They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

No one has claimed they are ALL Christians. Freedom loving muslims and Jews are suffering the same fate for trying to depose the corrupt muslim brotherhood. Civil rights have been violated for many in all those groups including muslim women. The fact that you choose to stay in denial about this horrific time says much about your character. Clearly you have none. If you would acknowledge you were wrong, I think most on here would have some respect for you. Anyone who reads the news knows it is CHRISTIAN CHURCHES that are getting torched. So the muslim brotherhood IS specifically targeting them. I mean, if you can't agree with that, then at least post the number of mosques that have been torched by the brotherhood in Egypt. Inquiring minds want to know.

So.....I have the count to under ten.....not really something to create this drama over.....buildings can be remade.

Sounds like Hillary:

[ame=]SHOCK! Hillary Clinton argues - What difference, at this point, does it make about how it happened? - YouTube[/ame]

Makes me think of this:

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.

First they came ... - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...

If ONE American doesn't make any difference, why should 10 Egyptians, or 500 even?

you need a tissue or people are acting like its the 2nd holocaust. more people die in Chicago in a weekend then this nothing. yet because they are christian does it only draw your drama.

you know unless you can use it against Obama, but underneath we know you dont give a shit...

you hypocritical twat.
So.....I have the count to under ten.....not really something to create this drama over.....buildings can be remade.

Sounds like Hillary:

[ame=]SHOCK! Hillary Clinton argues - What difference, at this point, does it make about how it happened? - YouTube[/ame]

Makes me think of this:

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.

First they came ... - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...

If ONE American doesn't make any difference, why should 10 Egyptians, or 500 even?

you need a tissue or people are acting like its the 2nd holocaust. more people die in Chicago in a weekend then this nothing. yet because they are christian does it only draw your drama.

you know unless you can use it against Obama, but underneath we know you dont give a shit...

you hypocritical twat.

You need a neg or something. Here, have one!
Why you think he's been so quiet and non responsive on "holiday" and Hitlary comes out swinging for her campaign in the midst of it with "voter id"

This is their thing. They are ignoring it because they wont own it.
Why you think he's been so quiet and non responsive on "holiday" and Hitlary comes out swinging for her campaign in the midst of it with "voter id"

This is their thing. They are ignoring it because they wont own it.

One thing you can always count on....when the crap hits the fan, Barry will take off on vacation. Absolute incompetence. This man is without doubt, the worst "president" we have EVER had to endure.

It is shameful.
Read it and weep Americans.

Putin acts in support of Egyptian military

Putin acts in support of Egyptian military

DEBKAfile August 17, 2013, 6:54 PM (GMT+02:00)
Russian President Vladimir Putin called an extraordinary session at the Kremlin Saturday to “discuss the situation in Egypt and take the necessary steps to the put Russian military facilities at the Egyptian military's disposal,” said an announcement in Moscow, without elaborating. Putin said further that “Russia will arrange for joint military exercises with the Egyptian army.” DEBKAfile: Moscow’s steps directly conflict with Western condemnation of the Egyptian military’s crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood. They were taken shortly after President Barack Obama cancelled a joint military exercise with Egypt as a mark of US disapproval.

First, Vladimir Putin of Russia, now, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, both offer support for the Egyptian Army against the Muslim Brotherhood…and against Barack Obama

Obama Policies Turning Egypt Against U.S. | Washington Free Beacon

BBC News - US credibility 'in tatters' over Egypt crisis

In Egypt Crisis, Russia Sees Opportunity | The Editor | The Diplomat
According to Arabic News Channel TV14 and reported on by Egypt Daily News, Obama’s relationship with recently deposed Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi goes far deeper than mere support as a democratically elected President.

Obama?s Secret $8 Billion Bribe To the Muslim Brotherhood
Does anyone on this board truly believe the following?

"If Obama’s secret agreement with the Muslim Brotherhood is proven correct, it may spell the end for the Obama administration once and for all.

"Obama may have illegally siphoned off funds from the US Treasury and committed treason by attempting to turn land over to Hamas, a group that is not only an enemy to the United States, but has vowed to destroy every Jew on the face of the earth.

"If Obama’s nefarious plan would have been realized, Hamas’ control of the Sinai Peninsula would have put Israel in an indefensible position and would have led to a second holocaust."

Obama?s Secret $8 Billion Bribe To the Muslim Brotherhood

FWIW, if Obama truly bribed Morsi in the manner this link alleges, it would be one more good reason to impeach the arrogant coward BEFORE he launches his crusade to "reform" Social Security (probably scheduled for about this time next year)?
Sounds like Hillary:

SHOCK! Hillary Clinton argues - What difference, at this point, does it make about how it happened? - YouTube

Makes me think of this:

First they came ... - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...

If ONE American doesn't make any difference, why should 10 Egyptians, or 500 even?

you need a tissue or people are acting like its the 2nd holocaust. more people die in Chicago in a weekend then this nothing. yet because they are christian does it only draw your drama.

you know unless you can use it against Obama, but underneath we know you dont give a shit...

you hypocritical twat.

You need a neg or something. Here, have one!

Bravo! I'll pos you tomorrow when I can! Actually, having been to Egypt I DO give a shit. I have met my counterparts there, and I can only imagine what their lives must be like about now.
Last edited:
disturbing photos from egypt:


'boycott the christian dogs'






... have the count to under ten.....not really something to create this drama over.....buildings can be remade.


good job, you learned how to use the quote function. Buildings can be remade.

Clearly you think this behavior is acceptable. But it is not. It is despicable. As are you! Just because it isn't happening in YOUR neck of the woods doesn't mean it never will. Wake up fool.

Because of his role in it.

What's Russia doing?
What can the US do?
What was Obama's role in the violence?

So many little evidence.
Mind you, as we all know, facts have a liberal bias so aren't to be trusted

he supported it, basically

the evidence is all there - if one is not blinded by obama worshiping

What does 'basically' mean?
Did he support it or not?
If so, where is this evidence?
What's Russia doing?
What can the US do?
What was Obama's role in the violence?

So many little evidence.
Mind you, as we all know, facts have a liberal bias so aren't to be trusted

he supported it, basically

the evidence is all there - if one is not blinded by obama worshiping

What does 'basically' mean?
Did he support it or not?
If so, where is this evidence?

By not discontinuing aid to the Egyptians after the election of Morsi, who was and still is affiliated with Muslim Brotherhood. By condemning his ouster six weeks ago instead of praising this as another step towards democracy. By giving planes and tanks to the Egyptian government during Morsi's tenure as president, for which he could have used to oppress his own people, a la Bashar Assad.

The evidence is there, clear as day. Your dear leader is a terrorist sympathizer.
he supported it, basically

the evidence is all there - if one is not blinded by obama worshiping

What does 'basically' mean?
Did he support it or not?
If so, where is this evidence?

By not discontinuing aid to the Egyptians after the election of Morsi, who was and still is affiliated with Muslim Brotherhood. By condemning his ouster six weeks ago instead of praising this as another step towards democracy. By giving planes and tanks to the Egyptian government during Morsi's tenure as president, for which he could have used to oppress his own people, a la Bashar Assad.

The evidence is there, clear as day. Your dear leader is a terrorist sympathizer.

You believe that the US should be complicit in removing a democratically elected leader?
How is that "another step towards democracy"?
What does 'basically' mean?
Did he support it or not?
If so, where is this evidence?

By not discontinuing aid to the Egyptians after the election of Morsi, who was and still is affiliated with Muslim Brotherhood. By condemning his ouster six weeks ago instead of praising this as another step towards democracy. By giving planes and tanks to the Egyptian government during Morsi's tenure as president, for which he could have used to oppress his own people, a la Bashar Assad.

The evidence is there, clear as day. Your dear leader is a terrorist sympathizer.

You believe that the US should be complicit in removing a democratically elected leader?
How is that "another step towards democracy"?

It is the right of the Egyptian people to remove their leader, it is not our right to interfere or take sides. If it were true democracy, we would stay out of it. Period. We did not play any role in Morsi's ouster.

By not discontinuing aid to the Egyptians after the election of Morsi, who was and still is affiliated with Muslim Brotherhood. By condemning his ouster six weeks ago instead of praising this as another step towards democracy. By giving planes and tanks to the Egyptian government during Morsi's tenure as president, for which he could have used to oppress his own people, a la Bashar Assad.

The evidence is there, clear as day. Your dear leader is a terrorist sympathizer.

You believe that the US should be complicit in removing a democratically elected leader?
How is that "another step towards democracy"?

It is the right of the Egyptian people to remove their leader, it is not our right to interfere or take sides. If it were true democracy, we would stay out of it. Period. We did not play any role in Morsi's ouster.


Make up your mind - you've turned 180deg in two posts.
First, you said that support should have been withdrawn from Egypt when he was elected, then you say that the US shouldn't take sides.

And you're not embarrassed?

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