They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

And yet no concern from the right as to Muslims being killed by Egyptian military and police – the loss of all life is equally tragic, regardless the religion.
They are perpetrating the violence; causing the mayhem - they should be targeted!

It is foretold that we Christians would be hated, and put to death for Christ - He wasn't joking. Judge a tree by it's fruit - islam bares nothing but shit. All muslims believe in the koran which teaches extreme violence against those who don't embrace their religion.

Islam needs to be deemed a criminal enterprise at war with the free world, and put down. If the so called cowardly moderate muslims who have no love for Christianity don't openly condem the koran, then they are for it. These people cannot be allowed to continue to spread violence.
These murderous acts against Christians, and the outward hate of Christians; simply because of their faith, is exactly what the Lord told us about.

I remember being told in church in the 50s that Christians would be persecuted for their beliefs. Honestly, I never believed it. We were in American.

But Jesus even predicted that Christians would be persecuted and he did not confine that persecution to any general locality.

New King James

9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.

I recall one of our guides in Egypt telling us that the world follows Egypt. Whatever happens will happen first in Egypt then spread to the rest of the world.

Their planned "Million muslim march" on 9/11 starts to stink even more, doesn't it? I wonder whether the DC police are bright enough to line up some more heavily "prepared" backup?
Assad is a terrorist dictator , Mubarad was a miltary dictator. This is democracy growing. I feel bad about any christians, but getting your news from the Blaze is just plain stupid. the situationis chaotic and complicated. Obama is not in charge, and I'm not going to complain about about him inspiring a desire for freedom and an end to corruption. Things would be going better if Pubs would stop screwing up the world recovery.

Shut up dick breath.

There is no such thing as Islamic Democracy...and only pissants like you THINK there is.

You probably believe Iran actually hand counted 41 million ballots in 24 hours.
Assad is a terrorist dictator , Mubarad was a miltary dictator. This is democracy growing. I feel bad about any christians, but getting your news from the Blaze is just plain stupid. the situationis chaotic and complicated. Obama is not in charge, and I'm not going to complain about about him inspiring a desire for freedom and an end to corruption. Things would be going better if Pubs would stop screwing up the world recovery.

Republicans aren't in charge either. What recovery are you referring to? Things are kinda looking more down than up, from my vantage point, no matter how one cooks the books. Confidence is either there or it isn't. Choices have consequences, taking responsibility and learning from that is a good first step. You need to move away from scapegoating, it only clouds judgement.
It's a non issue, eh? That's incredible! First you tell me you don't mind the Catholic priests liver being eaten by an al qaeda terrorists so long as you can have yours with onions - now you tell me that the murder of these people is a "NON -ISSUE"?! It won't be a non - issue when it shows up at your front door and bites you in the behind!

Egypt today, America tomorrow! We have muslim brotherhood here too you know! The Egyptian women children and men stuck in Egypt may be a non issue to you but it is a huge issue to anyone who knows what is going on over there right now! There but for the grace of God go you, Miss Candycorn! It would behoove you to have some compassion on those people! They are trapped like mice over there right now!

C'mon, what else would you expect? She lives in Mom and Dads basement, drives GrandDads "hand me downs", and listens to NPR. It's rather hard to develop much of a "world view" when your "world" depends on the charity of others......nothing seems more important that who you can scam next. :cuckoo:

My basement has a view of the mountains. :lol:

Sweetheart, those aren't mountains, those are dog turds.
Completely unrelated.

Please link instances of Christians butchering Muslims and tearing down mosques.

You won't, because not only are you a worthless pig, you are a liar as well.


Its amazing how you people just dont get it. I dont know if its self importance or ego..or just stupidity. ...maybe all of it.

You cant call people of other nations barbaric while you have your own issue in your own house.
It called being a hypocritical asshole.

You show me where in the U.S. we are burning and killing people because of their Religion or Beliefs.

You show me in America where they are burying little girls up to their necks and stoning them to death for being raped.

You show me in America where we are teaching our children to strap bombs on our chests running into malls and killing everyone within the blast.

Those in the Middle East who do that are BARBARIANS, and I don't give a .kdjjdkjfdkf what the hell you think about that opinion. Have you ever been there and watched them treat women like dogs?

I have and have seen this and it makes me want to puke. Fdkjfkdjfjdfjd them and you if you agree with this chit.
Of course he agrees with it. And he would stand by. That's their mantra..." that's life, get used to it."

Its amazing how you people just dont get it. I dont know if its self importance or ego..or just stupidity. ...maybe all of it.

You cant call people of other nations barbaric while you have your own issue in your own house.
It called being a hypocritical asshole.

You show me where in the U.S. we are burning and killing people because of their Religion or Beliefs.

You show me in America where they are burying little girls up to their necks and stoning them to death for being raped.

You show me in America where we are teaching our children to strap bombs on our chests running into malls and killing everyone within the blast.

Those in the Middle East who do that are BARBARIANS, and I don't give a .kdjjdkjfdkf what the hell you think about that opinion. Have you ever been there and watched them treat women like dogs?

I have and have seen this and it makes me want to puke. Fdkjfkdjfjdfjd them and you if you agree with this chit.

Come to think of it, Liberals are all for women's rights here in America, but don't give a flying rat's backside what happens to them in the Middle East. Oh hey, gotta break that glass ceiling and all, right? Yes indeed, Christianity (except for its so called extremist elements) is a peaceful religion. You don't see us retaliating for the burning of those Coptic churches in Egypt do you? Of course not. We aren't the Crusaders.

Liberals make me sick sometimes more than others.
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Its amazing how you people just dont get it. I dont know if its self importance or ego..or just stupidity. ...maybe all of it.

You cant call people of other nations barbaric while you have your own issue in your own house.
It called being a hypocritical asshole.

You show me where in the U.S. we are burning and killing people because of their Religion or Beliefs.

You show me in America where they are burying little girls up to their necks and stoning them to death for being raped.

You show me in America where we are teaching our children to strap bombs on our chests running into malls and killing everyone within the blast.

Those in the Middle East who do that are BARBARIANS, and I don't give a .kdjjdkjfdkf what the hell you think about that opinion. Have you ever been there and watched them treat women like dogs?

I have and have seen this and it makes me want to puke. Fdkjfkdjfjdfjd them and you if you agree with this chit.

Come to think of it, Liberals are all for women's rights here in America, but don't give a flying rat's backside what happens to them in the Middle East. Oh hey, gotta break that glass ceiling and all, right? Yes indeed, Christianity (except for its so called extremist elements) is a peaceful religion. You don't see us retaliating for the burning of those Coptic churches in Egypt do you? Of course not. We aren't the Crusaders.

Liberals make me sick sometimes more than others.

Yes they do. They need to go over there and preach their BS to the Radicals and see where it gets them.
Assad is a terrorist dictator , Mubarad was a miltary dictator. This is democracy growing. I feel bad about any christians, but getting your news from the Blaze is just plain stupid. the situationis chaotic and complicated. Obama is not in charge, and I'm not going to complain about about him inspiring a desire for freedom and an end to corruption. Things would be going better if Pubs would stop screwing up the world recovery.

You can't really be this stupid, can you? My God, I've seen Barry Bootlickers in my life, but Son, You swallow.

You are in serious need of help.....:cuckoo:
As I said before: Muslims are savage and sub-human. They need to be gassed and their bodies discarded into mass graves.

They are unfit for life.
Its amazing how you people just dont get it. I dont know if its self importance or ego..or just stupidity. ...maybe all of it.

You cant call people of other nations barbaric while you have your own issue in your own house.
It called being a hypocritical asshole.

You show me where in the U.S. we are burning and killing people because of their Religion or Beliefs.

You show me in America where they are burying little girls up to their necks and stoning them to death for being raped.

You show me in America where we are teaching our children to strap bombs on our chests running into malls and killing everyone within the blast.

Those in the Middle East who do that are BARBARIANS, and I don't give a .kdjjdkjfdkf what the hell you think about that opinion. Have you ever been there and watched them treat women like dogs?

I have and have seen this and it makes me want to puke. Fdkjfkdjfjdfjd them and you if you agree with this chit.

Come to think of it, Liberals are all for women's rights here in America, but don't give a flying rat's backside what happens to them in the Middle East. Oh hey, gotta break that glass ceiling and all, right? Yes indeed, Christianity (except for its so called extremist elements) is a peaceful religion. You don't see us retaliating for the burning of those Coptic churches in Egypt do you? Of course not. We aren't the Crusaders.

Liberals make me sick sometimes more than others.

Where the same is true of Islam.

And the arrogance of Christian conservatives is just as sickening.
You show me where in the U.S. we are burning and killing people because of their Religion or Beliefs.

You show me in America where they are burying little girls up to their necks and stoning them to death for being raped.

You show me in America where we are teaching our children to strap bombs on our chests running into malls and killing everyone within the blast.

Those in the Middle East who do that are BARBARIANS, and I don't give a .kdjjdkjfdkf what the hell you think about that opinion. Have you ever been there and watched them treat women like dogs?

I have and have seen this and it makes me want to puke. Fdkjfkdjfjdfjd them and you if you agree with this chit.

Come to think of it, Liberals are all for women's rights here in America, but don't give a flying rat's backside what happens to them in the Middle East. Oh hey, gotta break that glass ceiling and all, right? Yes indeed, Christianity (except for its so called extremist elements) is a peaceful religion. You don't see us retaliating for the burning of those Coptic churches in Egypt do you? Of course not. We aren't the Crusaders.

Liberals make me sick sometimes more than others.

Where the same is true of Islam.

And the arrogance of Christian conservatives is just as sickening.

You intolerant piece of shit.
Assad is a terrorist dictator , Mubarad was a miltary dictator. This is democracy growing. I feel bad about any christians, but getting your news from the Blaze is just plain stupid. the situationis chaotic and complicated. Obama is not in charge, and I'm not going to complain about about him inspiring a desire for freedom and an end to corruption. Things would be going better if Pubs would stop screwing up the world recovery.

Republicans aren't in charge either. What recovery are you referring to? Things are kinda looking more down than up, from my vantage point, no matter how one cooks the books. Confidence is either there or it isn't. Choices have consequences, taking responsibility and learning from that is a good first step. You need to move away from scapegoating, it only clouds judgement.

Pubs ARE in charge of screwing up the recovery. We've never had a debt ceiling CRISIS!! before, especially in the middle of the Great Pub Recession, costing 1.5% cuts in growth for 2 years (1% for no Jobs Act!), and now they want to shut down the gov't to defund O-Care, a great economic reform in itself. Not to mention 5 years of mindless obstruction and nonstop fear mongering about coming disaster, with no evidence. The new BS GOP is a disgrace.
Muslim group blasted for planning mass demonstration on Sept. 11 ... - Cached
1 day ago ... The mass demonstration, called the "Million Muslim March," was changed to a
more mainstream-sounding event, "Million American March ...
There Is No More 'Million Muslim March' on 9/11 - Washington ... - Cached
1 day ago ... Protest organizer says the event is now a secular anti-government protest.
Muslim group blasted for planning mass demonstration on Sept. 11 ... - Cached
1 day ago ... The mass demonstration, called the "Million Muslim March," was changed to a
more mainstream-sounding event, "Million American March ...
There Is No More 'Million Muslim March' on 9/11 - Washington ... - Cached
1 day ago ... Protest organizer says the event is now a secular anti-government protest.

Piss off , you like Muslim dick, don't you?

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