They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

Read it and weep Americans.

Putin acts in support of Egyptian military

Putin acts in support of Egyptian military

DEBKAfile August 17, 2013, 6:54 PM (GMT+02:00)
Russian President Vladimir Putin called an extraordinary session at the Kremlin Saturday to “discuss the situation in Egypt and take the necessary steps to the put Russian military facilities at the Egyptian military's disposal,” said an announcement in Moscow, without elaborating. Putin said further that “Russia will arrange for joint military exercises with the Egyptian army.” DEBKAfile: Moscow’s steps directly conflict with Western condemnation of the Egyptian military’s crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood. They were taken shortly after President Barack Obama cancelled a joint military exercise with Egypt as a mark of US disapproval.

First, Vladimir Putin of Russia, now, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, both offer support for the Egyptian Army against the Muslim Brotherhood…and against Barack Obama

Obama Policies Turning Egypt Against U.S. | Washington Free Beacon

BBC News - US credibility 'in tatters' over Egypt crisis

In Egypt Crisis, Russia Sees Opportunity | The Editor | The Diplomat

Putin trumps candy ass Obama again.

Good thing blacks don't show bruises easily

If one so called American bitches hit them for me will you? One bitch. One time.

Islamic supporters of Egypt’s ousted president Mohamed Morsi launched on Wednesday arson attacks against churches, resulting in the destruction of at least three buildings. Muslim Brotherhood supporters wreaked havoc on Coptic Christian businesses and property throughout the country.

There may have been more than 20 incidents of burning of churches and attacks on Christian institutions, based on unconfirmed reports on Twitter from Coptic leaders and organizations who are closely following the outbreak of anti-Christian violence.

The Muslim Brotherhood, which has the full support of one particular Hussein.
What's Russia doing?
What can the US do?
What was Obama's role in the violence?

So many little evidence.
Mind you, as we all know, facts have a liberal bias so aren't to be trusted

he supported it, basically

the evidence is all there - if one is not blinded by obama worshiping

What does 'basically' mean?
Did he support it or not?
If so, where is this evidence?

check the dictionary if you do not know what "basically" means.
and do not interfere if you lack the knowledge of the words.
I support the liberals and moderate muslims of Egypt. Extremist must be removed!

the military was never going to let the MB go hog wild with their intentions to convert Egypt

into a sharia rule government

in Egypt the military is not just the military

the military runs and owns a pretty big chunk of the economy
What I find distrubing is the charge that somehow the US government is supporting rgw Muslim brotherhood.

The fact is that the government (or read Obama if you want) is supporting the MILITARY that is fighting against the Islamic brotherhood.

Now how can Tiny Dancer claim to be on top of the Egyptian issue and NOT know that?

Simple..she is a partisan and therefore she filters out any truth that does not jibe with her point of view.

That is sort of my polite way of saying she is either an idiot or a liar.
Oh come on! This has been going on for quite some time.

Obama pushes to give Muslim Brotherhood another chance in elections | The Daily Caller
DATE: 08/14/2013

Last July when Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton visited Egypt she was met with widespread protest from Coptic Christians and secular activists objecting to what they all believed was the Obama administration’s role in helping the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) ascend to power in Egypt.

Freedom-starved Egyptians threw tomatoes and shoes at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's motorcade, protest U.S.'s support for Muslim Brotherhood outside US Embassy - Atlas Shrugs

Freedom-starved Egyptians threw tomatoes and shoes at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's motorcade, protest U.S.'s support for Muslim Brotherhood outside US Embassy

Oh come on! This has been going on for quite some time.

Obama pushes to give Muslim Brotherhood another chance in elections | The Daily Caller
DATE: 08/14/2013

Last July when Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton visited Egypt she was met with widespread protest from Coptic Christians and secular activists objecting to what they all believed was the Obama administration’s role in helping the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) ascend to power in Egypt.

Freedom-starved Egyptians threw tomatoes and shoes at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's motorcade, protest U.S.'s support for Muslim Brotherhood outside US Embassy - Atlas Shrugs

Freedom-starved Egyptians threw tomatoes and shoes at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's motorcade, protest U.S.'s support for Muslim Brotherhood outside US Embassy


Well, the current Secretary of State, Kerry, at least has shaken out on the correct side. It may be purely self indulgent, but he has spoken out when neither Hillary nor Obama would.
Oh come on! This has been going on for quite some time.

Obama pushes to give Muslim Brotherhood another chance in elections | The Daily Caller
DATE: 08/14/2013

Last July when Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton visited Egypt she was met with widespread protest from Coptic Christians and secular activists objecting to what they all believed was the Obama administration’s role in helping the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) ascend to power in Egypt.

Freedom-starved Egyptians threw tomatoes and shoes at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's motorcade, protest U.S.'s support for Muslim Brotherhood outside US Embassy - Atlas Shrugs

Freedom-starved Egyptians threw tomatoes and shoes at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's motorcade, protest U.S.'s support for Muslim Brotherhood outside US Embassy


Well, the current Secretary of State, Kerry, at least has shaken out on the correct side. It may be purely self indulgent, but he has spoken out when neither Hillary nor Obama would.

Which leads to again wonder who is in charge. Kerry didn't speak out without running it past someone.
Oh come on! This has been going on for quite some time.

Obama pushes to give Muslim Brotherhood another chance in elections | The Daily Caller
DATE: 08/14/2013

Last July when Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton visited Egypt she was met with widespread protest from Coptic Christians and secular activists objecting to what they all believed was the Obama administration’s role in helping the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) ascend to power in Egypt.

Freedom-starved Egyptians threw tomatoes and shoes at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's motorcade, protest U.S.'s support for Muslim Brotherhood outside US Embassy - Atlas Shrugs

Freedom-starved Egyptians threw tomatoes and shoes at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's motorcade, protest U.S.'s support for Muslim Brotherhood outside US Embassy


Well, the current Secretary of State, Kerry, at least has shaken out on the correct side. It may be purely self indulgent, but he has spoken out when neither Hillary nor Obama would.

Which leads to again wonder who is in charge. Kerry didn't speak out without running it past someone.

End run to try to get back in the game since putin picked up the ball and obomber and hitlary are tarnished?
Oh come on! This has been going on for quite some time.

Obama pushes to give Muslim Brotherhood another chance in elections | The Daily Caller
DATE: 08/14/2013

Last July when Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton visited Egypt she was met with widespread protest from Coptic Christians and secular activists objecting to what they all believed was the Obama administration’s role in helping the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) ascend to power in Egypt.

Freedom-starved Egyptians threw tomatoes and shoes at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's motorcade, protest U.S.'s support for Muslim Brotherhood outside US Embassy - Atlas Shrugs

Freedom-starved Egyptians threw tomatoes and shoes at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's motorcade, protest U.S.'s support for Muslim Brotherhood outside US Embassy


Well, the current Secretary of State, Kerry, at least has shaken out on the correct side. It may be purely self indulgent, but he has spoken out when neither Hillary nor Obama would.

Which leads to again wonder who is in charge. Kerry didn't speak out without running it past someone.

I don't know about that. When a president gets into that 'lame duck' second term a lot of things fly then that would not have during the first term.
Well, the current Secretary of State, Kerry, at least has shaken out on the correct side. It may be purely self indulgent, but he has spoken out when neither Hillary nor Obama would.

Which leads to again wonder who is in charge. Kerry didn't speak out without running it past someone.

End run to try to get back in the game since putin picked up the ball and obomber and hitlary are tarnished?

That's what I think is likely the case here. I hope I live long enough to see America back on the side of freedom.
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Well, the current Secretary of State, Kerry, at least has shaken out on the correct side. It may be purely self indulgent, but he has spoken out when neither Hillary nor Obama would.

Which leads to again wonder who is in charge. Kerry didn't speak out without running it past someone.

I don't know about that. When a president gets into that 'lame duck' second term a lot of things fly then that would not have during the first term.

Kerry has to answer to no one ? I bet someone tells him what his official position should be---even if it's not Obama. Maybe Valerie tells him what to think.
Which leads to again wonder who is in charge. Kerry didn't speak out without running it past someone.

I don't know about that. When a president gets into that 'lame duck' second term a lot of things fly then that would not have during the first term.

Kerry has to answer to no one ? I bet someone tells him what his official position should be---even if it's not Obama. Maybe Valerie tells him what to think.

Well, it's CLEARLY not 0bama, now is it? 0bama seems to be in hiding.
I don't know about that. When a president gets into that 'lame duck' second term a lot of things fly then that would not have during the first term.

Kerry has to answer to no one ? I bet someone tells him what his official position should be---even if it's not Obama. Maybe Valerie tells him what to think.

Well, it's CLEARLY not 0bama, now is it? 0bama seems to be in hiding.

One of the wiser things he has done...
Kerry has to answer to no one ? I bet someone tells him what his official position should be---even if it's not Obama. Maybe Valerie tells him what to think.

Well, it's CLEARLY not 0bama, now is it? 0bama seems to be in hiding.

One of the wiser things he has done...

Well he can't very well buck the muslim brotherhood now can he? They would kill him, and then some poor southern redneck would get railroaded for it. We, here in the south, are walking on eggshells until this moron is out of office, lest something like that happen.

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