They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

And those sources, too, are anecdotal.

No they aren't. You should give them a look. They are based directly on on-the-ground field work engaged in over the course of decades and captured battlefield documents through the Harmony Project.

Let me know when you can actually support any of your positions.
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If Obama stops aid he will be accused of killing American jobs used in building the weapons that Egypt buys.
I read that the gummint will also be up for huge penalty payments to contractors.

What to do, what to do....?
And those sources, too, are anecdotal.

No they aren't. You should give them a look. They are based directly on on-the-ground field work engaged in over the course of decades and captured battlefield documents through the Harmony Project.

Let me know when you can actually support any of your positions.

You're kidding, right?

Harmony Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well, I am laughing even if you are not. Because you are stupid.
And their American counterparts plan a march on 9-11 to protest our war on terror:

AMPAC plans 'Million Muslim March' for D.C. on 9/11 - Washington Times

And the forum liberals have strutted out strongly in favor of this march:

In accordance with the Constitution and its case law, where the people are free to assemble anywhere, anytime.

And liberals correctly understand that the 9/11 attack was carried out by criminals, their religion incidental and irrelevant; where American Muslims were just as much under attack and Islam as much a victim.

Conservative opposition to the march is yet another example of their intolerance; it’s also an example of the right’s shameful attempt to use the 9/11 tragedy for partisan gain, to imply that the marchers or those who support them are somehow ‘un-American.’

Their religion is incidental?! What planet are you living on? If they weren't Muslim, they wouldn't have flown planes into the World Trade Center. Period. Why? Because they wouldn't have been on a jihad against the "Great Satan" aka us.

You may not make religion a guide to your life. But you really shouldn't discount those that do, whether they use it to make their lives better or to justify attacking others.

He has pretended to be a lawyer. But he would need quite a bit of work to convince me he is even a law student.
How about the "stay-the-fuck-out-of-it-and-stop-foreign-aid" side?

Doing nothing is still taking a side. It is tacit approval of the current situation. Isolationism doesn't really work these days for the world's largest power.

No. Doing nothing is not taking a side. Doing nothing is doing nothing. Neutrality means not being for or against someone.

Isolationism and Neutrality are completely different concepts. However, Isolationism isn't necessary a horrible idea.
The basic premise of neutrality is that you refuse to help no matter how many beg for help, or how many die.

It's a coward's stance.
After two vile assaults on female reporters, one from the US and one from the Netherlands, I have to wonder if the mainstream news is even sending anyone there to report.
After two vile assaults on female reporters, one from the US and one from the Netherlands, I have to wonder if the mainstream news is even sending anyone there to report.

They have male reporters too I'm sure.
Doing nothing is still taking a side. It is tacit approval of the current situation. Isolationism doesn't really work these days for the world's largest power.

No. Doing nothing is not taking a side. Doing nothing is doing nothing. Neutrality means not being for or against someone.

Isolationism and Neutrality are completely different concepts. However, Isolationism isn't necessary a horrible idea.
The basic premise of neutrality is that you refuse to help no matter how many beg for help, or how many die.

It's a coward's stance.

Doing nothing is considered an action... Inaction is considered action in the eyes of the law, in the eyes of God and in the eyes of humanity.

You're right, it's the coward's way out.

What else can you expect from dimocraps?

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