They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

Say what you will, Pogo. It is the truth. There is absolutely no correlation between Muslims EVER having been treated as Jews have been throughout history. Much less having been "victims"! Unless it was done to them by their own Muslim brothers or communists. ( who they've aligned themselves with today )

It is what it is. You can't turn a pigs ear into a silk purse. Impossible.

I'm not a religious person, but it's not exactly difficult to observe what is happening:

  • Members of one religion slaughtering members of another religion in Egypt
  • Members of that same religion proudly committed to purposely slaughtering members of other religions globally
  • Only one religion on the planet with such an announced commitment and modern-day track record of murdering innocents
  • That same religion literally taking over parts of European countries, to the point where law enforcement from that country does not enter that area
  • Apologists for that religion, who don't even belong to it, so vociferous in their defense of it
Looking forward to denials of the above -- without the traditional diversion and/or deflection.


1) true but so what.
2) so what? I see people wanting to wipe out the middle east and islam all the time. Furthermore you have to consider those in our own military who see's what we are doing as a holy war. These killings have been going on for literally thousands of years. This current killing is a mere drop in the bucket..considering how the monguls killed 400k+ in Bagdad alone.
3) this is our problem how?
4) dont mistake context for apologies. ..

We may consider ourselves civilized but when you read about a woman who tortures a 12 year old for whatever reasons. ..can you really say we are better?

Completely unrelated.

Please link instances of Christians butchering Muslims and tearing down mosques.

You won't, because not only are you a worthless pig, you are a liar as well.
The problem is Islam. Whether it's 9/11, Rwanda genocide, Darfur genocide, Jewish settlers genocide, Christian genocide in Egypt, Christian genocide in Syria, Christian genocide in Lebanon,Libya, Turkey,India,Indonesia, Malaysia, Philipines, Algeria, Somalia, Kenya, Nigeria......... it's always the same people responsible - following the same religion.

Muslims and Islam.

Sure it is.

75 years ago it was spelled differently:


Same shit, different day.

Looks exactly like what progressives and Muslims circulate about Christians.
So that's how you view this? One group "just happens to be picking on another group"? Seriously? Those are your words.

Holy crap, talk about "context", your word. If that's all you're seeing -- and it must be, because I'm sure you're not being dishonest -- I find that to be concerning. The scale of this is both global and local. There was this attack in 2001.

So my points above are no big deal. Okay. Yikes.


You didnt really answer my points..mostly glossed over them in order to look like you are emotionally,morally shocked and played the 911 card.

Yeah 911 happened...again 3000 of us and 30k syrians in the past few years. Is one group less important? Or is just murder bad period of who does it and it is a shame humans still feel the need to do these things..

But if you want to keep glossing over points that dont jive with your opinion we can just stop.

Sure, happy to.

Slaughters of any kind are tragic. So, absolutely, the dead Syrians represent a tragedy. Mexico? Of course. So there is my response at your attempt at deflection. Terrible acts that must be noticed and not minimized. And as far as the "is one group less important" straw man, no, one group is not more important.

I think you're choosing to miss my point, that there is a group of people absolutely committed to murdering those who don't agree with their religion, AND who are carrying out their threats quite effectively. The fact that, in this particular case, they are slaughtering Christians does not change the point at all. And I think you know that. Instead, your response, your words: "So what?" It's just "one group picking on another group".


Im not deflecting anything. I needed to know your stance.or would you rather I assume?
Again thats not a strawman. Look at how people are acting. As if because some muslims are killing Christians that this must be more important. My over all point is that in context this has been going on for centuries. Context matters when trying to solve these issues. If you feel im trying to minimize it then thats your issue.

No I got your point. There is of people set out to kill other people. We can either accept that or choose to ignore it. You dont need to shiny it up with labels. If the world is that outraged they will do something about it.

Yes my response is so what...but that is in reference that these are christians and not the fact people are dying.

I'm not a religious person, but it's not exactly difficult to observe what is happening:

  • Members of one religion slaughtering members of another religion in Egypt
  • Members of that same religion proudly committed to purposely slaughtering members of other religions globally
  • Only one religion on the planet with such an announced commitment and modern-day track record of murdering innocents
  • That same religion literally taking over parts of European countries, to the point where law enforcement from that country does not enter that area
  • Apologists for that religion, who don't even belong to it, so vociferous in their defense of it
Looking forward to denials of the above -- without the traditional diversion and/or deflection.


1) true but so what.
2) so what? I see people wanting to wipe out the middle east and islam all the time. Furthermore you have to consider those in our own military who see's what we are doing as a holy war. These killings have been going on for literally thousands of years. This current killing is a mere drop in the bucket..considering how the monguls killed 400k+ in Bagdad alone.
3) this is our problem how?
4) dont mistake context for apologies. ..

We may consider ourselves civilized but when you read about a woman who tortures a 12 year old for whatever reasons. ..can you really say we are better?

Completely unrelated.

Please link instances of Christians butchering Muslims and tearing down mosques.

You won't, because not only are you a worthless pig, you are a liar as well.
One could just open up a history book or look to africa....
But how cute allie calling me a if that means anything to anyone..calling me a pig isnt an insult. Pigs are decent fact I rate them higher than rather save a pigs life than yours
Right, Plasma. When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Good job showing the board which one you are.


What was the slander?

I told you that 9/11 was not an abberation of Islam but rather the 9/11 Saudi Muslim hijackers were the "poster children" for Islam. I pointed out to you that in every nation upon the earth where genocide of christians, Jews, non muslims is carried out it is done by followers of Islam. Even against their own fellow brethren. I pointed out to you that the Muslim world selected Osama as their #1 choice for baby boys names for 5 straight years. I provided evidence to prove your Muslim march in Washington has no grounds to dispute such a reputation as they have well earned it.

Your response?

Ah! Ignorance.

My response? When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Thank you for proving Socrates point. As well as my own. - Jeri
Last edited:
You didnt really answer my points..mostly glossed over them in order to look like you are emotionally,morally shocked and played the 911 card.

Yeah 911 happened...again 3000 of us and 30k syrians in the past few years. Is one group less important? Or is just murder bad period of who does it and it is a shame humans still feel the need to do these things..

But if you want to keep glossing over points that dont jive with your opinion we can just stop.

Sure, happy to.

Slaughters of any kind are tragic. So, absolutely, the dead Syrians represent a tragedy. Mexico? Of course. So there is my response at your attempt at deflection. Terrible acts that must be noticed and not minimized. And as far as the "is one group less important" straw man, no, one group is not more important.

I think you're choosing to miss my point, that there is a group of people absolutely committed to murdering those who don't agree with their religion, AND who are carrying out their threats quite effectively. The fact that, in this particular case, they are slaughtering Christians does not change the point at all. And I think you know that. Instead, your response, your words: "So what?" It's just "one group picking on another group".


Im not deflecting anything. I needed to know your stance.or would you rather I assume?
Again thats not a strawman. Look at how people are acting. As if because some muslims are killing Christians that this must be more important. My over all point is that in context this has been going on for centuries. Context matters when trying to solve these issues. If you feel im trying to minimize it then thats your issue.

No I got your point. There is of people set out to kill other people. We can either accept that or choose to ignore it. You dont need to shiny it up with labels. If the world is that outraged they will do something about it.

Yes my response is so what...but that is in reference that these are christians and not the fact people are dying.

Actually, Christians always speak up when human rights violations are being committed.

And your response is the same. You don't give a shit.

We've been going into these hellholes for years to help the women and children who are brutalized and murdered...all across the world.

And you, and progressives like you, just don't care. Because human rights violations don't mean anything to you. You'd like to visit more upon humans.

Which is just a sign of what scum you are.
This is Obama's fault?
Not the people actually carrying out the killing and burning?

I just started reading down through the idiot's first post, just betting how many posts she could write before this was Obama's fault.

So predictable.

Too bad she didn't cry her eyes out when all the cameras were focused on the slaughter in Aleppo. Such phonies.
Right, Plasma. When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Good job showing the board which one you are.


What was the slander?

I told you that 9/11 was not an abberation of Islam but rather the 9/11 Saudi Muslim hijackers were the "poster children" for Islam. I pointed out to you that in every nation upon the earth where genocide of christians, Jews, non muslims is carried out it is done by followers of Islam. Even against their own fellow brethren. I pointed out to you that the Muslim world selected Osama as their #1 choice for baby boys names for 5 straight years. I provided evidence to prove your Muslim march in Washington has no grounds to dispute such a reputation as they have well earned it.

Your response?

Ah! Ignorance.

My response? When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Thank you for proving Socrates point. As well as my own. - Jeri

Thats not slander...slander would be like I saying you like to dress up in furry costumes and pretend you are an animal, while getting spanked..

Thats slander.
Sure, happy to.

Slaughters of any kind are tragic. So, absolutely, the dead Syrians represent a tragedy. Mexico? Of course. So there is my response at your attempt at deflection. Terrible acts that must be noticed and not minimized. And as far as the "is one group less important" straw man, no, one group is not more important.

I think you're choosing to miss my point, that there is a group of people absolutely committed to murdering those who don't agree with their religion, AND who are carrying out their threats quite effectively. The fact that, in this particular case, they are slaughtering Christians does not change the point at all. And I think you know that. Instead, your response, your words: "So what?" It's just "one group picking on another group".


Im not deflecting anything. I needed to know your stance.or would you rather I assume?
Again thats not a strawman. Look at how people are acting. As if because some muslims are killing Christians that this must be more important. My over all point is that in context this has been going on for centuries. Context matters when trying to solve these issues. If you feel im trying to minimize it then thats your issue.

No I got your point. There is of people set out to kill other people. We can either accept that or choose to ignore it. You dont need to shiny it up with labels. If the world is that outraged they will do something about it.

Yes my response is so what...but that is in reference that these are christians and not the fact people are dying.

Actually, Christians always speak up when human rights violations are being committed.

And your response is the same. You don't give a shit.

We've been going into these hellholes for years to help the women and children who are brutalized and murdered...all across the world.

And you, and progressives like you, just don't care. Because human rights violations don't mean anything to you. You'd like to visit more upon humans.

Which is just a sign of what scum you are.

MMmm.....hmmmmm...sort of like Afghanistan and the Taliban. And they just love us now, don't they?

The thing is, if Obama intervened and sent in the troops, you stupid idiots would call him a hypocrite and a warmonger.....just a sign of what scum you are.
Im not deflecting anything. I needed to know your stance.or would you rather I assume?
Again thats not a strawman. Look at how people are acting. As if because some muslims are killing Christians that this must be more important. My over all point is that in context this has been going on for centuries. Context matters when trying to solve these issues. If you feel im trying to minimize it then thats your issue.

No I got your point. There is of people set out to kill other people. We can either accept that or choose to ignore it. You dont need to shiny it up with labels. If the world is that outraged they will do something about it.

Yes my response is so what...but that is in reference that these are christians and not the fact people are dying.

Actually, Christians always speak up when human rights violations are being committed.

And your response is the same. You don't give a shit.

We've been going into these hellholes for years to help the women and children who are brutalized and murdered...all across the world.

And you, and progressives like you, just don't care. Because human rights violations don't mean anything to you. You'd like to visit more upon humans.

Which is just a sign of what scum you are.
Uh huh...youve been going to convert..well not you personally, you are an internet god warrior....who talks a big game and thats about it.

Lying still, pballs. You and joe are pretty much one and the same. Nasty little toads who are titillated by the thought of death and torture.

The remarkable biographies of the many hundreds of Christian doctors serving in Africa since the seventeenth century described in Heroes of Health Care in Africa (Schram) are a testimony to their response to God's call and his enabling in very challenging circumstances. Nearly all of them, whether they were trained in paediatrics or not, had to look after many children with malaria, pneumonia, diarrhoea, measles, tetanus, protein energy deficiency, vitamin A deficiency and meningitis. Christian doctors worked in government, university and church related hospitals or tropical medicine research organisations.
Some built their own hospitals, others set up training schools for medical assistants and nurses. High standards of care have continued in many of these hospitals because of the maintenance of the Christian ethos and witness with which the medical work was conducted."

Better Health for the World's Children
Webster defines slander:

A false spoken statement about another person. One who slanders.

A slanderous response to facts given:

ah! Ignorance. <------------------- would qualify as slander.

No cigar. Have a nice day. - Jeri
Im not deflecting anything. I needed to know your stance.or would you rather I assume?
Again thats not a strawman. Look at how people are acting. As if because some muslims are killing Christians that this must be more important. My over all point is that in context this has been going on for centuries. Context matters when trying to solve these issues. If you feel im trying to minimize it then thats your issue.

No I got your point. There is of people set out to kill other people. We can either accept that or choose to ignore it. You dont need to shiny it up with labels. If the world is that outraged they will do something about it.

Yes my response is so what...but that is in reference that these are christians and not the fact people are dying.

Actually, Christians always speak up when human rights violations are being committed.

And your response is the same. You don't give a shit.

We've been going into these hellholes for years to help the women and children who are brutalized and murdered...all across the world.

And you, and progressives like you, just don't care. Because human rights violations don't mean anything to you. You'd like to visit more upon humans.

Which is just a sign of what scum you are.

MMmm.....hmmmmm...sort of like Afghanistan and the Taliban. And they just love us now, don't they?

The thing is, if Obama intervened and sent in the troops, you stupid idiots would call him a hypocrite and a warmonger.....just a sign of what scum you are.


I haven't seen the posts saying we should Militarily intervene. So your just making that chit up.

Obama praised the original overthrow saying it was for Democracy.

Many people including myself WARNED that this was a Stupid move, as the Muslim Brotherhood was behind this chit. The Muslim Brotherhood have helped fund and Start virtually every Terrorist group in the Islamic World.

I stated, as many did, that you would trade ONE TYRANT for a GROUP OF TYRANTS. Which is exactly what happened. Then they tried to impose Sharia Law as the law of the land as is done in countries like Iran. aka Turning Egypt into a Terrorist State. They eventually would have ordered the military to attack Israel and to Enforce their Tyranny. The military told them to go to hell and took them out of power. Rightfully so.

And now the Muslim Brotherhood is revolting large scale as they can't get their Terrorist State. And killing so called non believers every where they can find them. They are BARBARIANS, and I HOPE THE EGYPTIAN MILITARY PUTS A BOOT ON THEIR NECKS.

Which goes to an old saying from a Marine Gunny. Some people need a boot on their necks for their own good.

Before the first overthrow. Christians were not being killed. People could go on vacation there with little fear of being executed.

Those days are gone for now, until the Egyptian Military puts this rebellion down.
Webster defines slander:

A false spoken statement about another person. One who slanders.

A slanderous response to facts given:

ah! Ignorance. <------------------- would qualify as slander.

No cigar. Have a nice day. - Jeri

What I said wasnt false.
Actually, Christians always speak up when human rights violations are being committed.

And your response is the same. You don't give a shit.

We've been going into these hellholes for years to help the women and children who are brutalized and murdered...all across the world.

And you, and progressives like you, just don't care. Because human rights violations don't mean anything to you. You'd like to visit more upon humans.

Which is just a sign of what scum you are.
Uh huh...youve been going to convert..well not you personally, you are an internet god warrior....who talks a big game and thats about it.

Lying still, pballs. You and joe are pretty much one and the same. Nasty little toads who are titillated by the thought of death and torture.

The remarkable biographies of the many hundreds of Christian doctors serving in Africa since the seventeenth century described in Heroes of Health Care in Africa (Schram) are a testimony to their response to God's call and his enabling in very challenging circumstances. Nearly all of them, whether they were trained in paediatrics or not, had to look after many children with malaria, pneumonia, diarrhoea, measles, tetanus, protein energy deficiency, vitamin A deficiency and meningitis. Christian doctors worked in government, university and church related hospitals or tropical medicine research organisations.
Some built their own hospitals, others set up training schools for medical assistants and nurses. High standards of care have continued in many of these hospitals because of the maintenance of the Christian ethos and witness with which the medical work was conducted."

Better Health for the World's Children

Seriously allie..I have zero interest in talking with you. I dont like you at all. Please stop responding to my posts. If you can not help yourself ill just throw you on ignore. Im tired of seeing your propaganda.

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