They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

God forbid that they should ever revise their policies based on the changing situation!

how is that

Fair enough, it wouldn't be possible for the partisan Conservative mind to even contemplate changing or adapting their views depending on events or new information...unless, maybe, a member of their own family is affected.

I understand.

nothing changed
God forbid that they should ever revise their policies based on the changing situation!

how is that

Fair enough, it wouldn't be possible for the partisan Conservative mind to even contemplate changing or adapting their views depending on events or new information...unless, maybe, a member of their own family is affected.

I understand.

So who's side is Obama on today ?
Egyptian military chief orders army to rebuild every Coptic church burned by the Muslim Brotherhood

“The Egyptian defense minister ordered the engineering department of the armed forces to swiftly repair all the affected churches, in recognition of the historical and national role played by our Coptic brothers,” read a statement that aired on Egyptian television.

Bishop Mousa thanked Sisi for his efforts to repair the damaged churches.

“We thank Col. Gen. Sisi for commissioning the brave Egyptian armed forces to rebuild the places of worship damaged during the recent events,” Bishop Mousa said on Twitter…

The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR), an Egyptian NGO, says at least 25 churches were torched this week, and attackers also targeted Christian schools, shops and homes across all 27 provinces.

Egyptian military chief vows to rebuild Coptic Churches | Fox News
I'm not even sure what you guys are trying to argue about.

I was trying to find out what Obama's stance is on Egypt today.

clearly his position was to yank the 2 billion from Egypt

that was until Saudi Arabia says they will take up the slack

before this evenings cabinet meeting his position still favored the

terrorist MB

He's arrogant


About the wrong


Side of the




Started the awareness


Campaign oopsie


I did it loud

Fair enough, it wouldn't be possible for the partisan Conservative mind to even contemplate changing or adapting their views depending on events or new information...unless, maybe, a member of their own family is affected.

I understand.

So who's side is Obama on today ?

Whose side is the Republicans on today?

oh lord----I've been smitten by brilliant debatespersonship.

I was trying to find out what Obama's stance is on Egypt today.

clearly his position was to yank the 2 billion from Egypt

that was until Saudi Arabia says they will take up the slack

before this evenings cabinet meeting his position still favored the

terrorist MB

He's arrogant


About the wrong


Side of the




Started the awareness


Campaign oopsie


I did it loud



it sounds like

it may be

after all

a non starter

but you can not put

anything past

these folks
Fair enough, it wouldn't be possible for the partisan Conservative mind to even contemplate changing or adapting their views depending on events or new information...unless, maybe, a member of their own family is affected.

I understand.

So who's side is Obama on today ?

Whose side is the Republicans on today?

How about the "stay-the-fuck-out-of-it-and-stop-foreign-aid" side?
Also, those who are suggesting that we just "stay out of things" I feel rather ignore the huge interests that we have in the region, from counter terror efforts (in which we depend on Egypt), to commercial interests via things like the Suez Canal, and in terms of lobby interests via Israel.
Whose side is the Republicans on today?

How about the "stay-the-fuck-out-of-it-and-stop-foreign-aid" side?

Doing nothing is still taking a side. It is tacit approval of the current situation. Isolationism doesn't really work these days for the world's largest power.

Sticking our collective nose into a flaming pile of shit only causes blisters and makes us stink, though
How about the "stay-the-fuck-out-of-it-and-stop-foreign-aid" side?

Doing nothing is still taking a side. It is tacit approval of the current situation. Isolationism doesn't really work these days for the world's largest power.

Sticking our collective nose into a flaming pile of shit only causes blisters and makes us stink, though

Right, but in terms of foreign policy doing nothing is still a major policy decision that people are going to be angry with us over. It comes with the turf of being a super power. We are expected to say something about things like this and if we don't it is simple ideological support for the status quo.

Plus as mentioned above we have good reason to stick our nose in their business.

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