They are really starting to miss ol W, all of you

No WMDs as described by the Bush regime have been discovered.

If Bush goes to war crimes trials, those engaged in false propaganda will go with him.
Bushii had "class." He was of the ruling class no doubt, but he couldn't complete a sentence. I think he was a decent guy, but hopelessly inept and ill trained for the job. Obama's an elitiist, and ill prepared for for policy as well. However, it's interesting that he's carried forward some very neocon leanings.

Really? Dubya completed enough sentences to graduate from both Harvard and Yale, become a multi-millionaire in the baseball business, serve two terms as Governor of Texas and two terms as President of the United States. He guided us through a catastrophic Clinton-caused recession and Clinton-caused attack on the Twin Towers. All while keeping the price of gasoline down and the Dow up.....back when the Dow was ordinary investors, not just the banks like it is today.

How about posting your resume for comparison? :eusa_eh:

About the only class Bush 2 has shown has been to STFU and disappear from public view since the end of his disastrous presidency. He graduated with Gentleman's C's and got everything handed to him on a silver platter. He squandered Clinton's budget surplus and ignored warnings of Al Qaeda domestic attacks. He sat around reading to school children while we were attacked. He is the worst president we have had during my lifetime (since Eisenhower) and quite possibly the worst ever. Any positive thing that happened during his reign of incompetence was likely in spite of him rather than because of him.

Remember when Obama said he would go into any country to take out Bin Laden?

Republicans called him naive, inexperienced, out of his depth. So what did he do? He put down Bin Laden.

He did exactly what he said he would do.

And who tried to take credit for it? That's right. Republicans.

You think that's lost on Assad? If he listened to Republicans, he would have nothing to worry about. But if he goes by what Obama says he is going to do and what he's done, Assad has plenty to worry about.

Remember when Bush let me keep my health insurance plan? The AFL CIO does. Union YES!
on today's date especially?!!! GTFO of here.


[ame=]Liar, Liar - The Castaways (1965) - YouTube[/ame]
Boo as I have allways stated
I (we) with any grain of honesty except your side of the story
Saddam fu-ked up. he lied and lied and lied an lied until the point post 9-11 no more
everything we said would be there was there
aged?, yes
but he kept lying
and for some0one to bury part of his own air force why would any-one not believe that he would do the same with anything?
Al Qaeda was setting up camp there in 2002
Knowing now what we thouhgt we knew then what would be the difference?
If We knew, what would be the diff? you can still google "news stories" that were published denying thesew facts that later came out
mot one rebuttle
Former CIA director George Tenet reveals in his own autobiography, At the Center of the Storm, some of the intelligence that backed up Powell’s presentation. More than one dozen other al Qaeda terrorists had joined Zarqawi in Baghdad. One of them was an Egyptian known as Abu Ayyub al Masri, who had served Osama bin Laden’s deputy, Ayman al Zawahiri, since the 1980s. After Zarqawi was killed in 2006, al Masri took his place as the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq. Al Masri himself was killed earlier this year, and his widow confirmed that they had moved to central Baghdad in 2002.

Zarqawi and al Masri led a campaign of spectacular terrorist attacks against the Iraqi people, security personnel, and coalition forces. It was their savagery that, to a large extent, brought Iraq to the brink of total chaos—and ultimately provoked the Anbar Awakening. It is crucially important, then, that Zarqawi and al Masri were operating inside Iraq before American or British forces ever set foot there. They were clearly preparing for war.
Al Qaeda in Iraq | The Weekly Standard

The 6000 missing munitions? not one mention any where as to those facts
we got it wrong only by not coming up with a brand new shiney missle (excpet those found just prior to invading)
who know the truth about so much except
Al Qaeda was there ,2002
Saddam was a mass murderer
Saddam was a liar
Saddam had 600 munitions, still missing today

War suck BOO and with out the Saddams d the world there are no wars
just like Assad in Syria
giving up his weapons will not bring back those kids he gassed
no way

No WMD the Bush Administration claimed were there were ever found. They had not reconstituted any program. Wasn't stockpiling anything. They were contained and they were a counter-balance to Iran.

Al Qaeda was never active in Iraqi controlled areas until after the invasion and the fall of its government.

If Ray-Gun had given Saddam the same treatment Obama gave Assad after having gassed civilians I wonder......But it is useless to speculate. Fact is we knew in 1979 what a brutal leader he was when he took power. We should have never had an alliance with him, even over Iran.
Boo as I have allways stated
I (we) with any grain of honesty except your side of the story
Saddam fu-ked up. he lied and lied and lied an lied until the point post 9-11 no more
everything we said would be there was there
aged?, yes
but he kept lying
and for some0one to bury part of his own air force why would any-one not believe that he would do the same with anything?
Al Qaeda was setting up camp there in 2002
Knowing now what we thouhgt we knew then what would be the difference?
If We knew, what would be the diff? you can still google "news stories" that were published denying thesew facts that later came out
mot one rebuttle
Former CIA director George Tenet reveals in his own autobiography, At the Center of the Storm, some of the intelligence that backed up Powell’s presentation. More than one dozen other al Qaeda terrorists had joined Zarqawi in Baghdad. One of them was an Egyptian known as Abu Ayyub al Masri, who had served Osama bin Laden’s deputy, Ayman al Zawahiri, since the 1980s. After Zarqawi was killed in 2006, al Masri took his place as the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq. Al Masri himself was killed earlier this year, and his widow confirmed that they had moved to central Baghdad in 2002.

Zarqawi and al Masri led a campaign of spectacular terrorist attacks against the Iraqi people, security personnel, and coalition forces. It was their savagery that, to a large extent, brought Iraq to the brink of total chaos—and ultimately provoked the Anbar Awakening. It is crucially important, then, that Zarqawi and al Masri were operating inside Iraq before American or British forces ever set foot there. They were clearly preparing for war.
Al Qaeda in Iraq | The Weekly Standard

The 6000 missing munitions? not one mention any where as to those facts
we got it wrong only by not coming up with a brand new shiney missle (excpet those found just prior to invading)
who know the truth about so much except
Al Qaeda was there ,2002
Saddam was a mass murderer
Saddam was a liar
Saddam had 600 munitions, still missing today

War suck BOO and with out the Saddams d the world there are no wars
just like Assad in Syria
giving up his weapons will not bring back those kids he gassed
no way

No WMD the Bush Administration claimed were there were ever found. They had not reconstituted any program. Wasn't stockpiling anything. They were contained and they were a counter-balance to Iran.

Al Qaeda was never active in Iraqi controlled areas until after the invasion and the fall of its government.

If Ray-Gun had given Saddam the same treatment Obama gave Assad after having gassed civilians I wonder......But it is useless to speculate. Fact is we knew in 1979 what a brutal leader he was when he took power. We should have never had an alliance with him, even over Iran.

The came 9-11
changed the game
For the record Assad deserves the same
but not from troops on the ground this time

Post 9-11 was a world im which what was right and what was wrong had very blurred lines
We discuss Iraq as it was an over night event
that crap, killing, lying, rape, torture, all of it went on for years as you noted
we had 11 people murdered in Washington yesterday. That will never be called what it is, a terrorist attack (no matter the reason)
In iraq they have went from mass geonicide to the same
at some point the 1000s (maybe100s of thousands) of lives saved has to matter and that one of the most evil terrorist in the world is gone
None of which excuses the USA for waging offensive war and crimes against humanity.

GWB can no longer leave the US, can no longer visit several American states, and lives in fear of being kidnapped and taken to the Hague.
Bushii had "class." He was of the ruling class no doubt, but he couldn't complete a sentence. I think he was a decent guy, but hopelessly inept and ill trained for the job. Obama's an elitiist, and ill prepared for for policy as well. However, it's interesting that he's carried forward some very neocon leanings.

Really? Dubya completed enough sentences to graduate from both Harvard and Yale, become a multi-millionaire in the baseball business, serve two terms as Governor of Texas and two terms as President of the United States. He guided us through a catastrophic Clinton-caused recession and Clinton-caused attack on the Twin Towers. All while keeping the price of gasoline down and the Dow up.....back when the Dow was ordinary investors, not just the banks like it is today.

How about posting your resume for comparison? :eusa_eh:

About the only class Bush 2 has shown has been to STFU and disappear from public view since the end of his disastrous presidency. He graduated with Gentleman's C's and got everything handed to him on a silver platter. He squandered Clinton's budget surplus and ignored warnings of Al Qaeda domestic attacks. He sat around reading to school children while we were attacked. He is the worst president we have had during my lifetime (since Eisenhower) and quite possibly the worst ever. Any positive thing that happened during his reign of incompetence was likely in spite of him rather than because of him.

Stlll gulping down the Koolaid ain't ya? :lol: Nobody graduates from Yale and goes for an MBA at Harvard with "gentleman's C's"....I'd think a fella like you would know more about the Ivy League...what was handed to him on a platter? He lost his first race for Congress. Then he bought a failing Texas Ranger franchise, got Arlington a smokin money deal to build a new stadium, traded Sammy Sossa (which he considers the worst mistake of his life), then sold the franchise for several million$ and ran for Governor and won (twice).

Clinton's "surplus" was the boom that went bust and cost our economy a TRILLION DOLLARS. The recession that followed that pile of garbage and his murdering shrew of a wife out of the WH was corrected with tax cuts that are still keeping us barely afloat. Clinton ignored al-Qaida not Bush. Tell us when, what cities, what flights, and what targets Bush was supposed to have ignored. Keeping Tenant (Clinton's CIA chief) was the problem....he missed all the signs not Dubya. Would Clinton have gone after bin-Laden like Dubya did? He wouldn't take him twice when the thug was offered to us, why would he after the Twin Towers? Bush gave us back our national manhood after Slick Willy emasculated the entire country by raping women in the Oval Office. Oh and BTW, Bush43 scored a higher IQ than both Gore and Kerry on the Stanford Benet test, and didn't squander $6T on solar scams and thousands more government jobs like the mutt your crowd put in the WH after him.:eusa_hand:
Boo as I have allways stated
I (we) with any grain of honesty except your side of the story
Saddam fu-ked up. he lied and lied and lied an lied until the point post 9-11 no more
everything we said would be there was there
aged?, yes
but he kept lying
and for some0one to bury part of his own air force why would any-one not believe that he would do the same with anything?
Al Qaeda was setting up camp there in 2002
Knowing now what we thouhgt we knew then what would be the difference?
If We knew, what would be the diff? you can still google "news stories" that were published denying thesew facts that later came out
mot one rebuttle
Former CIA director George Tenet reveals in his own autobiography, At the Center of the Storm, some of the intelligence that backed up Powell’s presentation. More than one dozen other al Qaeda terrorists had joined Zarqawi in Baghdad. One of them was an Egyptian known as Abu Ayyub al Masri, who had served Osama bin Laden’s deputy, Ayman al Zawahiri, since the 1980s. After Zarqawi was killed in 2006, al Masri took his place as the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq. Al Masri himself was killed earlier this year, and his widow confirmed that they had moved to central Baghdad in 2002.

Zarqawi and al Masri led a campaign of spectacular terrorist attacks against the Iraqi people, security personnel, and coalition forces. It was their savagery that, to a large extent, brought Iraq to the brink of total chaos—and ultimately provoked the Anbar Awakening. It is crucially important, then, that Zarqawi and al Masri were operating inside Iraq before American or British forces ever set foot there. They were clearly preparing for war.
Al Qaeda in Iraq | The Weekly Standard

The 6000 missing munitions? not one mention any where as to those facts
we got it wrong only by not coming up with a brand new shiney missle (excpet those found just prior to invading)
who know the truth about so much except
Al Qaeda was there ,2002
Saddam was a mass murderer
Saddam was a liar
Saddam had 600 munitions, still missing today

War suck BOO and with out the Saddams d the world there are no wars
just like Assad in Syria
giving up his weapons will not bring back those kids he gassed
no way

No WMD the Bush Administration claimed were there were ever found. They had not reconstituted any program. Wasn't stockpiling anything. They were contained and they were a counter-balance to Iran.

Al Qaeda was never active in Iraqi controlled areas until after the invasion and the fall of its government.

If Ray-Gun had given Saddam the same treatment Obama gave Assad after having gassed civilians I wonder......But it is useless to speculate. Fact is we knew in 1979 what a brutal leader he was when he took power. We should have never had an alliance with him, even over Iran.

The came 9-11
changed the game
For the record Assad deserves the same
but not from troops on the ground this time

Post 9-11 was a world im which what was right and what was wrong had very blurred lines
We discuss Iraq as it was an over night event
that crap, killing, lying, rape, torture, all of it went on for years as you noted
we had 11 people murdered in Washington yesterday. That will never be called what it is, a terrorist attack (no matter the reason)
In iraq they have went from mass geonicide to the same
at some point the 1000s (maybe100s of thousands) of lives saved has to matter and that one of the most evil terrorist in the world is gone

9-11 was a tragedy. President Bush exploited it to invade Iraq, a country that had nothing to do with the attack. With the help of a compliant media he convinced Americans that Saddam was somehow backing the terrorist or would be giving them chemical and nuclear weapons in the near future to attack us with.
Really? Dubya completed enough sentences to graduate from both Harvard and Yale, become a multi-millionaire in the baseball business, serve two terms as Governor of Texas and two terms as President of the United States. He guided us through a catastrophic Clinton-caused recession and Clinton-caused attack on the Twin Towers. All while keeping the price of gasoline down and the Dow up.....back when the Dow was ordinary investors, not just the banks like it is today.

How about posting your resume for comparison? :eusa_eh:

About the only class Bush 2 has shown has been to STFU and disappear from public view since the end of his disastrous presidency. He graduated with Gentleman's C's and got everything handed to him on a silver platter. He squandered Clinton's budget surplus and ignored warnings of Al Qaeda domestic attacks. He sat around reading to school children while we were attacked. He is the worst president we have had during my lifetime (since Eisenhower) and quite possibly the worst ever. Any positive thing that happened during his reign of incompetence was likely in spite of him rather than because of him.

Stlll gulping down the Koolaid ain't ya? :lol: Nobody graduates from Yale and goes for an MBA at Harvard with "gentleman's C's"....I'd think a fella like you would know more about the Ivy League...what was handed to him on a platter? He lost his first race for Congress. Then he bought a failing Texas Ranger franchise, got Arlington a smokin money deal to build a new stadium, traded Sammy Sossa (which he considers the worst mistake of his life), then sold the franchise for several million$ and ran for Governor and won (twice).

Clinton's "surplus" was the boom that went bust and cost our economy a TRILLION DOLLARS. The recession that followed that pile of garbage and his murdering shrew of a wife out of the WH was corrected with tax cuts that are still keeping us barely afloat. Clinton ignored al-Qaida not Bush. Tell us when, what cities, what flights, and what targets Bush was supposed to have ignored. Keeping Tenant (Clinton's CIA chief) was the problem....he missed all the signs not Dubya. Would Clinton have gone after bin-Laden like Dubya did? He wouldn't take him twice when the thug was offered to us, why would he after the Twin Towers? Bush gave us back our national manhood after Slick Willy emasculated the entire country by raping women in the Oval Office. Oh and BTW, Bush43 scored a higher IQ than both Gore and Kerry on the Stanford Benet test, and didn't squander $6T on solar scams and thousands more government jobs like the mutt your crowd put in the WH after him.:eusa_hand:
I approve of your confusing the resident trolls with fact. :lol::lol::lol:
Really? Dubya completed enough sentences to graduate from both Harvard and Yale, become a multi-millionaire in the baseball business, serve two terms as Governor of Texas and two terms as President of the United States. He guided us through a catastrophic Clinton-caused recession and Clinton-caused attack on the Twin Towers. All while keeping the price of gasoline down and the Dow up.....back when the Dow was ordinary investors, not just the banks like it is today.

How about posting your resume for comparison? :eusa_eh:

About the only class Bush 2 has shown has been to STFU and disappear from public view since the end of his disastrous presidency. He graduated with Gentleman's C's and got everything handed to him on a silver platter. He squandered Clinton's budget surplus and ignored warnings of Al Qaeda domestic attacks. He sat around reading to school children while we were attacked. He is the worst president we have had during my lifetime (since Eisenhower) and quite possibly the worst ever. Any positive thing that happened during his reign of incompetence was likely in spite of him rather than because of him.

Stlll gulping down the Koolaid ain't ya? :lol: Nobody graduates from Yale and goes for an MBA at Harvard with "gentleman's C's"....I'd think a fella like you would know more about the Ivy League...what was handed to him on a platter? He lost his first race for Congress. Then he bought a failing Texas Ranger franchise, got Arlington a smokin money deal to build a new stadium, traded Sammy Sossa (which he considers the worst mistake of his life), then sold the franchise for several million$ and ran for Governor and won (twice).

Clinton's "surplus" was the boom that went bust and cost our economy a TRILLION DOLLARS. The recession that followed that pile of garbage and his murdering shrew of a wife out of the WH was corrected with tax cuts that are still keeping us barely afloat. Clinton ignored al-Qaida not Bush. Tell us when, what cities, what flights, and what targets Bush was supposed to have ignored. Keeping Tenant (Clinton's CIA chief) was the problem....he missed all the signs not Dubya. Would Clinton have gone after bin-Laden like Dubya did? He wouldn't take him twice when the thug was offered to us, why would he after the Twin Towers? Bush gave us back our national manhood after Slick Willy emasculated the entire country by raping women in the Oval Office. Oh and BTW, Bush43 scored a higher IQ than both Gore and Kerry on the Stanford Benet test, and didn't squander $6T on solar scams and thousands more government jobs like the mutt your crowd put in the WH after him.:eusa_hand:

Clintons "surplus" did not have 9-11
it had a GOP congress
It did not have a dot com bubble bursting and by 2007 we were back to 162 billion

WHo in gods name know that 19 insanly motivated terrorist with box cutters, legal passports, legal plane tickets were going to turn them into scud missle 9-11-2001?
when they can show us that intel, I will gladly agree
No WMD the Bush Administration claimed were there were ever found. They had not reconstituted any program. Wasn't stockpiling anything. They were contained and they were a counter-balance to Iran.

Al Qaeda was never active in Iraqi controlled areas until after the invasion and the fall of its government.

If Ray-Gun had given Saddam the same treatment Obama gave Assad after having gassed civilians I wonder......But it is useless to speculate. Fact is we knew in 1979 what a brutal leader he was when he took power. We should have never had an alliance with him, even over Iran.

The came 9-11
changed the game
For the record Assad deserves the same
but not from troops on the ground this time

Post 9-11 was a world im which what was right and what was wrong had very blurred lines
We discuss Iraq as it was an over night event
that crap, killing, lying, rape, torture, all of it went on for years as you noted
we had 11 people murdered in Washington yesterday. That will never be called what it is, a terrorist attack (no matter the reason)
In iraq they have went from mass geonicide to the same
at some point the 1000s (maybe100s of thousands) of lives saved has to matter and that one of the most evil terrorist in the world is gone

9-11 was a tragedy. President Bush exploited it to invade Iraq, a country that had nothing to do with the attack. With the help of a compliant media he convinced Americans that Saddam was somehow backing the terrorist or would be giving them chemical and nuclear weapons in the near future to attack us with.

He did?
Skip to comments.
Democratic quotes about Iraq
otal Victory for the Homeland ^ | various | various

Posted on Saturday, October 18, 2003 10:53:12 AM by Lando Lincoln

"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line." Ex-President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program." Ex-President Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

"Iraq is a long way from [the USA], but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face." Madeline Albright, Clinton Secretary of State, Feb 18, 1998

"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983." Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb, 18, 1998

"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." Letter to President Clinton, signed by Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others Oct. 9, 1998

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process." Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998

"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building weapons of mass destruction and palaces for his cronies." Madeline Albright, Clinton Secretary of State, Nov. 10, 1999

"There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein has invigorated his weapons programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status. In addition, Saddam continues to redefine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of a licit missile program to develop longer-range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies." Letter to President Bush, Signed by Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL,) and others, December 5, 2001

"We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandated of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and the means of delivering them." Sen. Carl Levin (D, MI), Sept. 19, 2002

"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country." Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction." Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27, 2002

"The last UN weapons inspectors left Iraq in October of 1998. We are confident that Saddam Hussein retains some stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, and that he has since embarked on a crash course to build up his chemical and biological warfare capabilities. Intelligence reports indicate that he is seeking nuclear weapons." Sen. Robert Byrd (D, WV), Oct. 3, 2002

"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force if necessary to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security." Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002

"Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power." Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years. We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction." Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002

"He has systematically violated, over the course of the past 11 years, every significant UN resolution that has demanded that he disarm and destroy his chemical and biological weapons, and any nuclear capacity. This he has refused to do" Rep. Henry Waxman (D, CA), Oct. 10, 2002

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002

"Saddam Hussein's regime represents a grave threat to America and our allies, including our vital ally, Israel. For more than two decades, Saddam Hussein has sought weapons of mass destruction through every available means. We know that he has chemical and biological weapons. He has already used them against his neighbors and his own people, and is trying to build more. We know that he is doing everything he can to build nuclear weapons, and we know that each day he gets closer to achieving that goal." Senator John Edwards (D-NC), October 10, 2002

"While the distance between the United States and Iraq is great, Saddam Hussein's ability to use his chemical and biological weapons against us is not constrained by geography - it can be accomplished in a number of different ways - which is what makes this threat so real and persuasive." Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), October 10, 2002

"We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Hussein has, and has had for a number of years, a developing capacity for the production and storage of weapons of mass destruction." Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL), Dec. 8, 2002

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime. He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation. And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction. So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real." Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003

"The essential facts are known. We know of the weapons in Saddam's possession: chemical, biological, and nuclear in time. We know of his unequaled willingness to use them. We know his history. His invasions of his neighbors. His dreams of achieving hegemonic control over the Arab world. His record of anti-American rage. His willingness to terrorize, to slaughter, to suppress his own people and others. We need not stretch to imagine nightmare scenarios in which Saddam makes common cause with the terrorists who want to kill us Americans and destroy our way of life." Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-CT), September 13, 2002

"Make no mistake: Saddam Hussein is a ruthless tyrant, and he must give up his weapons of mass destruction. We support the President in the course he has followed so far: working with Congress, working with the United Nations, insisting on strong and unfettered inspections. We must convince the world that Saddam Hussein is not America's problem alone; he is the world's problem. And we urge President Bush to stay this course for we are far stronger when we stand with other nations than when we stand alone." Governor Gary Locke (D-WA), January 28, 2003
Really? Dubya completed enough sentences to graduate from both Harvard and Yale, become a multi-millionaire in the baseball business, serve two terms as Governor of Texas and two terms as President of the United States. He guided us through a catastrophic Clinton-caused recession and Clinton-caused attack on the Twin Towers. All while keeping the price of gasoline down and the Dow up.....back when the Dow was ordinary investors, not just the banks like it is today.

How about posting your resume for comparison? :eusa_eh:

About the only class Bush 2 has shown has been to STFU and disappear from public view since the end of his disastrous presidency. He graduated with Gentleman's C's and got everything handed to him on a silver platter. He squandered Clinton's budget surplus and ignored warnings of Al Qaeda domestic attacks. He sat around reading to school children while we were attacked. He is the worst president we have had during my lifetime (since Eisenhower) and quite possibly the worst ever. Any positive thing that happened during his reign of incompetence was likely in spite of him rather than because of him.

Stlll gulping down the Koolaid ain't ya? :lol: Nobody graduates from Yale and goes for an MBA at Harvard with "gentleman's C's"....I'd think a fella like you would know more about the Ivy League...what was handed to him on a platter? He lost his first race for Congress. Then he bought a failing Texas Ranger franchise, got Arlington a smokin money deal to build a new stadium, traded Sammy Sossa (which he considers the worst mistake of his life), then sold the franchise for several million$ and ran for Governor and won (twice).

Clinton's "surplus" was the boom that went bust and cost our economy a TRILLION DOLLARS. The recession that followed that pile of garbage and his murdering shrew of a wife out of the WH was corrected with tax cuts that are still keeping us barely afloat. Clinton ignored al-Qaida not Bush. Tell us when, what cities, what flights, and what targets Bush was supposed to have ignored. Keeping Tenant (Clinton's CIA chief) was the problem....he missed all the signs not Dubya. Would Clinton have gone after bin-Laden like Dubya did? He wouldn't take him twice when the thug was offered to us, why would he after the Twin Towers? Bush gave us back our national manhood after Slick Willy emasculated the entire country by raping women in the Oval Office. Oh and BTW, Bush43 scored a higher IQ than both Gore and Kerry on the Stanford Benet test, and didn't squander $6T on solar scams and thousands more government jobs like the mutt your crowd put in the WH after him.:eusa_hand:

Actually bush and company got wealthy because private landowners were eminent domained off their property so the stadium could be built. Remember, bush and his buddies are republicans, the ones always complaining about government interfering in the marketplace. One link below from a texas newspaper.
About the only class Bush 2 has shown has been to STFU and disappear from public view since the end of his disastrous presidency. He graduated with Gentleman's C's and got everything handed to him on a silver platter. He squandered Clinton's budget surplus and ignored warnings of Al Qaeda domestic attacks. He sat around reading to school children while we were attacked. He is the worst president we have had during my lifetime (since Eisenhower) and quite possibly the worst ever. Any positive thing that happened during his reign of incompetence was likely in spite of him rather than because of him.

Stlll gulping down the Koolaid ain't ya? :lol: Nobody graduates from Yale and goes for an MBA at Harvard with "gentleman's C's"....I'd think a fella like you would know more about the Ivy League...what was handed to him on a platter? He lost his first race for Congress. Then he bought a failing Texas Ranger franchise, got Arlington a smokin money deal to build a new stadium, traded Sammy Sossa (which he considers the worst mistake of his life), then sold the franchise for several million$ and ran for Governor and won (twice).

Clinton's "surplus" was the boom that went bust and cost our economy a TRILLION DOLLARS. The recession that followed that pile of garbage and his murdering shrew of a wife out of the WH was corrected with tax cuts that are still keeping us barely afloat. Clinton ignored al-Qaida not Bush. Tell us when, what cities, what flights, and what targets Bush was supposed to have ignored. Keeping Tenant (Clinton's CIA chief) was the problem....he missed all the signs not Dubya. Would Clinton have gone after bin-Laden like Dubya did? He wouldn't take him twice when the thug was offered to us, why would he after the Twin Towers? Bush gave us back our national manhood after Slick Willy emasculated the entire country by raping women in the Oval Office. Oh and BTW, Bush43 scored a higher IQ than both Gore and Kerry on the Stanford Benet test, and didn't squander $6T on solar scams and thousands more government jobs like the mutt your crowd put in the WH after him.:eusa_hand:

Actually bush and company got wealthy because private landowners were eminent domained off their property so the stadium could be built. Remember, bush and his buddies are republicans, the ones always complaining about government interfering in the marketplace. One link below from a texas newspaper.

A news paper from Austin with a fair and balanced look at GWB?
GWB got wealthy way before those events I might add
you dont own part of a major leauge BBall team and thn become wealthy
Reading the article I would comment on it as only in extreme cases do I apporve of Eminent domain
Not going to get any truth from any news paper from Austin Texas about the GOP

Remember when Obama said he would go into any country to take out Bin Laden?

Republicans called him naive, inexperienced, out of his depth. So what did he do? He put down Bin Laden.

He did exactly what he said he would do.

And who tried to take credit for it? That's right. Republicans.

You think that's lost on Assad? If he listened to Republicans, he would have nothing to worry about. But if he goes by what Obama says he is going to do and what he's done, Assad has plenty to worry about.

Yea..."Obama killed Osama"...right. He couldn't make up his mind for over a hundred days until finally he realized if he didn't at least try he would be toast the next election.

Then Benghazi happened.

But according to you D-bags Obama doesn't get any of the "credit" for that clusterfuck. That was a you-tube video producer's fault! was the house republicans' fault!


Remember when Obama said he would go into any country to take out Bin Laden?

Republicans called him naive, inexperienced, out of his depth. So what did he do? He put down Bin Laden.

He did exactly what he said he would do.

And who tried to take credit for it? That's right. Republicans.

You think that's lost on Assad? If he listened to Republicans, he would have nothing to worry about. But if he goes by what Obama says he is going to do and what he's done, Assad has plenty to worry about.

Yea..."Obama killed Osama"...right. He couldn't make up his mind for over a hundred days until finally he realized if he didn't at least try he would be toast the next election.

Then Benghazi happened.

But according to you D-bags Obama doesn't get any of the "credit" for that clusterfuck. That was a you-tube video producer's fault! was the house republicans' fault!


To start with you and I see much the same, but
A navy seal killed UBL based on intel that was put in place during the time W was allowing a ways and means of gathering intel tht some called torture
to the point it was a team effort that began after 9-11-2001
all BHO did was finally say go
About the only class Bush 2 has shown has been to STFU and disappear from public view since the end of his disastrous presidency. He graduated with Gentleman's C's and got everything handed to him on a silver platter. He squandered Clinton's budget surplus and ignored warnings of Al Qaeda domestic attacks. He sat around reading to school children while we were attacked. He is the worst president we have had during my lifetime (since Eisenhower) and quite possibly the worst ever. Any positive thing that happened during his reign of incompetence was likely in spite of him rather than because of him.

Stlll gulping down the Koolaid ain't ya? :lol: Nobody graduates from Yale and goes for an MBA at Harvard with "gentleman's C's"....I'd think a fella like you would know more about the Ivy League...what was handed to him on a platter? He lost his first race for Congress. Then he bought a failing Texas Ranger franchise, got Arlington a smokin money deal to build a new stadium, traded Sammy Sossa (which he considers the worst mistake of his life), then sold the franchise for several million$ and ran for Governor and won (twice).

Clinton's "surplus" was the boom that went bust and cost our economy a TRILLION DOLLARS. The recession that followed that pile of garbage and his murdering shrew of a wife out of the WH was corrected with tax cuts that are still keeping us barely afloat. Clinton ignored al-Qaida not Bush. Tell us when, what cities, what flights, and what targets Bush was supposed to have ignored. Keeping Tenant (Clinton's CIA chief) was the problem....he missed all the signs not Dubya. Would Clinton have gone after bin-Laden like Dubya did? He wouldn't take him twice when the thug was offered to us, why would he after the Twin Towers? Bush gave us back our national manhood after Slick Willy emasculated the entire country by raping women in the Oval Office. Oh and BTW, Bush43 scored a higher IQ than both Gore and Kerry on the Stanford Benet test, and didn't squander $6T on solar scams and thousands more government jobs like the mutt your crowd put in the WH after him.:eusa_hand:

Clintons "surplus" did not have 9-11
it had a GOP congress
It did not have a dot com bubble bursting and by 2007 we were back to 162 billion

WHo in gods name know that 19 insanly motivated terrorist with box cutters, legal passports, legal plane tickets were going to turn them into scud missle 9-11-2001?
when they can show us that intel, I will gladly agree[

You might (probably will not) look for the report made by an FBI agent wanting to know why we had Arab folks learning to fly large jet aircraft and not being worried about how to land those aircraft. Remember those flight schools the terrorists attended? Or are you going to say they didn't attend those schools?

You think a little follow up by the FBI might have made a difference on 9/11?. Sure it would have.

Remember when Obama said he would wage the war in Afghanistan and win it? Yeah, the rest of the world does too.

The rest of the world wants out of Afghanistan as badly as we do. You can always go over if you feel that strongly about supporting Karzai's Narco-government, though.


Remember when he sold the Poles down the river to the Russians? They havent forgotten. Neither one.

You mean when we told the Poles we werent going to needlessly antagonize Russia by deploying technology that doesn't work?

Remember when he tried to humiliate Netanyahu? Not forgotten either.

Yes, don't you know the POTUS needs to bow down before his Zionist Overlord!!!! Um. No. About time someone bitch slapped Bibi.


Obama's foreign policy record is a pathetic series of mis-steps, miscalculations, bad information, and bad decisions. We are the laughingstock of the world. The Commander in Chief of the strongest nation on Earth gets his lunch eaten by Vladimir Putin.
The worst president ever. And that includes Marshall Petain.

Um, I think the guy who collaborated with invaders really, really was a worse president than Obama. So was the retarded Texan who preceeded Obama.

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