They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

In your little fairy world, maybe. That isn't how it is in the real world. The muslim brotherhood is evil.

I see you couldn't find any supporting evidence for your claim.

The fact that the people of Egypt have engaged their military to get the brotherhood out speaks volumes.

Not really in the way you are thinking (nor does it do anything to support your thesis that the Brotherhood supports sectarian violence). Coups based on popular protests tend to be pretty horrible; and it is a terrible idea to operate in such a way if Democracy is the goal.

The military had no legal right to kick out a democratically elected president, dissolve a democratically elected parliament, and suspend a democratically voted on constitution. That's not how democracy works otherwise neither Bush Jr. or Obama would have ever made it past their first term.

Celebrating something that happens overseas that we would all be right to condemn should it happen here strikes me as a bit hypocritical.
Good news! The supreme leader of the muslim brotherhood has been arrested:

Egypt arrests supreme leader of Muslim Brotherhood amid crackdown on protests | Fox News

Right. I already said that. you still haven't showed us where he has supported sectarian violence against Christians though.

Also, his arrest is horrible for Egypt and it's future security. It does little but empower Al Qaeda and other international jihadi organizations, while also continuing to destroy the hopes of a democratic Egypt.
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And that is supposed to outweigh their brutality toward Christians, Jews, and women? In your little fairy world, maybe. But nowhere else.

The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood doesn't support sectarian violence. Individuals on the street who may or may not even support Morsi don't establish the organization's ideological structures. If you could find a recent statement from Mohamed Badie (the Muslim Brotherhood's ideological head prior to his arrest here) calling on his followers to kill Christians then you would have my attention.

In your little fairy world, maybe. That isn't how it is in the real world. The muslim brotherhood is evil.

Face it, you don't know jack shit all about the Muslim Brotherhood.

You couldn't find Egypt on a globe.

Get the fuck outta this thread, idiot.
The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood doesn't support sectarian violence. Individuals on the street who may or may not even support Morsi don't establish the organization's ideological structures. If you could find a recent statement from Mohamed Badie (the Muslim Brotherhood's ideological head prior to his arrest here) calling on his followers to kill Christians then you would have my attention.

In your little fairy world, maybe. That isn't how it is in the real world. The muslim brotherhood is evil.

Face it, you don't know jack shit all about the Muslim Brotherhood.

You couldn't find Egypt on a globe.

Get the fuck outta this thread, idiot.

I have been to Egypt.
In your little fairy world, maybe. That isn't how it is in the real world. The muslim brotherhood is evil.

Face it, you don't know jack shit all about the Muslim Brotherhood.

You couldn't find Egypt on a globe.

Get the fuck outta this thread, idiot.

I have been to Egypt.

so now the admin is not sure that they are not going to fund Egypt


a little flippy floppy

Just as a heads up, just because one is against the egyptian military doesn't make that person Muslim Brotherhood. Why we all seem to thrive on gross generalizations is beyond me.

Well, since there are essentially two sides in the equation, being against one necessitates being for the other by default.

It can't be helped.

Anything else is unequivocally nonsensical

It's that kind of uneducated, black and white view that causes America to start and lose wars.
Good luck with the next one though...I'm sure it'll go better.
Face it, you don't know jack shit all about the Muslim Brotherhood.

You couldn't find Egypt on a globe.

Get the fuck outta this thread, idiot.

I have been to Egypt.

so now the admin is not sure that they are not going to fund Egypt


a little flippy floppy


How can anyone expect Egypt to make a smooth transition from a dictatorship to a fully functioning democracy without any major problems along the way?
It took the USA over 100 years so why should Egypt find it any easier?
How can anyone expect Egypt to make a smooth transition from a dictatorship to a fully functioning democracy without any major problems along the way?
It took the USA over 100 years so why should Egypt find it any easier?

what --LOL
How can anyone expect Egypt to make a smooth transition from a dictatorship to a fully functioning democracy without any major problems along the way?
It took the USA over 100 years so why should Egypt find it any easier?

Especially if Obama can't be consistent.
so now the admin is not sure that they are not going to fund Egypt


a little flippy floppy


God forbid that they should ever revise their policies based on the changing situation!

how is that

Fair enough, it wouldn't be possible for the partisan Conservative mind to even contemplate changing or adapting their views depending on events or new information...unless, maybe, a member of their own family is affected.

I understand.

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