They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

I believe there is some truth in that, at least where Huffington Post is concerned. I'm simply pointing out that the four examples I provided are among the most mainstream sources out there.

People are free to draw their conclusions about the events in Egypt, including that the media is not reporting these events accurately. My point is that the destruction of Coptic churches in Egypt is not being "hidden" by the mainstream media.

but if anyone dares to produce an anti-Islam video in retaliation......they'll be busted....right..?

I assume you're talking about the guy (can't remember his name) who made the anti-Muslim video a couple of years ago?

I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the claim that the mainstream media is not reporting the destruction of Coptic churches in Egypt. What do anti-Muslim videos have to do with that?


We’re dealing with the partisan right desperately trying to propagate the lie that the ‘liberal media’ are intentionally not covering the attacks on Christians to ‘not upset’ Muslims, or to ‘make Muslims look good,’ or some such idiocy.

When in fact the evidence clearly shows the media are providing appropriate coverage of the events.
And in fact..there's not a WORD about Christians or churches in the entire article:

The casualties have not been limited to Morsy supporters and security forces. A number of bystanders, residents and journalists have been killed.
In northern Egypt, at least 25 people were killed and 171 wounded in fighting Friday between Morsy supporters and the military in the coastal city of Alexandria, a government spokesman said Saturday."

Mosque at center of Egypt protests secured -


Thank goodness it's contained now. No more of THAT horror will be visited upon the world.
I assume you're talking about the guy (can't remember his name) who made the anti-Muslim video a couple of years ago?

I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the claim that the mainstream media is not reporting the destruction of Coptic churches in Egypt. What do anti-Muslim videos have to do with that?

because it was a Coptic Christian who was behind the infamous video.....and he did it IN PROTEST against the slaughtering of Coptic Christians...

Good for him. I still don't know what that has to do with what I'm talking about.

yes some of the liberal media is "reporting" the destruction of Coptic churches.....but where are the liberal editorials condemning radical Islam which is at the root of such terrorist acts....?

we never see the liberal media holding back their opinions about other belief Christianity for example...

but it appears Islam is "hands off" exemplified by the Coptic's video....
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This is so sad, though...those poor "protesters'...those poor, victimized Muslims:

Without water and food, and distrustful of the military forces outside the building, those who remained inside said they felt like hostages.
"We want to go home in a very polite way," Amin said. "It's a shame for our military persons to deal with our people like this."
A son of Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Mohamed Badie was killed Friday during a protest near the mosque, said the Brotherhood's political wing, the Freedom and Justice party. Ammar Badie, 38, was shot in his neck and head.'

Mosque at center of Egypt protests secured -

will the horror never end? What has the world come to that peaceful Islamic protesters be treated in this way?
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Im not deflecting anything. I needed to know your stance.or would you rather I assume?
Again thats not a strawman. Look at how people are acting. As if because some muslims are killing Christians that this must be more important. My over all point is that in context this has been going on for centuries. Context matters when trying to solve these issues. If you feel im trying to minimize it then thats your issue.

No I got your point. There is of people set out to kill other people. We can either accept that or choose to ignore it. You dont need to shiny it up with labels. If the world is that outraged they will do something about it.

Yes my response is so what...but that is in reference that these are christians and not the fact people are dying.

Actually, Christians always speak up when human rights violations are being committed.

And your response is the same. You don't give a shit.

We've been going into these hellholes for years to help the women and children who are brutalized and murdered...all across the world.

And you, and progressives like you, just don't care. Because human rights violations don't mean anything to you. You'd like to visit more upon humans.

Which is just a sign of what scum you are.

MMmm.....hmmmmm...sort of like Afghanistan and the Taliban. And they just love us now, don't they?

The thing is, if Obama intervened and sent in the troops, you stupid idiots would call him a hypocrite and a warmonger.....just a sign of what scum you are.

You insolent little piss ant, you have no idea what you're talking about. You don't even have the basic precepts of foreign policy as it pertains to this massive cluster fuck. Obama didn't need to send troops, rather, he used his own state department to help facilitate this fiasco. Nothing transpires over there that doesn't have the U.S. involved in it.
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There is no such thing as "anecdotal fallacy" or "hasty generalization fallacy".

I perceive you are ignorant of what logical fallacy actually is, cc..

hasty generalization has been an widely accepted informal logical fallacy for some time.

Apparently people in Oregon don't know that.

See what I just did?

Widely accepted informal..Kind of like "ain't" is widely accepted informal. Still doesn't make it correct.
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What can we do?

I got up at about 4:00 a.m. this morning and the first thing I did was opened your thread. I'm praying for them. I haven't turned on any news so I don't know if it is being reported, TinyDancer. I know what you are doing is sounding the alarm, waking people up, God bless you - you are not lounging on your couch of ivory while your brothers are in great peril. You're acting as a wise virgin, TD. ( 5 foolish virgins - 5 wise virgins - not a parable - a warning to church )

It is a sad truth but the reason that the Muslim Brotherhood has been so welcomed in this administration and Pentagon is because of the hatred they hold for Jesus Christ and His followers.

Communists have always hated Christians. The union you see between Communists and Muslim Brotherhood is the same union the world witnessed between Hitler and The Grand Mufti of Islam.

What you might not be seeing is that first - some of these christians will be offered to deny Christ and convert to Islam - many are watching their children die before their eyes before they are martyred because God haters are notorious for first demanding that believers deny Jesus Christ before dying. That way they have the satisfaction of knowing they went to hell when they died. - Jesus said, If any man deny me before man I will deny him before the Father. The enemies of Almighty God know this. Communists also torture christians in hopes of having them renounce their faith in God. When the Christian won't deny Christ, it results in some repenting and becoming Christians.

What can we do?

Pray for more laborers in the harvest.

- Jeri

What a bunch of moronic bullshit. Nobody wants to see Christians being targeted. Of course, you guys ignore the fact that Muslim protesters have been slaughtered in the streets by the military. Since they are Muslims, their lives are of no value to you. This is the hypocrisy we see from people like you.

The Muslims in the streets have been ordered to cease and desist their violent rioting by an appropriate government agency. The Christians being slaughtered wholesale have done nothing more than be Christian. Muslim radical agression directed against bystanders solely because of their religion.
hasty generalization has been an widely accepted informal logical fallacy for some time.

Apparently people in Oregon don't know that.

See what I just did?

Widely accepted informal..

which means it's not really logical fallacy.

Oh dear.

Logical fallacies fall into two categories: formal and informal. Formal deals with fallacies that have to do with flaws in the structure of the argument, even if the conclusion is true. Informal fallacies have to do with the legitimacy of the premises where the formal structure is sound.

They are both logical fallacies.
What a bunch of moronic bullshit. Nobody wants to see Christians being targeted. Of course, you guys ignore the fact that Muslim protesters have been slaughtered in the streets by the military. Since they are Muslims, their lives are of no value to you. This is the hypocrisy we see from people like you.

Nobody wants to see Christians being targeted??! LOL!! What planet are you living on?!

You must be kidding me!

I am sick to the back teeth of hearing about Muslim lives and their value - when it is quite obvious they value no ones lives not even their own!

In fact! Not even the lives of their own children!

Now that is some kind of hatred they are carrying and I could give a damn what title you slap on it - it still comes straight out of hell!

Hypocrisy? There is none. Truth is truth even if no one is willing to stand with it and a lie is a lie even if you can find an entire room full of folks to back you up! You're a liar! So tell me! What else is new? - Jeri

OK, Jeri, IOU + rep when I can. Catch you later.

Took care of that for you.
Nobody wants to see Christians being targeted??! LOL!! What planet are you living on?!

You must be kidding me!

I am sick to the back teeth of hearing about Muslim lives and their value - when it is quite obvious they value no ones lives not even their own!

In fact! Not even the lives of their own children!

Now that is some kind of hatred they are carrying and I could give a damn what title you slap on it - it still comes straight out of hell!

Hypocrisy? There is none. Truth is truth even if no one is willing to stand with it and a lie is a lie even if you can find an entire room full of folks to back you up! You're a liar! So tell me! What else is new? - Jeri

OK, Jeri, IOU + rep when I can. Catch you later.

Took care of that for you.

Thanks Gallant and Sunshine. - J.
Really you asshole I'm trying to get some good friends of mine at this moment out of this mess you assholes call your Obama's foreign policy right fucking now you jerk.

This is bad and we are tip toeing trying to get thru this you idiot.

Go play some cards fool. Thats what you do best. Play cards. Go to Vegas. Geeze louise. Who was Stevens again? Valerie who was that guy again?

By chatting on a message board and calling strangers derogatory names? Maybe you should re-examine your efforts and try again.
She's upset. That is how normal people sound when they get upset, Candy. What upsets you? Obviously MB slaughtering Christians wholesale in Egypt doesn't do it for you. Burning down churches? Nope. How about crucifixion of Christians in Egypt? No?

How about crucifixion of christians, Jews, homosexuals and anyone who doesn't bow to Muslim Brotherhood in the USA? Got your attention yet?
TURNING and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
obama picked a side, the side of the muslim brotherhood. The Egyptians are having none of it.

Obama picked the side of rich generals which is why poor Egyptians are being beaten in churches and mosques:

"The scene at Al Fatih mosque was a troubling indication that vigilante groups, some known as Popular Committees, were emerging to support the army against the Brotherhood. For much of the day, security forces did not prevent mobs from massing around the mosque or from beating a number of people as they exited the building toward police trucks."

Why would you imagine rich John McCain or rich Mitt would have done anything differently?

Egyptian clerics seek an end to mosque siege -
I've been listening to that live stream all morning it's sickening and sad. I didn't think I could have less respect for Obama but he's degraded to something stuck to the bottom of my shoe.
Actually, Christians always speak up when human rights violations are being committed.

And your response is the same. You don't give a shit.

We've been going into these hellholes for years to help the women and children who are brutalized and murdered...all across the world.

And you, and progressives like you, just don't care. Because human rights violations don't mean anything to you. You'd like to visit more upon humans.

Which is just a sign of what scum you are.

MMmm.....hmmmmm...sort of like Afghanistan and the Taliban. And they just love us now, don't they?

The thing is, if Obama intervened and sent in the troops, you stupid idiots would call him a hypocrite and a warmonger.....just a sign of what scum you are.

You insolent little piss ant, you have no idea what you're talking about. You don't even have the basic precepts of foreign policy as it pertains to this massive cluster fuck. Obama didn't need to send troops, rather, he used his own state department to help facilitate this fiasco. Nothing transpires over there that doesn't have the U.S. involved in it.

Sadly, you are correct!

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