They attacked kids, and nothing is new

It seems that the idiots have only one expression for this thread, "fucking the hornets nest." It was good one time but geez, you got anything else? Dumb analogy, for the left it must seem to sound super smart to them. Lol!

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Mac has the Regressives crying in this thread. They sure scream a lot when exposed.

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Precisely, thanks. You people literally can't help yourselves.

You mean pointing out what a pompous phony with an insatiable need for attention you are?

Yup, we can't help making fun of you.

Now, when some day, you put on your big boy pants and discuss what we should actually do as policy, let me know.
Stop importing Muslims. Blow up EVERY SINGLE camp where they train. Put million dollar price tags on the heads of their leadership. Stop toppling dictators who jeep the lunatics under control. And most importantly STRIKE BACK EVERY TIME THEY HIT US.
I am accusing YOU of making shit up, not your side.

Your observations are right up there with the observations of a pet rock.

Well, no, you're just dense. Watch one of the tapes where the Kleins are talking to groups of Christians. He does all the beligerant talking, she stands there like a scared rabbit wondering how her life went so wrong.

What an arrogant prick you are.

Again, I'm not the one telling people how to live their lives because an imaginary pixie in the sky said so... That's you guys.
It seems that the idiots have only one expression for this thread, "fucking the hornets nest." It was good one time but geez, you got anything else? Dumb analogy, for the left it must seem to sound super smart to them. Lol!

Actually, it's a perfect analogy... you're just too dumb to understand it.

The first time, was fine, the 1,687,937th time is overkill, however, you heard it from someone else, liked it and can't think of any other expression, I understand your lack of a vocabulary.
The first time, was fine, the 1,687,937th time is overkill, however, you heard it from someone else, liked it and can't think of any other expression, I understand your lack of a vocabulary.

Naw, came up with it on my own and was pretty fucking proud of it...

As opposed to you, following me around on these boards because of some butthurt I inflicted on you that even I've forgotten about.
The first time, was fine, the 1,687,937th time is overkill, however, you heard it from someone else, liked it and can't think of any other expression, I understand your lack of a vocabulary.

Naw, came up with it on my own and was pretty fucking proud of it...

As opposed to you, following me around on these boards because of some butthurt I inflicted on you that even I've forgotten about.

Sure you made it up. Lol! Keep dreaming loser boi.

You inflicted butt hurt? Lol! What a funny thing to say! I have never seen you put butt hurt on anyone, let alone on me. I find you very funny and provide comedic relief. I don't ever take you seriously, I just like laughing at you.
The vermin attack children because the West's politicians and economic elites let them get away with it, period. Any country that won't defend itself out of some ridiculous PC fascist 'world view' is indeed doomed to destruction and deserves to die. Let the perverts, gimps, degenerates, and psychopaths take over your culture, make you too afraid to open your mouths, destroy your basic culture and education systems, and you deserve to be doormats and easy prey for the sickos and maniacs.
The vermin attack children because the West's politicians and economic elites let them get away with it, period. Any country that won't defend itself out of some ridiculous PC fascist 'world view' is indeed doomed to destruction and deserves to die. Let the perverts, gimps, degenerates, and psychopaths take over your culture, make you too afraid to open your mouths, destroy your basic culture and education systems, and you deserve to be doormats and easy prey for the sickos and maniacs.

Okay, buddy, the problem is, with that statement, you probably have more in common with the Jihadists than you care to admit. You both want to appease your imaginary friend in the sky, you just disagree on what to call him.

We've been spending hundreds of billions of dollars "fighting the terrorists", how's that working out for us again? I mean, it took only six years to defeat fascism, but we are in Year 16 of the "War on Terror" and the terrorists are doing pretty good in their ability to find disaffected youth to do horrible things.
I guess Joe hasn't noticed that the vermin are busy exterminating each other with glee and enthusiasm, and that means fewer of the animals have time for blowing up others. This of course saddens the Joes here; they love it when they see white people get blown up and Europe being bombed; that's because the Joes are all sick freaks and root for the Islamists.
I guess Joe hasn't noticed that the vermin are busy exterminating each other with glee and enthusiasm, and that means fewer of the animals have time for blowing up others. This of course saddens the Joes here; they love it when they see white people get blown up and Europe being bombed; that's because the Joes are all sick freaks and root for the Islamists.

I think you are a little confused...

I kind of don't care that they are blowing each other up. It'd be nice if they didn't. It'd be nicer if we didn't look at the perpetual war over there as a business opportunity.

The thing is, since 1980, the United States and her European Allies have bombed, invaded or occupied Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Oman, and probably a few others I am omitting here. In short, we keep sticking our dicks in the hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung. And sometimes forgetting that the hornets are ones that we've created- Bin Laden, Saddam, the Libyan Rebels.

So how's this for a policy.

1) Stop supporting ANY side over there with aid or weapons, including (and especially) the Zionists.

2) Stop letting the CIA find people over there "we can work with" that come back later to bite us in the ass.

3) Take the Hundreds of Billions of dollars we piss away every year fighting a war on an emotional state and invest it into alternative energy. If they can't make a shit-ton of money selling what's under their ground, they might spend less time fighting over it.

So what happened in Manchester was sad. But it happened because the west decided that it was going to interfere in Libya's internal affairs and has been doing so since the 1980's. Let's not forget, the Bomber's Dad was a guy the British let in after his attempt to overthrow Qadafi in the 1990's

Another hornet coming back to sting the people who nurtured it. Big surprise there.
Post number three is all it took.. Good job Mac. Even had the dumbfuck acting like Islamic terrorism is only a few decades old

again, go back, read what I said, then have someone help you with the big words.

Then come back and I'll explain it to you again.
No I got it. I agree with a lot of what you say. But my gawd man. Think a little.
The vermin attack children because the West's politicians and economic elites let them get away with it, period. Any country that won't defend itself out of some ridiculous PC fascist 'world view' is indeed doomed to destruction and deserves to die. Let the perverts, gimps, degenerates, and psychopaths take over your culture, make you too afraid to open your mouths, destroy your basic culture and education systems, and you deserve to be doormats and easy prey for the sickos and maniacs.

Okay, buddy, the problem is, with that statement, you probably have more in common with the Jihadists than you care to admit. You both want to appease your imaginary friend in the sky, you just disagree on what to call him.

We've been spending hundreds of billions of dollars "fighting the terrorists", how's that working out for us again? I mean, it took only six years to defeat fascism, but we are in Year 16 of the "War on Terror" and the terrorists are doing pretty good in their ability to find disaffected youth to do horrible things.
This is what I was talking about. There has been Islamic terrorism for over 1500 years. This isn't a new concept. THINK about it ya big dummy.
Post number three is all it took.. Good job Mac. Even had the dumbfuck acting like Islamic terrorism is only a few decades old :rofl:
Mac1958 JoeB131
Happens all the time. All. The. Freakin'. Time

What does it mean when someone attacks you while, at same time, willingly illustrates your point for you?

It means you nailed it and they don't like it.
No I got it. I agree with a lot of what you say. But my gawd man. Think a little.

i've given this a lot of thought. I just don't buy into the propaganda.

You apparently still are.

This is what I was talking about. There has been Islamic terrorism for over 1500 years. This isn't a new concept. THINK about it ya big dummy.

No, you see, there hasn't been "Terrorism" for 1500 years.

Also, I think the word Terrorism is kind of bullshit.

Just remember, when Bin Laden and his Cronies were killing Russians who might teach Afghan Girls how to read, Ronnie Reagan called them "Freedom Fighters".


When these same assholes started blowing up American ships and embassies and buildings, they suddenly became "Terrorists".

What they are were just people who didn't like foreign people in their countries. They didn't change who they were, just where they were pointing their guns. Never give someone a gun if you don't know where they are going to point it.

As for what happened 1500 years ago, the Christians were just as bad and sometimes worse than Muslims were. Compare the slaughter in Jerusalem when the Crusaders took it in 1099 compared to the beneficent treatment by Saladin when the Arabs took it back in 1086.

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