They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

I thought she was talking about the GOP's largest voting block...apparently we lose about 10,000 seniors each day and it could be a reason the GOP lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes.

candy no shit they are just offing every christian they can get their hands on tonight.

you got it?

cheer on or stand aside and condemn. this is not a joke. its the real deal here.

every Christian in Egypt is at risk of dying. right freaking now.

So why are you making it all about Obama?
I thought she was talking about the GOP's largest voting block...apparently we lose about 10,000 seniors each day and it could be a reason the GOP lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes.

candy no shit they are just offing every christian they can get their hands on tonight.

you got it?

cheer on or stand aside and condemn. this is not a joke. its the real deal here.

every Christian in Egypt is at risk of dying. right freaking now.

So why are you making it all about Obama?

I didn't make it about Obama what the hell are you talking about?
candy no shit they are just offing every christian they can get their hands on tonight.

you got it?

cheer on or stand aside and condemn. this is not a joke. its the real deal here.

every Christian in Egypt is at risk of dying. right freaking now.

So why are you making it all about Obama?

I didn't make it about Obama what the hell are you talking about?

Remember writing this?
Look what you unleashed Obama.....
Gird yourself Tiny....this is only the begining. Fortunately, I've read the end of the Book. I know how the story ends. Hallelujah!

Big YAY from my end. I just have this really bad knowing that I'm going to be here for a while and it's not going to be pretty.

But that's the battle coming. I'm ready.

May God bless and keep you.

Middle East Expert Erick Stakelbeck Warns: ?There Is a Bullseye on the Back of Every Christian Living in Egypt? |

We have a real serious issue for every Christian in the Middle East at this moment.
Notice the silence. Crickets. MB's are going mother trucking crazy and our *cough* leaders are so silent.

The Brotherhood is out and about and just killing anyone that hey can find....oh and according to Obama they are just Morsi's associates. :lmbo:

Look what you unleashed Obama.....

Really you asshole I'm trying to get some good friends of mine at this moment out of this mess you assholes call your Obama's foreign policy right fucking now you jerk.

This is bad and we are tip toeing trying to get thru this you idiot.

Go play some cards fool. Thats what you do best. Play cards. Go to Vegas. Geeze louise. Who was Stevens again? Valerie who was that guy again?
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What can we do?

I got up at about 4:00 a.m. this morning and the first thing I did was opened your thread. I'm praying for them. I haven't turned on any news so I don't know if it is being reported, TinyDancer. I know what you are doing is sounding the alarm, waking people up, God bless you - you are not lounging on your couch of ivory while your brothers are in great peril. You're acting as a wise virgin, TD. ( 5 foolish virgins - 5 wise virgins - not a parable - a warning to church )

It is a sad truth but the reason that the Muslim Brotherhood has been so welcomed in this administration and Pentagon is because of the hatred they hold for Jesus Christ and His followers.

Communists have always hated Christians. The union you see between Communists and Muslim Brotherhood is the same union the world witnessed between Hitler and The Grand Mufti of Islam.

What you might not be seeing is that first - some of these christians will be offered to deny Christ and convert to Islam - many are watching their children die before their eyes before they are martyred because God haters are notorious for first demanding that believers deny Jesus Christ before dying. That way they have the satisfaction of knowing they went to hell when they died. - Jesus said, If any man deny me before man I will deny him before the Father. The enemies of Almighty God know this. Communists also torture christians in hopes of having them renounce their faith in God. When the Christian won't deny Christ, it results in some repenting and becoming Christians.

What can we do?

Pray for more laborers in the harvest.

- Jeri
Dont any of you now realize the joke? Obama played cards while the Bin Laden kill was going down.

Obama was so bored he had to play cards whilst the key numero uno was getting killed. Bored. Out of his mind bored.

the commander in chief was bored to tears whilst the big guy was getting nuked. :lmao:

Valerie is obviously running the show.

That's scary.
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I'm not a religious person, but it's not exactly difficult to observe what is happening:

  • Members of one religion slaughtering members of another religion in Egypt
  • Members of that same religion proudly committed to purposely slaughtering members of other religions globally
  • Only one religion on the planet with such an announced commitment and modern-day track record of murdering innocents
  • That same religion literally taking over parts of European countries, to the point where law enforcement from that country does not enter that area
  • Apologists for that religion, who don't even belong to it, so vociferous in their defense of it
Looking forward to denials of the above -- without the traditional diversion and/or deflection.

I think when someone makes a thread and cries out against the atrocities - it a sign God has people in this nation who still care. When I first saw the thread it reminded me of the man in the linen clothing with the pen.

It is a story about a time of judgment. God sent his servant dressed in linen to mark the foreheads of all those who grieved in the land over the sin they saw happening all about them. The ones who grieved were marked - the people who felt no grief - no sorrow - but joined the wicked - they were left unmarked.

Then the day of slaughter came and it began in the house of the LORD. Those who were marked - survived - all those without that mark were slaughtered. There is one moving through the land right now marking those who are grieving over this land and praying for it. I'm certain of it.

I visited the Coptic Orthodox Church when I was in Cairo. It sits at the site believed to be where Mary fled to with the baby Jesus. The original actual place is deep under ground because the sands of time have banked up around it. There were priests who resided down there. Tourists are not allowed in that part. But they can stand atop the stairs which are not quite as deep in the ground, but still much lower than the street level, and throw prayers down onto the steps. Each day the priests collect all the prayers and pray them. With Egypt once being a prime destination for tourists think how many prayers have been prayed from that site alone. I remember standing there with a pencil in my purse but no paper to write on. There was a little girl about 10 years old standing next to me who had a pad of Post It notes. She kept handing me notes to write on. I threw several prayer requests down the steps. And now I wonder about the safety of the priests there deep underground, if they have been allowed to live.

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I'm not a religious person, but it's not exactly difficult to observe what is happening:

  • Members of one religion slaughtering members of another religion in Egypt
  • Members of that same religion proudly committed to purposely slaughtering members of other religions globally
  • Only one religion on the planet with such an announced commitment and modern-day track record of murdering innocents
  • That same religion literally taking over parts of European countries, to the point where law enforcement from that country does not enter that area
  • Apologists for that religion, who don't even belong to it, so vociferous in their defense of it
Looking forward to denials of the above -- without the traditional diversion and/or deflection.


And their American counterparts plan a march on 9-11 to protest our war on terror:

“Yet our Government either sits idly by and does nothing to protect our freedoms or it exacerbates the problem with its constant war on terrorism in Islamic countries, congressional hearings on Islam in America, and its changes to the NDAA law

“These lies told to the American population has made it impossible for us to do true Dawa,” Ms. Hodge continues, referring to the practice of proselytizing or preaching Islam.

AMPAC plans 'Million Muslim March' for D.C. on 9/11 - Washington Times

And the forum liberals have strutted out strongly in favor of this march:

I'm not a religious person, but it's not exactly difficult to observe what is happening:

  • Members of one religion slaughtering members of another religion in Egypt
  • Members of that same religion proudly committed to purposely slaughtering members of other religions globally
  • Only one religion on the planet with such an announced commitment and modern-day track record of murdering innocents
  • That same religion literally taking over parts of European countries, to the point where law enforcement from that country does not enter that area
  • Apologists for that religion, who don't even belong to it, so vociferous in their defense of it
Looking forward to denials of the above -- without the traditional diversion and/or deflection.


And their American counterparts plan a march on 9-11 to protest our war on terror:

“Yet our Government either sits idly by and does nothing to protect our freedoms or it exacerbates the problem with its constant war on terrorism in Islamic countries, congressional hearings on Islam in America, and its changes to the NDAA law

“These lies told to the American population has made it impossible for us to do true Dawa,” Ms. Hodge continues, referring to the practice of proselytizing or preaching Islam.

AMPAC plans 'Million Muslim March' for D.C. on 9/11 - Washington Times

And the forum liberals have strutted out strongly in favor of this march:
They are not even connected you moron.
Any Christian paying attention to what the Muslim Brotherhood is doing tonight to slaughter our brothers and sisters.?

the muslim brotherhood has destroyed over fifty churches

beheading Christians there have been reports of actual crucifixions

Christian schools burned to the ground

the military has promised to rebuild whatever the MB destroy

I'm not a religious person, but it's not exactly difficult to observe what is happening:

  • Members of one religion slaughtering members of another religion in Egypt
  • Members of that same religion proudly committed to purposely slaughtering members of other religions globally
  • Only one religion on the planet with such an announced commitment and modern-day track record of murdering innocents
  • That same religion literally taking over parts of European countries, to the point where law enforcement from that country does not enter that area
  • Apologists for that religion, who don't even belong to it, so vociferous in their defense of it
Looking forward to denials of the above -- without the traditional diversion and/or deflection.


And their American counterparts plan a march on 9-11 to protest our war on terror:

“Yet our Government either sits idly by and does nothing to protect our freedoms or it exacerbates the problem with its constant war on terrorism in Islamic countries, congressional hearings on Islam in America, and its changes to the NDAA law

“These lies told to the American population has made it impossible for us to do true Dawa,” Ms. Hodge continues, referring to the practice of proselytizing or preaching Islam.

AMPAC plans 'Million Muslim March' for D.C. on 9/11 - Washington Times

And the forum liberals have strutted out strongly in favor of this march:
They are not even connected you moron.

Their 9/11 truther nuts who claim the Joooooos did it. Doubt 100 people show up. Even CAIR said they would avoid the march and advised others to. lol. When an un-indicted co conspirator from HLF Trials tells you they won't show up you know it MUST Be bad! LOL!

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