They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

This is Obama's fault?
Not the people actually carrying out the killing and burning?

If Obama can blame a filmmaker for the Benghazi attacks because the movie upset the poor little Muslims, then shouldn't we apply the same logic to their reaction of his statements? After all, they all believe that Obama is pro-Muslim Brotherhood and, therefore, approves of terrorism. Obama did not condemn the 9/11 terrorists and made excuses for them. He doesn't call the Fort Hood shooter a terrorists and claimed workplace violence despite evidence to the contrary.

The Obama administration sent the message that Muslims shall never be blamed. So, whose fault is it this time?

It’s difficult to determine which is more reprehensible:

The fact that you’re a blatant liar or that you exploit these tragedies for some perceived partisan gain.
Translation: If I close my eyes, it goes away. :rolleyes:

Are your eyes open?
Is turmoil in the middle east going away anytime during your children's, children's, children's, children's, children's, children's, children's lifetime?


Trying to steer the ship back toward politics just for a moment...

It is a good thing our President is doing in trying to drag us kicking and screaming off of fossil fuels due to shit like this going on over there.

Thank you.

Your open support of government tyranny is refreshing.

And your ignorance as to what actually constitutes ‘government tyranny’ is typical.
You stupid stupid person. Are you people that fucking stupid to not see I am saying everyone is equal and not worth killing? [ excluding murders etc..]

Jesus fucking christ I actually had to spell it out for you dipshit.

Life has choices, choices have consequences. There are choices one may make that changes the value of that life, for better or worse. I don't blame you for not seeing that, you can't help being handicapped, the blame goes to your keepers. Life is precious, I'll grant you that. Pity, so many fuck it up with evil intent. Evil intent is Not equal to good will, nor are the effects of it equal in any way.

Your spelling lesson kind of reminds me of this.......

[ame=]EM OH OH EN! Tom Cullen from The Stand - YouTube[/ame]

You don't mind if I skip out here. ;) :eusa_whistle:

you really are mentally retarded arent you. You see the bold? that covers what you said in your moronically obvious post. What next from you? water is wet? the sun rises in the east?

Evil is in the eye of the beholder. Your evil is not their evil and their evil is not your evil.

No please go, so you can stop wasting everyones time with such utter nonsense.

Wisdom, truth, is wasted on you. You wouldn't know truth if it bit you in the ass, yes, it is that obvious. still, no less relevant. Your moral compass is in disrepair. Your premise is flawed. Your foundation is not up to code. I'm trying to not play on your handicap, so I keep it simple with you.

What is being wasted here? am I causing you to not be able to concentrate, while you touch your special place? Shame on you PB.

You are Not someone who's advise has much of any value, no offense. realize that you have had issues with me for a very long time now, that you resent pretty much everything about me, I consider that while deciding against taking your posting advice.

Life is precious, it is not all equal, nor is it all fair and impartial, neither is the taking of it. Intent, motive, cause, purpose, all add to the weight of it. It's more the concern of grown up's though, so you are off the hook.

And yet no concern from the right as to Muslims being killed by Egyptian military and police – the loss of all life is equally tragic, regardless the religion.

That is not true. You don't speak for me, or most. The taking of Human Life is tragic, where innocents where People of good will are involved, more so. Matters of Conscience are between each of us and our Maker, from the greatest to the least degree. What relevance is the brand of Faith, in comparison? Compounding the problem and making excuses for those that do is not the solution. Killing is not the solution. Fueling it, is not the solution.
Notice the silence. Crickets. MB's are going mother trucking crazy and our *cough* leaders are so silent.

The Brotherhood is out and about and just killing anyone that hey can find....oh and according to Obama they are just Morsi's associates. :lmbo:

Look what you unleashed Obama.....

Hey, yesterday you were castigating the President for letting the military in Egypt remove a democratically elected government. Today you are castigating him for the fact that the Brotherhood with the military removed is killing Christians.

Mubarack was going down, irregardless of anything that we could or would do. The Mid-East and North Africa are very unstable places and will continue to be so.
Did you write that with a straight face? I bet you didn't! Did you forget about-----------> Seal Team Six, Benghazi, 4 dead Americans and 400 surface to air missiles missing, NSA Spy on Citizens, IRS targets tea party, arming heart and liver eating terrorists in Syria, over 80,000 dead and counting, installs muslim brotherhood in Egypt while ignoring Iranians pleading for freedom from Achminijad, fast and furious arming of drug cartels, militarizing a private army on American soil, spying on the news media,canceling out on our own national day of prayer but inviting muslims to white house for prayer, calling Nidal Hassans jihad on 13 americans a case of work place violence, the cases of the dead journalists, Hastings, Breitbart, the Chinese inflamed over Taiwan, North Koreans threatening to strike us with a nuclear attack, going after the whistleblower Snowden rather than going after the 250 un indicted co conspirators to HLF trials still waiting to be prosecuted and sitting on Eric Holders desk, refusing to fire Holder when he should have, playing cards during Osama bin laden capture and going to bed during Benghazi massacre - then blaming it on a youtube video that had nothing to do with it. Making public speeches about Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin he had no business making as a president and then doing his level best to create a race war! You must be kidding me! Little doubt? There is little doubt right this very second it was the biggest mistake of our lives!!!! If we survive his presidency it will be nothing short of a miracle.

- Jeri

No shit! The previous post had to have been posted strictly for its troll value. If not, it is truly, deeply disturbing that some people would believe that bullshit. Thanks for detailing the highlights.
Mubarak wasn't going anywhere. He would have put the rebels down the same way he did every other time dissent started. Had we not mixed obama's nose in Syria Assad would have put that mess down in a week.
You are new here. You MUST learn that the liberals on this forum ALWAYS come out rooting for the lions when the Christians are thrown into the arena with them.

Thanks. I am noticing that, Sunshine. And I am wondering.....who do they expect will save THEM when the Christians are gone?

Gee, a conservative trying to envoke fear....that almost never happens...:lol: :lol: :lol:

You're just too stupid to know when and what to fear. Too bad many brave souls will die to vouchsafe your stupidity.

I would love to know the psychology behind the way some folks will defend and deflect for the slaughters perpetrated by Muslim radicals. Slaughters happening right now; slaughters being planned; slaughters that have happened only months or years ago.

No big deal, who cares, there are other murderers, etc.

This is absolutely bizarre. What motivates this?


Not sure you're talking about me but I'll take a swing (and the arrows that follow--lol).

I listen to NPR almost every time I get into my car. It's an old Mazda RX7 I inherited from my grandfather. Nice car. Really expensive to maintain but I like it. Anyway, the programs I listen to most often are Morning Edition and All Things Considered.. Now, I have given money to the local station, bought NPR swag, attempted to be a caller on 3 or 4 of their programs like Car Talk, Wait Wait, and TOTN. That being said, whenever one of their stories comes on about the middle east, I change the station.

Gee, religious upheaval in the Middle this still news?

Now as to why I really don't care that much, it's in the title of the thread... They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths. They. I paid much more attention when guys from Camp Pendleton were in the cross hairs over there in the ME.

That there is turmoil in the ME is simply a non-story.

Libs think it more important that some freakish carpet munchers can coerce a Christian family into making their damned "marriage" cake.
Are your eyes open?
Is turmoil in the middle east going away anytime during your children's, children's, children's, children's, children's, children's, children's lifetime?


Trying to steer the ship back toward politics just for a moment...

It is a good thing our President is doing in trying to drag us kicking and screaming off of fossil fuels due to shit like this going on over there.

pfffft we have plenty of fossil fuels right here

Ahh, that is why gas prices go up when there is turmoil over there..

You stupid bitch, it goes up because you and assholes like you are against domestic resources,

What a c**t you are.
Notice the silence. Crickets. MB's are going mother trucking crazy and our *cough* leaders are so silent.

The Brotherhood is out and about and just killing anyone that hey can find....oh and according to Obama they are just Morsi's associates. :lmbo:

Look what you unleashed Obama.....

Hey, yesterday you were castigating the President for letting the military in Egypt remove a democratically elected government. Today you are castigating him for the fact that the Brotherhood with the military removed is killing Christians.

Mubarack was going down, irregardless of anything that we could or would do. The Mid-East and North Africa are very unstable places and will continue to be so.

Ah, the tried and true "evil exists therefore we must not fight it" declaration of craven cowardice and jaded indifference.
Assad is a terrorist dictator , Mubarad was a miltary dictator. This is democracy growing. I feel bad about any christians, but getting your news from the Blaze is just plain stupid. the situationis chaotic and complicated. Obama is not in charge, and I'm not going to complain about about him inspiring a desire for freedom and an end to corruption. Things would be going better if Pubs would stop screwing up the world recovery.

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