They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.


I'm not a religious person, but it's not exactly difficult to observe what is happening:

  • Members of one religion slaughtering members of another religion in Egypt
  • Members of that same religion proudly committed to purposely slaughtering members of other religions globally
  • Only one religion on the planet with such an announced commitment and modern-day track record of murdering innocents
  • That same religion literally taking over parts of European countries, to the point where law enforcement from that country does not enter that area
  • Apologists for that religion, who don't even belong to it, so vociferous in their defense of it
Looking forward to denials of the above -- without the traditional diversion and/or deflection.


1) true but so what.
2) so what? I see people wanting to wipe out the middle east and islam all the time. Furthermore you have to consider those in our own military who see's what we are doing as a holy war. These killings have been going on for literally thousands of years. This current killing is a mere drop in the bucket..considering how the monguls killed 400k+ in Bagdad alone.
3) this is our problem how?
4) dont mistake context for apologies. ..

We may consider ourselves civilized but when you read about a woman who tortures a 12 year old for whatever reasons. ..can you really say we are better?
And their American counterparts plan a march on 9-11 to protest our war on terror:

AMPAC plans 'Million Muslim March' for D.C. on 9/11 - Washington Times

And the forum liberals have strutted out strongly in favor of this march:
They are not even connected you moron.

Their 9/11 truther nuts who claim the Joooooos did it. Doubt 100 people show up. Even CAIR said they would avoid the march and advised others to. lol. When an un-indicted co conspirator from HLF Trials tells you they won't show up you know it MUST Be bad! LOL!

the radicals will show up

that is what they do

that is who they are

weed em out now

I'm not a religious person, but it's not exactly difficult to observe what is happening:

  • Members of one religion slaughtering members of another religion in Egypt
  • Members of that same religion proudly committed to purposely slaughtering members of other religions globally
  • Only one religion on the planet with such an announced commitment and modern-day track record of murdering innocents
  • That same religion literally taking over parts of European countries, to the point where law enforcement from that country does not enter that area
  • Apologists for that religion, who don't even belong to it, so vociferous in their defense of it
Looking forward to denials of the above -- without the traditional diversion and/or deflection.


1) true but so what.
2) so what? I see people wanting to wipe out the middle east and islam all the time. Furthermore you have to consider those in our own military who see's what we are doing as a holy war. These killings have been going on for literally thousands of years. This current killing is a mere drop in the bucket..considering how the monguls killed 400k+ in Bagdad alone.
3) this is our problem how?
4) dont mistake context for apologies. ..

We may consider ourselves civilized but when you read about a woman who tortures a 12 year old for whatever reasons. ..can you really say we are better?

I have to admit, one response I did not expect to what is happening, the slaughters, the terrorism, the clear trend, was "so what?"

Ya got me, I don't even know how to respond to that.

Any Christian paying attention to what the Muslim Brotherhood is doing tonight to slaughter our brothers and sisters.?

the muslim brotherhood has destroyed over fifty churches

beheading Christians there have been reports of actual crucifixions

Christian schools burned to the ground

the military has promised to rebuild whatever the MB destroy

Rebuild for who? They are slaughtering all the christians. There is a scripture that says the night cometh when no man can work... work while it is still day. I think Egypt has already turned to night and it is time for the Christians to depart from nations surrounding Israel.

I don't believe it would be the will of God for any of His own children to be there when those nations are struck with nuclear weapons. Those who are there will perish and the land will be contaminated and uninhabitable. It is best to leave now. The only nation in that region that will not be destroyed is Israel. The rest of them are going down.
you might be right

they are left defenseless to protect themselves

this is why you never give up your guns

I'm not a religious person, but it's not exactly difficult to observe what is happening:

  • Members of one religion slaughtering members of another religion in Egypt
  • Members of that same religion proudly committed to purposely slaughtering members of other religions globally
  • Only one religion on the planet with such an announced commitment and modern-day track record of murdering innocents
  • That same religion literally taking over parts of European countries, to the point where law enforcement from that country does not enter that area
  • Apologists for that religion, who don't even belong to it, so vociferous in their defense of it
Looking forward to denials of the above -- without the traditional diversion and/or deflection.


1) true but so what.
2) so what? I see people wanting to wipe out the middle east and islam all the time. Furthermore you have to consider those in our own military who see's what we are doing as a holy war. These killings have been going on for literally thousands of years. This current killing is a mere drop in the bucket..considering how the monguls killed 400k+ in Bagdad alone.
3) this is our problem how?
4) dont mistake context for apologies. ..

We may consider ourselves civilized but when you read about a woman who tortures a 12 year old for whatever reasons. ..can you really say we are better?

I have to admit, one response I did not expect to what is happening, the slaughters, the terrorism, the clear trend, was "so what?"

Ya got me, I don't even know how to respond to that.


How is it our problem? You want to start saving people, then we better get a busy. We have our own issues, and just because these people happen to be Christian does not make them more valuable.
I mean what 30000 are killed in syria and where is the outrage? The cries of we must stop this.they re killing us about the 50000 mexicans who have died? A lot of them good people. Oh..thats mexicos problem.
Yeah there was zero. Selective drama based on who is dying is just as villainous.

So spare me the tears and the damnation of an entire group because they happen to picking on another group.

Context matters and these things have been going on for centuries. .
Clear trend? No shit you say! My god mac however did you come to that conclusion based on the area and history of the region.
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I'm not a religious person, but it's not exactly difficult to observe what is happening:

  • Members of one religion slaughtering members of another religion in Egypt
  • Members of that same religion proudly committed to purposely slaughtering members of other religions globally
  • Only one religion on the planet with such an announced commitment and modern-day track record of murdering innocents
  • That same religion literally taking over parts of European countries, to the point where law enforcement from that country does not enter that area
  • Apologists for that religion, who don't even belong to it, so vociferous in their defense of it
Looking forward to denials of the above -- without the traditional diversion and/or deflection.


1) true but so what.
2) so what? I see people wanting to wipe out the middle east and islam all the time. Furthermore you have to consider those in our own military who see's what we are doing as a holy war. These killings have been going on for literally thousands of years. This current killing is a mere drop in the bucket..considering how the monguls killed 400k+ in Bagdad alone.
3) this is our problem how?
4) dont mistake context for apologies. ..

We may consider ourselves civilized but when you read about a woman who tortures a 12 year old for whatever reasons. ..can you really say we are better?

I have to admit, one response I did not expect to what is happening, the slaughters, the terrorism, the clear trend, was "so what?"

Ya got me, I don't even know how to respond to that.


To the wicked the end justifies the means. The wicked have no remorse. Therein the so what response he gives. Only their lives count. No one elses.

I'm not a religious person, but it's not exactly difficult to observe what is happening:

  • Members of one religion slaughtering members of another religion in Egypt
  • Members of that same religion proudly committed to purposely slaughtering members of other religions globally
  • Only one religion on the planet with such an announced commitment and modern-day track record of murdering innocents
  • That same religion literally taking over parts of European countries, to the point where law enforcement from that country does not enter that area
  • Apologists for that religion, who don't even belong to it, so vociferous in their defense of it
Looking forward to denials of the above -- without the traditional diversion and/or deflection.


And their American counterparts plan a march on 9-11 to protest our war on terror:

“Yet our Government either sits idly by and does nothing to protect our freedoms or it exacerbates the problem with its constant war on terrorism in Islamic countries, congressional hearings on Islam in America, and its changes to the NDAA law

“These lies told to the American population has made it impossible for us to do true Dawa,” Ms. Hodge continues, referring to the practice of proselytizing or preaching Islam.

AMPAC plans 'Million Muslim March' for D.C. on 9/11 - Washington Times

And the forum liberals have strutted out strongly in favor of this march:
They are not even connected you moron.

Prove it.

I'm not a religious person, but it's not exactly difficult to observe what is happening:

  • Members of one religion slaughtering members of another religion in Egypt
  • Members of that same religion proudly committed to purposely slaughtering members of other religions globally
  • Only one religion on the planet with such an announced commitment and modern-day track record of murdering innocents
  • That same religion literally taking over parts of European countries, to the point where law enforcement from that country does not enter that area
  • Apologists for that religion, who don't even belong to it, so vociferous in their defense of it
Looking forward to denials of the above -- without the traditional diversion and/or deflection.


And their American counterparts plan a march on 9-11 to protest our war on terror:

“Yet our Government either sits idly by and does nothing to protect our freedoms or it exacerbates the problem with its constant war on terrorism in Islamic countries, congressional hearings on Islam in America, and its changes to the NDAA law

“These lies told to the American population has made it impossible for us to do true Dawa,” Ms. Hodge continues, referring to the practice of proselytizing or preaching Islam.

AMPAC plans 'Million Muslim March' for D.C. on 9/11 - Washington Times

And the forum liberals have strutted out strongly in favor of this march:

In accordance with the Constitution and its case law, where the people are free to assemble anywhere, anytime.

And liberals correctly understand that the 9/11 attack was carried out by criminals, their religion incidental and irrelevant; where American Muslims were just as much under attack and Islam as much a victim.

Conservative opposition to the march is yet another example of their intolerance; it’s also an example of the right’s shameful attempt to use the 9/11 tragedy for partisan gain, to imply that the marchers or those who support them are somehow ‘un-American.’
1) true but so what.
2) so what? I see people wanting to wipe out the middle east and islam all the time. Furthermore you have to consider those in our own military who see's what we are doing as a holy war. These killings have been going on for literally thousands of years. This current killing is a mere drop in the bucket..considering how the monguls killed 400k+ in Bagdad alone.
3) this is our problem how?
4) dont mistake context for apologies. ..

We may consider ourselves civilized but when you read about a woman who tortures a 12 year old for whatever reasons. ..can you really say we are better?

I have to admit, one response I did not expect to what is happening, the slaughters, the terrorism, the clear trend, was "so what?"

Ya got me, I don't even know how to respond to that.


How is it our problem? You want to start saving people, then we better get a busy. We have our own issues, and just because these people happen to be Christian does not make them more valuable.
I mean what 30000 are killed in syria and where is the outrage? The cries of we must stop this.they re killing us about the 50000 mexicans who have died? A lot of them good people. Oh..thats mexicos problem.
Yeah there was zero. Selective drama based on who is dying is just as villainous.

So spare me the tears and the damnation of an entire group because they happen to picking on another group.

Context matters and these things have been going on for centuries. .
Clear trend? No shit you say! My god mac however did you come to that conclusion based on the area and history of the region.

So that's how you view this? One group "just happens to be picking on another group"? Seriously? Those are your words.

Holy crap, talk about "context", your word. If that's all you're seeing -- and it must be, because I'm sure you're not being dishonest -- I find that to be concerning. The scale of this is both global and local. There was this attack in 2001.

So my points above are no big deal. Okay. Yikes.


I'm not a religious person, but it's not exactly difficult to observe what is happening:

  • Members of one religion slaughtering members of another religion in Egypt
  • Members of that same religion proudly committed to purposely slaughtering members of other religions globally
  • Only one religion on the planet with such an announced commitment and modern-day track record of murdering innocents
  • That same religion literally taking over parts of European countries, to the point where law enforcement from that country does not enter that area
  • Apologists for that religion, who don't even belong to it, so vociferous in their defense of it
Looking forward to denials of the above -- without the traditional diversion and/or deflection.


And their American counterparts plan a march on 9-11 to protest our war on terror:

“Yet our Government either sits idly by and does nothing to protect our freedoms or it exacerbates the problem with its constant war on terrorism in Islamic countries, congressional hearings on Islam in America, and its changes to the NDAA law.”

“These lies told to the American population has made it impossible for us to do true Dawa,” Ms. Hodge continues, referring to the practice of proselytizing or preaching Islam.

AMPAC plans 'Million Muslim March' for D.C. on 9/11 - Washington Times

And the forum liberals have strutted out strongly in favor of this march:

In accordance with the Constitution and its case law, where the people are free to assemble anywhere, anytime.

And liberals correctly understand that the 9/11 attack was carried out by criminals, their religion incidental and irrelevant; where American Muslims were just as much under attack and Islam as much a victim.

Conservative opposition to the march is yet another example of their intolerance; it’s also an example of the right’s shameful attempt to use the 9/11 tragedy for partisan gain, to imply that the marchers or those who support them are somehow ‘un-American.’

No law classes on Saturday? I guess not. You clearly have NOT read the article. Hope you read your cases more faithfully, or you will never get that JD. They want to silence those who are speaking about the war on terror. It is plainly stated in the article in the OP.
And their American counterparts plan a march on 9-11 to protest our war on terror:

AMPAC plans 'Million Muslim March' for D.C. on 9/11 - Washington Times

And the forum liberals have strutted out strongly in favor of this march:
They are not even connected you moron.

Prove it.

They arent killing people? Their goals are not the same as the MB? You are a fucking bigoted moron? Take your pick...regardless they are not connected.

I'm not a religious person, but it's not exactly difficult to observe what is happening:

  • Members of one religion slaughtering members of another religion in Egypt
  • Members of that same religion proudly committed to purposely slaughtering members of other religions globally
  • Only one religion on the planet with such an announced commitment and modern-day track record of murdering innocents
  • That same religion literally taking over parts of European countries, to the point where law enforcement from that country does not enter that area
  • Apologists for that religion, who don't even belong to it, so vociferous in their defense of it
Looking forward to denials of the above -- without the traditional diversion and/or deflection.


You make the mistake of confusing the actions of individuals as being somehow sanctioned by their faith, in this case Islam – which is not the case. This is likely a consequence of an ignorance of, and lack of exposure to, that faith.
Baloney. The hijackers that did 9/11 are revered as heroes in the Islamic world - this is no secret. Where are you living? In a cave?

The hijackers on 9/11 were not an abberation of Islam. These guys were the poster children for Islam. After 9/11 Osama was the no. 1 baby boys name throughout the Islamic world for 5 straight years.

How dare anyone try and suggest anything different. Your religion has killed more people in the name of God than any group upon the face of the earth. You dare to bring this up on a thread that is dedicated to the many christian men, women and children being slaughtered by Islam followers on Egyptian soil right now? Get Lost!
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I have to admit, one response I did not expect to what is happening, the slaughters, the terrorism, the clear trend, was "so what?"

Ya got me, I don't even know how to respond to that.


How is it our problem? You want to start saving people, then we better get a busy. We have our own issues, and just because these people happen to be Christian does not make them more valuable.
I mean what 30000 are killed in syria and where is the outrage? The cries of we must stop this.they re killing us about the 50000 mexicans who have died? A lot of them good people. Oh..thats mexicos problem.
Yeah there was zero. Selective drama based on who is dying is just as villainous.

So spare me the tears and the damnation of an entire group because they happen to picking on another group.

Context matters and these things have been going on for centuries. .
Clear trend? No shit you say! My god mac however did you come to that conclusion based on the area and history of the region.

So that's how you view this? One group "just happens to be picking on another group"? Seriously? Those are your words.

Holy crap, talk about "context", your word. If that's all you're seeing -- and it must be, because I'm sure you're not being dishonest -- I find that to be concerning. The scale of this is both global and local. There was this attack in 2001.

So my points above are no big deal. Okay. Yikes.


You didnt really answer my points..mostly glossed over them in order to look like you are emotionally,morally shocked and played the 911 card.

Yeah 911 happened...again 3000 of us and 30k syrians in the past few years. Is one group less important? Or is just murder bad period of who does it and it is a shame humans still feel the need to do these things..

But if you want to keep glossing over points that dont jive with your opinion we can just stop.
Plasma, it is a human problem and like it or not, the US is "in this" as long as we have ties to Egypt. We're sending money over there and either we had better be fucking sure were sending it to the right place (which often, historically we've not) or stop sending it at all. Yes, they're Egypt's problems, but would we have been successful gaining our oun freedom as a country without "a little help from our friends"?
Notice the silence. Crickets. MB's are going mother trucking crazy and our *cough* leaders are so silent.

The Brotherhood is out and about and just killing anyone that hey can find....oh and according to Obama they are just Morsi's associates. :lmbo:

Look what you unleashed Obama.....

So this thread is all just faux outrage to set up yet another O'bama bash?

Sheeeeeeeeeesh. :cuckoo:
Notice the silence. Crickets. MB's are going mother trucking crazy and our *cough* leaders are so silent.

The Brotherhood is out and about and just killing anyone that hey can find....oh and according to Obama they are just Morsi's associates. :lmbo:

Look what you unleashed Obama.....

So this thread is all just faux outrage to set up yet another O'bama bash?

Sheeeeeeeeeesh. :cuckoo:

Pogo, every thread here is an Obama Bash for many of these deluded, crazy fucks...doesn't mean the rest of us can't have a conversation around them.

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