They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

I'm going to cry. You should see what I can see. oh my they are killing all the christians and burning down the churches.

Have you asked yourself why all of a sudden Egyptian Muslims are going after Coptic Christians in such a direct and openly violent way? It's not like the Coptics are new to the country or anything, nor do the Coptics represent a significant portion of the population (10%). Might it have something to do with the Coptics abandoning their long held practice of keeping a "low profile" and seizing upon the political turmoil to insert themselves into the political process in a way disproportionate to their actual numbers?

When one is a gazelle in a cage full of lions it's best to avoid getting involved in the politics of the pride.

This is NOT merely about Christians in Egypt. The muslim brotherhood government is violating rights of ALL minorities and women. The Egyptians see they made a mistake at the ballot box, and they are fixing it. More than I can say for the US right now.

But you can take your insinuation that the Coptic Christians need to just slink away and shove it up your ass.
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Putin acts in support of Egyptian military
DEBKAfile August 17, 2013, 6:54 PM (GMT+02:00)
Russian President Vladimir Putin called an extraordinary session at the Kremlin Saturday to “discuss the situation in Egypt and take the necessary steps to the put Russian military facilities at the Egyptian military's disposal,” said an announcement in Moscow, without elaborating. Putin said further that “Russia will arrange for joint military exercises with the Egyptian army.” DEBKAfile: Moscow’s steps directly conflict with Western condemnation of the Egyptian military’s crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood. They were taken shortly after President Barack Obama cancelled a joint military exercise with Egypt as a mark of US disapproval.

Putin acts in support of Egyptian military

Snowden was right.

It's all flipping head over ass now.
This is Obama's fault?
Not the people actually carrying out the killing and burning?

Of course its their doing.

Putting that aside, Obama deals with the whole Egypt thing very poorly. like a child entering the adults' field when his mind's still in the little-league.

Obama is not handling this by himself. He has a lot of liberals assisting him.

IOU + rep when I can.
I'm going to cry. You should see what I can see. oh my they are killing all the christians and burning down the churches.

Have you asked yourself why all of a sudden Egyptian Muslims are going after Coptic Christians in such a direct and openly violent way? It's not like the Coptics are new to the country or anything, nor do the Coptics represent a significant portion of the population (10%). Might it have something to do with the Coptics abandoning their long held practice of keeping a "low profile" and seizing upon the political turmoil to insert themselves into the political process in a way disproportionate to their actual numbers?

When one is a gazelle in a cage full of lions it's best to avoid getting involved in the politics of the pride.
The greatest triumphs of human kind comes from standing up and being counted in the face of hatred and oppression.

Your reply is disappointing.
Any Christian paying attention to what the Muslim Brotherhood is doing tonight to slaughter our brothers and sisters.?

Here's another one to go by:

1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

Psalm 23

Lovely, TK. How about this one:

Psalm 63

King James Version (KJV)

63 O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;

2 To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary.

3 Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.

4 Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name.

5 My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips:

6 When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches.

7 Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice.

8 My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me.

9 But those that seek my soul, to destroy it, shall go into the lower parts of the earth.

10 They shall fall by the sword: they shall be a portion for foxes.

11 But the king shall rejoice in God; every one that sweareth by him shall glory: but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped.

And this one:

King James Bible

Ecclesiastes 12:1
Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;
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I thought she was talking about the GOP's largest voting block...apparently we lose about 10,000 seniors each day and it could be a reason the GOP lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes.

candy no shit they are just offing every christian they can get their hands on tonight.

you got it?

cheer on or stand aside and condemn. this is not a joke. its the real deal here.

every Christian in Egypt is at risk of dying. right freaking now.

So why are you making it all about Obama?

Talk to an Egyptian, he'll explain it to you.
A church was set on fire in Egypt's Minya province on Friday (August 16), a video posted on the Internet purports to show. The footage shows what is said to be the Anglican church in the province's Mallawi town. On Friday, supporters of deposed president Mohamed Mursi clashed with security forces, as the new army-backed government launched a crackdown on his Muslim Brotherhood movement. Islamists staged revenge attacks on Christian targets earlier in the week in several areas, setting fire to churches, homes and businesses after Coptic Pope Tawadros gave his blessing to the takeover that ousted Mursi, security sources and state media said. Churches were attacked on Thursday in the Nile Valley towns of Minya, Sohag and Assiut, where Christians escaped across the roof into a neighbouring building after a mob surrounded and hurled bricks at their place of worship, state news agency MENA said.
from Reuters - (with video)
Church attacked in Egypt's Minya province | Video |
I'm going to cry. You should see what I can see. oh my they are killing all the christians and burning down the churches.

Have you asked yourself why all of a sudden Egyptian Muslims are going after Coptic Christians in such a direct and openly violent way? It's not like the Coptics are new to the country or anything, nor do the Coptics represent a significant portion of the population (10%). Might it have something to do with the Coptics abandoning their long held practice of keeping a "low profile" and seizing upon the political turmoil to insert themselves into the political process in a way disproportionate to their actual numbers?

When one is a gazelle in a cage full of lions it's best to avoid getting involved in the politics of the pride.

This is NOT merely about Christians in Egypt. The muslim brotherhood government is violating rights of ALL minorities and women. The Egyptians see they made a mistake at the ballot box, and they are fixing it. More than I can say for the US right now.

But you can take your insinuation that the Coptic Christians need to just slink away and shove it up your ass.

His point wasnt to slink away. It was to not make dont kick a hornets nest and then cry when you get stung.its amazing how you actually get more stupid with each post.
I'm going to cry. You should see what I can see. oh my they are killing all the christians and burning down the churches.

Have you asked yourself why all of a sudden Egyptian Muslims are going after Coptic Christians in such a direct and openly violent way? It's not like the Coptics are new to the country or anything, nor do the Coptics represent a significant portion of the population (10%). Might it have something to do with the Coptics abandoning their long held practice of keeping a "low profile" and seizing upon the political turmoil to insert themselves into the political process in a way disproportionate to their actual numbers?

When one is a gazelle in a cage full of lions it's best to avoid getting involved in the politics of the pride.

In other words, the Christians should not try to fight back but just accept that they will be murdered.

The answer to your question of why the Copts are being murdered in such a direct and violent way now when they weren't before is simple. Egypt was ruled by a cruel and despotic dictator who wouldn't let the muslims slaughter the Christians as they wanted to do.
Keep your self centered head buried in the sand and watch in silence.


I agree. He should stay with things that are entertainment, like the movie and humor threads. What is going on in Egypt at this time is exceedingly important, not just for Egypt but for the world.

For us.

Exceedingly important for us.

And we are on the losing team.

And will be as long as the radical muslim in chief is in office.
I'm going to cry. You should see what I can see. oh my they are killing all the christians and burning down the churches.

Have you asked yourself why all of a sudden Egyptian Muslims are going after Coptic Christians in such a direct and openly violent way? It's not like the Coptics are new to the country or anything, nor do the Coptics represent a significant portion of the population (10%). Might it have something to do with the Coptics abandoning their long held practice of keeping a "low profile" and seizing upon the political turmoil to insert themselves into the political process in a way disproportionate to their actual numbers?

When one is a gazelle in a cage full of lions it's best to avoid getting involved in the politics of the pride.

Unbelievable idiocy... So your opinion is that bullies should always rule the day? Because that's what you are insinuating here.

Let's not even address the fact that Christians in Muslim nations have ALWAYS been a favorite whipping boy during political upheavals- but lets' at least be honest here about your attitude; that population percentages should determine ones liberty to participate in the political process of ones country.

Black Americans are only 12% of our population...should they just shut the fuck up about politics in the US? And more to the point you made about Christians, if they don't shut the fuck up, should anyone be outraged if we murder them when they do? But even MORE fucked up then that perspective- how about, as in the case of the Coptic Christians, we just kill them because we want to?
What was in the box?

I have seen all the things that were once in those cases. Unfortunately photos inside the national museum were not allowed. I don't recall anything was in the box, but rather the box was on display and like the sarcophagus on the floor, was likely too heavy to carry. But there were many, maany items from King Tut's tomb including his thong sandals, his throne, miniature farming implements of the day, and his wine jars with his personal wine label engraved on them. Seeing that row of cases destroyed is sickening. Most everything in that museum was 5,000 years old at least. During Arab spring they ripped the heads off the royal mummies, and I have to wonder if they have been stolen as well. I can't really tell which floor of the museum that is.


Five out of five for the post.


Likely enterprise as well. They will try to sell those items on the black market for several small fortunes!
Putin acts in support of Egyptian military
DEBKAfile August 17, 2013, 6:54 PM (GMT+02:00)
Russian President Vladimir Putin called an extraordinary session at the Kremlin Saturday to “discuss the situation in Egypt and take the necessary steps to the put Russian military facilities at the Egyptian military's disposal,” said an announcement in Moscow, without elaborating. Putin said further that “Russia will arrange for joint military exercises with the Egyptian army.” DEBKAfile: Moscow’s steps directly conflict with Western condemnation of the Egyptian military’s crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood. They were taken shortly after President Barack Obama cancelled a joint military exercise with Egypt as a mark of US disapproval.

Putin acts in support of Egyptian military

Snowden was right.

It's all flipping head over ass now.

If anyone had told me when I was 21 that I would see the day when an American sought asylum in the USSR, I would have thought them to be daft! Or that the American president would strut out on the side of terrorists, I wouldn't have believed it. When I was a girl they told us to memorize as much Bible as we could because one day we would not be able to own a Bible, and it would have to be handed down by word of mouth. Since those other things have come to pass, I do wonder how far away that day is.
I'm going to cry. You should see what I can see. oh my they are killing all the christians and burning down the churches.

Have you asked yourself why all of a sudden Egyptian Muslims are going after Coptic Christians in such a direct and openly violent way? It's not like the Coptics are new to the country or anything, nor do the Coptics represent a significant portion of the population (10%). Might it have something to do with the Coptics abandoning their long held practice of keeping a "low profile" and seizing upon the political turmoil to insert themselves into the political process in a way disproportionate to their actual numbers?

When one is a gazelle in a cage full of lions it's best to avoid getting involved in the politics of the pride.

In other words, the Christians should not try to fight back but just accept that they will be murdered.

The answer to your question of why the Copts are being murdered in such a direct and violent way now when they weren't before is simple. Egypt was ruled by a cruel and despotic dictator who wouldn't let the muslims slaughter the Christians as they wanted to do.

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I'm not a religious person, but it's not exactly difficult to observe what is happening:

  • Members of one religion slaughtering members of another religion in Egypt
  • Members of that same religion proudly committed to purposely slaughtering members of other religions globally
  • Only one religion on the planet with such an announced commitment and modern-day track record of murdering innocents
  • That same religion literally taking over parts of European countries, to the point where law enforcement from that country does not enter that area
  • Apologists for that religion, who don't even belong to it, so vociferous in their defense of it
Looking forward to denials of the above -- without the traditional diversion and/or deflection.


1) true but so what.
2) so what? I see people wanting to wipe out the middle east and islam all the time. Furthermore you have to consider those in our own military who see's what we are doing as a holy war. These killings have been going on for literally thousands of years. This current killing is a mere drop in the bucket..considering how the monguls killed 400k+ in Bagdad alone.
3) this is our problem how?
4) dont mistake context for apologies. ..

We may consider ourselves civilized but when you read about a woman who tortures a 12 year old for whatever reasons. ..can you really say we are better?

Obama went to Egypt and made speeches. He was very charismatic. The people loved him. Then he backed the MB as they revolted against the Egyptian government. He helped them put in a Muslim government that decided to put the whole nation under sharia law. The Egyptians fought back. They ousted the Muslims president that Obama put in there and now there is a civil war were Muslims are killing Christians. Talk to a Christian Egyptian, they will tell you how they thought Obama was their savior and then discovered he was in league with the devil.

He's arming Syrian rebels that belong to Al Queda. The same people who tried to destroy on on 9/11 and Obama is giving them arms, and better arms than he is sending our own military, if you actually talk to some of our deployed military in Afghanistan.

As much as I hated Clinton and Bush Jr, I think Obama will go down in history as the worst president ever.

I'm not a religious person, but it's not exactly difficult to observe what is happening:

  • Members of one religion slaughtering members of another religion in Egypt
  • Members of that same religion proudly committed to purposely slaughtering members of other religions globally
  • Only one religion on the planet with such an announced commitment and modern-day track record of murdering innocents
  • That same religion literally taking over parts of European countries, to the point where law enforcement from that country does not enter that area
  • Apologists for that religion, who don't even belong to it, so vociferous in their defense of it
Looking forward to denials of the above -- without the traditional diversion and/or deflection.


1) true but so what.
2) so what? I see people wanting to wipe out the middle east and islam all the time. Furthermore you have to consider those in our own military who see's what we are doing as a holy war. These killings have been going on for literally thousands of years. This current killing is a mere drop in the bucket..considering how the monguls killed 400k+ in Bagdad alone.
3) this is our problem how?
4) dont mistake context for apologies. ..

We may consider ourselves civilized but when you read about a woman who tortures a 12 year old for whatever reasons. ..can you really say we are better?

Obama went to Egypt and made speeches. He was very charismatic. The people loved him. Then he backed the MB as they revolted against the Egyptian government. He helped them put in a Muslim government that decided to put the whole nation under sharia law. The Egyptians fought back. They ousted the Muslims president that Obama put in there and now there is a civil war were Muslims are killing Christians. Talk to a Christian Egyptian, they will tell you how they thought Obama was their savior and then discovered he was in league with the devil.

He's arming Syrian rebels that belong to Al Queda. The same people who tried to destroy on on 9/11 and Obama is giving them arms, and better arms than he is sending our own military, if you actually talk to some of our deployed military in Afghanistan.

As much as I hated Clinton and Bush Jr, I think Obama will go down in history as the worst president ever.
Two christians have died. Scores of muslims have died though in this fight..

And you people act like this is the rapture on Christians in Egypt. ..I dont buy the dramafest by reactionaries.
3 Nuns Paraded like 'Prisoners of War;' 2 Christians Killed; 58 Churches, Properties Attacked in Egypt
Read more at 3 Nuns Paraded like 'Prisoners of War;' 2 Christians Killed; 58 Churches, Properties Attacked in Egypt

From the article:

Islamists burned down a Christian school, paraded three nuns on the streets like "prisoners of war," and sexually abused two other female staff even as at least 58 attacks on Christians and their property were reported across Egypt over the last four days. At least two Christians have died in the attacks.
Read more at 3 Nuns Paraded like 'Prisoners of War;' 2 Christians Killed; 58 Churches, Properties Attacked in Egypt

The Bible Society of Egypt has reported the burning down of its bookshops in Assiut and Minia cities in southern Egypt. "Fortunately we were closed today, fearing such an attack, so none of our staff were injured," Ramez Atallah, the society's general director, said in a statement on Wednesday. "The attackers demolished the metal doors protecting the bookshops, broke the store windows behind them and set the bookshops on fire."
Read more at 3 Nuns Paraded like 'Prisoners of War;' 2 Christians Killed; 58 Churches, Properties Attacked in Egypt

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