They are really starting to miss ol W, all of you

Remember when Obama said he would go into any country to take out Bin Laden?

Republicans called him naive, inexperienced, out of his depth. So what did he do? He put down Bin Laden.

He did exactly what he said he would do.

And who tried to take credit for it? That's right. Republicans.

You think that's lost on Assad? If he listened to Republicans, he would have nothing to worry about. But if he goes by what Obama says he is going to do and what he's done, Assad has plenty to worry about.

Remember when Obama said he would wage the war in Afghanistan and win it? Yeah, the rest of the world does too.
Remember when he sold the Poles down the river to the Russians? They havent forgotten. Neither one.
Remember when he tried to humiliate Netanyahu? Not forgotten either.
Remember when he went to Copenhagen and you declared it was a great victory? Yeah, I didnt forget that one.
Remember when Obama said if Assad used chem weapons it would be a red line? Yeah, Obama doesn't remember it either.
Remember when Obama berated the Bush Administration for acting unilaterally? No, Obama doesnt remember that either.
Remember when Obama said he would ask Congress for authrority to act?

Obama's foreign policy record is a pathetic series of mis-steps, miscalculations, bad information, and bad decisions. We are the laughingstock of the world. The Commander in Chief of the strongest nation on Earth gets his lunch eaten by Vladimir Putin.
The worst president ever. And that includes Marshall Petain.

It is plain and simple
GWB other than no child left behind and medicare D did one hell of a job
Medicare D did not turn out tnat bad either from what those who use it are telling me

It's the only entitlement that has come in under budget. NCLB was the brainchild of Ted Kennedy, which explains a lot.
I opposed Bush's bailing out the auto makers, after Congress voted no on it. And TARP etc. Also the steel tariffs.
But at least Bush had a professional staff of experienced people around him. Not the amateur hour we see now.
Well ya know, President Bush did look deep in to Putin's eyes and saw his soul.......

Hahahahahaha. A real class act..... class clown that is.


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Remember when Obama said he would wage the war in Afghanistan and win it? Yeah, the rest of the world does too.
Remember when he sold the Poles down the river to the Russians? They havent forgotten. Neither one.
Remember when he tried to humiliate Netanyahu? Not forgotten either.
Remember when he went to Copenhagen and you declared it was a great victory? Yeah, I didnt forget that one.
Remember when Obama said if Assad used chem weapons it would be a red line? Yeah, Obama doesn't remember it either.
Remember when Obama berated the Bush Administration for acting unilaterally? No, Obama doesnt remember that either.
Remember when Obama said he would ask Congress for authrority to act?

Obama's foreign policy record is a pathetic series of mis-steps, miscalculations, bad information, and bad decisions. We are the laughingstock of the world. The Commander in Chief of the strongest nation on Earth gets his lunch eaten by Vladimir Putin.
The worst president ever. And that includes Marshall Petain.

It is plain and simple
GWB other than no child left behind and medicare D did one hell of a job
Medicare D did not turn out tnat bad either from what those who use it are telling me

It's the only entitlement that has come in under budget. NCLB was the brainchild of Ted Kennedy, which explains a lot.
I opposed Bush's bailing out the auto makers, after Congress voted no on it. And TARP etc. Also the steel tariffs.
But at least Bush had a professional staff of experienced people around him. Not the amateur hour we see now.

yeah, Iraq was stroke of genius .... in a bud lite commercial.
Jeebus what an brainwashed idiot. NCLB came in inder budget because Pubs refused to fund the parts that would have made it work duh. OBAMA bailed out the auto industry and Main St, Booosh Wall ST...

Remember when Obama said he would go into any country to take out Bin Laden?

Republicans called him naive, inexperienced, out of his depth. So what did he do? He put down Bin Laden.

He did exactly what he said he would do.

And who tried to take credit for it? That's right. Republicans.

You think that's lost on Assad? If he listened to Republicans, he would have nothing to worry about. But if he goes by what Obama says he is going to do and what he's done, Assad has plenty to worry about.

Syria is now talking about giving up the chemical weapons it previously never even acknowledged it possessed. That wouldn't even be on the table without President Obama's threat of a military strike. Yet, conservatives STILL can't give him any credit even though they had been criticizing him as far back as over a year ago for not taking any action on Syria and now they won't support the president when he said he was considering the military option.

Conservatives have no moral center as their change of position on Syria makes clear.
This is great. Like a Petri dish of crazy. Bush did a "hell of a job"? Bush had class?

Burst that bubble. C'mon. This shit has gone on long enough.
Anyone who misses Bush is an idiot.

Anyone who will miss Obama is also an idiot.
on today's date especially?!!! GTFO of here.

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It is plain and simple
GWB other than no child left behind and medicare D did one hell of a job
Medicare D did not turn out tnat bad either from what those who use it are telling me

Agreed. And he tried his hardest ( but was repeatedly blocked by democrats) to prevent the housing bubble burst by straightening Freddy and Fanny.
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on today's date especially?!!! GTFO of here.


follow your own advice and STFU.

Bush was President less than a year when 9/11 happened and ALL the blame for it lays with your beloved Clinton.

So get off here yourself.

Bush was a good president, unlike the failure we have NOW
on today's date especially?!!! GTFO of here.


follow your own advice and STFU.

Bush was President less than a year when 9/11 happened and ALL the blame for it lays with your beloved Clinton.

So get off here yourself.

Bush was a good president, unlike the failure we have NOW

Bush a good President? Where? Opposite land? Bizzaro world? Maybe if he wasn't taking one of his record number of vacations and ignoring briefings warning of Al Qaeda poised to attack, we wouldn't have had 9/11 attacks. When Democrats are President, perpetrators are brought to justice. When shrub was President, Bin Laden was allowed to get away and the wrong country was attacked. How is that Clinton's fault?
In the bubble, it is possible to both forget what happened in the past...and remember it....depending on how it fits the narrative.

Bill Clinton is to blame for 9/11. President Obama is to blame for the recession. It is like magic.
Miss Bush? Fuck no! Especially on the anniversary of 9/11. Not that Obama has been much different.

Not sure what W had to do with 9-11
As I recall there where 19 very dedicated and very insane Terrorist with legal pass ports, tickets as well as box cutters that were the cause of 9-11
on today's date especially?!!! GTFO of here.


follow your own advice and STFU.

Bush was President less than a year when 9/11 happened and ALL the blame for it lays with your beloved Clinton.

So get off here yourself.

Bush was a good president, unlike the failure we have NOW

Bush a good President? Where? Opposite land? Bizzaro world? Maybe if he wasn't taking one of his record number of vacations and ignoring briefings warning of Al Qaeda poised to attack, we wouldn't have had 9/11 attacks. When Democrats are President, perpetrators are brought to justice. When shrub was President, Bin Laden was allowed to get away and the wrong country was attacked. How is that Clinton's fault?

What exactly was it GWB was suppose to do?
You have 19 passengers
with not one piece nor part of there event illegal other than conspiricy until the event takes place
not one piece of intel suggested box cutters would be the wepon of choice (they were legal to have on your person)
not one piece of intel suggested 9-11-2001 was the date
not one pice of intel suggested we stqarted to profile young middle eastren men (yea that would have worked huh? ACLU)
re writing history has caught up tp your agendas
In the bubble, it is possible to both forget what happened in the past...and remember it....depending on how it fits the narrative.

Bill Clinton is to blame for 9/11. President Obama is to blame for the recession. It is like magic.

19 insanly motivated terrorist are to blame for 9-11
stupid people loaning stupid people to much wealth caused the great recession
why are you blaming BC and BHO?
you got some issue with them?
get real dude
Its so funny how this was a joke years ago, but now most people probably do miss him because of the total failure of the Hussein.

Remember when Obama said he would wage the war in Afghanistan and win it? Yeah, the rest of the world does too.
Remember when he sold the Poles down the river to the Russians? They havent forgotten. Neither one.
Remember when he tried to humiliate Netanyahu? Not forgotten either.
Remember when he went to Copenhagen and you declared it was a great victory? Yeah, I didnt forget that one.
Remember when Obama said if Assad used chem weapons it would be a red line? Yeah, Obama doesn't remember it either.
Remember when Obama berated the Bush Administration for acting unilaterally? No, Obama doesnt remember that either.
Remember when Obama said he would ask Congress for authrority to act?

Obama's foreign policy record is a pathetic series of mis-steps, miscalculations, bad information, and bad decisions. We are the laughingstock of the world. The Commander in Chief of the strongest nation on Earth gets his lunch eaten by Vladimir Putin.
The worst president ever. And that includes Marshall Petain.

It is plain and simple
GWB other than no child left behind and medicare D did one hell of a job
Medicare D did not turn out tnat bad either from what those who use it are telling me

It's the only entitlement that has come in under budget. NCLB was the brainchild of Ted Kennedy, which explains a lot.
I opposed Bush's bailing out the auto makers, after Congress voted no on it. And TARP etc. Also the steel tariffs.
But at least Bush had a professional staff of experienced people around him. Not the amateur hour we see now.

If not for where the 401ks end up, tapr was in the end a good thing in my opinion
GM (UAW) bailout?
my god why cant I get a bank roll like that for my retirement and IPO for a stock that was (is) govt funded
It is plain and simple
GWB other than no child left behind and medicare D did one hell of a job
Medicare D did not turn out tnat bad either from what those who use it are telling me

It's the only entitlement that has come in under budget. NCLB was the brainchild of Ted Kennedy, which explains a lot.
I opposed Bush's bailing out the auto makers, after Congress voted no on it. And TARP etc. Also the steel tariffs.
But at least Bush had a professional staff of experienced people around him. Not the amateur hour we see now.

yeah, Iraq was stroke of genius .... in a bud lite commercial.

The american people fully supported it
Congress with the same intel the UN was supplying supported it
Killing Alqaeda leaders in Iraq (before we invaded) was supported
the removal of the tons of "yellow cake" in iraq was supported

The 1 thing that was not supported was the number (time) of terrorist we had to kill and the time it took to train the Iraqis

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