They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

Have you asked yourself why all of a sudden Egyptian Muslims are going after Coptic Christians in such a direct and openly violent way? It's not like the Coptics are new to the country or anything, nor do the Coptics represent a significant portion of the population (10%). Might it have something to do with the Coptics abandoning their long held practice of keeping a "low profile" and seizing upon the political turmoil to insert themselves into the political process in a way disproportionate to their actual numbers?

When one is a gazelle in a cage full of lions it's best to avoid getting involved in the politics of the pride.

This is NOT merely about Christians in Egypt. The muslim brotherhood government is violating rights of ALL minorities and women. The Egyptians see they made a mistake at the ballot box, and they are fixing it. More than I can say for the US right now.

But you can take your insinuation that the Coptic Christians need to just slink away and shove it up your ass.

His point wasnt to slink away. It was to not make dont kick a hornets nest and then cry when you get stung.its amazing how you actually get more stupid with each post.

Thanks for making my point. Christians, Jews, and women should just grin and bear it. You stupid terrorist sympathizing fuck.

I'm not a religious person, but it's not exactly difficult to observe what is happening:

  • Members of one religion slaughtering members of another religion in Egypt
  • Members of that same religion proudly committed to purposely slaughtering members of other religions globally
  • Only one religion on the planet with such an announced commitment and modern-day track record of murdering innocents
  • That same religion literally taking over parts of European countries, to the point where law enforcement from that country does not enter that area
  • Apologists for that religion, who don't even belong to it, so vociferous in their defense of it
Looking forward to denials of the above -- without the traditional diversion and/or deflection.


1) true but so what.
2) so what? I see people wanting to wipe out the middle east and islam all the time. Furthermore you have to consider those in our own military who see's what we are doing as a holy war. These killings have been going on for literally thousands of years. This current killing is a mere drop in the bucket..considering how the monguls killed 400k+ in Bagdad alone.
3) this is our problem how?
4) dont mistake context for apologies. ..

We may consider ourselves civilized but when you read about a woman who tortures a 12 year old for whatever reasons. ..can you really say we are better?

Obama went to Egypt and made speeches. He was very charismatic. The people loved him. Then he backed the MB as they revolted against the Egyptian government. He helped them put in a Muslim government that decided to put the whole nation under sharia law. The Egyptians fought back. They ousted the Muslims president that Obama put in there and now there is a civil war were Muslims are killing Christians. Talk to a Christian Egyptian, they will tell you how they thought Obama was their savior and then discovered he was in league with the devil.

He's arming Syrian rebels that belong to Al Queda. The same people who tried to destroy on on 9/11 and Obama is giving them arms, and better arms than he is sending our own military, if you actually talk to some of our deployed military in Afghanistan.

As much as I hated Clinton and Bush Jr, I think Obama will go down in history as the worst president ever.
I'm surprised others have seen this. I thought it was a fairly guarded secret that Obama is pulling a Reagan with the arms being sold to the rebels.

You won't hear a peep about it from those who I consider the "Benghazi" deniers.
Snowden was right.

It's all flipping head over ass now.

If anyone had told me when I was 21 that I would see the day when an American sought asylum in the USSR, I would have thought them to be daft! Or that the American president would strut out on the side of terrorists, I wouldn't have believed it. When I was a girl they told us to memorize as much Bible as we could because one day we would not be able to own a Bible, and it would have to be handed down by word of mouth. Since those other things have come to pass, I do wonder how far away that day is.

Or that the USSR would be the ones to step to the plate in the midst of a good vs evil massacre while our American president lollygagged on vacation, our American president whose hand is in the evil - I would never have believed it.

Coincidental how all these pieces were played and then ignored, isn't it?
Outstanding!! :lol:

Maybe when you two visit and I'm looking down on you...yeah you probably look like dog turds. :lol: :lol:


I'd probably better retreat from this forum after that retort.....:lol:

My self-esteem has taken a definite beating....

Oh dear me! Let me see if I can remember what it's like to be in third grade so I can come up with an appropriate retort. What level of butt-hurt do you think I should exhibit?
3 Nuns Paraded like 'Prisoners of War;' 2 Christians Killed; 58 Churches, Properties Attacked in Egypt
Read more at 3 Nuns Paraded like 'Prisoners of War;' 2 Christians Killed; 58 Churches, Properties Attacked in Egypt

Only two people have died?
Yup just from the drama I thought this was going to be hundreds killed.

there were only three terrorists subjected to water boarding - not killed (sic!!!)- only THREE - and you, unprincipled progressive wingnuts were wailing FOR YEARS about torture.
Fucking hypocrites - and you are the example of it :mad:
3 Nuns Paraded like 'Prisoners of War;' 2 Christians Killed; 58 Churches, Properties Attacked in Egypt
Read more at 3 Nuns Paraded like 'Prisoners of War;' 2 Christians Killed; 58 Churches, Properties Attacked in Egypt

Only two people have died?
Yup just from the drama I thought this was going to be hundreds killed.


In that particular instance. See if you find this more to your liking. You terrorist sympathizers not doubt will:

The uncle of a Coptic Christian girl who was gunned down while walking home from a Bible class with her instructor says her family is devastated over the killing.

Jessica Boulous, 10, was killed last Tuesday in Cairo after attending a class at the Ahmed Esmat Street Evangelical Church, Morning Star News reports.

Read more: Coptic Christian girl, 10, killed while walking home from Bible class in Egypt | Fox News

Or this:

More than 500 people were killed in Egypt on Wednesday, in what is being called one of the bloodiest days in decades for the country. Egyptian security forces undertook a planned operation to clear supporters of former president Mohamed Morsi from sit-in demonstrations in Cairo who were camped out for over a month.

Death toll rises to more than 500 as U.S. reviews aid to Egypt

Go ahead, say it. You know you believe it. Those nasty Coptic Christians deserve to be killed. Especially their children.
Last edited:
Yep! That's us. Everybody proud?

US credibility 'in tatters' over Egypt crisis

BBC News - US credibility 'in tatters' over Egypt crisis

This is America:


This is America on Bitchboi:

Yep! That's us. Everybody proud?

US credibility 'in tatters' over Egypt crisis

BBC News - US credibility 'in tatters' over Egypt crisis

This is America:


This is America on Bitchboi:


Rest of the world finally caught up.

They're figuring it out pretty quick. Looks like Putin has got it down pat. He's been having a good old laugh for a while.

You can only be on the wrong side of the fence for so long and then the power starts to shift.

How far is the question.

WE get to pay for it.
Nice bike. Good to see him taking a well deserved vacation.

Yeah, let all those nasty Coptic Christians, Jews, and their women and children eat bullets. You are a stupid fuck.

The uncle of a Coptic Christian girl who was gunned down while walking home from a Bible class with her instructor says her family is devastated over the killing.

Jessica Boulous, 10, was killed last Tuesday in Cairo after attending a class at the Ahmed Esmat Street Evangelical Church, Morning Star News reports.

Read more: Coptic Christian girl, 10, killed while walking home from Bible class in Egypt | Fox News

Or this:

More than 500 people were killed in Egypt on Wednesday, in what is being called one of the bloodiest days in decades for the country. Egyptian security forces undertook a planned operation to clear supporters of former president Mohamed Morsi from sit-in demonstrations in Cairo who were camped out for over a month.

Death toll rises to more than 500 as U.S. reviews aid to Egypt
Last edited:
Rest of the world finally caught up.

They're figuring it out pretty quick. Looks like Putin has got it down pat. He's been having a good old laugh for a while.

You can only be on the wrong side of the fence for so long and then the power starts to shift.

How far is the question.

WE get to pay for it.

I wish Russia wasn't so friggin' cold!

only two people have died?
Yup just from the drama i thought this was going to be hundreds killed.

there were only three terrorists subjected to water boarding - not killed (sic!!!)- only three - and you, unprincipled progressive wingnuts were wailing for years about torture.
Fucking hypocrites - and you are the example of it :mad:

Rest of the world finally caught up.

They're figuring it out pretty quick. Looks like Putin has got it down pat. He's been having a good old laugh for a while.

You can only be on the wrong side of the fence for so long and then the power starts to shift.

How far is the question.

WE get to pay for it.

I wish Russia wasn't so friggin' cold!

Russia is highly corrupt, and Putin is not a nice guy, but you can tell from his actions that he cares for his country and his people unlike the Wall Street puppet that currently stinks up the white house. Did he make a lot of bank personally from his status? Absolutely, but his nation isn't hopelessly in the Red, no pun intended, and it's sitting upon a seemingly endless amount of fossil wealth.
They're figuring it out pretty quick. Looks like Putin has got it down pat. He's been having a good old laugh for a while.

You can only be on the wrong side of the fence for so long and then the power starts to shift.

How far is the question.

WE get to pay for it.

I wish Russia wasn't so friggin' cold!

Russia is highly corrupt, and Putin is not a nice guy, but you can tell from his actions that he cares for his country and his people unlike the Wall Street puppet that currently stinks up the white house. Did he make a lot of bank personally from his status? Absolutely, but his nation isn't hopelessly in the Red, no pun intended, and it's sitting upon a seemingly endless amount of fossil wealth.

We're not going all red anytime soon no pun.

It was reference to leading vs not leading. Building success vs not. Stepping up to the plate vs not. BF'ing our Bitchboi if he damn well wants to. We used to be the BF'ers LOL
1) true but so what.
2) so what? I see people wanting to wipe out the middle east and islam all the time. Furthermore you have to consider those in our own military who see's what we are doing as a holy war. These killings have been going on for literally thousands of years. This current killing is a mere drop in the bucket..considering how the monguls killed 400k+ in Bagdad alone.
3) this is our problem how?
4) dont mistake context for apologies. ..

We may consider ourselves civilized but when you read about a woman who tortures a 12 year old for whatever reasons. ..can you really say we are better?

Obama went to Egypt and made speeches. He was very charismatic. The people loved him. Then he backed the MB as they revolted against the Egyptian government. He helped them put in a Muslim government that decided to put the whole nation under sharia law. The Egyptians fought back. They ousted the Muslims president that Obama put in there and now there is a civil war were Muslims are killing Christians. Talk to a Christian Egyptian, they will tell you how they thought Obama was their savior and then discovered he was in league with the devil.

He's arming Syrian rebels that belong to Al Queda. The same people who tried to destroy on on 9/11 and Obama is giving them arms, and better arms than he is sending our own military, if you actually talk to some of our deployed military in Afghanistan.

As much as I hated Clinton and Bush Jr, I think Obama will go down in history as the worst president ever.
Two christians have died. Scores of muslims have died though in this fight..

And you people act like this is the rapture on Christians in Egypt. ..I dont buy the dramafest by reactionaries.

You are basing your assertion that only two Christians died because of an article that cited the deaths of two Christians. That doesn't mean there aren't other articles detailing the deaths of other Christians.

Muslim Brotherhood Continue to Kill Christians and Children After Morsi is Ousted by Military

"The brutal crimes have extended to kill Christians, our partners in the homeland, for no reason but to scare them. There was the criminal murder of a priest while he was standing in front of a church in Arish, a Christian engineer was kidnapped in Arish while he was leaving his house, five Christians were killed in Luxor and the homes of Copts were burned. In Delga village, Minya, Copts were terrorized and a Catholic church was torched over incitement of a Brotherhood pharmacist. Intimidation of Copts is occurring in several places,

Islamists Behead Egyptian Christian - Religion Today Blog

Another Christian has been killed in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. Magdy Habashi, 60, was kidnapped last Saturday by suspected Islamic jihadists, and his decapitated body was found Thursday morning in a cemetery, CBN News reports. Habashi is the second Christian to be killed in the region. Last week, a Coptic priest, Father Mina Aboud Sharobeel, 39, was gunned down as he walked in an outdoor market in the town of El Arish, about 30 miles from the border with Israel

This isn't even all there are. It's an example of what is happening, like the article saying two Christians were murdered was just an example of what is happening.

Of course scores of muslims have been killed. They are fighting one another for the direction of the country. Christians aren't going about the countryside murdering muslims, muslims are going about the countryside murdering Christians.
1) true but so what.
2) so what? I see people wanting to wipe out the middle east and islam all the time. Furthermore you have to consider those in our own military who see's what we are doing as a holy war. These killings have been going on for literally thousands of years. This current killing is a mere drop in the bucket..considering how the monguls killed 400k+ in Bagdad alone.
3) this is our problem how?
4) dont mistake context for apologies. ..

We may consider ourselves civilized but when you read about a woman who tortures a 12 year old for whatever reasons. ..can you really say we are better?

Obama went to Egypt and made speeches. He was very charismatic. The people loved him. Then he backed the MB as they revolted against the Egyptian government. He helped them put in a Muslim government that decided to put the whole nation under sharia law. The Egyptians fought back. They ousted the Muslims president that Obama put in there and now there is a civil war were Muslims are killing Christians. Talk to a Christian Egyptian, they will tell you how they thought Obama was their savior and then discovered he was in league with the devil.

He's arming Syrian rebels that belong to Al Queda. The same people who tried to destroy on on 9/11 and Obama is giving them arms, and better arms than he is sending our own military, if you actually talk to some of our deployed military in Afghanistan.

As much as I hated Clinton and Bush Jr, I think Obama will go down in history as the worst president ever.
Two christians have died. Scores of muslims have died though in this fight..

And you people act like this is the rapture on Christians in Egypt. ..I dont buy the dramafest by reactionaries.

Their places of worship, education and private businesses and homes have been attacked/destroyed...

You are such a fucking asshole- I mean I always thought your were- but it just needed to be said again.

Churches, houses, monasteries, orphanages, schools and businesses belonging to Copts were attacked in nine provinces "causing panic, losses and destruction for no reason and no crimes they committed except being Christians," the Maspero Youth Union, a Coptic activist group, said Thursday.

Christians make up about 8 million of Egypt's population of 80 million and have been victims of Muslim attacks for years. Some Christians were worried when Islamists took over Egypt's government in 2012 and relieved when the military ousted them from power last month.

But the ancient Coptic communities here that predate Islam by centuries say they now see a new wave of violence against them since the ouster.

Only two people have died?
Yup just from the drama I thought this was going to be hundreds killed.


In that particular instance. See if you find this more to your liking. You terrorist sympathizers not doubt will:

The uncle of a Coptic Christian girl who was gunned down while walking home from a Bible class with her instructor says her family is devastated over the killing.

Jessica Boulous, 10, was killed last Tuesday in Cairo after attending a class at the Ahmed Esmat Street Evangelical Church, Morning Star News reports.

Read more: Coptic Christian girl, 10, killed while walking home from Bible class in Egypt | Fox News

Or this:

More than 500 people were killed in Egypt on Wednesday, in what is being called one of the bloodiest days in decades for the country. Egyptian security forces undertook a planned operation to clear supporters of former president Mohamed Morsi from sit-in demonstrations in Cairo who were camped out for over a month.

Death toll rises to more than 500 as U.S. reviews aid to Egypt

Go ahead, say it. You know you believe it. Those nasty Coptic Christians deserve to be killed. Especially their children.
Reuters is reporting over 800 killed so far.

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