They attacked kids, and nothing is new

What does a Muslim reformation look like, Mac?

Does it involve banning people from entering the United States? Does it require that we make Christianity our state religion? You have yet to educate me on what a reformation looks like and what YOU are doing to bring it about.
Go away. I just shoved your words straight up your ass.

Keep attacking those Muslims who are fighting the jihadists. I hope you fail.

Not interested.
What does a Muslim reformation look like, Mac?

Does it involve banning people from entering the United States? Does it require that we make Christianity our state religion? You have yet to educate me on what a reformation looks like and what YOU are doing to bring it about.
Go away. I just shoved your words straight up your ass.

Keep attacking those Muslims who are fighting the jihadists. I hope you fail.

Not interested.

You are running from the discussion, Mac. You shoved nothing. I attacked no one.

What is your solution? Lay it out for us. You seem to be well read on the subject.
Would any other regressive here like to attack the Muslims who are risking their lives standing up to the jihadists?
You sound more like Archie Bunker every day. Name one poster on the side of the terrorist, would you please?
What do you mean by "on the side of the terrorist(s)", just to clarify?
Would any other regressive here like to attack the Muslims who are risking their lives standing up to the jihadists?
You sound more like Archie Bunker every day. Name one poster on the side of the terrorist, would you please?
What do you mean by "on the side of the terrorist(s)", just to clarify?.
In the broadest sense of the word…
Since I have never said that someone here is literally "on the side of the terrorists", your question is flawed. Regressive leftists obviously spin and deflect for the jihadists under their "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" strategy, and as we see above, Regressive leftists are even willing to attack brave Muslims who are opposing the jihadists, but I don't know if your kinship with them is at the level of being completely "on their side". We're dealing with semantics here.

Tell you what, though: Let's see if you're actually curious about this topic, or if you're just trolling.

If you're actually curious, you'll gobble up these short videos - the first of which, where Lawrence O'Donnell (I bet you know who he is!) interviews two of my favorite thinkers: The aforementioned Mr. Nawaz, and brilliant liberal Sam Harris (I'm a BIG fan) discuss this. You're obviously not going to admit to, or agree with, anything I say here. Plus, they're both far more intelligent and articulate than I am, and far more versed on this topic.

So, again, let's see if you're actually curious:

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Mac. Why isn't there a terror attack somewhere in the United States every single day? Do you know how many Muzzies live here? If you consider that such a large percentage of them are hardcore and are directed by their faith to kill infidels, it is curious that we don't see daily attacks.

Or....maybe the danger isn't as great as Mr. Harris claims it is?
If you're actually curious, you'll gobble up these short videos - the first of which, where Lawrence O'Donnell (I bet you know who he is!) interviews two of my favorite thinkers: The aforementioned Mr. Nawaz, and brilliant liberal Sam Harris (I'm a BIG fan) discuss this.
At 8:30 Nawaz says that Islamism is an ideology that is distinct from that of the religion of Islam. What is your belief Mac? That is a question for you. I know what they believe and it doesn't differ that much from my beliefs.
If you're actually curious, you'll gobble up these short videos - the first of which, where Lawrence O'Donnell (I bet you know who he is!) interviews two of my favorite thinkers: The aforementioned Mr. Nawaz, and brilliant liberal Sam Harris (I'm a BIG fan) discuss this.
At 8:30 Nawaz says that Islamism is an ideology that is distinct from that of the religion of Islam. What is your belief Mac? That is a question for you. I know what they believe and it doesn't differ that much from my beliefs.
He separates Islamism from both jihadism and the religion of Islam. If I understand him correctly, he looks at Islamism as kind of a modern fascism laid on top of the traditional religion of Islam - the oppressive politicization of the religion, which he is against. Then jihadism takes Islamism to the next level with violence and intimidation and everything else. I believe that's what he's after with a Reformation - the splitting off of the religion from the other two ideologies. Among other things.

If I have that right, obviously I'd be all for it.
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Would any other regressive here like to attack the Muslims who are risking their lives standing up to the jihadists?
You sound more like Archie Bunker every day. Name one poster on the side of the terrorist, would you please?
What do you mean by "on the side of the terrorist(s)", just to clarify?.
In the broadest sense of the word…
Since I have never said that someone here is literally "on the side of the terrorists", your question is flawed.

So nobody is “on the side” of the terrorists.

Then what is your problem?
Would any other regressive here like to attack the Muslims who are risking their lives standing up to the jihadists?
You sound more like Archie Bunker every day. Name one poster on the side of the terrorist, would you please?
What do you mean by "on the side of the terrorist(s)", just to clarify?.
In the broadest sense of the word…
Since I have never said that someone here is literally "on the side of the terrorists", your question is flawed.

So nobody is “on the side” of the terrorists.

Then what is your problem?
Yeah, I didn't think you'd check out the videos.

The Regressive Left is making it much tougher for people like Ali and Nawaz to advocate for an Islamic Reformation, and they are, in effect, enabling the jihadists.

As I've pointed out so many times.

Again, if you're actually curious, there's plenty of material online. I've gone over this enough.
You sound more like Archie Bunker every day. Name one poster on the side of the terrorist, would you please?
What do you mean by "on the side of the terrorist(s)", just to clarify?.
In the broadest sense of the word…
Since I have never said that someone here is literally "on the side of the terrorists", your question is flawed.

So nobody is “on the side” of the terrorists.

Then what is your problem?
Yeah, I didn't think you'd check out the videos.

The Regressive Left is making it much tougher for people like Ali and Nawaz to advocate for an Islamic Reformation, and they are, in effect, enabling the jihadists.

As I've pointed out so many times.

Again, if you're actually curious, there's plenty of material online. I've gone over this enough.
As I asked, what is YOUR problem.
What do you mean by "on the side of the terrorist(s)", just to clarify?.
In the broadest sense of the word…
Since I have never said that someone here is literally "on the side of the terrorists", your question is flawed.

So nobody is “on the side” of the terrorists.

Then what is your problem?
Yeah, I didn't think you'd check out the videos.

The Regressive Left is making it much tougher for people like Ali and Nawaz to advocate for an Islamic Reformation, and they are, in effect, enabling the jihadists.

As I've pointed out so many times.

Again, if you're actually curious, there's plenty of material online. I've gone over this enough.
As I asked, what is YOUR problem.
I don't like the Regressive Left.
In the broadest sense of the word…
Since I have never said that someone here is literally "on the side of the terrorists", your question is flawed.

So nobody is “on the side” of the terrorists.

Then what is your problem?
Yeah, I didn't think you'd check out the videos.

The Regressive Left is making it much tougher for people like Ali and Nawaz to advocate for an Islamic Reformation, and they are, in effect, enabling the jihadists.

As I've pointed out so many times.

Again, if you're actually curious, there's plenty of material online. I've gone over this enough.
As I asked, what is YOUR problem.
I don't like the Regressive Left.
Okay, name names…who is the “regressive left” on this board? Name names. Name the people who you think find Manchester “funny” as you put it.
Since I have never said that someone here is literally "on the side of the terrorists", your question is flawed.

So nobody is “on the side” of the terrorists.

Then what is your problem?
Yeah, I didn't think you'd check out the videos.

The Regressive Left is making it much tougher for people like Ali and Nawaz to advocate for an Islamic Reformation, and they are, in effect, enabling the jihadists.

As I've pointed out so many times.

Again, if you're actually curious, there's plenty of material online. I've gone over this enough.
As I asked, what is YOUR problem.
I don't like the Regressive Left.
Okay, name names…who is the “regressive left” on this board? Name names. Name the people who you think find Manchester “funny” as you put it.
Oh, I never have to name names. That takes all the fun out of it. I mention the Regressive Left or the PC Zealots or the Conservative Talk Radio fans and they all come out of the woodwork for me, like Pavlov's dogs. And they just HAVE to illustrate my point for me when they do. Holy crap, no WAY do I give THAT jewel up.

There are plenty of people here who regularly do precisely what Nawaz describes - spin and deflect after every jihadist atrocity, launching into personal insults and name-calling at anyone who dares to challenge the jihadists. Trying to compare modern-day Christianity with modern-day Islam, bringing up the freaking Crusades, screaming RACIST, on and on and on.

If you really, seriously, truly can't see that, if you can really read through these threads (including this one) and "not see" it, then there is absolutely nothing I can say.
So nobody is “on the side” of the terrorists.

Then what is your problem?
Yeah, I didn't think you'd check out the videos.

The Regressive Left is making it much tougher for people like Ali and Nawaz to advocate for an Islamic Reformation, and they are, in effect, enabling the jihadists.

As I've pointed out so many times.

Again, if you're actually curious, there's plenty of material online. I've gone over this enough.
As I asked, what is YOUR problem.
I don't like the Regressive Left.
Okay, name names…who is the “regressive left” on this board? Name names. Name the people who you think find Manchester “funny” as you put it.
Oh, I never have to name names. That takes all the fun out of it. I mention the Regressive Left or the PC Zealots or the Conservative Talk Radio fans and they all come out of the woodwork for me, like Pavlov's dogs. And they just HAVE to illustrate my point for me when they do. Holy crap, no WAY do I give THAT jewel up.

There are plenty of people here who regularly do precisely what Nawaz describes - spin and deflect after every jihadist atrocity, launching into personal insults and name-calling at anyone who dares to challenge the jihadists. Trying to compare modern-day Christianity with modern-day Islam, bringing up the freaking Crusades, screaming RACIST, on and on and on.

If you really, seriously, truly can't see that, if you can really read through these threads (including this one) and "not see" it, then there is absolutely nothing I can say.

Sure there is something you can say, their names. But for some reason when you are asked to be honest…you’re being very, how should I say, politically correct.
Very common propaganda tactic. If you can't argue against what someone is saying, attack the person to marginalize the message.


Very dishonest, and it means that real problems are ignored, and people die, but, politically it works.

You just have to be completely vile.
Completely vile? You mean like providing school textbooks that are designed to radicalize children?

I'm not going to be brow beaten into pursuing a cause that is not my own at the exclusion of other relevant causes.

You're unable to NOT defend and empower Dark Age Muslims and support other relevant causes at the same time?

I think you are not giving yourself enough credit. I bet you can "Walk and chew gum at the same time".

So, what is your new, bizarre and otherworldly "reason" for NOT supporting Muslim Reformation?
It's not my cause I'm not Muslim. I wish them all the best. I support their efforts. But I'm being castigated for looking at the problem from a political perspective instead of a religious one. Mac apparently can not tolerate that I am a secularist and view things from a different perspective. He has a derogatory name for it.

Are you part of the secular left that rushes to defend/deflect/minimize every time the issue of Muslim Terrorism or Immigration comes up?
Not that I am aware of. I am tolerant of people's desire for religion though, of whatever stripe.

DO you support Trump's "Muslim Ban"?

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