They attacked kids, and nothing is new

You, sir, are a pompous ass, dealing in emotionalism. Kind of like most wingnuts.
And they once again try to make this about me.

I'm on this guy's side. A real and honest liberal who puts his life on the line every day.

You're just another internet zealot. Dime a dozen. This guy matters.
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But but MSNBC is outraged about the body slamming of a reporter. They were uninterested in breaking in on their bash Trump fest to cover the terrorist attack on children!
SO how is what happened in Manchester an atrocity and what happened in Libya (25,000 dead) not?
Look at that deflection to take heat off the slaughter of children in Manchester.

There have been many examples of my point (and the point of many honest liberals) about the Regressive Left, but this is the most vivid so far.

Let's see how many Regressives go after ol' Joe about this.
Well, it looks like ol' Mac was really, really wrong.

My assumption has always been that the one (1) thing the jihadists knew they couldn't do was slaughter children. Pop concert, school, hospital, church, whatever. I've always assumed that such an attack would be the one (1) thing that would unite the country and world against them, and that they were aware of that.

why would you think that? Children have been getting slaughtered for years in our various wars in the Middle East. How many Children died in our invasion of Iraq, the Gulf War, the Libyan Civil War, the Zionist invasion of Gaza?

Hey, guy, everyone thinks this is bad and stuff. It's just that you hard core Islamophobes aren't exactly offering any real solutions to the problem.

"Let's get those guys!!"

Um, we've been getting those guys for 16 years now, and we are just creating more of them. Before they were just limited to Afghanistan. Now we have Yemen, Syria, Libya and Iraq that are all nests for this sort of thing.

"Let's ban the Muslims from getting into our countries!!!"

Um... okay. except most of the jokers who carry out these attacks were born in the countries they attack, so i'm not sure what good that's going to do, exactly. Let's ban new people so that their children or grandchildren won't be upset about whatever stupid thing we are going to do in 20 years?

Turns out that was completely wrong. Look at the comments by the usual suspects on these threads. Say something bad about the animals who did this, and ultimately the personal attacks and name-calling will begin - not directed at the jihadists, at you.

Maybe because we get tired of you trying to hide your Islamophobic bigotry behind a nice suit.

Look, the West is never, ever going to have a discussion about why we have a problem in that region. We'll just keep creating these guys and keep sending people over there to die needlessly.
So why don't you just sit down and let the terrorists have their way with you!
[QUOTE="Mac1958, post: 17344344, member: 34298] And look at the people they ultimately end up aligning themselves with. That's how powerful this stuff is, and you can't communicate with them about it.

There is almost something cult-like to it, what with them parroting the linguistic ruses of the Mullahs while railing against all their same targets.
Who defended or deflected for Islamic terrorists?
Well, the utter imbecile in post # 3 in this very thread, for starters.
At this point, I'm not even sure they realize they do it. It's just their impulse - take the heat off their pet constituent religion, no matter what it takes, no matter how absurd it is, no matter who or what they have to align themselves with.

You can shove it their face - and I have, look at post 41 - and they either can't see it or won't admit to seeing it. When you're dealing with zealots, there's just no way to know which it is.
Another thread by Mac exposing Regressives. They can't wait to prove Mac wrong while all they are really doing is proving Mac right. Lol! You can make this stuff up.
Another thread by Mac exposing Regressives. They can't wait to prove Mac wrong while all they are really doing is proving Mac right. Lol! You can make this stuff up.
It happens over and over and over. I never have to name names or provide examples, they just have to do it for me.

It's worse for them that I only provide arguments by REAL liberals. They hate that, because it exposes them for what they are.

You'll notice that many of them just avoid threads like this. That's the smart thing to do. They know what they're doing is wrong.
Well, it looks like ol' Mac was really, really wrong.

My assumption has always been that the one (1) thing the jihadists knew they couldn't do was slaughter children. Pop concert, school, hospital, church, whatever. I've always assumed that such an attack would be the one (1) thing that would unite the country and world against them, and that they were aware of that.

Nope, not gonna happen. Not kids. As crazed as they are, these guys know better.

Turns out that was completely wrong. Look at the comments by the usual suspects on these threads. Say something bad about the animals who did this, and ultimately the personal attacks and name-calling will begin - not directed at the jihadists, at you.

How much outrage has there been from the "media"? Half as much, one tenth as much, as they have with a story about Trump? Nope. No outrage. Just calm, balanced "reporting". How much outrage here? All of it from the usual suspects is directed at those who are outraged over the slaughter of kids.

I don't even want to think about what this really means.



I have been expecting schools and daycare to be the next soft target by these monsters. I am hoping they will not slink to that level by what happen in England confirm what I believed for years that these monsters will attack at our weakest moment and soon grocery stores will be a place where you shop at your own risk...

If I am thinking it so are they and that is disturbing.

As for the media coverage of this compare to Trump, well Trump is loved by the media in the most hateful way...
Another thread by Mac exposing Regressives. They can't wait to prove Mac wrong while all they are really doing is proving Mac right. Lol! You can make this stuff up.
It happens over and over and over. I never have to name names or provide examples, they just have to do it for me.

It's worse for them that I only provide arguments by REAL liberals. They hate that, because it exposes them for what they are.

You'll notice that many of them just avoid threads like this. That's the smart thing to do. They know what they're doing is wrong.

What are they doing? Cite an example, please.
Another thread by Mac exposing Regressives. They can't wait to prove Mac wrong while all they are really doing is proving Mac right. Lol! You can make this stuff up.

I think it would be funny if a new poster opened up a "what's with all the regressives in this place, anyway?" thread.

Posters would be too stupid to realize that the more they denied it, the more they confirmed. Ah, the telltale heart!
Well, it looks like ol' Mac was really, really wrong.

My assumption has always been that the one (1) thing the jihadists knew they couldn't do was slaughter children. Pop concert, school, hospital, church, whatever. I've always assumed that such an attack would be the one (1) thing that would unite the country and world against them, and that they were aware of that.

Nope, not gonna happen. Not kids. As crazed as they are, these guys know better.

Turns out that was completely wrong. Look at the comments by the usual suspects on these threads. Say something bad about the animals who did this, and ultimately the personal attacks and name-calling will begin - not directed at the jihadists, at you.

How much outrage has there been from the "media"? Half as much, one tenth as much, as they have with a story about Trump? Nope. No outrage. Just calm, balanced "reporting". How much outrage here? All of it from the usual suspects is directed at those who are outraged over the slaughter of kids.

I don't even want to think about what this really means.



I have been expecting schools and daycare to be the next soft target by these monsters. I am hoping they will not slink to that level by what happen in England confirm what I believed for years that these monsters will attack at our weakest moment and soon grocery stores will be a place where you shop at your own risk...

If I am thinking it so are they and that is disturbing.

As for the media coverage of this compare to Trump, well Trump is loved by the media in the most hateful way...
Even though I know how the media is, it still amazed me that, as innocent kids had been slaughtered, neither CNN nor MSNBC could manage to pull themselves away from the Trump-bashing "panel discussions" they've have non-stop since he took office. I don't usually watch FOX, but I had no other choice. They were covering the story.

I never would have imagined it would come to this.
Another thread by Mac exposing Regressives. They can't wait to prove Mac wrong while all they are really doing is proving Mac right. Lol! You can make this stuff up.
It happens over and over and over. I never have to name names or provide examples, they just have to do it for me.

It's worse for them that I only provide arguments by REAL liberals. They hate that, because it exposes them for what they are.

You'll notice that many of them just avoid threads like this. That's the smart thing to do. They know what they're doing is wrong.

What are they doing? Cite an example, please.
Stop asking who "they" are as if you don't know, and look in the fucking mirror, regressive.

I can understand why you don't want to admit to any of this, but I'm under no obligation to enable your bullshit.
Well, it looks like ol' Mac was really, really wrong.

My assumption has always been that the one (1) thing the jihadists knew they couldn't do was slaughter children. Pop concert, school, hospital, church, whatever. I've always assumed that such an attack would be the one (1) thing that would unite the country and world against them, and that they were aware of that.

Nope, not gonna happen. Not kids. As crazed as they are, these guys know better.

Turns out that was completely wrong. Look at the comments by the usual suspects on these threads. Say something bad about the animals who did this, and ultimately the personal attacks and name-calling will begin - not directed at the jihadists, at you.

How much outrage has there been from the "media"? Half as much, one tenth as much, as they have with a story about Trump? Nope. No outrage. Just calm, balanced "reporting". How much outrage here? All of it from the usual suspects is directed at those who are outraged over the slaughter of kids.

I don't even want to think about what this really means.



I have been expecting schools and daycare to be the next soft target by these monsters. I am hoping they will not slink to that level by what happen in England confirm what I believed for years that these monsters will attack at our weakest moment and soon grocery stores will be a place where you shop at your own risk...

If I am thinking it so are they and that is disturbing.

As for the media coverage of this compare to Trump, well Trump is loved by the media in the most hateful way...
Even though I know how the media is, it still amazed me that, as innocent kids had been slaughtered, neither CNN nor MSNBC could manage to pull themselves away from the Trump-bashing "panel discussions" they've have non-stop since he took office. I don't usually watch FOX, but I had no other choice. They were covering the story.

I never would have imagined it would come to this.

Pardon me for what I will write next but it is more important to know if Trump actually farted a rainbow from his ass while singing God Bless America than really caring about the death of innocent lives...

America News sources have become my worst nightmare which is they are nothing but Tabloid news with a good amount of opinion based on bullshit and a little reality in it...
Another thread by Mac exposing Regressives. They can't wait to prove Mac wrong while all they are really doing is proving Mac right. Lol! You can make this stuff up.
It happens over and over and over. I never have to name names or provide examples, they just have to do it for me.

It's worse for them that I only provide arguments by REAL liberals. They hate that, because it exposes them for what they are.

You'll notice that many of them just avoid threads like this. That's the smart thing to do. They know what they're doing is wrong.

What are they doing? Cite an example, please.
Stop asking who "they" are as if you don't know, and look in the fucking mirror, regressive.

I can understand why you don't want to admit to any of this, but I'm under no obligation to enable your bullshit.

You want me to admit to defending terrorists? To loving Islamic nutjobs more than I love peace, freedom and innocent children? Is that what you, in your delusional state of arrogance, want me to admit?

How about you cite one example of me ever saying anything in defense of a terrorist. Islamic or otherwise. Do it. Stop avoiding it. Do it.
A small vocal minority made a big fuss, and the Food Network caved like so many other corporations.

Bullying, pure and simple, the SJW and JoeBlowfucktard way.

I kind of think its funny when white, homophobes and racists complain about being bullied. It's like they pretend hundreds of years of homophobia and racism didn't happen when they are actually held to account for what they do.
And look at the people they ultimately end up aligning themselves with. That's how powerful this stuff is, and you can't communicate with them about it.

sure you can. You just have to actually read what people say and then evaluate whether or not they have a valid argument.

But say, "See, see, Joe is a big meanie who doesn't realize how awesome and wise i am"... that's not an argument, buddy.

Here's the thing. The Muslims are doing the same thing Americans would do if space aliens came down in their flying saucers and took over our country. In fact, we have 50 years of Science Fiction films depicting exactly that!
And they once again try to make this about me.

I'm on this guy's side. A real and honest liberal who puts his life on the line every day.

You're just another internet zealot. Dime a dozen. This guy matters.

YOu can keep posting pictures of Uncle Achmed trying to gain the approval of white people who will still have contempt for him.

But you didn't answer the question. Why do you think that the terrorists attack us?

Because they are mean people listening to their sky pixie?

Or because for the last 40 years, we've been killing them, either directly or by proxie?
At this point, I'm not even sure they realize they do it. It's just their impulse - take the heat off their pet constituent religion, no matter what it takes, no matter how absurd it is, no matter who or what they have to align themselves with.

You can shove it their face - and I have, look at post 41 - and they either can't see it or won't admit to seeing it. When you're dealing with zealots, there's just no way to know which it is.

Or we just don't care.

I'm a fatalistic pragmatist. We could end our problem with terror pretty easily.

Stop Supporting Israel
Stop invading the Middle East
Stop propping up bad governments

But people make money off those policies, so those policies won't end in my lifetime. As long as the military contractors and oil companies are getting shitload rich, we are going to keep going over there, creating guys like this one.

Our problem with the Middle East isn't Islam. It's our fucked up policies. You don't see the terrorists blowing up Japanese people, do you?

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