They attacked kids, and nothing is new

Holy crap, how have I not seen this before: Brave liberal Muslim Majid Nawaaz's response to attacks by the Regressive Left. I wish I could get the regressives here to read it, but I will not hold my breath. They don't want to know.

I'm being smeared by angry white liberals as an 'anti-Muslim extremist'

If there was anything we liberals should have learnt from McCarthyism, it is that compiling lists of our political foes is a malevolent, nefarious, and incredibly dangerous thing to do. And this terrible tactic, of simplifying and reducing our political opponents to a rogue’s gallery of “bad guys,” is not solely the domain of the right. As the political horseshoe theory attributed to Jean-Pierre Faye highlights, if we travel far-left enough, we find the very same sneering, nasty and reckless bullying tactics used by the far-right. Denunciations of traitors, heresy and blasphemy are the last resort of diminutive, insecure power-craving fascists of all stripes. Compiling lists is their modus operandi.
According to the Guardian and the Southern Poverty Law Center Nawaz and his group like compiling McCarthy like lists. That seems to be how Nawaz earned his poor reputation.

After starting the Quilliam Foundation, which he describes as an anti-extremism think tank, Nawaz sent a secret list to a top British security official that accused “peaceful Muslim groups, politicians, a television channel and a Scotland Yard unit of sharing the ideology of terrorists,” according to The Guardian. The same newspaper reported that in 2009, a Quilliam official said that “gathering intelligence on people not committing terrorist offences … is good and it is right,” discounting civil liberties concerns. His Quilliam Foundation received more than 1.25 million pounds from the British government, but the government eventually decided to stop funding it. One of Nawaz’s biggest purported coups was getting anti-Muslim extremist Tommy Robinson to quit as head of the violence-prone English Defence League, trumpeting his departure at a press conference. But Robinson later said Quilliam had paid him some 8,000 British pounds to allow Nawaz to take credit for what he already planned to do. Shortly afterward, Robinson returned to anti-Muslim agitation with other groups.
A Journalist's Manual: Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists
Holy crap, how have I not seen this before: Brave liberal Muslim Majid Nawaaz's response to attacks by the Regressive Left. I wish I could get the regressives here to read it, but I will not hold my breath. They don't want to know.

I'm being smeared by angry white liberals as an 'anti-Muslim extremist'

If there was anything we liberals should have learnt from McCarthyism, it is that compiling lists of our political foes is a malevolent, nefarious, and incredibly dangerous thing to do. And this terrible tactic, of simplifying and reducing our political opponents to a rogue’s gallery of “bad guys,” is not solely the domain of the right. As the political horseshoe theory attributed to Jean-Pierre Faye highlights, if we travel far-left enough, we find the very same sneering, nasty and reckless bullying tactics used by the far-right. Denunciations of traitors, heresy and blasphemy are the last resort of diminutive, insecure power-craving fascists of all stripes. Compiling lists is their modus operandi.
According to the Guardian and the Southern Poverty Law Center Nawaz and his group like compiling McCarthy like lists. That seems to be how Nawaz earned his poor reputation.

After starting the Quilliam Foundation, which he describes as an anti-extremism think tank, Nawaz sent a secret list to a top British security official that accused “peaceful Muslim groups, politicians, a television channel and a Scotland Yard unit of sharing the ideology of terrorists,” according to The Guardian. The same newspaper reported that in 2009, a Quilliam official said that “gathering intelligence on people not committing terrorist offences … is good and it is right,” discounting civil liberties concerns. His Quilliam Foundation received more than 1.25 million pounds from the British government, but the government eventually decided to stop funding it. One of Nawaz’s biggest purported coups was getting anti-Muslim extremist Tommy Robinson to quit as head of the violence-prone English Defence League, trumpeting his departure at a press conference. But Robinson later said Quilliam had paid him some 8,000 British pounds to allow Nawaz to take credit for what he already planned to do. Shortly afterward, Robinson returned to anti-Muslim agitation with other groups.
A Journalist's Manual: Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists
Interesting that you folks put such effort into discrediting those who are fighting the jihadists and trying to bring about a Reformation for Islam.

I know that you had to wade through, and ignore, quite a bit of positive material on Nawaaz to find this.

Thanks, my points continue to be made on this thread.
Holy crap, how have I not seen this before: Brave liberal Muslim Majid Nawaaz's response to attacks by the Regressive Left. I wish I could get the regressives here to read it, but I will not hold my breath. They don't want to know.

I'm being smeared by angry white liberals as an 'anti-Muslim extremist'

If there was anything we liberals should have learnt from McCarthyism, it is that compiling lists of our political foes is a malevolent, nefarious, and incredibly dangerous thing to do. And this terrible tactic, of simplifying and reducing our political opponents to a rogue’s gallery of “bad guys,” is not solely the domain of the right. As the political horseshoe theory attributed to Jean-Pierre Faye highlights, if we travel far-left enough, we find the very same sneering, nasty and reckless bullying tactics used by the far-right. Denunciations of traitors, heresy and blasphemy are the last resort of diminutive, insecure power-craving fascists of all stripes. Compiling lists is their modus operandi.
According to the Guardian and the Southern Poverty Law Center Nawaz and his group like compiling McCarthy like lists. That seems to be how Nawaz earned his poor reputation.

After starting the Quilliam Foundation, which he describes as an anti-extremism think tank, Nawaz sent a secret list to a top British security official that accused “peaceful Muslim groups, politicians, a television channel and a Scotland Yard unit of sharing the ideology of terrorists,” according to The Guardian. The same newspaper reported that in 2009, a Quilliam official said that “gathering intelligence on people not committing terrorist offences … is good and it is right,” discounting civil liberties concerns. His Quilliam Foundation received more than 1.25 million pounds from the British government, but the government eventually decided to stop funding it. One of Nawaz’s biggest purported coups was getting anti-Muslim extremist Tommy Robinson to quit as head of the violence-prone English Defence League, trumpeting his departure at a press conference. But Robinson later said Quilliam had paid him some 8,000 British pounds to allow Nawaz to take credit for what he already planned to do. Shortly afterward, Robinson returned to anti-Muslim agitation with other groups.
A Journalist's Manual: Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists
Interesting that you folks put such effort into discrediting those who are fighting the jihadists and trying to bring about a Reformation for Islam.

I know that you had to wade through, and ignore, quite a bit of positive material on Nawaaz to find this.

Thanks, my points continue to be made on this thread.
I haven't seen any evidence of him fighting Jihadists. Plenty of him fighting the Left. Whatever pays the bills I suppose.

Anyway it wasn't difficult to find. I just followed up on the article you linked from the Independent.
Holy crap, how have I not seen this before: Brave liberal Muslim Majid Nawaaz's response to attacks by the Regressive Left. I wish I could get the regressives here to read it, but I will not hold my breath. They don't want to know.

I'm being smeared by angry white liberals as an 'anti-Muslim extremist'

If there was anything we liberals should have learnt from McCarthyism, it is that compiling lists of our political foes is a malevolent, nefarious, and incredibly dangerous thing to do. And this terrible tactic, of simplifying and reducing our political opponents to a rogue’s gallery of “bad guys,” is not solely the domain of the right. As the political horseshoe theory attributed to Jean-Pierre Faye highlights, if we travel far-left enough, we find the very same sneering, nasty and reckless bullying tactics used by the far-right. Denunciations of traitors, heresy and blasphemy are the last resort of diminutive, insecure power-craving fascists of all stripes. Compiling lists is their modus operandi.
According to the Guardian and the Southern Poverty Law Center Nawaz and his group like compiling McCarthy like lists. That seems to be how Nawaz earned his poor reputation.

After starting the Quilliam Foundation, which he describes as an anti-extremism think tank, Nawaz sent a secret list to a top British security official that accused “peaceful Muslim groups, politicians, a television channel and a Scotland Yard unit of sharing the ideology of terrorists,” according to The Guardian. The same newspaper reported that in 2009, a Quilliam official said that “gathering intelligence on people not committing terrorist offences … is good and it is right,” discounting civil liberties concerns. His Quilliam Foundation received more than 1.25 million pounds from the British government, but the government eventually decided to stop funding it. One of Nawaz’s biggest purported coups was getting anti-Muslim extremist Tommy Robinson to quit as head of the violence-prone English Defence League, trumpeting his departure at a press conference. But Robinson later said Quilliam had paid him some 8,000 British pounds to allow Nawaz to take credit for what he already planned to do. Shortly afterward, Robinson returned to anti-Muslim agitation with other groups.
A Journalist's Manual: Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists
Interesting that you folks put such effort into discrediting those who are fighting the jihadists and trying to bring about a Reformation for Islam.

I know that you had to wade through, and ignore, quite a bit of positive material on Nawaaz to find this.

Thanks, my points continue to be made on this thread.
I haven't seen any evidence of him fighting Jihadists. Plenty of him fighting the Left. Whatever pays the bills I suppose.

Anyway it wasn't difficult to find. I just followed up on the article you linked from the Independent.
There's plenty of material on him for those whose eyes are open.

I'm sure you had a reason for trying to discredit him, and I have no doubt why.

There are other people who are trying to discredit him too. Wanna guess who they are?

Anyway, thanks again.
Interesting that you folks put such effort into discrediting those who are fighting the jihadists and trying to bring about a Reformation for Islam.

I know that you had to wade through, and ignore, quite a bit of positive material on Nawaaz to find this.

Wait, I thought your point was that it was bad white girls were being blown up now. Now it's "Islam needs to be reformed?"
Interesting that you folks put such effort into discrediting those who are fighting the jihadists and trying to bring about a Reformation for Islam. I know that you had to wade through, and ignore, quite a bit of positive material on Nawaaz to find this.
Wait, I thought your point was that it was bad white girls were being blown up now. Now it's "Islam needs to be reformed?"
Holy CRAP, you've ignored a lot on this thread.

Or is your ideological cocoon THAT thick?

Holy CRAP, you've ignored a lot on this thread.

Or is your ideological cocoon THAT thick?

Guy, you are the one who ignores people's arguments and tries to foist fringe characters as "liberals", like you should dictate who gets into the clubhouse.

Our problem with the middle east is not their religion. It's our dumb policies. The UK got attacked because they recruited a family of whackos to help them overthrow Qadafi for blowing up flight 103... because Reagan for killed Qadafi's daughter in a bombing raid... because Qadafi blew up a disco in Berlin... because Reagan shot down some of his jets....

But, no, no, it's their RELIGION that is the problem... not dumb policies that create a cycle of violence.
Interesting guy you have fallen for Mac.

Such is Nawaz’s playbook for achieving fame: court controversy by baiting religious believers (usually Muslims) and hitching his wagon to the provocateurs of the secular pundit circuit.

Nawaz has indeed found the spotlight—and it hits him squarely as he stands on the stage of the Andrew Mellon auditorium in Washington, D.C. It’s October 2015, and he’s at the American Abroad Media’s annual dinner to accept an award on behalf of online anti-extremist activists in the Middle East.

“I’m honored, incredibly so, to accept this plaque on behalf of all those profiled in this video, and the many others who are risking their lives fighting against extremism and for a better future for us all,” he says, gazing out at a farrago of ambassadors, journalists, and luminaries.

Later that night, Nawaz tweets a photo taken of him during his acceptance speech and announces he accepted the award on behalf of anti-ISIS group Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently. Puzzled, a member of that group tweets at him, “What is going on guys ?? we didnt go to this event ???”

“You were among those honoured in your absence,” Nawaz replies. “I was asked to receive the award on your behalf.”

“Really no body tell us anything!”

“Now you know. Keep up the great work. Your reputation is spreading. Much deserved!”

What Does Maajid Nawaz Really Believe?
It looks like Islamic terrorists either don't care, or know that Western liberals will still defend and deflect for them no matter who they attack.

I mean don't forget, there's the Crusades after all, and the IRA.

I've said it time and time again, the progressives will only dig their heels in about their defense of Islam every time there is an attack, no matter how heinous. They are incapable of blaming Muslims. Muslims are a "protected minority" in their minds, and thus any violent lashing out is inherently justified as it is striking out against their "oppressor", who happens to usually be whites and/or Christians.....the two things progressives hate the most.
It looks like Islamic terrorists either don't care, or know that Western liberals will still defend and deflect for them no matter who they attack. I mean don't forget, there's the Crusades after all, and the IRA.
I've said it time and time again, the progressives will only dig their heels in about their defense of Islam every time there is an attack, no matter how heinous. They are incapable of blaming Muslims. Muslims are a "protected minority" in their minds, and thus any violent lashing out is inherently justified as it is striking out against their "oppressor", who happens to usually be whites and/or Christians.....the two things progressives hate the most.
Yep. No matter what happens.

When kids are targeted and slaughtered, and the regressives STILL do this, there's pretty much no turning back.
I've said it time and time again, the progressives will only dig their heels in about their defense of Islam every time there is an attack, no matter how heinous. They are incapable of blaming Muslims. Muslims are a "protected minority" in their minds, and thus any violent lashing out is inherently justified as it is striking out against their "oppressor", who happens to usually be whites and/or Christians.....the two things progressives hate the most.

Here's the problem. This attach was not carried out by "the Muslims" like they are some kind of collective hive mind. Muslims are not the Borg from Star Trek.

This was a heinous attack by a man named Salman Abedi.. A British citizen.
Yep. No matter what happens.

When kids are targeted and slaughtered, and the regressives STILL do this, there's pretty much no turning back.

Again, when kids were slaughtered in Palestine, you guys didn't want to change our policies towards Israel.

When kids were slaughtered at Sandy Hook, you didn't want to change the gun laws so crazy people couldn't get them.

You want me to say that it's sad these kids were killed. Yup. It's sad.

If you want me to say that we need to "reform" Islam as an answer, I'm just going to laugh at you like you are fucking retarded.
I've said it time and time again, the progressives will only dig their heels in about their defense of Islam every time there is an attack, no matter how heinous. They are incapable of blaming Muslims. Muslims are a "protected minority" in their minds, and thus any violent lashing out is inherently justified as it is striking out against their "oppressor", who happens to usually be whites and/or Christians.....the two things progressives hate the most.

Here's the problem. This attach was not carried out by "the Muslims" like they are some kind of collective hive mind. Muslims are not the Borg from Star Trek.

This was a heinous attack by a man named Salman Abedi.. A British citizen.

Nice try. His citizenship has nothing to do with it, Islam is a belief system, not a nationality or something that is purged when you obtain a new citizenship.

And actually, they are a lot like the Borg. It's their way or the highway. You either convert, or you die. How do you think Islam spread over the last 1400 years? Where are all the non-Muslims in Islamic countries? What happens every time Muslims become a majority in a country? Here's a hint: Lebanon.
I've said it time and time again, the progressives will only dig their heels in about their defense of Islam every time there is an attack, no matter how heinous. They are incapable of blaming Muslims. Muslims are a "protected minority" in their minds, and thus any violent lashing out is inherently justified as it is striking out against their "oppressor", who happens to usually be whites and/or Christians.....the two things progressives hate the most.

Here's the problem. This attach was not carried out by "the Muslims" like they are some kind of collective hive mind. Muslims are not the Borg from Star Trek.

This was a heinous attack by a man named Salman Abedi.. A British citizen.

Nice try. His citizenship has nothing to do with it, Islam is a belief system, not a nationality or something that is purged when you obtain a new citizenship.

And actually, they are a lot like the Borg. It's their way or the highway. You either convert, or you die. How do you think Islam spread over the last 1400 years? Where are all the non-Muslims in Islamic countries? What happens every time Muslims become a majority in a country? Here's a hint: Lebanon.
What happened in Lebanon?

Lebanon is the most religiously diverse country in the Middle East.[178] As of 2014 the CIA World Factbook estimates the following: Muslim 54% (27% Shia Islam, 27% Sunni Islam), Christian 40.5% (includes 21% Maronite Catholic, 8% Greek Orthodox, 5% Melkite Catholic, 1% Protestant, 5.5% other Christian), Druze 5.6%, very small numbers of Jews, Baha'is, Buddhists, Hindus and Mormons.[179] A study conducted by the Lebanese Information Center and based on voter registration numbers shows that by 2011 the Christian population was stable compared to that of previous years, making up 34.35% of the population; Muslims, the Druze included, were 65.47% of the population.[180] The World Values Survey of 2014 put the percentage of atheists in Lebanon at 3.3%.[181]
Lebanon - Wikipedia
Nice try. His citizenship has nothing to do with it, Islam is a belief system, not a nationality or something that is purged when you obtain a new citizenship.

Except he was born in the UK. He was always a British Citizen. And I don't know what set of circumstances led him to do this. neither do you.

He might be "Mentally Ill"... Oh, no, wait, that's the excuse we give for white people like Dylan Roof, James "Joker" Holmes and Adam Lanza when they do something horrible.

And actually, they are a lot like the Borg. It's their way or the highway. You either convert, or you die. How do you think Islam spread over the last 1400 years? Where are all the non-Muslims in Islamic countries? What happens every time Muslims become a majority in a country? Here's a hint: Lebanon.

Okay. Let's look at that. The Middle East contained Christians for centuries. It contained Druze, Jews (until the Zionist entity was formed), Yazidi, Zoroasterians, Ba'hai, Mandeans, Samaritans and a lot of other non-Islamic sects. Also, they are hardly a hive mind, as you have Sunnis, Shi'ites, Wahabis, Sufis, Allawites and a lot of other sects within Islam that have different interpretations of the Koran

Meanwhile, in Christianity... You don't see any worshipers of Zeus anymore. Or Odin. Or Quetzalcoatl... These are Gods that the Christian God couldn't co-exist with, and you can only imagine what happened to their followers. Not to mention all the Christian Heretics like the Arians, Monophysites, Hussites and so on that were brutally oppressed by the Catholics until the Protestant reformation finally took hold.

So thewhole, "Your Sky man is worse then my sky man" doesn't really fly with me.
I've said it time and time again, the progressives will only dig their heels in about their defense of Islam every time there is an attack, no matter how heinous. They are incapable of blaming Muslims. Muslims are a "protected minority" in their minds, and thus any violent lashing out is inherently justified as it is striking out against their "oppressor", who happens to usually be whites and/or Christians.....the two things progressives hate the most.

Here's the problem. This attach was not carried out by "the Muslims" like they are some kind of collective hive mind. Muslims are not the Borg from Star Trek.

This was a heinous attack by a man named Salman Abedi.. A British citizen.

Nice try. His citizenship has nothing to do with it, Islam is a belief system, not a nationality or something that is purged when you obtain a new citizenship.

And actually, they are a lot like the Borg. It's their way or the highway. You either convert, or you die. How do you think Islam spread over the last 1400 years? Where are all the non-Muslims in Islamic countries? What happens every time Muslims become a majority in a country? Here's a hint: Lebanon.
What happened in Lebanon?

Lebanon is the most religiously diverse country in the Middle East.[178] As of 2014 the CIA World Factbook estimates the following: Muslim 54% (27% Shia Islam, 27% Sunni Islam), Christian 40.5% (includes 21% Maronite Catholic, 8% Greek Orthodox, 5% Melkite Catholic, 1% Protestant, 5.5% other Christian), Druze 5.6%, very small numbers of Jews, Baha'is, Buddhists, Hindus and Mormons.[179] A study conducted by the Lebanese Information Center and based on voter registration numbers shows that by 2011 the Christian population was stable compared to that of previous years, making up 34.35% of the population; Muslims, the Druze included, were 65.47% of the population.[180] The World Values Survey of 2014 put the percentage of atheists in Lebanon at 3.3%.[181]
Lebanon - Wikipedia

You're joking right? Lebanon was a Christian majority country, which was flooded by Muslim refugees, which they welcomed with open arms. Once the Muslims became the majority, they immediately seized the opportunity to commit genocide against the Christians.
I've said it time and time again, the progressives will only dig their heels in about their defense of Islam every time there is an attack, no matter how heinous. They are incapable of blaming Muslims. Muslims are a "protected minority" in their minds, and thus any violent lashing out is inherently justified as it is striking out against their "oppressor", who happens to usually be whites and/or Christians.....the two things progressives hate the most.

Here's the problem. This attach was not carried out by "the Muslims" like they are some kind of collective hive mind. Muslims are not the Borg from Star Trek.

This was a heinous attack by a man named Salman Abedi.. A British citizen.

Nice try. His citizenship has nothing to do with it, Islam is a belief system, not a nationality or something that is purged when you obtain a new citizenship.

And actually, they are a lot like the Borg. It's their way or the highway. You either convert, or you die. How do you think Islam spread over the last 1400 years? Where are all the non-Muslims in Islamic countries? What happens every time Muslims become a majority in a country? Here's a hint: Lebanon.
What happened in Lebanon?

Lebanon is the most religiously diverse country in the Middle East.[178] As of 2014 the CIA World Factbook estimates the following: Muslim 54% (27% Shia Islam, 27% Sunni Islam), Christian 40.5% (includes 21% Maronite Catholic, 8% Greek Orthodox, 5% Melkite Catholic, 1% Protestant, 5.5% other Christian), Druze 5.6%, very small numbers of Jews, Baha'is, Buddhists, Hindus and Mormons.[179] A study conducted by the Lebanese Information Center and based on voter registration numbers shows that by 2011 the Christian population was stable compared to that of previous years, making up 34.35% of the population; Muslims, the Druze included, were 65.47% of the population.[180] The World Values Survey of 2014 put the percentage of atheists in Lebanon at 3.3%.[181]
Lebanon - Wikipedia

You're joking right? Lebanon was a Christian majority country, which was flooded by Muslim refugees, which they welcomed with open arms. Once the Muslims became the majority, they immediately seized the opportunity to commit genocide against the Christians.
Really? You have a link that might lead me to some new enlightenment?

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