They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

Only two people have died?
Yup just from the drama I thought this was going to be hundreds killed.


In that particular instance. See if you find this more to your liking. You terrorist sympathizers not doubt will:

Or this:

More than 500 people were killed in Egypt on Wednesday, in what is being called one of the bloodiest days in decades for the country. Egyptian security forces undertook a planned operation to clear supporters of former president Mohamed Morsi from sit-in demonstrations in Cairo who were camped out for over a month.

Death toll rises to more than 500 as U.S. reviews aid to Egypt

Go ahead, say it. You know you believe it. Those nasty Coptic Christians deserve to be killed. Especially their children.
Reuters is reporting over 800 killed so far.

Only two people have died?
Yup just from the drama I thought this was going to be hundreds killed.


In that particular instance. See if you find this more to your liking. You terrorist sympathizers not doubt will:

Or this:

More than 500 people were killed in Egypt on Wednesday, in what is being called one of the bloodiest days in decades for the country. Egyptian security forces undertook a planned operation to clear supporters of former president Mohamed Morsi from sit-in demonstrations in Cairo who were camped out for over a month.

Death toll rises to more than 500 as U.S. reviews aid to Egypt

Go ahead, say it. You know you believe it. Those nasty Coptic Christians deserve to be killed. Especially their children.
Reuters is reporting over 800 killed so far.

Obama went to Egypt and made speeches. He was very charismatic. The people loved him. Then he backed the MB as they revolted against the Egyptian government. He helped them put in a Muslim government that decided to put the whole nation under sharia law. The Egyptians fought back. They ousted the Muslims president that Obama put in there and now there is a civil war were Muslims are killing Christians. Talk to a Christian Egyptian, they will tell you how they thought Obama was their savior and then discovered he was in league with the devil.

He's arming Syrian rebels that belong to Al Queda. The same people who tried to destroy on on 9/11 and Obama is giving them arms, and better arms than he is sending our own military, if you actually talk to some of our deployed military in Afghanistan.

As much as I hated Clinton and Bush Jr, I think Obama will go down in history as the worst president ever.
Two christians have died. Scores of muslims have died though in this fight..

And you people act like this is the rapture on Christians in Egypt. ..I dont buy the dramafest by reactionaries.

You are basing your assertion that only two Christians died because of an article that cited the deaths of two Christians. That doesn't mean there aren't other articles detailing the deaths of other Christians.

Muslim Brotherhood Continue to Kill Christians and Children After Morsi is Ousted by Military

"The brutal crimes have extended to kill Christians, our partners in the homeland, for no reason but to scare them. There was the criminal murder of a priest while he was standing in front of a church in Arish, a Christian engineer was kidnapped in Arish while he was leaving his house, five Christians were killed in Luxor and the homes of Copts were burned. In Delga village, Minya, Copts were terrorized and a Catholic church was torched over incitement of a Brotherhood pharmacist. Intimidation of Copts is occurring in several places,

Islamists Behead Egyptian Christian - Religion Today Blog

Another Christian has been killed in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. Magdy Habashi, 60, was kidnapped last Saturday by suspected Islamic jihadists, and his decapitated body was found Thursday morning in a cemetery, CBN News reports. Habashi is the second Christian to be killed in the region. Last week, a Coptic priest, Father Mina Aboud Sharobeel, 39, was gunned down as he walked in an outdoor market in the town of El Arish, about 30 miles from the border with Israel

This isn't even all there are. It's an example of what is happening, like the article saying two Christians were murdered was just an example of what is happening.

Of course scores of muslims have been killed. They are fighting one another for the direction of the country. Christians aren't going about the countryside murdering muslims, muslims are going about the countryside murdering Christians.

That's what these fucking retarded liberals on here refuse to see. Muslims, Christians, Jews, and the Egyptian military fighting together to overthrow the vile mulsim brotherhood because of all the civil rights violations that have occurred since they came to power.
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Only two people have died?
Yup just from the drama I thought this was going to be hundreds killed.


In that particular instance. See if you find this more to your liking. You terrorist sympathizers not doubt will:

Or this:

More than 500 people were killed in Egypt on Wednesday, in what is being called one of the bloodiest days in decades for the country. Egyptian security forces undertook a planned operation to clear supporters of former president Mohamed Morsi from sit-in demonstrations in Cairo who were camped out for over a month.

Death toll rises to more than 500 as U.S. reviews aid to Egypt

Go ahead, say it. You know you believe it. Those nasty Coptic Christians deserve to be killed. Especially their children.
Reuters is reporting over 800 killed so far.

I was listening to the Egypt live link yesterday. It is what it is. Hundreds of people were massacred and over 50 churches burned.

This "numbers" game the red guy is playing is irrelevant and it's just part of his dickhead schtick.

I'm quite sure the illustrious MSM hasn't caught up yet or will put some skittle flavored covering on it for us.
Nice bike. Good to see him taking a well deserved vacation.

Yeah, let all those nasty Coptic Christians, Jews, and their women and children eat bullets. You are a stupid fuck.

The uncle of a Coptic Christian girl who was gunned down while walking home from a Bible class with her instructor says her family is devastated over the killing.

Jessica Boulous, 10, was killed last Tuesday in Cairo after attending a class at the Ahmed Esmat Street Evangelical Church, Morning Star News reports.

Read more: Coptic Christian girl, 10, killed while walking home from Bible class in Egypt | Fox News

Or this:

More than 500 people were killed in Egypt on Wednesday, in what is being called one of the bloodiest days in decades for the country. Egyptian security forces undertook a planned operation to clear supporters of former president Mohamed Morsi from sit-in demonstrations in Cairo who were camped out for over a month.

Death toll rises to more than 500 as U.S. reviews aid to Egypt

So we should invade Egypt and install another ME theocracy that will hate us 10 years and 6,000 AMERICAN deaths after we leave?

No thanks.

In that particular instance. See if you find this more to your liking. You terrorist sympathizers not doubt will:

Or this:

Death toll rises to more than 500 as U.S. reviews aid to Egypt

Go ahead, say it. You know you believe it. Those nasty Coptic Christians deserve to be killed. Especially their children.
Reuters is reporting over 800 killed so far.


Can you point to where these where all christians? I did not see it mentioned at all.till then the count is 2.
Yep! That's us. Everybody proud?

US credibility 'in tatters' over Egypt crisis

BBC News - US credibility 'in tatters' over Egypt crisis

This is America:


This is America on Bitchboi:


Who was it that said that "Americans get the government they deserve?"

A clown for president. Guess it's fitting for us. God help us.......

Only two people have died?
Yup just from the drama I thought this was going to be hundreds killed.


In that particular instance. See if you find this more to your liking. You terrorist sympathizers not doubt will:

The uncle of a Coptic Christian girl who was gunned down while walking home from a Bible class with her instructor says her family is devastated over the killing.

Jessica Boulous, 10, was killed last Tuesday in Cairo after attending a class at the Ahmed Esmat Street Evangelical Church, Morning Star News reports.

Read more: Coptic Christian girl, 10, killed while walking home from Bible class in Egypt | Fox News

Or this:

More than 500 people were killed in Egypt on Wednesday, in what is being called one of the bloodiest days in decades for the country. Egyptian security forces undertook a planned operation to clear supporters of former president Mohamed Morsi from sit-in demonstrations in Cairo who were camped out for over a month.

Death toll rises to more than 500 as U.S. reviews aid to Egypt

Go ahead, say it. You know you believe it. Those nasty Coptic Christians deserve to be killed. Especially their children.

So 3 Christians so far.....the 500 doesnt have a break of who died...a ten year old girl doesnt need to die regardless of her faith. Dont use her faith as an excuse to be a bigot. That makes you no better than the people who killed her. She shouldnt have been killed period.
Reuters is reporting over 800 killed so far.


Can you point to where these where all christians? I did not see it mentioned at all.till then the count is 2.

No one has claimed they are ALL Christians. Freedom loving muslims and Jews are suffering the same fate for trying to depose the corrupt muslim brotherhood. Civil rights have been violated for many in all those groups including muslim women. The fact that you choose to stay in denial about this horrific time says much about your character. Clearly you have none. If you would acknowledge you were wrong, I think most on here would have some respect for you. Anyone who reads the news knows it is CHRISTIAN CHURCHES that are getting torched. So the muslim brotherhood IS specifically targeting them. I mean, if you can't agree with that, then at least post the number of mosques that have been torched by the brotherhood in Egypt. Inquiring minds want to know.
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Can you point to where these where all christians? I did not see it mentioned at all.till then the count is 2.

No one has claimed they are ALL Christians. Freedom loving muslims and Jews are suffering the same fate for trying to depose the corrupt muslim brotherhood. Civil rights have been violated for many of all those groups including muslim women. The fact that you choose to stay in denial about this horrific time says much about your character. Clearly you have none. If you would acknowledge you were wrong, I think most on here would have some respect for you. Anyone who reads the news knows it is CHRISTIAN CHURCHES that are getting torched. So the muslim brotherhood IS specifically targeting them. I mean, if you can't agree with that, then at least post the number of mosques that have been torched by the brotherhood in Egypt. Inquiring minds want to know.

This is what the left does - conflate the issue in order to "change the subject". Hell, I think they learn it in grade school these days. 1 death is too many, however, that isn't the issue. The issue is that Egypt is on the verge of complete destruction. The Muslim Brotherhood (the new Al Queada) WILL NOT STOP until every "non islamic" influence has been purged and or killed and that country has been thrown into total chaos - like Syria.

We have reached a turning point in the Middle East and it will have DRASTIC effects on the West in the coming years.

Folks - this is only chaos in it's infancy. I suggest that you begin looking at the bigger picture here. Egypt, like Syria is probably lost already. The question now becomes, "What happens next"??

It is NOT going to be pretty.
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That's what these fucking retarded liberals on here refuse to see. Muslims, Christians, Jews, and the Egyptian military fighting together to overthrow the vile mulsim brotherhood because of all the civil rights violations that have occurred since they came to power.

They see it. They support it, because their messiah supported it. They can't think for themselves - only parrot the propaganda set by the higher ups.
It is called democratic centralism :D
US Secretary of State John Kerry signaled his strong support for the Egyptian military in the midst of military and 'security force' crackdowns that have left over 300 people dead, including at least 80 Morsi supporters shot Saturday.

Speaking to Pakistan's GEO TV Thursday, Kerry proclaimed, "The military was asked to intervene by millions and millions of people, all of whom were afraid of a descendance into chaos, into violence."Man checks list of the dead in Rabaa July 27, 2013 (Photo: Sharif Kouddous/Twitter)

He continued, "The military did not take over, to the best of our judgement - so far. To run the country, there's a civilian government. In effect, they

Maybe Kerry will come play president for a while. Our current president seems to have abdicated.
That's what these fucking retarded liberals on here refuse to see. Muslims, Christians, Jews, and the Egyptian military fighting together to overthrow the vile mulsim brotherhood because of all the civil rights violations that have occurred since they came to power.

They see it. They support it, because their messiah supported it. They can't think for themselves - only parrot the propaganda set by the higher ups.
It is called democratic centralism :D

See my two last posts. It seems that, if he can't condemn the muslim brotherhood, at least one other democrat has no problem whatsoever doing so.
That's what these fucking retarded liberals on here refuse to see. Muslims, Christians, Jews, and the Egyptian military fighting together to overthrow the vile mulsim brotherhood because of all the civil rights violations that have occurred since they came to power.

They see it. They support it, because their messiah supported it. They can't think for themselves - only parrot the propaganda set by the higher ups.
It is called democratic centralism :D

See my two last posts. It seems that, if he can't condemn the muslim brotherhood, at least one other democrat has no problem whatsoever doing so.

do you trust him? I mean that "one democrat"? Really?

he is known for flip-flopping, so if the chief-in-vacation comes back and decides differently, you will hear different opinion.

and I was talking about the libtard masses mostly - we can see it on this thread as an example.
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This entire affair, including the denial of this forum's liberals, is disgusting. We should be helping there, but Obama cannot turn on his muslim brotherhood. After all he might not get that UN seat where he can give up all the US military secrets if he does.

Can you point to where these where all christians? I did not see it mentioned at all.till then the count is 2.

No one has claimed they are ALL Christians. Freedom loving muslims and Jews are suffering the same fate for trying to depose the corrupt muslim brotherhood. Civil rights have been violated for many in all those groups including muslim women. The fact that you choose to stay in denial about this horrific time says much about your character. Clearly you have none. If you would acknowledge you were wrong, I think most on here would have some respect for you. Anyone who reads the news knows it is CHRISTIAN CHURCHES that are getting torched. So the muslim brotherhood IS specifically targeting them. I mean, if you can't agree with that, then at least post the number of mosques that have been torched by the brotherhood in Egypt. Inquiring minds want to know.

So.....I have the count to under ten.....not really something to create this drama over.....buildings can be remade.

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