They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

Well, it's CLEARLY not 0bama, now is it? 0bama seems to be in hiding.

One of the wiser things he has done...

Well he can't very well buck the muslim brotherhood now can he? They would kill him, and then some poor southern redneck would get railroaded for it. We, here in the south, are walking on eggshells until this moron is out of office, lest something like that happen.

try using the trash for the egg shells.
One of the wiser things he has done...

Well he can't very well buck the muslim brotherhood now can he? They would kill him, and then some poor southern redneck would get railroaded for it. We, here in the south, are walking on eggshells until this moron is out of office, lest something like that happen.

try using the trash for the egg shells.

Who pissed in YOUR Cheerios this morning?
Egyptians, after many years of dictatorship, got to vote. I believe they were naïve as voters and made a mistake. But they woke up when they started seeing the brotherhood perpetrating civil rights violations. And they wanted to change it. The military is on the side of the people in that country. For which I am glad.

I am most disappointed that those on here who keep assuring us that there really ARE moderate muslims out there can't see that the moderates in Egypt don't like the way the brotherhood is treating their friends and neighbors, the Christians and the Jew, nor do they like the way the brotherhood is treating women. I can certainly understand the thinking that they made their own bed and should now lie in it and wait for the next election to roll around. But the Egyptian people don't want to do that. They want the problem fixed. And for that I admire them. They stand as a beacon of announcement that, yes, there ARE moderate muslims. Too bad our American liberals are blind to that and support the vile and ruthless brotherhood to the end.

When I was in Egypt we had 3 Egyptian guides and an armed escort. The three guides were Mohammed, Mohammed, and Wallid. I am fairly certain they were all friends. I'm also fairly certain Wallid was a Christian. One of the Mohammeds' last name was 'Osama.' I used to call him 'Mr. Osama.' He asked me to call him by his first name. So, I did. I could understand.
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Blowback. Christians are being purged from Muslim Lands. More unintended consequences. Sadly, it's only gonna get worse.
The PJ Tatler » Christians Murdered All Over Egypt, New Puppy at White House

It’s Sunny at the White House! But not in Egypt if you are a Christian or a Franciscan nun.

All over Egypt, Christian churches are being burned, Christians murdered, and nuns paraded in the streets as “prisoners of war.”

The war can only mean a war of Islam vs. Christianity, right? What other “war” could they be prisoners of? Their words, not mine.

The Muslim Brotherhood, and their thug adherents, are conducting a war of genocide against Christians, and trying to erase the Copts from the land, one of the oldest Christian groups in the world.

Once upon a time in America, the American President would have stood before the world, over and over again, and provided a moral counterweight to this evil. The great figures of the 20th Century became great by denouncing evil and condemning genocidal and religious persecution: Reagan, Churchill, Wojtyla.

But Obama is no Wojtyla. He has remained nearly silent on the Muslim Brotherhood’s bloody war on Egypt’s Christians. The martyrs pile up while he plays golf. The thugs rampaging through Egyptian churches, you see, are Obama’s thugs. He destabilized Egypt by giving the green light to Hosni Mubarak’s fall. After all, Mubarak was an American stoogie, a puppet, a toy of imperial America and all that left wing drool Obama has subscribed to since he was writing articles in college denouncing deployment of Pershing missiles in Europe.

So now his thugs rampage through holy places, destroying. This is nothing new. Evil comes in many forms across the centuries, but they always are obsessed with destroying Christian churches. Whether the mob followed Lenin, Calles or Robespierre, the results were always the same: desecration and murder. We are witnessing the 2013 version.
The PJ Tatler » Christians Murdered All Over Egypt, New Puppy at White House

It’s Sunny at the White House! But not in Egypt if you are a Christian or a Franciscan nun.

All over Egypt, Christian churches are being burned, Christians murdered, and nuns paraded in the streets as “prisoners of war.”

The war can only mean a war of Islam vs. Christianity, right? What other “war” could they be prisoners of? Their words, not mine.

The Muslim Brotherhood, and their thug adherents, are conducting a war of genocide against Christians, and trying to erase the Copts from the land, one of the oldest Christian groups in the world.

Once upon a time in America, the American President would have stood before the world, over and over again, and provided a moral counterweight to this evil. The great figures of the 20th Century became great by denouncing evil and condemning genocidal and religious persecution: Reagan, Churchill, Wojtyla.

But Obama is no Wojtyla. He has remained nearly silent on the Muslim Brotherhood’s bloody war on Egypt’s Christians. The martyrs pile up while he plays golf. The thugs rampaging through Egyptian churches, you see, are Obama’s thugs. He destabilized Egypt by giving the green light to Hosni Mubarak’s fall. After all, Mubarak was an American stoogie, a puppet, a toy of imperial America and all that left wing drool Obama has subscribed to since he was writing articles in college denouncing deployment of Pershing missiles in Europe.

So now his thugs rampage through holy places, destroying. This is nothing new. Evil comes in many forms across the centuries, but they always are obsessed with destroying Christian churches. Whether the mob followed Lenin, Calles or Robespierre, the results were always the same: desecration and murder. We are witnessing the 2013 version.

Do not get me started in this thread again. I already had a stroke out.
Just as a heads up, just because one is against the egyptian military doesn't make that person Muslim Brotherhood. Why we all seem to thrive on gross generalizations is beyond me.
Just as a heads up, just because one is against the egyptian military doesn't make that person Muslim Brotherhood. Why we all seem to thrive on gross generalizations is beyond me.

Well, since there are essentially two sides in the equation, being against one necessitates being for the other by default.

It can't be helped.

Anything else is unequivocally nonsensical
Just as a heads up, just because one is against the egyptian military doesn't make that person Muslim Brotherhood. Why we all seem to thrive on gross generalizations is beyond me.

Well, since there are essentially two sides in the equation, being against one necessitates being for the other by default.

It can't be helped.

Anything else is unequivocally nonsensical

Not sure if this is sarcasm, but there aren't simply two sides in Egypt and never have been.

Anyone suggesting that there is has either never looked much at Egyptian politics and security, or is simply being intentionally dishonest.

Take the 25 police officers killed in the Sinai the other day, that had nothing to do with the Muslim Brotherhood. Sinai militant groups tend to hate the Muslim Brotherhood.
Just as a heads up, just because one is against the egyptian military doesn't make that person Muslim Brotherhood. Why we all seem to thrive on gross generalizations is beyond me.

Well, since there are essentially two sides in the equation, being against one necessitates being for the other by default.

It can't be helped.

Anything else is unequivocally nonsensical

Not sure if this is sarcasm, but there aren't simply two sides in Egypt and never have been.

Anyone suggesting that there is has either never looked much at Egyptian politics and security, or is simply being intentionally dishonest.

Take the 25 police officers killed in the Sinai the other day, that had nothing to do with the Muslim Brotherhood. Sinai militant groups tend to hate the Muslim Brotherhood.

No one is suggesting that there are no criminals in Egypt.
Simple question.

Where was mainstream Islam after 9/11?

The Muslim Brotherhood very publicly condemned 9/11 and called Al Qaeda criminals. In fact the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has condemned just about every attack that Al Qaeda has engaged in.
No one is suggesting that there are no criminals in Egypt.

It isn't a simple matter of criminals. It is a matter of completely different and organized factions that exist within Egypt. International jihadis have their own infrastructure that has been building in Egypt and have around a dozen or so groups currently operating within Egypt who engage in coordinated violence, and that is to say nothing of other Salafi parties and organizations that fall into neither the Muslim Brotherhood camp or the Jihadi camp.
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Simple question.

Where was mainstream Islam after 9/11?

The Muslim Brotherhood very publicly condemned 9/11 and called Al Qaeda criminals. In fact the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has condemned just about every attack that Al Qaeda has engaged in.

And that is supposed to outweigh their brutality toward Christians, Jews, and women? In your little fairy world, maybe. But nowhere else.
And that is supposed to outweigh their brutality toward Christians, Jews, and women? In your little fairy world, maybe. But nowhere else.

The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood doesn't support sectarian violence. Individuals on the street who may or may not even support Morsi don't establish the organization's ideological structures. If you could find a recent statement from Mohamed Badie (the Muslim Brotherhood's ideological head prior to his arrest here) calling on his followers to kill Christians then you would have my attention.
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And that is supposed to outweigh their brutality toward Christians, Jews, and women? In your little fairy world, maybe. But nowhere else.

The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood doesn't support sectarian violence. Individuals on the street who may or may not even support Morsi don't establish the organization's ideological structures. If you could find a recent statement from Mohamed Badie (the Muslim Brotherhood's ideological head prior to his arrest here) calling on his followers to kill Christians then you would have my attention.

In your little fairy world, maybe. That isn't how it is in the real world. The muslim brotherhood is evil.
And that is supposed to outweigh their brutality toward Christians, Jews, and women? In your little fairy world, maybe. But nowhere else.

The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood doesn't support sectarian violence. Individuals on the street who may or may not even support Morsi don't establish the organization's ideological structures. If you could find a recent statement from Mohamed Badie (the Muslim Brotherhood's ideological head prior to his arrest here) calling on his followers to kill Christians then you would have my attention.

In your little fairy world, maybe. That isn't how it is in the real world. The muslim brotherhood is evil.

I see you couldn't find any supporting evidence for your claim.
Go back and read the thread.

We're not starting all over again.

:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:

Neither am I; so far you guys haven't done much besides throw insults back and forth at each other.

You haven't really been speaking much on the large diversity that exists within Egypt's political sphere, and my comment was meant as a fairly general one, largely responding to the OP anyway.
The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood doesn't support sectarian violence. Individuals on the street who may or may not even support Morsi don't establish the organization's ideological structures. If you could find a recent statement from Mohamed Badie (the Muslim Brotherhood's ideological head prior to his arrest here) calling on his followers to kill Christians then you would have my attention.

In your little fairy world, maybe. That isn't how it is in the real world. The muslim brotherhood is evil.

I see you couldn't find any supporting evidence for your claim.

The fact that the people of Egypt have engaged their military to get the brotherhood out speaks volumes.

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