it's in the title of the thread... They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths. They. I paid much more attention when guys from Camp Pendleton were in the cross hairs over there in the ME.

That there is turmoil in the ME is simply a non-story.

It's a non issue, eh? That's incredible! First you tell me you don't mind the Catholic priests liver being eaten by an al qaeda terrorists so long as you can have yours with onions - now you tell me that the murder of these people is a "NON -ISSUE"?! It won't be a non - issue when it shows up at your front door and bites you in the behind!

Egypt today, America tomorrow! We have muslim brotherhood here too you know! The Egyptian women children and men stuck in Egypt may be a non issue to you but it is a huge issue to anyone who knows what is going on over there right now! There but for the grace of God go you, Miss Candycorn! It would behoove you to have some compassion on those people! They are trapped like mice over there right now!

I know I have stirred the pot a bit in this thread, but believe it or not I agree with you. Nothing going on in Egypt right now is a non-issue. That statement is about as ignorant as it gets. Whatever barbs I've hurled at people that I think have made statements I disagree with, I happen to have a great deal of concern for innocent civilians in Egypt. It is NOT a non-issue.

I would love to know the psychology behind the way some folks will defend and deflect for the slaughters perpetrated by Muslim radicals. Slaughters happening right now; slaughters being planned; slaughters that have happened only months or years ago.

No big deal, who cares, there are other murderers, etc.

This is absolutely bizarre. What motivates this?


Not sure you're talking about me but I'll take a swing (and the arrows that follow--lol).

I listen to NPR almost every time I get into my car. It's an old Mazda RX7 I inherited from my grandfather. Nice car. Really expensive to maintain but I like it. Anyway, the programs I listen to most often are Morning Edition and All Things Considered.. Now, I have given money to the local station, bought NPR swag, attempted to be a caller on 3 or 4 of their programs like Car Talk, Wait Wait, and TOTN. That being said, whenever one of their stories comes on about the middle east, I change the station.

Gee, religious upheaval in the Middle this still news?

Now as to why I really don't care that much, it's in the title of the thread... They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths. They. I paid much more attention when guys from Camp Pendleton were in the cross hairs over there in the ME.

That there is turmoil in the ME is simply a non-story.

Translation: If I close my eyes, it goes away. :rolleyes:

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