They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

Webster defines slander:

A false spoken statement about another person. One who slanders.

A slanderous response to facts given:

ah! Ignorance. <------------------- would qualify as slander.

No cigar. Have a nice day. - Jeri

"Ignorance" is a value judgement. That means opinion.

An opinion cannot be a false statement, because it cannot be "true" or "false".

Face it -- you don't know the difference between slander/libel on one hand and simple difference of opinion/gainsaying, and you got caught.
Actually, ignorance is not a value judgement.


noun \&#712;ig-n(&#601;-)r&#601;n(t)s\

Definition of IGNORANCE

: the state or fact of being ignorant : lack of knowledge, education, or awareness"

Identifying someone as lacking knowledge or education is not a "value" judgement, it can actually be measured.

Slander has to be untrue, and harmful in some way. Calling an unemployed basement dweller an unemployed basement dweller isn't slander, for example. Or calling a cross dresser a queer boy who likes to wear heels.

Calling a priest a queer boy who wears heels could qualify.
Right, Plasma. When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Good job showing the board which one you are.


What was the slander?

I told you that 9/11 was not an abberation of Islam but rather the 9/11 Saudi Muslim hijackers were the "poster children" for Islam. I pointed out to you that in every nation upon the earth where genocide of christians, Jews, non muslims is carried out it is done by followers of Islam. Even against their own fellow brethren. I pointed out to you that the Muslim world selected Osama as their #1 choice for baby boys names for 5 straight years. I provided evidence to prove your Muslim march in Washington has no grounds to dispute such a reputation as they have well earned it.

Your response?

Ah! Ignorance.

My response? When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Thank you for proving Socrates point. As well as my own. - Jeri

None of this constitutes ‘evidence’ of anything, it’s all anecdotal, incidental, and hasty generalization fallacies.
There is no such thing as "anecdotal fallacy" or "hasty generalization fallacy".

I perceive you are ignorant of what logical fallacy actually is, cc..
Sure, happy to.

Slaughters of any kind are tragic. So, absolutely, the dead Syrians represent a tragedy. Mexico? Of course. So there is my response at your attempt at deflection. Terrible acts that must be noticed and not minimized. And as far as the "is one group less important" straw man, no, one group is not more important.

I think you're choosing to miss my point, that there is a group of people absolutely committed to murdering those who don't agree with their religion, AND who are carrying out their threats quite effectively. The fact that, in this particular case, they are slaughtering Christians does not change the point at all. And I think you know that. Instead, your response, your words: "So what?" It's just "one group picking on another group".


Im not deflecting anything. I needed to know your stance.or would you rather I assume?
Again thats not a strawman. Look at how people are acting. As if because some muslims are killing Christians that this must be more important. My over all point is that in context this has been going on for centuries. Context matters when trying to solve these issues. If you feel im trying to minimize it then thats your issue.

No I got your point. There is of people set out to kill other people. We can either accept that or choose to ignore it. You dont need to shiny it up with labels. If the world is that outraged they will do something about it.

Yes my response is so what...but that is in reference that these are christians and not the fact people are dying.

Actually, Christians always speak up when human rights violations are being committed.

And your response is the same. You don't give a shit.

We've been going into these hellholes for years to help the women and children who are brutalized and murdered...all across the world.

And you, and progressives like you, just don't care. Because human rights violations don't mean anything to you. You'd like to visit more upon humans.

Which is just a sign of what scum you are.

"You'd like to visit it all upon Christians both at home and abroad."

There KG, I fixed it.
Actually, ignorance is not a value judgement.


noun \&#712;ig-n(&#601;-)r&#601;n(t)s\

Definition of IGNORANCE

: the state or fact of being ignorant : lack of knowledge, education, or awareness"

Identifying someone as lacking knowledge or education is not a "value" judgement, it can actually be measured.

Slander has to be untrue, and harmful in some way. Calling an unemployed basement dweller an unemployed basement dweller isn't slander, for example. Or calling a cross dresser a queer boy who likes to wear heels.

Calling a priest a queer boy who wears heels could qualify.

The WORD isn't a value judgement; the ASSERTION of it is.

Wow, I actually had to spell that out... :confused:
What most on the right fail to understand is that the terrorists win when they get us to hate them, and hate the religion we incorrectly associate with them.

It is the Christians who are being hated and slaughtered in Egypt. And the liberals, you being one, are just delighted about that.

Tell it to the JD pretender CCJones. Law students general read better than he does.

A terrible shame that AOL news has refused to allow the story on their headlines. No word from Huffpost yet either. I checked through 30 pages and not one story. It does appear they are trying to protect Obama's reputation as he endorsed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood leadership in Egypt. Suppose they can dig up some old articles from last year to fill in the gaps for the real news stories that are missing, eh?
There is no such thing as "anecdotal fallacy" or "hasty generalization fallacy".

I perceive you are ignorant of what logical fallacy actually is, cc..

hasty generalization has been an widely accepted informal logical fallacy for some time.
Any Christian paying attention to what the Muslim Brotherhood is doing tonight to slaughter our brothers and sisters.?

Naaaaaah... can't be the muslim brotherhood... they're PEACEFUL. You better check the story again, it can't be the muslim brotherhood, that's obama's pet group.

A terrible shame that AOL news has refused to allow the story on their headlines. No word from Huffpost yet either. I checked through 30 pages and not one story. It does appear they are trying to protect Obama's reputation as he endorsed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood leadership in Egypt. Suppose they can dig up some old articles from last year to fill in the gaps for the real news stories that are missing, eh?

I believe there is some truth in that, at least where Huffington Post is concerned. I'm simply pointing out that the four examples I provided are among the most mainstream sources out there.

People are free to draw their conclusions about the events in Egypt, including that the media is not reporting these events accurately. My point is that the destruction of Coptic churches in Egypt is not being "hidden" by the mainstream media.

A terrible shame that AOL news has refused to allow the story on their headlines. No word from Huffpost yet either. I checked through 30 pages and not one story. It does appear they are trying to protect Obama's reputation as he endorsed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood leadership in Egypt. Suppose they can dig up some old articles from last year to fill in the gaps for the real news stories that are missing, eh?

I just heard something very disturbing.

The reason why the military made the move to remove Morsi when they did is because they got wind of a deal between the US and the MB to form an alliance against the reformers who rejected fundamentalist Islamic rule.
What can we do?

I got up at about 4:00 a.m. this morning and the first thing I did was opened your thread. I'm praying for them. I haven't turned on any news so I don't know if it is being reported, TinyDancer. I know what you are doing is sounding the alarm, waking people up, God bless you - you are not lounging on your couch of ivory while your brothers are in great peril. You're acting as a wise virgin, TD. ( 5 foolish virgins - 5 wise virgins - not a parable - a warning to church )

It is a sad truth but the reason that the Muslim Brotherhood has been so welcomed in this administration and Pentagon is because of the hatred they hold for Jesus Christ and His followers.

Communists have always hated Christians. The union you see between Communists and Muslim Brotherhood is the same union the world witnessed between Hitler and The Grand Mufti of Islam.

What you might not be seeing is that first - some of these christians will be offered to deny Christ and convert to Islam - many are watching their children die before their eyes before they are martyred because God haters are notorious for first demanding that believers deny Jesus Christ before dying. That way they have the satisfaction of knowing they went to hell when they died. - Jesus said, If any man deny me before man I will deny him before the Father. The enemies of Almighty God know this. Communists also torture christians in hopes of having them renounce their faith in God. When the Christian won't deny Christ, it results in some repenting and becoming Christians.

What can we do?

Pray for more laborers in the harvest.

- Jeri

What a bunch of moronic bullshit. Nobody wants to see Christians being targeted. Of course, you guys ignore the fact that Muslim protesters have been slaughtered in the streets by the military. Since they are Muslims, their lives are of no value to you. This is the hypocrisy we see from people like you.
What can we do?

I got up at about 4:00 a.m. this morning and the first thing I did was opened your thread. I'm praying for them. I haven't turned on any news so I don't know if it is being reported, TinyDancer. I know what you are doing is sounding the alarm, waking people up, God bless you - you are not lounging on your couch of ivory while your brothers are in great peril. You're acting as a wise virgin, TD. ( 5 foolish virgins - 5 wise virgins - not a parable - a warning to church )

It is a sad truth but the reason that the Muslim Brotherhood has been so welcomed in this administration and Pentagon is because of the hatred they hold for Jesus Christ and His followers.

Communists have always hated Christians. The union you see between Communists and Muslim Brotherhood is the same union the world witnessed between Hitler and The Grand Mufti of Islam.

What you might not be seeing is that first - some of these christians will be offered to deny Christ and convert to Islam - many are watching their children die before their eyes before they are martyred because God haters are notorious for first demanding that believers deny Jesus Christ before dying. That way they have the satisfaction of knowing they went to hell when they died. - Jesus said, If any man deny me before man I will deny him before the Father. The enemies of Almighty God know this. Communists also torture christians in hopes of having them renounce their faith in God. When the Christian won't deny Christ, it results in some repenting and becoming Christians.

What can we do?

Pray for more laborers in the harvest.

- Jeri

What a bunch of moronic bullshit. Nobody wants to see Christians being targeted. Of course, you guys ignore the fact that Muslim protesters have been slaughtered in the streets by the military. Since they are Muslims, their lives are of no value to you. This is the hypocrisy we see from people like you.

I got up at about 4:00 a.m. this morning and the first thing I did was opened your thread. I'm praying for them. I haven't turned on any news so I don't know if it is being reported, TinyDancer. I know what you are doing is sounding the alarm, waking people up, God bless you - you are not lounging on your couch of ivory while your brothers are in great peril. You're acting as a wise virgin, TD. ( 5 foolish virgins - 5 wise virgins - not a parable - a warning to church )

It is a sad truth but the reason that the Muslim Brotherhood has been so welcomed in this administration and Pentagon is because of the hatred they hold for Jesus Christ and His followers.

Communists have always hated Christians. The union you see between Communists and Muslim Brotherhood is the same union the world witnessed between Hitler and The Grand Mufti of Islam.

What you might not be seeing is that first - some of these christians will be offered to deny Christ and convert to Islam - many are watching their children die before their eyes before they are martyred because God haters are notorious for first demanding that believers deny Jesus Christ before dying. That way they have the satisfaction of knowing they went to hell when they died. - Jesus said, If any man deny me before man I will deny him before the Father. The enemies of Almighty God know this. Communists also torture christians in hopes of having them renounce their faith in God. When the Christian won't deny Christ, it results in some repenting and becoming Christians.

What can we do?

Pray for more laborers in the harvest.

- Jeri

What a bunch of moronic bullshit. Nobody wants to see Christians being targeted. Of course, you guys ignore the fact that Muslim protesters have been slaughtered in the streets by the military. Since they are Muslims, their lives are of no value to you. This is the hypocrisy we see from people like you.


Oh never mind. We all know what animals they are. They will slaughter anyone who tries to form a government that is not an Islamic theocracy.
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