They are killing us tonight. They are dying. Horrible deaths.

Its amazing how you people just dont get it. I dont know if its self importance or ego..or just stupidity. ...maybe all of it.

You cant call people of other nations barbaric while you have your own issue in your own house.
It called being a hypocritical asshole.

You show me where in the U.S. we are burning and killing people because of their Religion or Beliefs.

You show me in America where they are burying little girls up to their necks and stoning them to death for being raped.

You show me in America where we are teaching our children to strap bombs on our chests running into malls and killing everyone within the blast.

Those in the Middle East who do that are BARBARIANS, and I don't give a .kdjjdkjfdkf what the hell you think about that opinion. Have you ever been there and watched them treat women like dogs?

I have and have seen this and it makes me want to puke. Fdkjfkdjfjdfjd them and you if you agree with this chit.

stoning? no we just kidnap them for ten years or kill trier families.
ok see teens shooting up movie complexes or schools..

that was easy
Assad is a terrorist dictator , Mubarad was a miltary dictator. This is democracy growing. I feel bad about any christians, but getting your news from the Blaze is just plain stupid. the situationis chaotic and complicated. Obama is not in charge, and I'm not going to complain about about him inspiring a desire for freedom and an end to corruption. Things would be going better if Pubs would stop screwing up the world recovery.

This is one of the most fundamentally obtuse responses I've ever read on this site.
Any Christian paying attention to what the Muslim Brotherhood is doing tonight to slaughter our brothers and sisters.?

the muslim brotherhood has destroyed over fifty churches

beheading Christians there have been reports of actual crucifixions

Christian schools burned to the ground

the military has promised to rebuild whatever the MB destroy

Crucifixion in one for or another goes hand in hand with Islam. They did it (and continue to do it) in other places as well. In Africa, and the near east.
Assad is a terrorist dictator , Mubarad was a miltary dictator. This is democracy growing. I feel bad about any christians, but getting your news from the Blaze is just plain stupid. the situationis chaotic and complicated. Obama is not in charge, and I'm not going to complain about about him inspiring a desire for freedom and an end to corruption. Things would be going better if Pubs would stop screwing up the world recovery.

This is one of the most fundamentally obtuse responses I've ever read on this site.

I dunno, there are quite a few to choose from.

You have to quit trying to reason with them, and just treat them as the enemy. Because that is what they are.
C'mon, what else would you expect? She lives in Mom and Dads basement, drives GrandDads "hand me downs", and listens to NPR. It's rather hard to develop much of a "world view" when your "world" depends on the charity of others......nothing seems more important that who you can scam next. :cuckoo:

My basement has a view of the mountains. :lol:

Sweetheart, those aren't mountains, those are dog turds.


Outstanding!! :lol:
Its amazing how you people just dont get it. I dont know if its self importance or ego..or just stupidity. ...maybe all of it.

You cant call people of other nations barbaric while you have your own issue in your own house.
It called being a hypocritical asshole.

You show me where in the U.S. we are burning and killing people because of their Religion or Beliefs.

You show me in America where they are burying little girls up to their necks and stoning them to death for being raped.

You show me in America where we are teaching our children to strap bombs on our chests running into malls and killing everyone within the blast.

Those in the Middle East who do that are BARBARIANS, and I don't give a .kdjjdkjfdkf what the hell you think about that opinion. Have you ever been there and watched them treat women like dogs?

I have and have seen this and it makes me want to puke. Fdkjfkdjfjdfjd them and you if you agree with this chit.

stoning? no we just kidnap them for ten years or kill trier families.
ok see teens shooting up movie complexes or schools..

that was easy

aka Gitmo..................Captured on the battlefields. The only ones left are the ones no one in the world wants. Hardened Islamist who would return to the fight if released. The same ones people like you want to give Constitutional Rights to even though they are not citizens.

People like you would have our military set up crime scenes on every battlefield, perform DNA tests, have a Damned Cease Fire to gather evidence and to get eye witness testimony from combatants and then say...................

Time in you can kill each other again.

You and your ilk are Idiots.
You show me where in the U.S. we are burning and killing people because of their Religion or Beliefs.

You show me in America where they are burying little girls up to their necks and stoning them to death for being raped.

You show me in America where we are teaching our children to strap bombs on our chests running into malls and killing everyone within the blast.

Those in the Middle East who do that are BARBARIANS, and I don't give a .kdjjdkjfdkf what the hell you think about that opinion. Have you ever been there and watched them treat women like dogs?

I have and have seen this and it makes me want to puke. Fdkjfkdjfjdfjd them and you if you agree with this chit.

Come to think of it, Liberals are all for women's rights here in America, but don't give a flying rat's backside what happens to them in the Middle East. Oh hey, gotta break that glass ceiling and all, right? Yes indeed, Christianity (except for its so called extremist elements) is a peaceful religion. You don't see us retaliating for the burning of those Coptic churches in Egypt do you? Of course not. We aren't the Crusaders.

Liberals make me sick sometimes more than others.

Where the same is true of Islam.

And the arrogance of Christian conservatives is just as sickening.

Simple question.

Where was mainstream Islam after 9/11? Where is mainstream Islam now, when Coptic Christians are being ruthlessly persecuted by Muslim Extremists in Egypt? You don't hear any of them speaking out against it, do you?

You extol the Muslim faith as the paragon of innocence. And for that you are foolish.
Crucifixions and beheadings? Sounds like fear mongering, rabble rousing Pubcrappe to me...Links?
The victim was crucified on an electric pylon in south Yemen’s Abyan province.
A sign above the man’s head showed the flag of the Al-Qaeda-linked group and text from verse 5:33 of the Koran: “The recompense of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off from opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter.”

Alleged US spy crucified in Yemen | The Times of Israel

"Crucifixion, the Islamic punishment for apostasy, sometimes follows an execution as the purpose is to draw attention to the deterrent. In 2011, nearly 170 Sudanese were charged with apostasy."
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Not to worry, insults are a hater dupe thing- like parroting BS talking points and rumors...

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