They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

Any Christian paying attention to what the Muslim Brotherhood is doing tonight to slaughter our brothers and sisters.?

Naaaaaah... can't be the muslim brotherhood... they're PEACEFUL. You better check the story again, it can't be the muslim brotherhood, that's obama's pet group.

It is disgusting to see the forum liberals line up behind them.
Any Christian paying attention to what the Muslim Brotherhood is doing tonight to slaughter our brothers and sisters.?

Naaaaaah... can't be the muslim brotherhood... they're PEACEFUL. You better check the story again, it can't be the muslim brotherhood, that's obama's pet group.

It is disgusting to see the forum liberals line up behind them.

It might be disgusting, but not surprising. Liberals and jihadists are natural allies against Christians.

A terrible shame that AOL news has refused to allow the story on their headlines. No word from Huffpost yet either. I checked through 30 pages and not one story. It does appear they are trying to protect Obama's reputation as he endorsed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood leadership in Egypt. Suppose they can dig up some old articles from last year to fill in the gaps for the real news stories that are missing, eh?

I believe there is some truth in that, at least where Huffington Post is concerned. I'm simply pointing out that the four examples I provided are among the most mainstream sources out there.

People are free to draw their conclusions about the events in Egypt, including that the media is not reporting these events accurately. My point is that the destruction of Coptic churches in Egypt is not being "hidden" by the mainstream media.

but if anyone dares to produce an anti-Islam video in retaliation......they'll be busted....right..?
I got up at about 4:00 a.m. this morning and the first thing I did was opened your thread. I'm praying for them. I haven't turned on any news so I don't know if it is being reported, TinyDancer. I know what you are doing is sounding the alarm, waking people up, God bless you - you are not lounging on your couch of ivory while your brothers are in great peril. You're acting as a wise virgin, TD. ( 5 foolish virgins - 5 wise virgins - not a parable - a warning to church )

It is a sad truth but the reason that the Muslim Brotherhood has been so welcomed in this administration and Pentagon is because of the hatred they hold for Jesus Christ and His followers.

Communists have always hated Christians. The union you see between Communists and Muslim Brotherhood is the same union the world witnessed between Hitler and The Grand Mufti of Islam.

What you might not be seeing is that first - some of these christians will be offered to deny Christ and convert to Islam - many are watching their children die before their eyes before they are martyred because God haters are notorious for first demanding that believers deny Jesus Christ before dying. That way they have the satisfaction of knowing they went to hell when they died. - Jesus said, If any man deny me before man I will deny him before the Father. The enemies of Almighty God know this. Communists also torture christians in hopes of having them renounce their faith in God. When the Christian won't deny Christ, it results in some repenting and becoming Christians.

What can we do?

Pray for more laborers in the harvest.

- Jeri

What a bunch of moronic bullshit. Nobody wants to see Christians being targeted. Of course, you guys ignore the fact that Muslim protesters have been slaughtered in the streets by the military. Since they are Muslims, their lives are of no value to you. This is the hypocrisy we see from people like you.


Link to what? Are you saying no Muslim protesters have been slaughtered in the streets? Sorry, but I'm not giving you a link. Follow the news.
What can we do?

I got up at about 4:00 a.m. this morning and the first thing I did was opened your thread. I'm praying for them. I haven't turned on any news so I don't know if it is being reported, TinyDancer. I know what you are doing is sounding the alarm, waking people up, God bless you - you are not lounging on your couch of ivory while your brothers are in great peril. You're acting as a wise virgin, TD. ( 5 foolish virgins - 5 wise virgins - not a parable - a warning to church )

It is a sad truth but the reason that the Muslim Brotherhood has been so welcomed in this administration and Pentagon is because of the hatred they hold for Jesus Christ and His followers.

Communists have always hated Christians. The union you see between Communists and Muslim Brotherhood is the same union the world witnessed between Hitler and The Grand Mufti of Islam.

What you might not be seeing is that first - some of these christians will be offered to deny Christ and convert to Islam - many are watching their children die before their eyes before they are martyred because God haters are notorious for first demanding that believers deny Jesus Christ before dying. That way they have the satisfaction of knowing they went to hell when they died. - Jesus said, If any man deny me before man I will deny him before the Father. The enemies of Almighty God know this. Communists also torture christians in hopes of having them renounce their faith in God. When the Christian won't deny Christ, it results in some repenting and becoming Christians.

What can we do?

Pray for more laborers in the harvest.

- Jeri

What a bunch of moronic bullshit. Nobody wants to see Christians being targeted. Of course, you guys ignore the fact that Muslim protesters have been slaughtered in the streets by the military. Since they are Muslims, their lives are of no value to you. This is the hypocrisy we see from people like you.

Nobody wants to see Christians being targeted??! LOL!! What planet are you living on?!

You must be kidding me!

I am sick to the back teeth of hearing about Muslim lives and their value - when it is quite obvious they value no ones lives not even their own!

In fact! Not even the lives of their own children!

Now that is some kind of hatred they are carrying and I could give a damn what title you slap on it - it still comes straight out of hell!

Hypocrisy? There is none. Truth is truth even if no one is willing to stand with it and a lie is a lie even if you can find an entire room full of folks to back you up! You're a liar! So tell me! What else is new? - Jeri
What a bunch of moronic bullshit. Nobody wants to see Christians being targeted. Of course, you guys ignore the fact that Muslim protesters have been slaughtered in the streets by the military. Since they are Muslims, their lives are of no value to you. This is the hypocrisy we see from people like you.


Link to what? Are you saying no Muslim protesters have been slaughtered in the streets? Sorry, but I'm not giving you a link. Follow the news.

In other words, you don't have a link. Thought so.

A terrible shame that AOL news has refused to allow the story on their headlines. No word from Huffpost yet either. I checked through 30 pages and not one story. It does appear they are trying to protect Obama's reputation as he endorsed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood leadership in Egypt. Suppose they can dig up some old articles from last year to fill in the gaps for the real news stories that are missing, eh?

I believe there is some truth in that, at least where Huffington Post is concerned. I'm simply pointing out that the four examples I provided are among the most mainstream sources out there.

People are free to draw their conclusions about the events in Egypt, including that the media is not reporting these events accurately. My point is that the destruction of Coptic churches in Egypt is not being "hidden" by the mainstream media.

but if anyone dares to produce an anti-Islam video in retaliation......they'll be busted....right..?

I assume you're talking about the guy (can't remember his name) who made the anti-Muslim video a couple of years ago?

I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the claim that the mainstream media is not reporting the destruction of Coptic churches in Egypt. What do anti-Muslim videos have to do with that?
I believe there is some truth in that, at least where Huffington Post is concerned. I'm simply pointing out that the four examples I provided are among the most mainstream sources out there.

People are free to draw their conclusions about the events in Egypt, including that the media is not reporting these events accurately. My point is that the destruction of Coptic churches in Egypt is not being "hidden" by the mainstream media.

but if anyone dares to produce an anti-Islam video in retaliation......they'll be busted....right..?

I assume you're talking about the guy (can't remember his name) who made the anti-Muslim video a couple of years ago?

I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the claim that the mainstream media is not reporting the destruction of Coptic churches in Egypt. What do anti-Muslim videos have to do with that?

because it was a Coptic Christian who was behind the infamous video.....and he did it IN PROTEST against the slaughtering of Coptic Christians...
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obama has directly allied himself, dragging us along with him, into an alliance with the muslim brotherhood.

Analyst: Obama has formed strategic alliance with Muslim Brotherhood | World Tribune

Analyst Barry Rubin asserted that Obama has formed a U.S. strategic
alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and other countries. Rubin,
director of Israel’s Gloria Center, said Obama signaled his intention to
establish such an alliance as soon as he entered office in 2009.

For all practical purposes the closest allies to the United States are no longer Israel, Saudi Arabia, and a moderate Egypt, but an Islamist Egypt, an Islamist regime in Turkey, and the Syrian rebels led by the Brotherhood,”
Rubin said in a recent analysis.

Rubin said the Brotherhood alliance formed the basis of the U.S. security doctrine in the Middle East. He said the doctrine was concealed from the American people, although hinted in Obama’s speech in Cairo
in 2009.

Removing Morsi from power was a direct shot across the bow of obama's plans.

President Obama’s misguided attempt to bend Egyptian political affairs in the Muslim Brotherhood’s favor is unravelling the carefully nurtured military and economic alliance between the United States and Egypt, which has served for decades to stabilize that vital part of the Middle East.

First, after throwing former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak under the bus, the Obama administration did everything it could to portray the Muslim Brotherhood as a worthy organization committed to democratic principles of governance. The United States was seen by many secular Egyptians, including those who spearheaded the original revolution that led to Mubarak’s overthrow, as helping to unfairly tip the scales in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidates.
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How unsurprising.

Conservatives are spreading yet another lie, that the Administration is in some sort of ‘alliance’ with the Muslim Brotherhood.

The partisan right clearly has no shame.

obama has directly allied himself, dragging us along with him, into an alliance with the muslim brotherhood.

Analyst: Obama has formed strategic alliance with Muslim Brotherhood | World Tribune

Analyst Barry Rubin asserted that Obama has formed a U.S. strategic
alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and other countries. Rubin,
director of Israel’s Gloria Center, said Obama signaled his intention to
establish such an alliance as soon as he entered office in 2009.

For all practical purposes the closest allies to the United States are no longer Israel, Saudi Arabia, and a moderate Egypt, but an Islamist Egypt, an Islamist regime in Turkey, and the Syrian rebels led by the Brotherhood,”
Rubin said in a recent analysis.

Rubin said the Brotherhood alliance formed the basis of the U.S. security doctrine in the Middle East. He said the doctrine was concealed from the American people, although hinted in Obama’s speech in Cairo
in 2009.

Removing Morsi from power was a direct shot across the bow of obama's plans.

Most wannabe JDs have better reading comprehension that you have.
A terrible shame that AOL news has refused to allow the story on their headlines. No word from Huffpost yet either. I checked through 30 pages and not one story. It does appear they are trying to protect Obama's reputation as he endorsed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood leadership in Egypt. Suppose they can dig up some old articles from last year to fill in the gaps for the real news stories that are missing, eh?

I believe there is some truth in that, at least where Huffington Post is concerned. I'm simply pointing out that the four examples I provided are among the most mainstream sources out there.

People are free to draw their conclusions about the events in Egypt, including that the media is not reporting these events accurately. My point is that the destruction of Coptic churches in Egypt is not being "hidden" by the mainstream media.

but if anyone dares to produce an anti-Islam video in retaliation......they'll be busted....right..?


You’re free to exhibit your hate and ignorance with impunity.
I got up at about 4:00 a.m. this morning and the first thing I did was opened your thread. I'm praying for them. I haven't turned on any news so I don't know if it is being reported, TinyDancer. I know what you are doing is sounding the alarm, waking people up, God bless you - you are not lounging on your couch of ivory while your brothers are in great peril. You're acting as a wise virgin, TD. ( 5 foolish virgins - 5 wise virgins - not a parable - a warning to church )

It is a sad truth but the reason that the Muslim Brotherhood has been so welcomed in this administration and Pentagon is because of the hatred they hold for Jesus Christ and His followers.

Communists have always hated Christians. The union you see between Communists and Muslim Brotherhood is the same union the world witnessed between Hitler and The Grand Mufti of Islam.

What you might not be seeing is that first - some of these christians will be offered to deny Christ and convert to Islam - many are watching their children die before their eyes before they are martyred because God haters are notorious for first demanding that believers deny Jesus Christ before dying. That way they have the satisfaction of knowing they went to hell when they died. - Jesus said, If any man deny me before man I will deny him before the Father. The enemies of Almighty God know this. Communists also torture christians in hopes of having them renounce their faith in God. When the Christian won't deny Christ, it results in some repenting and becoming Christians.

What can we do?

Pray for more laborers in the harvest.

- Jeri

What a bunch of moronic bullshit. Nobody wants to see Christians being targeted. Of course, you guys ignore the fact that Muslim protesters have been slaughtered in the streets by the military. Since they are Muslims, their lives are of no value to you. This is the hypocrisy we see from people like you.

Nobody wants to see Christians being targeted??! LOL!! What planet are you living on?!

You must be kidding me!

I am sick to the back teeth of hearing about Muslim lives and their value - when it is quite obvious they value no ones lives not even their own!

In fact! Not even the lives of their own children!

Now that is some kind of hatred they are carrying and I could give a damn what title you slap on it - it still comes straight out of hell!

Hypocrisy? There is none. Truth is truth even if no one is willing to stand with it and a lie is a lie even if you can find an entire room full of folks to back you up! You're a liar! So tell me! What else is new? - Jeri

OK, Jeri, IOU + rep when I can. Catch you later.
The reason this story is not all over AOL headlines today is because they know obama endorsed the muslim brotherhood, sanitized their reputation during his Cairo speech which he would not give without MB in attendance first. The news of mass slaughter of christians by muslim brotherhood has totally demolished his attempt to validate them. They are a terrorist organization - original affiliates of Hitler and they MUST GO.

The American people should be demanding it right now.
I believe there is some truth in that, at least where Huffington Post is concerned. I'm simply pointing out that the four examples I provided are among the most mainstream sources out there.

People are free to draw their conclusions about the events in Egypt, including that the media is not reporting these events accurately. My point is that the destruction of Coptic churches in Egypt is not being "hidden" by the mainstream media.

but if anyone dares to produce an anti-Islam video in retaliation......they'll be busted....right..?


You’re free to exhibit your hate and ignorance with impunity.

You goddamned moron, don't even read the news.

Theodoor "Theo" van Gogh (Dutch: [ˈteːjoː vɑŋ ˈɣɔx]) (23 July 1957 – 2 November 2004) was a Dutch film director, film producer, columnist, author and actor.

Van Gogh worked with the Somali-born writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali to produce the film Submission, which criticized the treatment of women in Islam and aroused controversy among Muslims. On 2 November 2004 he was assassinated by Mohammed Bouyeri, a Dutch-Moroccan Muslim.
The last film he completed before his death, 06/05, was loosely based on the assassination of the Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn.

He isn't the only one and as far as I know there is still a muslim contract (whatever they call that) out on the life of Salmon Rushdie.
What most on the right fail to understand is that the terrorists win when they get us to hate them, and hate the religion we incorrectly associate with them.

They win when they get us to fundamentally change the way we live our lives. I'd say their doing a mighty fine job so far. how else do you explain stupidity like this:

Elementary school attempts to ban pork products, parents fight back - BizPac Review

Good on the parents who stood up and fought back. PC bullshit like this needs to end.
but if anyone dares to produce an anti-Islam video in retaliation......they'll be busted....right..?

I assume you're talking about the guy (can't remember his name) who made the anti-Muslim video a couple of years ago?

I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the claim that the mainstream media is not reporting the destruction of Coptic churches in Egypt. What do anti-Muslim videos have to do with that?

because it was a Coptic Christian who was behind the infamous video.....and he did it IN PROTEST against the slaughtering of Coptic Christians...

Good for him. I still don't know what that has to do with what I'm talking about.
This is what obama supports and what liberals support.

[ame=]Fitna - Full movie - YouTube[/ame]

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