They attacked kids, and nothing is new

He separates Islamism from both jihadism and the religion of Islam. If I understand him correctly, he looks at Islamism as kind of a modern fascism laid on top of the traditional religion of Islam - the oppressive politicization of the religion, which he is against. Then jihadism takes Islamism to the next level with violence and intimidation and everything else. I believe that's what he's after with a Reformation - the splitting off of the religion from the other two ideologies. Among other things.

If I have that right, obviously I'd be all for it.

How does any of that resolve the Islamic World's underlying disagreements with the west?
Oh, I never have to name names. That takes all the fun out of it. I mention the Regressive Left or the PC Zealots or the Conservative Talk Radio fans and they all come out of the woodwork for me, like Pavlov's dogs. And they just HAVE to illustrate my point for me when they do. Holy crap, no WAY do I give THAT jewel up.

Except we never see you actually get into arguments with the Conservative Talk Radio fans...In fact, they can and do say some fairly vile and racist things, and you usually give that a pass.
Tell it to the dead gays in orlando.

NOt that they will respond, having been shot to death by a Muslim gay hater.

You mean the one who was a patron of that bar and had a gay boyfriend? So a self-loathing gay man kills other gays, because it's way too easy for crazy people to get guns in this country, and you think the problem here was his religion, even though the 4,999,999 other American Muslims didn't shoot up any gay bars.

Are you going to hold Christians responsible for the Gays killed by Eric Rudolf?
We'd still have a terrorism problem with these people if they were secular atheists.

Yeah um.....probably not.
We've installed military dictatorships all over South and Central America. We don't have the same problem. You can't deny that the radical Islamists have found an excuse within the religion to justify their actions to themselves.
Here, honest liberal Dave Rubin discusses the damage the Regressives have done to Ali's efforts. Of course, they agree that Islam is in desperate need of a Reformation:

I think it's kind of arrogant for anyone to say what someone else's religion should believe.

We've installed military dictatorships all over South and Central America. We don't have the same problem. You can't deny that the radical Islamists have found an excuse within the religion to justify their actions to themselves.

We haven't had the sae problems in Latin America? How about the FALN, Cuba, Chavez, the narco terrorists in Columbia, the Shining Path, MS-13, Mexican Drug gangs ... back in the 1970's, teh Catholic Church embraced something called "Liberation Theology" until Pope John Paul II put the kaybosh on that shit.

Let's not forget the Orange Shitgibbon in the White House got there because a lot of white people are scared by this shit.
As I asked, what is YOUR problem.
I don't like the Regressive Left.
Okay, name names…who is the “regressive left” on this board? Name names. Name the people who you think find Manchester “funny” as you put it.
Oh, I never have to name names. That takes all the fun out of it. I mention the Regressive Left or the PC Zealots or the Conservative Talk Radio fans and they all come out of the woodwork for me, like Pavlov's dogs. And they just HAVE to illustrate my point for me when they do. Holy crap, no WAY do I give THAT jewel up.

There are plenty of people here who regularly do precisely what Nawaz describes - spin and deflect after every jihadist atrocity, launching into personal insults and name-calling at anyone who dares to challenge the jihadists. Trying to compare modern-day Christianity with modern-day Islam, bringing up the freaking Crusades, screaming RACIST, on and on and on.

If you really, seriously, truly can't see that, if you can really read through these threads (including this one) and "not see" it, then there is absolutely nothing I can say.

Sure there is something you can say, their names. But for some reason when you are asked to be honest…you’re being very, how should I say, politically correct.
I'm being perfectly honest. I'm being perfectly candid. And nice try with the PC thing - I don't care about "offending" the Regressive Left, or anyone else, for that matter. I was quite clear that naming names takes all of the fun out of watching you folks flip out and expose yourselves.

Come to think of it, another reason I don't get personal (like you folks do) is that it just motivates people to endlessly hump my leg (which you're doing now).

If YOU were honest, if YOU were actually curious, you would just go through the thread and observe the posts that (a) clearly deflect from the topic and/or from jihadism, (b) make blanket denial that anyone is doing what I point out in the OP, and/or (c) ignore the topic altogether and just attack me. Everything here is in English here, it's easy. There are dozens of examples. Examples of the very point I make in the OP, because regressives just can't help themselves. And every one of them is a person I would consider a Regressive Leftist.

So go ahead and look. If you're actually curious. I even point out, all the way through the thread, examples of my OP. That should make it even easier for you. If you're actually curious. My guess is that you will report that you saw none of the above, and that would not surprise me in the least.

Which would be appropriate.

Didn’t mean to question your manhood. But if you’re afraid to simply tell the truth…you probably question it yourself.
Enjoy your holiday.
As I asked, what is YOUR problem.
I don't like the Regressive Left.
Okay, name names…who is the “regressive left” on this board? Name names. Name the people who you think find Manchester “funny” as you put it.
Oh, I never have to name names. That takes all the fun out of it. I mention the Regressive Left or the PC Zealots or the Conservative Talk Radio fans and they all come out of the woodwork for me, like Pavlov's dogs. And they just HAVE to illustrate my point for me when they do. Holy crap, no WAY do I give THAT jewel up.

There are plenty of people here who regularly do precisely what Nawaz describes - spin and deflect after every jihadist atrocity, launching into personal insults and name-calling at anyone who dares to challenge the jihadists. Trying to compare modern-day Christianity with modern-day Islam, bringing up the freaking Crusades, screaming RACIST, on and on and on.

If you really, seriously, truly can't see that, if you can really read through these threads (including this one) and "not see" it, then there is absolutely nothing I can say.

Sure there is something you can say, their names. But for some reason when you are asked to be honest…you’re being very, how should I say, politically correct.
I'm being perfectly honest. I'm being perfectly candid. And nice try with the PC thing - I don't care about "offending" the Regressive Left, or anyone else, for that matter. I was quite clear that naming names takes all of the fun out of watching you folks flip out and expose yourselves.

Come to think of it, another reason I don't get personal (like you folks do) is that it just motivates people to endlessly hump my leg (which you're doing now).

If YOU were honest, if YOU were actually curious, you would just go through the thread and observe the posts that (a) clearly deflect from the topic and/or from jihadism, (b) make blanket denial that anyone is doing what I point out in the OP, and/or (c) ignore the topic altogether and just attack me. Everything here is in English here, it's easy. There are dozens of examples. Examples of the very point I make in the OP, because regressives just can't help themselves. And every one of them is a person I would consider a Regressive Leftist.

So go ahead and look. If you're actually curious. I even point out, all the way through the thread, examples of my OP. That should make it even easier for you. If you're actually curious. My guess is that you will report that you saw none of the above, and that would not surprise me in the least.

Which would be appropriate.

PS: You’re the one that was up before dawn on a holiday responding to a stranger on a message board. Hump a little harder next time and you might wake me up.
I don't like the Regressive Left.
Okay, name names…who is the “regressive left” on this board? Name names. Name the people who you think find Manchester “funny” as you put it.
Oh, I never have to name names. That takes all the fun out of it. I mention the Regressive Left or the PC Zealots or the Conservative Talk Radio fans and they all come out of the woodwork for me, like Pavlov's dogs. And they just HAVE to illustrate my point for me when they do. Holy crap, no WAY do I give THAT jewel up.

There are plenty of people here who regularly do precisely what Nawaz describes - spin and deflect after every jihadist atrocity, launching into personal insults and name-calling at anyone who dares to challenge the jihadists. Trying to compare modern-day Christianity with modern-day Islam, bringing up the freaking Crusades, screaming RACIST, on and on and on.

If you really, seriously, truly can't see that, if you can really read through these threads (including this one) and "not see" it, then there is absolutely nothing I can say.

Sure there is something you can say, their names. But for some reason when you are asked to be honest…you’re being very, how should I say, politically correct.
I'm being perfectly honest. I'm being perfectly candid. And nice try with the PC thing - I don't care about "offending" the Regressive Left, or anyone else, for that matter. I was quite clear that naming names takes all of the fun out of watching you folks flip out and expose yourselves.

Come to think of it, another reason I don't get personal (like you folks do) is that it just motivates people to endlessly hump my leg (which you're doing now).

If YOU were honest, if YOU were actually curious, you would just go through the thread and observe the posts that (a) clearly deflect from the topic and/or from jihadism, (b) make blanket denial that anyone is doing what I point out in the OP, and/or (c) ignore the topic altogether and just attack me. Everything here is in English here, it's easy. There are dozens of examples. Examples of the very point I make in the OP, because regressives just can't help themselves. And every one of them is a person I would consider a Regressive Leftist.

So go ahead and look. If you're actually curious. I even point out, all the way through the thread, examples of my OP. That should make it even easier for you. If you're actually curious. My guess is that you will report that you saw none of the above, and that would not surprise me in the least.

Which would be appropriate.

Didn’t mean to question your manhood. But if you’re afraid to simply tell the truth…you probably question it yourself.
Enjoy your holiday.
I knew you'd dodge and lie, again.

You people are what you are. I'm used to it.
Okay, name names…who is the “regressive left” on this board? Name names. Name the people who you think find Manchester “funny” as you put it.
Oh, I never have to name names. That takes all the fun out of it. I mention the Regressive Left or the PC Zealots or the Conservative Talk Radio fans and they all come out of the woodwork for me, like Pavlov's dogs. And they just HAVE to illustrate my point for me when they do. Holy crap, no WAY do I give THAT jewel up.

There are plenty of people here who regularly do precisely what Nawaz describes - spin and deflect after every jihadist atrocity, launching into personal insults and name-calling at anyone who dares to challenge the jihadists. Trying to compare modern-day Christianity with modern-day Islam, bringing up the freaking Crusades, screaming RACIST, on and on and on.

If you really, seriously, truly can't see that, if you can really read through these threads (including this one) and "not see" it, then there is absolutely nothing I can say.

Sure there is something you can say, their names. But for some reason when you are asked to be honest…you’re being very, how should I say, politically correct.
I'm being perfectly honest. I'm being perfectly candid. And nice try with the PC thing - I don't care about "offending" the Regressive Left, or anyone else, for that matter. I was quite clear that naming names takes all of the fun out of watching you folks flip out and expose yourselves.

Come to think of it, another reason I don't get personal (like you folks do) is that it just motivates people to endlessly hump my leg (which you're doing now).

If YOU were honest, if YOU were actually curious, you would just go through the thread and observe the posts that (a) clearly deflect from the topic and/or from jihadism, (b) make blanket denial that anyone is doing what I point out in the OP, and/or (c) ignore the topic altogether and just attack me. Everything here is in English here, it's easy. There are dozens of examples. Examples of the very point I make in the OP, because regressives just can't help themselves. And every one of them is a person I would consider a Regressive Leftist.

So go ahead and look. If you're actually curious. I even point out, all the way through the thread, examples of my OP. That should make it even easier for you. If you're actually curious. My guess is that you will report that you saw none of the above, and that would not surprise me in the least.

Which would be appropriate.

Didn’t mean to question your manhood. But if you’re afraid to simply tell the truth…you probably question it yourself.
Enjoy your holiday.
I knew you'd dodge and lie, again.

You people are what you are. I'm used to it.

More humping I see.
A fabulous Salon interview with brilliant, honest and actual liberal Sam Harris:

Sam Harris: The ‘Salon’ Interview

These people are part of what Maajid Nawaz has termed the “regressive Left”—pseudo-liberals who are so blinded by identity politics that they reliably take the side of a backward mob over one of its victims. Rather than protect individual women, apostates, intellectuals, cartoonists, novelists, and true liberals from the intolerance of religious imbeciles, they protect these theocrats from criticism.

"Pseudo liberals".

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These people are part of what Maajid Nawaz has termed the “regressive Left”—pseudo-liberals who are so blinded by identity politics that they reliably take the side of a backward mob over one of its victims. Rather than protect individual women, apostates, intellectuals, cartoonists, novelists, and true liberals from the intolerance of religious imbeciles, they protect these theocrats from criticism.

"Pseudo liberals".

Except no on is protecting them from "criticism". We just don't see the need for perpetual war instigated by Wall Street where young working class men and women lose their lives.

Their society is what it is. Unless you are going to conqoer all their countries and force them to convert at gunpoint. (Look up the Crusades is you want to see how well that works), we have tolive with their society as it is.

Never thought that I would see the day.
Same here. Look at the posts on this thread by the regressives in "response" to the OP: Most of them are the standard deflect/pivot/attack strategy.

In pushing their ideology, they effectively end up aligned with the jihadists. Surely they recognize this, and that's why they can't respond without the deflect/pivot/attack thing.

It's like a drug addict who knows they shouldn't shoot up, they know it's wrong, but they're compelled to do it anyway.

Ironically, you can't communicate with them any more easily than you can that drug addict.

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