They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

Plasma, it is a human problem and like it or not, the US is "in this" as long as we have ties to Egypt. We're sending money over there and either we had better be fucking sure were sending it to the right place (which often, historically we've not) or stop sending it at all. Yes, they're Egypt's problems, but would we have been successful gaining our oun freedom as a country without "a little help from our friends"?

Oh I know...the overall point though is that these people are not more important because of a label.
Plasma, it is a human problem and like it or not, the US is "in this" as long as we have ties to Egypt. We're sending money over there and either we had better be fucking sure were sending it to the right place (which often, historically we've not) or stop sending it at all. Yes, they're Egypt's problems, but would we have been successful gaining our oun freedom as a country without "a little help from our friends"?

How do we make sure it goes to the right place?
Right, Plasma. When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Good job showing the board which one you are.

The problem is Islam. Whether it's 9/11, Rwanda genocide, Darfur genocide, Jewish settlers genocide, Christian genocide in Egypt, Christian genocide in Syria, Christian genocide in Lebanon,Libya, Turkey,India,Indonesia, Malaysia, Philipines, Algeria, Somalia, Kenya, Nigeria......... it's always the same people responsible - following the same religion.

Muslims and Islam.
Plasma, it is a human problem and like it or not, the US is "in this" as long as we have ties to Egypt. We're sending money over there and either we had better be fucking sure were sending it to the right place (which often, historically we've not) or stop sending it at all. Yes, they're Egypt's problems, but would we have been successful gaining our oun freedom as a country without "a little help from our friends"?

How do we make sure it goes to the right place?

Which is why I said "or not send it at fucking all".
How is it our problem? You want to start saving people, then we better get a busy. We have our own issues, and just because these people happen to be Christian does not make them more valuable.
I mean what 30000 are killed in syria and where is the outrage? The cries of we must stop this.they re killing us about the 50000 mexicans who have died? A lot of them good people. Oh..thats mexicos problem.
Yeah there was zero. Selective drama based on who is dying is just as villainous.

So spare me the tears and the damnation of an entire group because they happen to picking on another group.

Context matters and these things have been going on for centuries. .
Clear trend? No shit you say! My god mac however did you come to that conclusion based on the area and history of the region.

So that's how you view this? One group "just happens to be picking on another group"? Seriously? Those are your words.

Holy crap, talk about "context", your word. If that's all you're seeing -- and it must be, because I'm sure you're not being dishonest -- I find that to be concerning. The scale of this is both global and local. There was this attack in 2001.

So my points above are no big deal. Okay. Yikes.


You didnt really answer my points..mostly glossed over them in order to look like you are emotionally,morally shocked and played the 911 card.

Yeah 911 happened...again 3000 of us and 30k syrians in the past few years. Is one group less important? Or is just murder bad period of who does it and it is a shame humans still feel the need to do these things..

But if you want to keep glossing over points that dont jive with your opinion we can just stop.

Sure, happy to.

Slaughters of any kind are tragic. So, absolutely, the dead Syrians represent a tragedy. Mexico? Of course. So there is my response at your attempt at deflection. Terrible acts that must be noticed and not minimized. And as far as the "is one group less important" straw man, no, one group is not more important.

I think you're choosing to miss my point, that there is a group of people absolutely committed to murdering those who don't agree with their religion, AND who are carrying out their threats quite effectively. The fact that, in this particular case, they are slaughtering Christians does not change the point at all. And I think you know that. Instead, your response, your words: "So what?" It's just "one group picking on another group".

Notice the silence. Crickets. MB's are going mother trucking crazy and our *cough* leaders are so silent.

The Brotherhood is out and about and just killing anyone that hey can find....oh and according to Obama they are just Morsi's associates. :lmbo:

Look what you unleashed Obama.....

So this thread is all just faux outrage to set up yet another O'bama bash?

Sheeeeeeeeeesh. :cuckoo:

Pogo, every thread here is an Obama Bash for many of these deluded, crazy fucks...doesn't mean the rest of us can't have a conversation around them.

I know that's the obsession, I guess I misunderestimated the convoluted degree to which they would go to to get there. ODS masquerading as mourning... never ceases to amaze how much water can be turned to whine.

I think when someone makes a thread and cries out against the atrocities - it a sign God has people in this nation who still care.

Or in the case of a thread like this, people who still drink... :eek:
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The problem is Islam. Whether it's 9/11, Rwanda genocide, Darfur genocide, Jewish settlers genocide, Christian genocide in Egypt, Christian genocide in Syria, Christian genocide in Lebanon,Libya, Turkey,India,Indonesia, Malaysia, Philipines, Algeria, Somalia, Kenya, Nigeria......... it's always the same people responsible - following the same religion.

Muslims and Islam.

So you think a few bad apples DO spoil the bunch? The actions of a minority of a group or religion should condemn all in that group or religion?
The problem is Islam. Whether it's 9/11, Rwanda genocide, Darfur genocide, Jewish settlers genocide, Christian genocide in Egypt, Christian genocide in Syria, Christian genocide in Lebanon,Libya, Turkey,India,Indonesia, Malaysia, Philipines, Algeria, Somalia, Kenya, Nigeria......... it's always the same people responsible - following the same religion.

Muslims and Islam.

Sure it is.

75 years ago it was spelled differently:


Same shit, different day.
Egypt may resurrect the old Mubarak law and completely outlaw the muslim brotherhood. Let's hope they do.

All we can do is pray for the Christians of Egypt. You know our government, the United States will stand with the brotherhood against them.
Plasma, it is a human problem and like it or not, the US is "in this" as long as we have ties to Egypt. We're sending money over there and either we had better be fucking sure were sending it to the right place (which often, historically we've not) or stop sending it at all. Yes, they're Egypt's problems, but would we have been successful gaining our oun freedom as a country without "a little help from our friends"?

How do we make sure it goes to the right place?

Which is why I said "or not send it at fucking all".

no---you said:

We're sending money over there and either we had better be fucking sure were sending it to the right place (which often, historically we've not) or stop sending it at all.
Plasma, it is a human problem and like it or not, the US is "in this" as long as we have ties to Egypt. We're sending money over there and either we had better be fucking sure were sending it to the right place (which often, historically we've not) or stop sending it at all. Yes, they're Egypt's problems, but would we have been successful gaining our oun freedom as a country without "a little help from our friends"?

Oh I know...the overall point though is that these people are not more important because of a label.

Who are you to judge who or what is more or less important, for others? You are totally full of shit, PB. Maybe, in your head, where there is zero place for values, ethics, the knowledge of good and evil to the slightest degree, you may have a point, but, in the real world, things are different.

What has value?

"Peace on Earth to People of Good Will."

Pity those who cannot distinguish between a Victim and a Perpetrator.
The problem is Islam. Whether it's 9/11, Rwanda genocide, Darfur genocide, Jewish settlers genocide, Christian genocide in Egypt, Christian genocide in Syria, Christian genocide in Lebanon,Libya, Turkey,India,Indonesia, Malaysia, Philipines, Algeria, Somalia, Kenya, Nigeria......... it's always the same people responsible - following the same religion.

Muslims and Islam.

So you think a few bad apples DO spoil the bunch? The actions of a minority of a group or religion should condemn all in that group or religion?

Only if they follow their book. How many is that?
Plasma, it is a human problem and like it or not, the US is "in this" as long as we have ties to Egypt. We're sending money over there and either we had better be fucking sure were sending it to the right place (which often, historically we've not) or stop sending it at all. Yes, they're Egypt's problems, but would we have been successful gaining our oun freedom as a country without "a little help from our friends"?

How do we make sure it goes to the right place?

I vote for "quit sending money, or any other type of aid". They don't like us, they're doing evil things, they sure as hell don't deserve a cut of our taxes.
That is where he is wrong. Those muslim extremists are not his brother. They are like their father - the devil who came to steal, kill and destroy. They are the enemies of God and Gods children. They fight for Lucifer. Get it now?

Plasma, it is a human problem and like it or not, the US is "in this" as long as we have ties to Egypt. We're sending money over there and either we had better be fucking sure were sending it to the right place (which often, historically we've not) or stop sending it at all. Yes, they're Egypt's problems, but would we have been successful gaining our oun freedom as a country without "a little help from our friends"?

How do we make sure it goes to the right place?

I vote for "quit sending money, or any other type of aid". They don't like us, they're doing evil things, they sure as hell don't deserve a cut of our taxes.

Historically we have use financial aid to gain influence in areas such as this. If we cease financial aid, someone else will come along ( such as Russia ) and purchase influence in the area. Maybe is we knew exactly what all "influence" entailed it would be easier for the average citizen to understand. I don't see that happening anytime soon.
We have no more influence in any area. We can't even buy influence any more because no one takes us seriously. We had power. We don't any more.
The problem is Islam. Whether it's 9/11, Rwanda genocide, Darfur genocide, Jewish settlers genocide, Christian genocide in Egypt, Christian genocide in Syria, Christian genocide in Lebanon,Libya, Turkey,India,Indonesia, Malaysia, Philipines, Algeria, Somalia, Kenya, Nigeria......... it's always the same people responsible - following the same religion.

Muslims and Islam.

Sure it is.

75 years ago it was spelled differently:


Same shit, different day.

Same day too. 75 years ago the Grand Mufti of Islam was Hitlers best pal and today Islam is still Hitlers best pal. That is why Mein Kampf is the no 1 best seller in the islamic world. They both share the same hatred of the Jews and Christians. Nothing has changed.

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