They attacked kids, and nothing is new

Below are Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Majid Nawaaz, two brave and devout Muslims who put their lives on the line every day, advocating for a comprehensive, modern Islamic Reformation.

Again, guy, people trying to ingratiate themselves to white folks never impresses me. I honestly don't care if Islam is "reformed". Our problem is not that their belief in a sky fairy is any better or worse than your belief in a sky fairy. A couple of Muslims living in nice comfortable surroundings being "Brave" doesn't impress me.

We have a problem in the Middle East because back in the 19th century, white people from Europe went in and tried to colonize the place. And after the Christians slaughtered each other by the millions in the World Wars (Because you know, Christians are soooooo much more civilized) these folks were able to give Europeans the boot. And frankly, that should have been the end of the matter.

Instead, the US took up where the Europeans left off and we wonder why we are now getting attacked.

Oh, it must be because their religion is fucked up. It can't possibly be a reaction to the violence we inflict on them and have for decades.

Now, I'm an old man. I'm old enough to remember how we all told ourselves horror stories about how the Vietnamese would do terrible things to try to kill our servicemen. They weren't Muslims. They were just people who didn't want foreigners on their land.

We are sticking our noses where they don''t belong. Period. Don't get upset when get popped in the nose for doing so.
Well, it looks like ol' Mac was really, really wrong.

My assumption has always been that the one (1) thing the jihadists knew they couldn't do was slaughter children. Pop concert, school, hospital, church, whatever. I've always assumed that such an attack would be the one (1) thing that would unite the country and world against them, and that they were aware of that.

Nope, not gonna happen. Not kids. As crazed as they are, these guys know better.

Turns out that was completely wrong. Look at the comments by the usual suspects on these threads. Say something bad about the animals who did this, and ultimately the personal attacks and name-calling will begin - not directed at the jihadists, at you.

How much outrage has there been from the "media"? Half as much, one tenth as much, as they have with a story about Trump? Nope. No outrage. Just calm, balanced "reporting". How much outrage here? All of it from the usual suspects is directed at those who are outraged over the slaughter of kids.

I don't even want to think about what this really means.


Didn’t Sandy Hook teach you anything?



If nothing changed domestically, why would you think anything would change internationally?
I make a point, they jump in to prove it.

Every freakin' day.

Guy, you don't have a point.What you have is an inflated sense of self-importance, and an inability to actually refute points when challenged.

A mentally disturbed man does something terrible, it's sad and all, but not a reason to lose our shit. We've been losing our shit for 16 years now, it's really time to take a step back and have an honest discussion about what we are doing.

wacky mac is patently incapable of intellectual honesty...

he appears to be a product of home schooling by political chic with a dick
Personal insults, perfect. Deflect/pivot/attack.

You regressives literally can't help yourselves.

Thank you.
Well, it looks like ol' Mac was really, really wrong.

My assumption has always been that the one (1) thing the jihadists knew they couldn't do was slaughter children. Pop concert, school, hospital, church, whatever. I've always assumed that such an attack would be the one (1) thing that would unite the country and world against them, and that they were aware of that.

Nope, not gonna happen. Not kids. As crazed as they are, these guys know better.

Turns out that was completely wrong. Look at the comments by the usual suspects on these threads. Say something bad about the animals who did this, and ultimately the personal attacks and name-calling will begin - not directed at the jihadists, at you.

How much outrage has there been from the "media"? Half as much, one tenth as much, as they have with a story about Trump? Nope. No outrage. Just calm, balanced "reporting". How much outrage here? All of it from the usual suspects is directed at those who are outraged over the slaughter of kids.

I don't even want to think about what this really means.

I've been watching CNN and BBC and there is a lot of outrage because it was children.

I saw it too; I worked the night it happened, plenty of outrage from all quarters. I’m not sure what the OP expects the Press to do; stop reporting the Trump scandal?
I make a point, they jump in to prove it.

Every freakin' day.

Guy, you don't have a point.What you have is an inflated sense of self-importance, and an inability to actually refute points when challenged.

A mentally disturbed man does something terrible, it's sad and all, but not a reason to lose our shit. We've been losing our shit for 16 years now, it's really time to take a step back and have an honest discussion about what we are doing.
I know you'll avoid this, Joe, but I'll save it for future use.

Below are Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Majid Nawaaz, two brave and devout Muslims who put their lives on the line every day, advocating for a comprehensive, modern Islamic Reformation.

They REGULARLY point out that they have two deal with TWO groups: The Regressive Left (a term coined by Mr. Nawaaz himself) and the jihadists.

I'm on their side. You are not. You're one of the Regressive Leftists who are making their jobs much more difficult, and you're proud of it. Those are some pretty nasty teammates you have.
Reformation is something between them and their coreligionists. Nothing to do with me as a secular who doesn't ascribe to their beliefs. They, and you, attempt to lay their failures at my feet. Weak. They should examine Dr King's life and go about the business before them, stop making excuses.
The two referenced Muslims would appreciate it if you and the rest of the Regressive Left would stop making their jobs so much more difficult.

Their lives are already in danger.

I don't expect you to do this, but many of their talks are available on YouTube. Inspiring stuff.
Ol' Mac has triggered the Regressive Left again.

By using the words of honest, brave, liberal Muslims against them.

This is too easy. Like shining a light on cockroaches.
Oh fucking come on, every time one of these horrendous acts occur, you guys on the left turn handstands to claim Islam and it's followers are no different than other religions.
You'll quickly point to other bad behavior of those in other religions from the past.
You'll complain that we even bring up the terrorists religion, and then say when the IRA would set off a bomb, no one brought up their religion.

It's all a deflection to steer us away from the root of these attacks.

I'm sorry, but when someone is willing to incenerate themselves in order to kill Westerners, that is ALL about their religion since they obviously believe their god is going to reward them in some afterlife fantasy.

Is every Muslim a killer?

No but every regressive like you, is dumber than a stone.

Oooooooh! Regressive!! You are learning!

So, if every Muslim is not a killer, why do you want to kill every Mulsim?

What's that? You don't? How interesting!
If a radical Islamist murdered your daughter at a concert, would you be upset at radical Islam?

I am upset at radical Islam. Always have been. Why don't you know that?

I’m wondering why we’re not sending tomahawks into every ISIS installation in the world. I’ve been wondering it since I heard the news.
why would you think that? Children have been getting slaughtered for years in our various wars in the Middle East. How many Children died in our invasion of Iraq, the Gulf War, the Libyan Civil War, the Zionist invasion of Gaza?

Neither we nor Israel target civilians we target the jihadists who target and hide behind civilians and conduct military operations within densely populated civilian sectors.

"Let's ban the Muslims from getting into our countries!!!"

Um... okay. except most of the jokers who carry out these attacks were born in the countries they attack, so i'm not sure what good that's going to do, exactly. Let's ban new people so that their children or grandchildren won't be upset about whatever stupid thing we are going to do in 20 years?

This guy was a Libyan rapefugee, all Muslims should be kicked out regardless of their nation of origin, the children can stay as long as they are raised non-Muslim only those who can be deprogrammed of the tenants of the death cult should be allowed to stay.
Maybe because we get tired of you trying to hide your Islamophobic bigotry behind a nice suit.

The overwhelming majority of Muslims (90%+) are homophobic, anti-Semitic, theocratic, and misogynistic, you support the largest hate group on the planet.

Look, the West is never, ever going to have a discussion about why we have a problem in that region.

The problem is Islam, full stop.
Reformation is something between them and their coreligionists. Nothing to do with me as a secular who doesn't ascribe to their beliefs. They, and you, attempt to lay their failures at my feet. Weak. They should examine Dr King's life and go about the business before them, stop making excuses.

Thank you.

Let's not forget, the main reason why we have a "Jihadist" problem is because back in the 1980's, our leaders concluded that religiously oriented Muslims were better to deal with than secularist, socialist ones. That somehow, they'd go along with Western domination instead of Soviet domination. So we armed guys like Bin Laden and wonder why they are biting us in the ass now.
Reformation is something between them and their coreligionists. Nothing to do with me as a secular who doesn't ascribe to their beliefs. They, and you, attempt to lay their failures at my feet. Weak. They should examine Dr King's life and go about the business before them, stop making excuses.

Thank you.

Let's not forget, the main reason why we have a "Jihadist" problem is because back in the 1980's, our leaders concluded that religiously oriented Muslims were better to deal with than secularist, socialist ones. That somehow, they'd go along with Western domination instead of Soviet domination. So we armed guys like Bin Laden and wonder why they are biting us in the ass now.

Bin Laden was never a CIA asset you lying piece of shit, he had his own money and funding.
This guy was a Libyan rapefugee, all Muslims should be kicked out regardless of their nation of origin, the children can stay as long as they are raised non-Muslim only those who can be deprogrammed of the tenants of the death cult should be allowed to stay.

No, his father was a refugee from Qadafi. You know, the guy we had to overthrow because he was exporting socialist revolution around Africa.

The overwhelming majority of Muslims (90%+) are homophobic, anti-Semitic, theocratic, and misogynistic, you support the largest hate group on the planet.

I'm going to go out on a limb here, and conclude that you don't personally know any Muslims.
You lied and got caught. It was the Taliban, the quote wasn't to the Taliban and it was a quote taken out of context. It is a false meme and you fell for it. Now, you want to double down on the lie. Sure, you are really stupid and you rush to prove it.

Right. I bet you are one the people who is fooled when Superman wears glasses and calls himself Clark Kent.

The guys Reagan Praised in the 1980's when they were killing Russians were the same guys who formed the Taliban after the Russians had the good sense to leave.
No, his father was a refugee from Qadafi. You know, the guy we had to overthrow because he was exporting socialist revolution around Africa.

His father should never have been allowed into the west to begin with.

I'm going to go out on a limb here, and conclude that you don't personally know any Muslims.

I can read the surveys fuckwhit.
You lied and got caught. It was the Taliban, the quote wasn't to the Taliban and it was a quote taken out of context. It is a false meme and you fell for it. Now, you want to double down on the lie. Sure, you are really stupid and you rush to prove it.

Right. I bet you are one the people who is fooled when Superman wears glasses and calls himself Clark Kent.

The guys Reagan Praised in the 1980's when they were killing Russians were the same guys who formed the Taliban after the Russians had the good sense to leave.

Our guys went on to form the Northern Alliance dipshit.
Reformation is something between them and their coreligionists. Nothing to do with me as a secular who doesn't ascribe to their beliefs. They, and you, attempt to lay their failures at my feet. Weak. They should examine Dr King's life and go about the business before them, stop making excuses.

Thank you.

Let's not forget, the main reason why we have a "Jihadist" problem is because back in the 1980's, our leaders concluded that religiously oriented Muslims were better to deal with than secularist, socialist ones. That somehow, they'd go along with Western domination instead of Soviet domination. So we armed guys like Bin Laden and wonder why they are biting us in the ass now.
The Washington Post was gracious enough to highlight a big reason we are faced with the problem of Islamic extremism today. We taught them! And as you understand, we still use them to this very day to achieve our geopolitical ambitions. Some things never change, some people (Mac) are unwilling to look at the reality in the face.

From U.S., the ABC's of Jihad
In the twilight of the Cold War, the United States spent millions of dollars to supply Afghan schoolchildren with textbooks filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings, part of covert attempts to spur resistance to the Soviet occupation.

The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system's core curriculum. Even the Taliban used the American-produced books, though the radical movement scratched out human faces in keeping with its strict fundamentalist code.

As Afghan schools reopen today, the United States is back in the business of providing schoolbooks. But now it is wrestling with the unintended consequences of its successful strategy of stirring Islamic fervor to fight communism. What seemed like a good idea in the context of the Cold War is being criticized by humanitarian workers as a crude tool that steeped a generation in violence.
You lied and got caught. It was the Taliban, the quote wasn't to the Taliban and it was a quote taken out of context. It is a false meme and you fell for it. Now, you want to double down on the lie. Sure, you are really stupid and you rush to prove it.

Right. I bet you are one the people who is fooled when Superman wears glasses and calls himself Clark Kent.

The guys Reagan Praised in the 1980's when they were killing Russians were the same guys who formed the Taliban after the Russians had the good sense to leave.

Wrong, one more lie, but keep being a dumb shit, it is pure entertainment! I wondered what type of idiot believes fake news, thanks for answering the question.
You lied and got caught. It was the Taliban, the quote wasn't to the Taliban and it was a quote taken out of context. It is a false meme and you fell for it. Now, you want to double down on the lie. Sure, you are really stupid and you rush to prove it.

Right. I bet you are one the people who is fooled when Superman wears glasses and calls himself Clark Kent.

The guys Reagan Praised in the 1980's when they were killing Russians were the same guys who formed the Taliban after the Russians had the good sense to leave.

Our guys went on to form the Northern Alliance dipshit.

He is just another dishonest liberal. He can't help himself.
Regressives don't like the truth. They don't put their lives on the line and if they did, we'd hear a different agenda. Until then, they use terror to divert and deflect.

Not really. I'm betting I'm the only person on this thread who has a DD214 and actually did put it on the line.

The thing is, these two Uncle Toms that Mac admires want to change their religion to be more what they want.

That's kind of stupid. They should probably just find another religion that better meets their sensibilities.

I was brought up Catholic. And then I concluded at an early age, it was bullshit. Probably after the nun who tortured me during much of my grade school years told me that God had a good reason for my mom suffering a year and a half with cancer before she died.

Here's what I don't do. I don't go down to the old Parish and tell the congregation there why I think their religion is fuckedup and that Jesus never existed. Its not my place. I'm an atheist, but I don't make it my place to convert Christians to atheism. Given that your fear of your psychopathic sky fairy is the only thing that keeps you people in line, I'm actually happy to have you believe in that.

Now,here's the thing. Our problem isn't that Allah is any more or less of a psychopathic sky fairy than Jehovah. (they are actually the same being). Our problem is that for the last 40 years or so, we've supported the Zionists, supported awful governments, armed groups that turned on us. Any fool who thinks that the region is going to resent us less if we just get certain elements of the region to be a little cooler about gays is deluding himself.
Wrong, one more lie, but keep being a dumb shit, it is pure entertainment! I wondered what type of idiot believes fake news, thanks for answering the question.

Guy, I was there in those days, when Reagan called these guys "Freedom Fighters".

So what do you think happened to all those guys Reagan met with?

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