They attacked kids, and nothing is new

I think Mac was referring Western children. I've noticed that Americans in general have a hard time identifying with non Western people.

Life has become so cheap in the Middle East that slaughters and atrocities are not uncommon at all, as tragic and ugly and horrific as each one is.

And even with that, and even with the way women and gays are treated in that terribly illiberal culture, the Regressive Left spins and spins and spins.

One of the main indicators that the Regressive Left is not liberal.
The Beslan school siege didn't take place in the ME. The terrorist scum were Chechen.
Good example of my point. Spin, deflect.

You can change the subject all you want, the point remains.
You didn't catch my edit. And I'm not deflecting. I'm highlighting your ignorance of just how depraved Muslim terrorists are.
Of course you deflected. You made the effort to come up with an exception to the rule and thought it would work. It didn't.

The point of the thread stands. Every post I've made in it stands.

I get this every day here. That's why it's so easy to create threads like this.
What fucking rules you dickhead. People are being slaughtered everyday. I don't see any rules being followed by anyone. Nothing is off limits.

Your only concern seems to be your ego.

Life has become so cheap in the Middle East that slaughters and atrocities are not uncommon at all, as tragic and ugly and horrific as each one is.

And even with that, and even with the way women and gays are treated in that terribly illiberal culture, the Regressive Left spins and spins and spins.

One of the main indicators that the Regressive Left is not liberal.
The Beslan school siege didn't take place in the ME. The terrorist scum were Chechen.
Good example of my point. Spin, deflect.

You can change the subject all you want, the point remains.
You didn't catch my edit. And I'm not deflecting. I'm highlighting your ignorance of just how depraved Muslim terrorists are.
Of course you deflected. You made the effort to come up with an exception to the rule and thought it would work. It didn't.

The point of the thread stands. Every post I've made in it stands.

I get this every day here. That's why it's so easy to create threads like this.
What fucking rules you dickhead. People are being slaughtered everyday. I don't see any rules being followed by anyone. Nothing is off limits.

Your only concern seems to be your ego.
Yikes, there we go.

What actually happened here was that I took your snarky comment - "I think Mac was referring (to) Western children. I've noticed that Americans in general have a hard time identifying with non Western people" - and turned it on its head, which ultimately turned you into a nasty, vulgar drama queen.

The subject of this thread is clear. I hope you'll stop trying to derail it soon.
The subject of this thread is clear.
They attacked kids, and nothing is new

Including the fact that they attack kids, whether you were aware or not.
Well, it looks like ol' Mac was really, really wrong.

My assumption has always been that the one (1) thing the jihadists knew they couldn't do was slaughter children. Pop concert, school, hospital, church, whatever. I've always assumed that such an attack would be the one (1) thing that would unite the country and world against them, and that they were aware of that.

Nope, not gonna happen. Not kids. As crazed as they are, these guys know better.

Turns out that was completely wrong. Look at the comments by the usual suspects on these threads. Say something bad about the animals who did this, and ultimately the personal attacks and name-calling will begin - not directed at the jihadists, at you.

How much outrage has there been from the "media"? Half as much, one tenth as much, as they have with a story about Trump? Nope. No outrage. Just calm, balanced "reporting". How much outrage here? All of it from the usual suspects is directed at those who are outraged over the slaughter of kids.

I don't even want to think about what this really means.

Where is your outrage? Another thread perhaps? This one seems like it is all about you.
The subject of this thread is clear.
They attacked kids, and nothing is new

Including the fact that they attack kids, whether you were aware or not.
Well, it looks like ol' Mac was really, really wrong.

My assumption has always been that the one (1) thing the jihadists knew they couldn't do was slaughter children. Pop concert, school, hospital, church, whatever. I've always assumed that such an attack would be the one (1) thing that would unite the country and world against them, and that they were aware of that.

Nope, not gonna happen. Not kids. As crazed as they are, these guys know better.

Turns out that was completely wrong. Look at the comments by the usual suspects on these threads. Say something bad about the animals who did this, and ultimately the personal attacks and name-calling will begin - not directed at the jihadists, at you.

How much outrage has there been from the "media"? Half as much, one tenth as much, as they have with a story about Trump? Nope. No outrage. Just calm, balanced "reporting". How much outrage here? All of it from the usual suspects is directed at those who are outraged over the slaughter of kids.

I don't even want to think about what this really means.

Where is your outrage? Another thread perhaps? This one seems like it is all about you.
It only becomes about me when others make it so. So please stop doing that.

If the fact that they targeted kids doesn't bother you, there's nothing I can do about it.

It bothers me. As does the spin.

Life has become so cheap in the Middle East that slaughters and atrocities are not uncommon at all, as tragic and ugly and horrific as each one is.

Yes, that's what happens when you subject people to a decade or more of war... life becomes cheap. The problem is, you seem to think this is limited to Muslims. The whole of human history says otherwise.

Let me know when WE intentionally target and go after children.

Oh, so it's okay if Children are accidentally killed? We even come up with cutesy euphemisms for it like "Collateral Damage" when this happens. When the Zionists blow up schools and hospitals and kill kids, it's okay,kids, it was collateral damage.


And even with that, and even with the way women and gays are treated in that terribly illiberal culture, the Regressive Left spins and spins and spins.

No, we are just pragmatic, that when you are in a hole, the first thing you do is stop digging. We aren't going to change their attitudes towards gays and women, and frankly, it isn't our place to do so.

Come on, guy... In case of a war hard-on lasting for 16 years, see your doctor.

I guess the occasional gay person who gets thrown off a roof after he seduces a 16 year old boy is sad and all (and that's the kind of people getting executed over there) but it really isn't worth the perpetual war that the Zionists and Oil companies want you to be sooooo upset about.
Yikes, there we go.

What actually happened here was that I took your snarky comment - "I think Mac was referring (to) Western children. I've noticed that Americans in general have a hard time identifying with non Western people" - and turned it on its head, which ultimately turned you into a nasty, vulgar drama queen.

The subject of this thread is clear. I hope you'll stop trying to derail it soon.

But the funny thing is, Mac, I didn't you getting on here being such a drama queen when the Zionists were blowing up children in Gaza.
Read the link nut job, Snopes said your silly claim is a lie. Only stupid fools such as yourself lie to advance your agenda.

Dude, I don't bother with your links... Snopes has tried to make that distinction without a difference.

When these assholes were killing Russians, we called them Freedom Fighters.
When these assholes were killing Americans, we called them "Terrorists".

All they really were and are is people who don't want outsiders in their part of the world trying to change their culture..

And I'm good with that. We just need to stop pretending we aren't causing this problem.

You fuck a hornets nest, you get stung... especially when you are the one nurturing the hornets.
I make a point, they jump in to prove it.

Every freakin' day.

Guy, you don't have a point.What you have is an inflated sense of self-importance, and an inability to actually refute points when challenged.

A mentally disturbed man does something terrible, it's sad and all, but not a reason to lose our shit. We've been losing our shit for 16 years now, it's really time to take a step back and have an honest discussion about what we are doing.
I make a point, they jump in to prove it.

Every freakin' day.

Guy, you don't have a point.What you have is an inflated sense of self-importance, and an inability to actually refute points when challenged.

A mentally disturbed man does something terrible, it's sad and all, but not a reason to lose our shit. We've been losing our shit for 16 years now, it's really time to take a step back and have an honest discussion about what we are doing.
I know you'll avoid this, Joe, but I'll save it for future use.

Below are Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Majid Nawaaz, two brave and devout Muslims who put their lives on the line every day, advocating for a comprehensive, modern Islamic Reformation.

They REGULARLY point out that they have two deal with TWO groups: The Regressive Left (a term coined by Mr. Nawaaz himself) and the jihadists.

I'm on their side. You are not. You're one of the Regressive Leftists who are making their jobs much more difficult, and you're proud of it. Those are some pretty nasty teammates you have.
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Read the link nut job, Snopes said your silly claim is a lie. Only stupid fools such as yourself lie to advance your agenda.

Dude, I don't bother with your links... Snopes has tried to make that distinction without a difference.

When these assholes were killing Russians, we called them Freedom Fighters.
When these assholes were killing Americans, we called them "Terrorists".

All they really were and are is people who don't want outsiders in their part of the world trying to change their culture..

And I'm good with that. We just need to stop pretending we aren't causing this problem.

You fuck a hornets nest, you get stung... especially when you are the one nurturing the hornets.

You lied and got caught. It was the Taliban, the quote wasn't to the Taliban and it was a quote taken out of context. It is a false meme and you fell for it. Now, you want to double down on the lie. Sure, you are really stupid and you rush to prove it.
I make a point, they jump in to prove it.

Every freakin' day.

Guy, you don't have a point.What you have is an inflated sense of self-importance, and an inability to actually refute points when challenged.

A mentally disturbed man does something terrible, it's sad and all, but not a reason to lose our shit. We've been losing our shit for 16 years now, it's really time to take a step back and have an honest discussion about what we are doing.
I know you'll avoid this, Joe, but I'll save it for future use.

Below are Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Majid Nawaaz, two brave and devout Muslims who put their lives on the line every day, advocating for a comprehensive, modern Islamic Reformation.

They REGULARLY point out that they have two deal with TWO groups: The Regressive Left (a term coined by Mr. Nawaaz himself) and the jihadists.

I'm on their side. You are not. You're one of the Regressive Leftists who are making their jobs much more difficult, and you're proud it. Those are some pretty nasty teammates you have.

Regressives don't like the truth. They don't put their lives on the line and if they did, we'd hear a different agenda. Until then, they use terror to divert and deflect.
I make a point, they jump in to prove it.

Every freakin' day.

Guy, you don't have a point.What you have is an inflated sense of self-importance, and an inability to actually refute points when challenged.

A mentally disturbed man does something terrible, it's sad and all, but not a reason to lose our shit. We've been losing our shit for 16 years now, it's really time to take a step back and have an honest discussion about what we are doing.
I know you'll avoid this, Joe, but I'll save it for future use.

Below are Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Majid Nawaaz, two brave and devout Muslims who put their lives on the line every day, advocating for a comprehensive, modern Islamic Reformation.

They REGULARLY point out that they have two deal with TWO groups: The Regressive Left (a term coined by Mr. Nawaaz himself) and the jihadists.

I'm on their side. You are not. You're one of the Regressive Leftists who are making their jobs much more difficult, and you're proud it. Those are some pretty nasty teammates you have.

Regressives don't like the truth. They don't put their lives on the line and if they did, we'd hear a different agenda. Until then, they use terror to divert and deflect.
And they don't want an Islamic Reformation, either. At least not yet.
I make a point, they jump in to prove it.

Every freakin' day.

Guy, you don't have a point.What you have is an inflated sense of self-importance, and an inability to actually refute points when challenged.

A mentally disturbed man does something terrible, it's sad and all, but not a reason to lose our shit. We've been losing our shit for 16 years now, it's really time to take a step back and have an honest discussion about what we are doing.

wacky mac is patently incapable of intellectual honesty...

he appears to be a product of home schooling by political chic with a dick
I make a point, they jump in to prove it.

Every freakin' day.

Guy, you don't have a point.What you have is an inflated sense of self-importance, and an inability to actually refute points when challenged.

A mentally disturbed man does something terrible, it's sad and all, but not a reason to lose our shit. We've been losing our shit for 16 years now, it's really time to take a step back and have an honest discussion about what we are doing.
I know you'll avoid this, Joe, but I'll save it for future use.

Below are Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Majid Nawaaz, two brave and devout Muslims who put their lives on the line every day, advocating for a comprehensive, modern Islamic Reformation.

They REGULARLY point out that they have two deal with TWO groups: The Regressive Left (a term coined by Mr. Nawaaz himself) and the jihadists.

I'm on their side. You are not. You're one of the Regressive Leftists who are making their jobs much more difficult, and you're proud of it. Those are some pretty nasty teammates you have.
Reformation is something between them and their coreligionists. Nothing to do with me as a secular who doesn't ascribe to their beliefs. They, and you, attempt to lay their failures at my feet. Weak. They should examine Dr King's life and go about the business before them, stop making excuses.

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