They are really starting to miss ol W, all of you

The american people fully supported it
Congress with the same intel the UN was supplying supported it
Killing Alqaeda leaders in Iraq (before we invaded) was supported
the removal of the tons of "yellow cake" in iraq was supported

The 1 thing that was not supported was the number (time) of terrorist we had to kill and the time it took to train the Iraqis

The so called liberal media was sure on board, and convinced 70% of Americans that Saddam was behind al Qaeda's attack on 9-11, had an active nuclear weapons program and was producing and stockpiling tons of chemical and biological weapons. Once they learned it was all a propaganda ruse they deserted him.

Again with the "Yellow Cake" huh? It was left over from his destroyed nuclear power plant. Under seal. It did not represent a threat.

Yellow cake hysteria was based on a forgery connected to Italy's then neocon govt, and passed on to W by cheney's team. And at the end of W's term, he had cheney were not on favorable terms. Obama is incompetent, but W's admin could be an Elizabethean historical trajedy. It' s just a shame a hack like Oliver Stone took a crack at it.

I think Jr. was referring to the Yellow Cake we sold and transported for the Iraqis a few years ago. It was under UN supervision, lock and key for years and years. But Jr. keeps referring to it as some kind of proof that Saddam had an active nuclear program.
The american people fully supported it
Congress with the same intel the UN was supplying supported it
Killing Alqaeda leaders in Iraq (before we invaded) was supported
the removal of the tons of "yellow cake" in iraq was supported

The 1 thing that was not supported was the number (time) of terrorist we had to kill and the time it took to train the Iraqis

The so called liberal media was sure on board, and convinced 70% of Americans that Saddam was behind al Qaeda's attack on 9-11, had an active nuclear weapons program and was producing and stockpiling tons of chemical and biological weapons. Once they learned it was all a propaganda ruse they deserted him.

Again with the "Yellow Cake" huh? It was left over from his destroyed nuclear power plant. Under seal. It did not represent a threat.

Yellow cake hysteria was based on a forgery connected to Italy's then neocon govt, and passed on to W by cheney's team. And at the end of W's term, he had cheney were not on favorable terms. Obama is incompetent, but W's admin could be an Elizabethean historical trajedy. It' s just a shame a hack like Oliver Stone took a crack at it.

The old yellow cake
The Yellowcake was explained away as being left over from an Iraqi nuclear reactor that was bombed by the Israelis in 1981 and had been later was documented and inspected by UN inspectors. It was stored in aging drums and containers since before the 1991 Gulf War. However, it was after the fall of Saddam in the second Gulf War and looters started stealing the drums for drinking water that US forces seized the yellow cake and kept it under guard until the shipment.

Questions were asked as to why Iraq never tried to sell the highly valuable yellow cake when it was in bad need of money before the war, but that is where the Wikileaks documents provide the answers as well as more information about chemical weapons that has surfaced. They also are alleged to give credibility that Iraq did seek to buy more yellow cake from Nigeria despite the infamous claims of Joe Wilsons to the contrary.

According to a 2006 Wikileaks released report, U.S. military intelligence discovered chemical weapons labs, captured insurgents who were experts in the creation of toxins, and uncovered nerve agent chemical weapons that had been smuggled into Iraq from Iran. However, this is not the only source that is known of the agents. The Iraqis produced their own and used them during the Iraq Iran War, but they were supposed to have been destroyed as part of the cease fire agreement from the 1991 Gulf War

The issue here is who was watching it when the UN was kicked out?
Why was this never discussed in the main stream?
Wikileaks confirms other ignored reports about Iraq WMDs - National Conservative |
The so called liberal media was sure on board, and convinced 70% of Americans that Saddam was behind al Qaeda's attack on 9-11, had an active nuclear weapons program and was producing and stockpiling tons of chemical and biological weapons. Once they learned it was all a propaganda ruse they deserted him.

Again with the "Yellow Cake" huh? It was left over from his destroyed nuclear power plant. Under seal. It did not represent a threat.

Yellow cake hysteria was based on a forgery connected to Italy's then neocon govt, and passed on to W by cheney's team. And at the end of W's term, he had cheney were not on favorable terms. Obama is incompetent, but W's admin could be an Elizabethean historical trajedy. It' s just a shame a hack like Oliver Stone took a crack at it.

I think Jr. was referring to the Yellow Cake we sold and transported for the Iraqis a few years ago. It was under UN supervision, lock and key for years and years. But Jr. keeps referring to it as some kind of proof that Saddam had an active nuclear program.

You want to locate the place I made any such claim?
Look Boo being on the wrong side of the truth is one thing, but accusing some-one else of doing that is another
The UN was not there all of the time, in fact the last 5 years "some of the time" would be the best way to describe that part
Less than two months after Bush’s speech, Iraqi officials meet with Secretary-general Annan and UNMOVIC Executive Chairman Blix to discuss arms inspections for the first time since 1998. UN officials fail to win the return of inspectors at this meeting or two subsequent ones that occur in May and July.
Iraq: A Chronology of UN Inspections | Arms Control Association
Yellow cake hysteria was based on a forgery connected to Italy's then neocon govt, and passed on to W by cheney's team. And at the end of W's term, he had cheney were not on favorable terms. Obama is incompetent, but W's admin could be an Elizabethean historical trajedy. It' s just a shame a hack like Oliver Stone took a crack at it.

I think Jr. was referring to the Yellow Cake we sold and transported for the Iraqis a few years ago. It was under UN supervision, lock and key for years and years. But Jr. keeps referring to it as some kind of proof that Saddam had an active nuclear program.

You want to locate the place I made any such claim?
Look Boo being on the wrong side of the truth is one thing, but accusing some-one else of doing that is another
The UN was not there all of the time, in fact the last 5 years "some of the time" would be the best way to describe that part
Less than two months after Bush’s speech, Iraqi officials meet with Secretary-general Annan and UNMOVIC Executive Chairman Blix to discuss arms inspections for the first time since 1998. UN officials fail to win the return of inspectors at this meeting or two subsequent ones that occur in May and July.
Iraq: A Chronology of UN Inspections | Arms Control Association

You know that you did. I know it too. Now threaten to ignore me again. :eusa_boohoo: Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq
I think Jr. was referring to the Yellow Cake we sold and transported for the Iraqis a few years ago. It was under UN supervision, lock and key for years and years. But Jr. keeps referring to it as some kind of proof that Saddam had an active nuclear program.

You want to locate the place I made any such claim?
Look Boo being on the wrong side of the truth is one thing, but accusing some-one else of doing that is another
The UN was not there all of the time, in fact the last 5 years "some of the time" would be the best way to describe that part
Less than two months after Bush’s speech, Iraqi officials meet with Secretary-general Annan and UNMOVIC Executive Chairman Blix to discuss arms inspections for the first time since 1998. UN officials fail to win the return of inspectors at this meeting or two subsequent ones that occur in May and July.
Iraq: A Chronology of UN Inspections | Arms Control Association

You know that you did. I know it too. Now threaten to ignore me again. :eusa_boohoo: Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

again where did I state that the yellow cake was any thing other than what it was
un gaurded
whats the diff?
Boo what amazes me about all of this is that everything GWB and congess sated for the reasons to remove Saddam actually became true
There was a breech in every form from illegal sales of oil to weapons that were for one reason or another suppose to have been banished
No there was no huge stock pile of brand new shiney WMDS
It amazes me the libs defend a man who killed over 1 million people
and lived to maim, kill, rape, torture as a dictator

ANd what happened to the 6500 WMDs that the UN clearly stated that were un accounted for and are still un accounted for today
What was it about Al qaeda movin to Iraq that you missed, before the invasion?

with out terror there is no war
why do you libs blame those who bring some peace to a place in which there is no hope?
it is a simple question
you defend Saddam
you hate W
you got BHO and boy what a job he has done
6 trillion dollars gone
90 million people out of the work force
Obama-care ruining so mnay people lives
choose your poision

Last edited:
Quit reaching into the toilet trying to bring up Dubya's reputation. It's never gonna work.

Obama would wipe the floor with Dubya if they had an election today.

Dubya was the worst President ever. The peace and prosperity of Clinton was undone in a couple of years. His hamhanded management of the Iraq War was the worst foreign policy blunder in American history, killing hundreds of thousands of people needlessly.

if he was such a success, then why did he lose Congress in 2006? Why didn't the GOP keep the White House in 2008?

Let me guess: "Free stuff & librul media, derp!" :lol:
Quit reaching into the toilet trying to bring up Dubya's reputation. It's never gonna work.

Obama would wipe the floor with Dubya if they had an election today.

Dubya was the worst President ever. The peace and prosperity of Clinton was undone in a couple of years. His hamhanded management of the Iraq War was the worst foreign policy blunder in American history, killing hundreds of thousands of people needlessly.

if he was such a success, then why did he lose Congress in 2006? Why didn't the GOP keep the White House in 2008?

Let me guess: "Free stuff & librul media, derp!" :lol:

Clintons prosperity?
Obamas deficts vs Ws is like comparing hiroshima with a fire cracker
try the GOPs congress up until 2006
and Nasdaq bubble
Taking off the restraints of power production across state lines
un-doing Glass-Stegall

we had 7 great years under W
0 under BHO

Clinton ignored UBL
Clinton ignored Saddam except for wagging the dog
do some DD dude
read and learn
let me help

Glass?Steagall Legislation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Despite Clinton's Many Chances to Kill Bin Laden Media Love Obama Using Him to Imply Romney Wouldn't Have | NewsBusters
nadaq bubble
Dot-com bubble - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
same timing as the 08 crash
recession 2001 with the loss of 3 million jobs to follow
Two Huge Flaws in the Legend of the Clinton Economy | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

we got those jobs back + 8 million more under W*
Dec 6, 2012 - The proof is in the pudding over the Bush tax cuts. They were followed by a record 52 straight months of job creation, producing 8 million new ...

thats real creation, not just trying to get back to 0 as Obama is doing

We had seven great years under Bush? :cuckoo:

Then why didn't the GOP keep Congress under him?

Why didn't the GOP keep the White House after him?
Remember when Obama said he would go into any country to take out Bin Laden?

Republicans called him naive, inexperienced, out of his depth. So what did he do? He put down Bin Laden.

He did exactly what he said he would do.

And who tried to take credit for it? That's right. Republicans.

You think that's lost on Assad? If he listened to Republicans, he would have nothing to worry about. But if he goes by what Obama says he is going to do and what he's done, Assad has plenty to worry about.

Remember when Obama said he would wage the war in Afghanistan and win it? Yeah, the rest of the world does too.
Remember when he sold the Poles down the river to the Russians? They havent forgotten. Neither one.
Remember when he tried to humiliate Netanyahu? Not forgotten either.
Remember when he went to Copenhagen and you declared it was a great victory? Yeah, I didnt forget that one.
Remember when Obama said if Assad used chem weapons it would be a red line? Yeah, Obama doesn't remember it either.
Remember when Obama berated the Bush Administration for acting unilaterally? No, Obama doesnt remember that either.
Remember when Obama said he would ask Congress for authrority to act?

Obama's foreign policy record is a pathetic series of mis-steps, miscalculations, bad information, and bad decisions. We are the laughingstock of the world. The Commander in Chief of the strongest nation on Earth gets his lunch eaten by Vladimir Putin.
The worst president ever. And that includes Marshall Petain.

It is plain and simple
GWB other than no child left behind and medicare D did one hell of a job
Medicare D did not turn out tnat bad either from what those who use it are telling me

He left office with 22% support. Two badly managed wars and a collapsing economy were in his wake.

Please stop reaching into the toilet trying to bring GWB's reputation back.
We had seven great years under Bush? :cuckoo:

Then why didn't the GOP keep Congress under him?

Why didn't the GOP keep the White House after him?


one 1/4 truth after another
they talked about EMDs and Iraq as though GWB went at on his own
W lied
people died
162 billion in defict, MY GOD

Look at it now

Look what Dan Rather did in 04
what if GWB had been in office when Benghazi took place

Remember when Obama said he would go into any country to take out Bin Laden?

Republicans called him naive, inexperienced, out of his depth. So what did he do? He put down Bin Laden.

He did exactly what he said he would do.

And who tried to take credit for it? That's right. Republicans.

You think that's lost on Assad? If he listened to Republicans, he would have nothing to worry about. But if he goes by what Obama says he is going to do and what he's done, Assad has plenty to worry about.

The only one that missed Bush was that guy who threw his shoe at him. I was thinking today what a terrible President he was and how it's nice to have a little class back in the Oval Office.
We had seven great years under Bush? :cuckoo:

Then why didn't the GOP keep Congress under him?

Why didn't the GOP keep the White House after him?


one 1/4 truth after another
they talked about EMDs and Iraq as though GWB went at on his own
W lied
people died
162 billion in defict, MY GOD

Look at it now

Look what Dan Rather did in 04
what if GWB had been in office when Benghazi took place

FOCUS: Dan Rather Was Right About George W. Bush

The documents were Xerox copies, which in forensics is a dead end - nothing can be proved, or disproved, without an original. Since the report, Rather has hired lawyers and private investigators to get to the bottom of the mystery, to no avail. Strangely, he has made only one attempt to contact the man who initially gave the documents to CBS, the former Guardsman and West Texas rancher Bill Burkett, who, after initially lying about where he got them, told a dubious tale of receiving them from shadowy characters at a cattle show in Houston - and then went stone silent. Burkett refused to talk to Rather.

But the CBS documents that seem destined to haunt Rather are, and have always been, a red herring. The real story, assembled here for the first time in a single narrative, featuring new witnesses and never-reported details, is far more complex than what Rather and Mapes rushed onto the air in 2004. At the time, so much rancorous political gamesmanship surrounded Bush's military history that it was impossible to report clearly (and Rather's flawed report effectively ended further investigations). But with Bush out of office, this is no longer a problem. I've been reporting this story since it first broke, and today there is more cooperation and willingness to speak on the record than ever before. The picture that emerges is remarkable.
They are really starting to miss ol W, all of you

Just because I despite Obama does not mean I miss W.


I didn't know "W" left office! :eek:
Things are about the same now as they were since 2001.:eusa_whistle:

I have stated that Obama is Bush on super steroids
it is a shame that BHO added obama-care
that allowed those men to die in Beghazi and lie about it
Obama is not even close to W
We had seven great years under Bush? :cuckoo:

Then why didn't the GOP keep Congress under him?

Why didn't the GOP keep the White House after him?


one 1/4 truth after another
they talked about EMDs and Iraq as though GWB went at on his own
W lied
people died
162 billion in defict, MY GOD

Look at it now

Look what Dan Rather did in 04
what if GWB had been in office when Benghazi took place

So the "librul media" influence doesn't kick in till 2006? Really? You believe this? This is your argument? This is your best point? I'm so embarrassed for you. You poor thing.

The failure to competently wage the Iraq War is the number one reason why the GOP lost Congress in 2006, and the GOP's destruction of the economy in 2008 is why Obama won.

The USA survived the Bush years, but barely.

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