They attacked kids, and nothing is new

Even though I know how the media is, it still amazed me that, as innocent kids had been slaughtered, neither CNN nor MSNBC could manage to pull themselves away from the Trump-bashing "panel discussions" they've have non-stop since he took office. I don't usually watch FOX, but I had no other choice. They were covering the story.

I never would have imagined it would come to this.

That you need to go to Fox to validate your Islamophobia? I'm surprised it took that long.

Look out Mac, there's a big sweaty Muslim hiding under your bed, right now. He's right next to the PC Policeman...
Even though I know how the media is, it still amazed me that, as innocent kids had been slaughtered, neither CNN nor MSNBC could manage to pull themselves away from the Trump-bashing "panel discussions" they've have non-stop since he took office. I don't usually watch FOX, but I had no other choice. They were covering the story.

I never would have imagined it would come to this.

That you need to go to Fox to validate your Islamophobia? I'm surprised it took that long.

Look out Mac, there's a big sweaty Muslim hiding under your bed, right now. He's right next to the PC Policeman...

That was bull anyway. CNN and MSNBC covered the bombing for the entire evening and into the next day. Programming was suspended for the coverage.
At this point, I'm not even sure they realize they do it. It's just their impulse - take the heat off their pet constituent religion, no matter what it takes, no matter how absurd it is, no matter who or what they have to align themselves with.

You can shove it their face - and I have, look at post 41 - and they either can't see it or won't admit to seeing it. When you're dealing with zealots, there's just no way to know which it is.

Or we just don't care.

I'm a fatalistic pragmatist. We could end our problem with terror pretty easily.

Stop Supporting Israel
Stop invading the Middle East
Stop propping up bad governments

But people make money off those policies, so those policies won't end in my lifetime. As long as the military contractors and oil companies are getting shitload rich, we are going to keep going over there, creating guys like this one.

Our problem with the Middle East isn't Islam. It's our fucked up policies. You don't see the terrorists blowing up Japanese people, do you?

You're too stupid for words.

It's everybody's fault Muslims attack innocents, EXCEPT the Muslims
That was bull anyway. CNN and MSNBC covered the bombing for the entire evening and into the next day. Programming was suspended for the coverage.

I'm sure it was. Mac lives in his own world.

You're too stupid for words.

It's everybody's fault Muslims attack innocents, EXCEPT the Muslims

Oh, I blame Muslims for attacking innocent Westerners... and I blame Westerners for attacking innocent Muslims...

It's just silly and propagandistic to try to pretend one side has clean hands.
Precisely, thanks. You people literally can't help yourselves.

You mean pointing out what a pompous phony with an insatiable need for attention you are?

Yup, we can't help making fun of you.

Now, when some day, you put on your big boy pants and discuss what we should actually do as policy, let me know.
If only Hillary had been elected, we would have many more radical Islamists welcomed in the USA. What could possibly go wrong?

If only Hillary had been elected there would still be her policy. The Libyan policy. That support for the "rebels".

Not a peep though.

Not a peep about that shit.

Hillary is the reason Libya is such a mess.
A small vocal minority made a big fuss, and the Food Network caved like so many other corporations.

Bullying, pure and simple, the SJW and JoeBlowfucktard way.

I kind of think its funny when white, homophobes and racists complain about being bullied. It's like they pretend hundreds of years of homophobia and racism didn't happen when they are actually held to account for what they do.

Since I have only been around 42 years, and for the past 15 or so the SJW types have been the bullies, your appeal to the past is comical at best.
At this point, I'm not even sure they realize they do it. It's just their impulse - take the heat off their pet constituent religion, no matter what it takes, no matter how absurd it is, no matter who or what they have to align themselves with.

You can shove it their face - and I have, look at post 41 - and they either can't see it or won't admit to seeing it. When you're dealing with zealots, there's just no way to know which it is.

Or we just don't care.

I'm a fatalistic pragmatist. We could end our problem with terror pretty easily.

Stop Supporting Israel
Stop invading the Middle East
Stop propping up bad governments

But people make money off those policies, so those policies won't end in my lifetime. As long as the military contractors and oil companies are getting shitload rich, we are going to keep going over there, creating guys like this one.

Our problem with the Middle East isn't Islam. It's our fucked up policies. You don't see the terrorists blowing up Japanese people, do you?

You're too stupid for words.

It's everybody's fault Muslims attack innocents, EXCEPT the Muslims
The regressives have made their choice, now they have to live with it.
At this point, I'm not even sure they realize they do it. It's just their impulse - take the heat off their pet constituent religion, no matter what it takes, no matter how absurd it is, no matter who or what they have to align themselves with.

You can shove it their face - and I have, look at post 41 - and they either can't see it or won't admit to seeing it. When you're dealing with zealots, there's just no way to know which it is.

Or we just don't care.

I'm a fatalistic pragmatist. We could end our problem with terror pretty easily.

Stop Supporting Israel
Stop invading the Middle East
Stop propping up bad governments

But people make money off those policies, so those policies won't end in my lifetime. As long as the military contractors and oil companies are getting shitload rich, we are going to keep going over there, creating guys like this one.

Our problem with the Middle East isn't Islam. It's our fucked up policies. You don't see the terrorists blowing up Japanese people, do you?

You're too stupid for words.

It's everybody's fault Muslims attack innocents, EXCEPT the Muslims
The regressives have made their choice, now they have to live with it.

What choice? Who are you referring to?
Well, it looks like ol' Mac was really, really wrong.

My assumption has always been that the one (1) thing the jihadists knew they couldn't do was slaughter children. Pop concert, school, hospital, church, whatever. I've always assumed that such an attack would be the one (1) thing that would unite the country and world against them, and that they were aware of that.

Nope, not gonna happen. Not kids. As crazed as they are, these guys know better.

Turns out that was completely wrong. Look at the comments by the usual suspects on these threads. Say something bad about the animals who did this, and ultimately the personal attacks and name-calling will begin - not directed at the jihadists, at you.

How much outrage has there been from the "media"? Half as much, one tenth as much, as they have with a story about Trump? Nope. No outrage. Just calm, balanced "reporting". How much outrage here? All of it from the usual suspects is directed at those who are outraged over the slaughter of kids.

I don't even want to think about what this really means.

ole mac has never heard of beslan, apparently.
At this point, I'm not even sure they realize they do it. It's just their impulse - take the heat off their pet constituent religion, no matter what it takes, no matter how absurd it is, no matter who or what they have to align themselves with.

You can shove it their face - and I have, look at post 41 - and they either can't see it or won't admit to seeing it. When you're dealing with zealots, there's just no way to know which it is.

Or we just don't care.

I'm a fatalistic pragmatist. We could end our problem with terror pretty easily.

Stop Supporting Israel
Stop invading the Middle East
Stop propping up bad governments

But people make money off those policies, so those policies won't end in my lifetime. As long as the military contractors and oil companies are getting shitload rich, we are going to keep going over there, creating guys like this one.

Our problem with the Middle East isn't Islam. It's our fucked up policies. You don't see the terrorists blowing up Japanese people, do you?

You're too stupid for words.

It's everybody's fault Muslims attack innocents, EXCEPT the Muslims
The regressives have made their choice, now they have to live with it.

What choice? Who are you referring to?

Huh? Who?

What? Huh?

That was bull anyway. CNN and MSNBC covered the bombing for the entire evening and into the next day. Programming was suspended for the coverage.
I'm sure it was. Mac lives in his own world..
My goodness, you guys are so deeply consumed by your ideology that you won't even admit to this one.

This is why I no longer even attempt normal communication with you. While your behaviors are admittedly fascinating, they're also a little depressing.

Those who are trying to bring about a badly-needed Reformation for Islam have to fight both the jidadists and people like you. Congratulations. That's quite a team you're on.
Since I have only been around 42 years, and for the past 15 or so the SJW types have been the bullies, your appeal to the past is comical at best.

Guy, your side completely lost it's shit in the last 15 years because a Black man was legitimately elected president (Unlike the current occupant) and because gay folks can get married. So even if you want to pretend that the past didn't happen, even your current behavior is kind of appalling.

As I've said, I've seen gay folks beaten up, I've seen gay folks fired, I've seen cops shoot black children in the back (on video, mind you, not in person.)

"Wah, I lost my cooking show because everyone found out I was a redneck racist" really doesn't cut it.
My goodness, you guys are so deeply consumed by your ideology that you won't even admit to this one.

This is why I no longer even attempt normal communication with you. While your behaviors are admittedly fascinating, they're also a little depressing.

Lone, caught you in a lie, guy. Own up and man up.

Those who are trying to bring about a badly-needed Reformation for Islam have to fight both the jidadists and people like you. Congratulations. That's quite a team you're on.

Guy, the very fact you use "Jihadists" as a word shows that you really don't understand history all that well.

You see, back in the 1970's, all the people we didn't like in the Middle East weren't "Jihadists'. We were all afraid they were some kind of Nationalists or Socialists. and the Jews and the oil companies did a pretty good job on playing on our fears of bad old communists.

Then the Right's Hero, Ronnie Ray-gun, decided it would be a wonderful idea to arm the religious fundementalists to fight to Communists. It's why I just can't get worked up that you see a Jihadist under your bed.

Our problem with the Islamic world is not that their Sky Pixie is worse than Our Sky Pixie. I could point out plenty of examples of Christians acting in a way Jesus wouldn't approve of had he actually existed.

Our problem is that we invade, we bomb, we prop up some people who are truly hated in the region, we turn a blind eye to stuff we shouldn't and go apeshit when they make choices we don't like.

In short, we keep fucking the hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.

Well, we just got stung in Manchester. Because six years ago, the governments in Europe and Washington (A mix of both left and right wing entities) decided that we had to overthrow Colonel Qadafi even though he had renounced terrorism and was cooperating with weapons inspections.

But you won't address that. You'll whine about how Islam needs to be "reformed" and shit.
My goodness, you guys are so deeply consumed by your ideology that you won't even admit to this one.

This is why I no longer even attempt normal communication with you. While your behaviors are admittedly fascinating, they're also a little depressing.

Lone, caught you in a lie, guy. Own up and man up.

Those who are trying to bring about a badly-needed Reformation for Islam have to fight both the jidadists and people like you. Congratulations. That's quite a team you're on.

Guy, the very fact you use "Jihadists" as a word shows that you really don't understand history all that well.

You see, back in the 1970's, all the people we didn't like in the Middle East weren't "Jihadists'. We were all afraid they were some kind of Nationalists or Socialists. and the Jews and the oil companies did a pretty good job on playing on our fears of bad old communists.

Then the Right's Hero, Ronnie Ray-gun, decided it would be a wonderful idea to arm the religious fundementalists to fight to Communists. It's why I just can't get worked up that you see a Jihadist under your bed.

Our problem with the Islamic world is not that their Sky Pixie is worse than Our Sky Pixie. I could point out plenty of examples of Christians acting in a way Jesus wouldn't approve of had he actually existed.

Our problem is that we invade, we bomb, we prop up some people who are truly hated in the region, we turn a blind eye to stuff we shouldn't and go apeshit when they make choices we don't like.

In short, we keep fucking the hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.

Well, we just got stung in Manchester. Because six years ago, the governments in Europe and Washington (A mix of both left and right wing entities) decided that we had to overthrow Colonel Qadafi even though he had renounced terrorism and was cooperating with weapons inspections.

But you won't address that. You'll whine about how Islam needs to be "reformed" and shit.
Another example of my point, and another example of why normal communication with you is impossible.

I provide the video, and you go out of your way to delete the video in your "response" so that you don't have to address it.

There is no proof for you, there is nothing that can be said to you or the jihadists. Quite a pair. It's a sickness.
I guess I could point out that the Regressives are, once again, beautifully illustrating the point of my thread.

But I suspect we're all used to that by now.

That you can't hold your own in an argument or refute a point anyone makes? Yes, Mac, we know that about you.

So here's the pattern...

Mac Makes a smarmy comment to try to dress his racism, homophobia or Islamaphobia in a nice "liberal" suit.

People point out he's completely and utterly full of shit.

Mac whines about how "regressive" leftists (people who actually stand up for the poor and downtrodden) are being mean to him.

Rinse, wash, repeat.

He didn't get enough hugs when he was little.
I guess I could point out that the Regressives are, once again, beautifully illustrating the point of my thread.

But I suspect we're all used to that by now.

That you can't hold your own in an argument or refute a point anyone makes? Yes, Mac, we know that about you.

So here's the pattern...

Mac Makes a smarmy comment to try to dress his racism, homophobia or Islamaphobia in a nice "liberal" suit.

People point out he's completely and utterly full of shit.

Mac whines about how "regressive" leftists (people who actually stand up for the poor and downtrodden) are being mean to him.

Rinse, wash, repeat.

He didn't get enough hugs when he was little.
Well, it looks like ol' Mac was really, really wrong.

My assumption has always been that the one (1) thing the jihadists knew they couldn't do was slaughter children. Pop concert, school, hospital, church, whatever. I've always assumed that such an attack would be the one (1) thing that would unite the country and world against them, and that they were aware of that.

Nope, not gonna happen. Not kids. As crazed as they are, these guys know better.

Turns out that was completely wrong. Look at the comments by the usual suspects on these threads. Say something bad about the animals who did this, and ultimately the personal attacks and name-calling will begin - not directed at the jihadists, at you.

How much outrage has there been from the "media"? Half as much, one tenth as much, as they have with a story about Trump? Nope. No outrage. Just calm, balanced "reporting". How much outrage here? All of it from the usual suspects is directed at those who are outraged over the slaughter of kids.

I don't even want to think about what this really means.


Timothy McVeigh murdered babies. Terrorists are not people with a conscience.

The problem for the terrorists is that killing babies ensures that the survivors will hunt your ass down and end you.
Timothy McVeigh murdered babies. Terrorists are not people with a conscience.

The problem for the terrorists is that killing babies ensures that the survivors will hunt your ass down and end you.

And would be fine, if we were talking about a group like Al Qaeda that is an organized operation.

Today's terrorist is more likely to be a disaffected youth who read some shit on the internet.

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