They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

They see it. They support it, because their messiah supported it. They can't think for themselves - only parrot the propaganda set by the higher ups.
It is called democratic centralism :D

See my two last posts. It seems that, if he can't condemn the muslim brotherhood, at least one other democrat has no problem whatsoever doing so.

do you trust him? I mean that "one democrat"? Really?

he is know for flip-flopping, so if the chief-in-vacation comes back and decides differently, you will hear different opinion.

I don't trust Kerry any farther than I could throw his worthless a*&. However, Kerry is speaking his mind now. He is providing "cover" for his boss - the Clown Barry.

Should he overstep his bounds - He will get silent REAL QUICK. NO ONE steps off Barry's reservation. No One.
the whole bs arab sprig was against OUR interests as a country but it was decided by the muslim-wannabe-in-chief so it was supported by the minions without ever discussing it.
See my two last posts. It seems that, if he can't condemn the muslim brotherhood, at least one other democrat has no problem whatsoever doing so.

do you trust him? I mean that "one democrat"? Really?

he is know for flip-flopping, so if the chief-in-vacation comes back and decides differently, you will hear different opinion.

I don't trust Kerry any farther than I could throw his worthless a*&. However, Kerry is speaking his mind now. He is providing "cover" for his boss - the Clown Barry.

Should he overstep his bounds - He will get silent REAL QUICK. NO ONE steps off Barry's reservation. No One.

Of course. That is my point.

Democratic centralism with the first part being a misnomer
the whole bs arab sprig was against OUR interests as a country but it was decided by the muslim-wannabe-in-chief so it was supported by the minions without ever discussing it.

Agreed. According to Barry, these were "students" 'craving democracy". BS. There is NO Democracy ANYWHERE in the Middle East except Israel. There has NEVER BEEN democracy ANYWHERE in the Middle East except Israel. There will NEVER BE democracy in ANY country in the Middle East except Israel.

See my two last posts. It seems that, if he can't condemn the muslim brotherhood, at least one other democrat has no problem whatsoever doing so.

do you trust him? I mean that "one democrat"? Really?

he is know for flip-flopping, so if the chief-in-vacation comes back and decides differently, you will hear different opinion.

I don't trust Kerry any farther than I could throw his worthless a*&. However, Kerry is speaking his mind now. He is providing "cover" for his boss - the Clown Barry.

Should he overstep his bounds - He will get silent REAL QUICK. NO ONE steps off Barry's reservation. No One.

I can't argue that. But at least someone is speaking up. We all know that terrorist sympathizer in the White House will not. He can't. He is one of them.
Can you point to where these where all christians? I did not see it mentioned at all.till then the count is 2.

No one has claimed they are ALL Christians. Freedom loving muslims and Jews are suffering the same fate for trying to depose the corrupt muslim brotherhood. Civil rights have been violated for many in all those groups including muslim women. The fact that you choose to stay in denial about this horrific time says much about your character. Clearly you have none. If you would acknowledge you were wrong, I think most on here would have some respect for you. Anyone who reads the news knows it is CHRISTIAN CHURCHES that are getting torched. So the muslim brotherhood IS specifically targeting them. I mean, if you can't agree with that, then at least post the number of mosques that have been torched by the brotherhood in Egypt. Inquiring minds want to know.

So.....I have the count to under ten.....not really something to create this drama over.....buildings can be remade.

Groovy. So you would be in agreement with the US government coming out killing 10 of your relatives, and torching your house.
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No one has claimed they are ALL Christians. Freedom loving muslims and Jews are suffering the same fate for trying to depose the corrupt muslim brotherhood. Civil rights have been violated for many in all those groups including muslim women. The fact that you choose to stay in denial about this horrific time says much about your character. Clearly you have none. If you would acknowledge you were wrong, I think most on here would have some respect for you. Anyone who reads the news knows it is CHRISTIAN CHURCHES that are getting torched. So the muslim brotherhood IS specifically targeting them. I mean, if you can't agree with that, then at least post the number of mosques that have been torched by the brotherhood in Egypt. Inquiring minds want to know.

So.....I have the count to under ten.....not really something to create this drama over.....buildings can be remade.

Groovy. So you would be in agreement with the US government coming out and torching your house.
No because that is not would be like if obama lost and his supporters came and burned my house down. See that makes sense. Not your stupidity.
So.....I have the count to under ten.....not really something to create this drama over.....buildings can be remade.

Groovy. So you would be in agreement with the US government coming out and torching your house.
No because that is not would be like if obama lost and his supporters came and burned my house down. See that makes sense. Not your stupidity.

Not even close. The brotherhood is who is doing the massacring. The very people who put the brotherhood in want them out because of the horrific human right violations they have perpetrated. The military has taken the side of the people, and even one liberal, John Kerry is supporting them and the military. You are nothing more than another piece of chicken shit like your messiah Zerobama. You would watch your neighbors slaughtered by the government while saying, 'the election is only 3 years away.' Well, if things keep up like they are going, that may not be too far away.
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John Kerry has called what the muslim brotherhood is doing 'massacre.' He also called it 'deplorable.'

And where is our president? He is laxed out on the beach somewhere. Fuck him!

VIDEO: Kerry: Egypt massacre is deplorable | Mail Online

He'll probably find out all about it when HuffPo finally "breaks" the news.

You know it. These disgusting liberals on this forum haven't figured out that even their own party is on the side of the Christians, Jews, women, and military in Egypt. And when hufpo puts it out I want to be around to see all their back peddling.
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Groovy. So you would be in agreement with the US government coming out and torching your house.
No because that is not would be like if obama lost and his supporters came and burned my house down. See that makes sense. Not your stupidity.

Not even close. The brotherhood is who is doing the massacring. The very people who put the brotherhood in want them out because of the horrific human right violations they have perpetrated. The military has taken the side of the people, and even one liberal, John Kerry is supporting them and the military. You are nothing more than another piece of chicken shit like your messiah Zerobama. You would watch your neighbors slaughtered by the government while saying, 'the election is only 3 years away.' Well, if things keep up like they are going, that may not be too far away.

The mb are reacting to be thrown out. Your example failed...own it.
It might also be a long shot from Kerry.

Maybe HE is considering 2016.
the whole bs arab sprig was against OUR interests as a country but it was decided by the muslim-wannabe-in-chief so it was supported by the minions without ever discussing it.

Agreed. According to Barry, these were "students" 'craving democracy". BS. There is NO Democracy ANYWHERE in the Middle East except Israel. There has NEVER BEEN democracy ANYWHERE in the Middle East except Israel. There will NEVER BE democracy in ANY country in the Middle East except Israel.


Can you point to where these where all christians? I did not see it mentioned at all.till then the count is 2.

No one has claimed they are ALL Christians. Freedom loving muslims and Jews are suffering the same fate for trying to depose the corrupt muslim brotherhood. Civil rights have been violated for many in all those groups including muslim women. The fact that you choose to stay in denial about this horrific time says much about your character. Clearly you have none. If you would acknowledge you were wrong, I think most on here would have some respect for you. Anyone who reads the news knows it is CHRISTIAN CHURCHES that are getting torched. So the muslim brotherhood IS specifically targeting them. I mean, if you can't agree with that, then at least post the number of mosques that have been torched by the brotherhood in Egypt. Inquiring minds want to know.

So.....I have the count to under ten.....not really something to create this drama over.....buildings can be remade.

Sounds like Hillary:

[ame=]SHOCK! Hillary Clinton argues - What difference, at this point, does it make about how it happened? - YouTube[/ame]

Makes me think of this:

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.

If ONE American doesn't make any difference, why should 10 Egyptians, or 500 even?
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Radical Islam is the most violent/vile Reliigion in the World today.

And it is in control in Egypt. The people there want that government gone. The military is helping. Russia is helping. The US is doing nothing. Our president has gone into hiding.

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