They are really starting to miss ol W, all of you

Remember when Obama said he would go into any country to take out Bin Laden?

Republicans called him naive, inexperienced, out of his depth. So what did he do? He put down Bin Laden.

He did exactly what he said he would do.

And who tried to take credit for it? That's right. Republicans.

You think that's lost on Assad? If he listened to Republicans, he would have nothing to worry about. But if he goes by what Obama says he is going to do and what he's done, Assad has plenty to worry about.

Yup, because they're usually two different things.

Remember when Obama said he would go into any country to take out Bin Laden?

Republicans called him naive, inexperienced, out of his depth. So what did he do? He put down Bin Laden.

He did exactly what he said he would do.

And who tried to take credit for it? That's right. Republicans.

You think that's lost on Assad? If he listened to Republicans, he would have nothing to worry about. But if he goes by what Obama says he is going to do and what he's done, Assad has plenty to worry about.

I dont recall anyone but the CIA and the Navy seals with there pilots taking credit for the UBL assasanation
It will be no different with Syria
Beghazi was an event that BHO failed 100%
and now he is covering up
an event in which it was his place to save those people
so be real careful of propping up this man about any-thing to do with doing the righ thing

Two shitty presidencies in a row doesn't make one of them good.

It just makes one less shitty, and I wouldn't know which one to pick there.

Bush was smart, funny, wise, patriotic and a great POTUS.
Hussein is a Muslime who hates America.
The funniest part of this is that the people who are gloating over the idea that Americans are for the moment viewing Obama in as unfavorable a light as Bush

aren't realizing it's because Americans believe Obama may be making the same mistakes Bush made...

...the same mistakes all you idiots supported.

lol, it's always funniest when the 'nuts don't realize they're stepping in their own shit.

war sucks
without terrorist, these wars do not occur
dont you relaize that?
dont you realize Sadedam killed over 1 million people?
WTF is wrong with you people
removing a mad man is not a mistake bud
The way America seems to be headed, we will probably have similar posts in the future about missing Obama.

The way America seems to be headed, we will probably have similar posts in the future about missing Obama.


we had a defict of 162 billion in 2007
1.4 trillion 52 months later
WE had a budget every year that congress approved, until BHO 1st
that was the last also
Obama-care not many wnat, but what do we have? Obama-care

I will say that if Hillary replaces him, My God what next?
follow your own advice and STFU.

Bush was President less than a year when 9/11 happened and ALL the blame for it lays with your beloved Clinton.

So get off here yourself.

Bush was a good president, unlike the failure we have NOW

Bush a good President? Where? Opposite land? Bizzaro world? Maybe if he wasn't taking one of his record number of vacations and ignoring briefings warning of Al Qaeda poised to attack, we wouldn't have had 9/11 attacks. When Democrats are President, perpetrators are brought to justice. When shrub was President, Bin Laden was allowed to get away and the wrong country was attacked. How is that Clinton's fault?

What exactly was it GWB was suppose to do?
You have 19 passengers
with not one piece nor part of there event illegal other than conspiricy until the event takes place
not one piece of intel suggested box cutters would be the wepon of choice (they were legal to have on your person)
not one piece of intel suggested 9-11-2001 was the date
not one pice of intel suggested we stqarted to profile young middle eastren men (yea that would have worked huh? ACLU)
re writing history has caught up tp your agendas

they tend to conviniently "forget" that it was their beloved Clinton who refused to take care of bin Laden, when he was given a choice.
9/11 was DIRECTLY Clinton's fault.
The way America seems to be headed, we will probably have similar posts in the future about missing Obama.


we had a defict of 162 billion in 2007
1.4 trillion 52 months later
WE had a budget every year that congress approved, until BHO 1st
that was the last also
Obama-care not many wnat, but what do we have? Obama-care

I will say that if Hillary replaces him, My God what next?

we also had a booming economy while recovering from 9/11 and being in an active war, the unemployment was 5%.

The failure we have now is unimaginable
on THIS day you say that? :eusa_doh:


A cartoon is a fitting form for a bed wetter's arguement.

Says the dude in blue print and everyone is a "bedwetter". Fuk you.

And speaking of being embarrassed. Didn't I read that you, bedwetter are or were in the military?
If so, it is embarrassing to have your kind being paid by my tax dollars. Show some respect to your CIC. Like you are supposed to. You are embarrassing yourself and our great military.

Remember when Obama said he would go into any country to take out Bin Laden?

Republicans called him naive, inexperienced, out of his depth. So what did he do? He put down Bin Laden.

He did exactly what he said he would do.

And who tried to take credit for it? That's right. Republicans.

You think that's lost on Assad? If he listened to Republicans, he would have nothing to worry about. But if he goes by what Obama says he is going to do and what he's done, Assad has plenty to worry about.

it is a FACT that the entire Bin Obama Laden hit was planned and trained for the "hit" on Bush's watch.., all the muslime mulatto had to do was say.., "OK, do it", then the SEALs jumped in and done what needed to be done...., BUT ! the big question arises, why has the muslime mulatto hiding so many of the facts of the raid ???????? don't you wonder ? most of us reasonable folks do !! :up:

Remember when Obama said he would go into any country to take out Bin Laden?

Republicans called him naive, inexperienced, out of his depth. So what did he do? He put down Bin Laden.

He did exactly what he said he would do.

And who tried to take credit for it? That's right. Republicans.

You think that's lost on Assad? If he listened to Republicans, he would have nothing to worry about. But if he goes by what Obama says he is going to do and what he's done, Assad has plenty to worry about.

it is a FACT that the entire Bin Obama Laden hit was planned and trained for the "hit" on Bush's watch.., all the muslime mulatto had to do was say.., "OK, do it", then the SEALs jumped in and done what needed to be done...., BUT ! the big question arises, why has the muslime mulatto hiding so many of the facts of the raid ???????? don't you wonder ? most of us reasonable folks do !! :up:

You consider your kind "reasonable"? LMAO. Really? Come on. Say something "reasonable". This should be good.

Remember when Obama said he would go into any country to take out Bin Laden?

Republicans called him naive, inexperienced, out of his depth. So what did he do? He put down Bin Laden.

He did exactly what he said he would do.

And who tried to take credit for it? That's right. Republicans.

You think that's lost on Assad? If he listened to Republicans, he would have nothing to worry about. But if he goes by what Obama says he is going to do and what he's done, Assad has plenty to worry about.

it is a FACT that the entire Bin Obama Laden hit was planned and trained for the "hit" on Bush's watch.., all the muslime mulatto had to do was say.., "OK, do it", then the SEALs jumped in and done what needed to be done...., BUT ! the big question arises, why has the muslime mulatto hiding so many of the facts of the raid ???????? don't you wonder ? most of us reasonable folks do !! :up:

As well as Benghazi
pretend and it will just go away
Miss Bush? Fuck no! Especially on the anniversary of 9/11. Not that Obama has been much different.

Not sure what W had to do with 9-11
As I recall there where 19 very dedicated and very insane Terrorist with legal pass ports, tickets as well as box cutters that were the cause of 9-11

Beside supporting a missile shield, what was his plan against international terrorism again? Did he even view al Qaeda as a serious threat to attack us here at home?

Release all the PDB leading up to 9-11. Then we'll know.
Well ya know, President Bush did look deep in to Putin's eyes and saw his soul.......

Hahahahahaha. A real class act..... class clown that is.

Chickenshit Obama wont look into Putins eyes...he to chickenshit.
It's the only entitlement that has come in under budget. NCLB was the brainchild of Ted Kennedy, which explains a lot.
I opposed Bush's bailing out the auto makers, after Congress voted no on it. And TARP etc. Also the steel tariffs.
But at least Bush had a professional staff of experienced people around him. Not the amateur hour we see now.

yeah, Iraq was stroke of genius .... in a bud lite commercial.

The american people fully supported it
Congress with the same intel the UN was supplying supported it
Killing Alqaeda leaders in Iraq (before we invaded) was supported
the removal of the tons of "yellow cake" in iraq was supported

The 1 thing that was not supported was the number (time) of terrorist we had to kill and the time it took to train the Iraqis

The so called liberal media was sure on board, and convinced 70% of Americans that Saddam was behind al Qaeda's attack on 9-11, had an active nuclear weapons program and was producing and stockpiling tons of chemical and biological weapons. Once they learned it was all a propaganda ruse they deserted him.

Again with the "Yellow Cake" huh? It was left over from his destroyed nuclear power plant. Under seal. It did not represent a threat.
Bush a good President? Where? Opposite land? Bizzaro world? Maybe if he wasn't taking one of his record number of vacations and ignoring briefings warning of Al Qaeda poised to attack, we wouldn't have had 9/11 attacks. When Democrats are President, perpetrators are brought to justice. When shrub was President, Bin Laden was allowed to get away and the wrong country was attacked. How is that Clinton's fault?

What exactly was it GWB was suppose to do?
You have 19 passengers
with not one piece nor part of there event illegal other than conspiricy until the event takes place
not one piece of intel suggested box cutters would be the wepon of choice (they were legal to have on your person)
not one piece of intel suggested 9-11-2001 was the date
not one pice of intel suggested we stqarted to profile young middle eastren men (yea that would have worked huh? ACLU)
re writing history has caught up tp your agendas

they tend to conviniently "forget" that it was their beloved Clinton who refused to take care of bin Laden, when he was given a choice.
9/11 was DIRECTLY Clinton's fault.

What's being forgotten is that now, the post-neo-conservatives oppose a Democratic president using airstrikes against terrorists.
Remember when Obama said he would go into any country to take out Bin Laden?

Actually I don't remember that. Google isn't finding it either. Do you have a link?

[ame=]Flashback '08 McCain, Clinton Slam Obama For Saying He'd Go Get Bin Laden In Pakistan - YouTube[/ame]
yeah, Iraq was stroke of genius .... in a bud lite commercial.

The american people fully supported it
Congress with the same intel the UN was supplying supported it
Killing Alqaeda leaders in Iraq (before we invaded) was supported
the removal of the tons of "yellow cake" in iraq was supported

The 1 thing that was not supported was the number (time) of terrorist we had to kill and the time it took to train the Iraqis

The so called liberal media was sure on board, and convinced 70% of Americans that Saddam was behind al Qaeda's attack on 9-11, had an active nuclear weapons program and was producing and stockpiling tons of chemical and biological weapons. Once they learned it was all a propaganda ruse they deserted him.

Again with the "Yellow Cake" huh? It was left over from his destroyed nuclear power plant. Under seal. It did not represent a threat.

Yellow cake hysteria was based on a forgery connected to Italy's then neocon govt, and passed on to W by cheney's team. And at the end of W's term, he had cheney were not on favorable terms. Obama is incompetent, but W's admin could be an Elizabethean historical trajedy. It' s just a shame a hack like Oliver Stone took a crack at it.

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