They died to Free blacks from slavery

If the Civil War wasn't partly about freeing the slaves then why were they freed?

Seriously? The intent was to cripple the souths economic system, and force them back into the union.

Which is why the emancipation proclamation only freed the slaves who were in the confederate states.
If it wasn't about slavery, nobody would have freed them.
Toward the end of the war, even the Confederate traitors were considering emancipation in exchange for military service.
If the Civil War wasn't partly about freeing the slaves then why were they freed?

Seriously? The intent was to cripple the souths economic system, and force them back into the union.

Which is why the emancipation proclamation only freed the slaves who were in the confederate states.
If it wasn't about slavery, nobody would have freed them.

If the most potent leverage to use against the confederacy happened to be the role of slavery in heir economy, it is obvious that slavery would be what would be attacked.

You have not read much about what led to the Civil War?
If the Civil War wasn't partly about freeing the slaves then why were they freed?

Seriously? The intent was to cripple the souths economic system, and force them back into the union.

Which is why the emancipation proclamation only freed the slaves who were in the confederate states.
If it wasn't about slavery, nobody would have freed them.

If the most potent leverage to use against the confederacy happened to be the role of slavery in heir economy, it is obvious that slavery would be what would be attacked.

You have not read much about what led to the Civil War?
You just don't know your own history. Pity.
Southern Whites, today's heart of the Republican Party, fought to keep them enslaved.
FALSE! This is almost as bad as the mistake IM2 made when he blamed "whites" for slavery. "Southern whites", as you stated it, include many millions of people who never even laid eyes on a black person, let alone enslaved them.

As I said in Post # 81, In southern mountain states, there was no cotton growing, No plantations. No slaves. That eliminates an enormous part of the south. Then you have the class factor. Even with the coastal plain areas of the south, it's only rich whites who had slaves, and they were a tiny minority of that population.

I blame whites for slavery in the United States. Because they are responsible or slavery in the United States.

The video is based on fact what you say isn't.
Yes, whites who had slaves and brought slaves to this country were responsible. WERE, as in past tense.
We keep getting told how whites died fighting to end slavery therefore we as blacks, who apparently did nothing need to be grateful for the great sacrifices made by whites. First off this is a silly claim. We are to be grateful that whites decided to fix a problem they created and did not have to be. However, reality is that such a claim is untrue.

New York City draft riots

The New York City draft riots (July 13–16, 1863), known at the time as Draft Week,[3] were violent disturbances in Lower Manhattan, widely regarded as the culmination of working-class discontent with new laws passed by Congress that year to draft men to fight in the ongoing American Civil War. The riots remain the largest civil and racially charged insurrection in American history, aside from the Civil War itself.[4]

U.S. President Abraham Lincoln diverted several regiments of militia and volunteer troops after the Battle of Gettysburg to control the city. The rioters were overwhelmingly working-class men, mostly Irish or of Irish descent, who feared free black people competing for work and resented that wealthier men, who could afford to pay a $300 (equivalent to $9,157 in 2017[5]) commutation fee to hire a substitute, were spared from the draft.[6][7]

Initially intended to express anger at the draft, the protests turned into a race riot, with white rioters, predominantly Irish immigrants,[4] attacking black people throughout the city. The official death toll was listed at either 119 or 120 individuals. Conditions in the city were such that Major General John E. Wool, commander of the Department of the East, said on July 16 that "Martial law ought to be proclaimed, but I have not a sufficient force to enforce it."[8]

The military did not reach the city until the second day of rioting, by which time the mobs had ransacked or destroyed numerous public buildings, two Protestant churches, the homes of various abolitionists or sympathizers, many black homes, and the Colored Orphan Asylum at 44th Street and Fifth Avenue, which was burned to the ground.[9]

The area's demographics changed as a result of the riot. Many black residents left Manhattan permanently with many moving to Brooklyn. By 1865, the black population fell below 11,000 for the first time since 1820.

New York City draft riots - Wikipedia
Silly me, thinking all those men that fought and died in the civil war ended slavery. Apparently they didn't amount to squat, because IM2 says so. So let's say in an alternate universe, Lincoln accepted the confederacy and let bygones be bygones. When and whom would have ended slavery? And, lets overlook the sheer fact slavery was a profitable trade Muslim Arabs and Black Africans indulged in. And still do. Let's ignore that tiny tiny little factor, shall we?

All I have said is that whites did not die to free slaves. Whites had slavery in Europe, ask the serfs. Whites make huge money of slavery today also. Ask the sex SLAVES. So let's not deny things and just recognize the wrongs whites have done here to people of color in a nation where whites have bragged about all the many great freedoms they offer everybody.
African American human trafficking statistics will astound you!
Blacks make huge amounts of money off sex slaves today.
Please hear the commenter out. This is very interesting.

Why? He missed the entire point. I'm the OP here and this thread is about the lie of whites claiming how whites died to free us from slavery. As the video shows ad states, northern whites didn't fight to free the slaves and damn sure southern whites didn't. So then the claim that whites died to free us is a lie.

No it's not. Whites DID die to free blacks and you know this. You're using the Civil War to argue your point but the problem is, regardless of the reason whites fought the Civil War for, whites did fight and die to free slaves and secure civil rights for blacks.

Nope, that did not happen. And as we see by the legal decisions made after the civil war whites did not fight to secure the civil rights of blacks. THAT, is what I know. And it is what YOU need to learn.

So what are these people, black albinos?

Why is it that you want to give whites credit for things they did not lead? Things they were faces in the crowd for but not responsible for doing? How much more dishonest can you get? 1white person dies in a civil rights protest and you want to claim whites died for our civil rights like they organized and led the march. 300 blacks may have been beaten and killed, the organizers are black and have had their lives threatened but we must only recognize that one white so your white ass can feel good about yourself. I'm not going to do that. Whites had no real role in civil tights leadership or organization. Yes there were whites who showed up, but blacks were the organizers and creators of organizations and groups that made it happen. If blacks had not done these things whites weren't going to.
Nobody has said to recognize only whites who helped with civil rights issues. YOU are the one who denies whites took part at all.
If the Civil War wasn't partly about freeing the slaves then why were they freed?

Seriously? The intent was to cripple the souths economic system, and force them back into the union.

Which is why the emancipation proclamation only freed the slaves who were in the confederate states.
If it wasn't about slavery, nobody would have freed them.

If the most potent leverage to use against the confederacy happened to be the role of slavery in heir economy, it is obvious that slavery would be what would be attacked.

You have not read much about what led to the Civil War?
You just don't know your own history. Pity.

It's bad form to promote your ignorance publicly.

It sounds like you never progressed beyond elementary school history topics.
Why? He missed the entire point. I'm the OP here and this thread is about the lie of whites claiming how whites died to free us from slavery. As the video shows ad states, northern whites didn't fight to free the slaves and damn sure southern whites didn't. So then the claim that whites died to free us is a lie.

No it's not. Whites DID die to free blacks and you know this. You're using the Civil War to argue your point but the problem is, regardless of the reason whites fought the Civil War for, whites did fight and die to free slaves and secure civil rights for blacks.

Nope, that did not happen. And as we see by the legal decisions made after the civil war whites did not fight to secure the civil rights of blacks. THAT, is what I know. And it is what YOU need to learn.

So what are these people, black albinos?

Why is it that you want to give whites credit for things they did not lead? Things they were faces in the crowd for but not responsible for doing? How much more dishonest can you get? 1white person dies in a civil rights protest and you want to claim whites died for our civil rights like they organized and led the march. 300 blacks may have been beaten and killed, the organizers are black and have had their lives threatened but we must only recognize that one white so your white ass can feel good about yourself. I'm not going to do that. Whites had no real role in civil tights leadership or organization. Yes there were whites who showed up, but blacks were the organizers and creators of organizations and groups that made it happen.

If you were talking about who led the fight to end slavery and for civil rights then you should have said so in the OP. However, you never made any such distinctions in the OP or in any of your posts in this discussion, you only claimed that whites never fought.

If blacks had not done these things whites weren't going to.

Again, that wasn't the point of the OP. The point was only that whites never fought. But we both know this to be false, don't we?

No, the OP said whites did not fight to end slavery. And they didn't.
So, all those dead white guys that fought in the civil war, their lives are meaningless, according to IM2. Somehow, ignoring the past black African/Muslim Arab slave traders and centering on whites instead,
as the favorite whipping boy of any historical transgressions. But wait a minute! Hold on here, black American slaves just pulled themselves up out of slavery by their boot heels? IM2 says so, No Muss, no fuss. Um, I must have missed that delicate little side note in history class. When did this mysterious event happen?

You missed a lot of things in history class. Whites did not die to free blacks. There will be no talking about Arabs or Africans since they did not create the US constitution. Whites should not have done what they did.

I never learned in MY history classes that whites died to save blacks (except a few ----not a big deal) You are right---whites did not die to save blacks in the USA. ----and guess what------black servicemen in world war II did not die to save jews. ----It is a commonly held belief based on islamo Nazi propaganda that the US entered world war II----TO SAVE DA JEWS. I would not be surprised if there are some blacks OUT THERE who believe that BS

My father fought in the European theatre and took a bullet for a nation that did let him vote when he came back home. He did fight to stop Hitler. Had he been in the pacific theatre that would have been a different story So your comparison is stupid.

your idiotic post IM2------is not at all responsive to my post. My father was in
the North Atlantic-----also fighting "HITLER"------so?

Your post was the idiotic one. I'm black and haven't heard that tale you say about blacks fighting t save jews. My father and uncles fought in that wars and they didn't say that. But they did save jews. They did not fight then after the war ended create another system that made jews second class citizens then claim they are responsible for freeing the jews like you retard white racists try to do. So your presentation of a straw man shows that you're just another moron who happens to be white and unable to accept that a black person doesn't kiss your asses thankful to you whites for our freedom.
No it's not. Whites DID die to free blacks and you know this. You're using the Civil War to argue your point but the problem is, regardless of the reason whites fought the Civil War for, whites did fight and die to free slaves and secure civil rights for blacks.

Nope, that did not happen. And as we see by the legal decisions made after the civil war whites did not fight to secure the civil rights of blacks. THAT, is what I know. And it is what YOU need to learn.

So what are these people, black albinos?

Why is it that you want to give whites credit for things they did not lead? Things they were faces in the crowd for but not responsible for doing? How much more dishonest can you get? 1white person dies in a civil rights protest and you want to claim whites died for our civil rights like they organized and led the march. 300 blacks may have been beaten and killed, the organizers are black and have had their lives threatened but we must only recognize that one white so your white ass can feel good about yourself. I'm not going to do that. Whites had no real role in civil tights leadership or organization. Yes there were whites who showed up, but blacks were the organizers and creators of organizations and groups that made it happen.

If you were talking about who led the fight to end slavery and for civil rights then you should have said so in the OP. However, you never made any such distinctions in the OP or in any of your posts in this discussion, you only claimed that whites never fought.

If blacks had not done these things whites weren't going to.

Again, that wasn't the point of the OP. The point was only that whites never fought. But we both know this to be false, don't we?

No, the OP said whites did not fight to end slavery. And they didn't.
You have no idea what they were fighting for. Many people go to war, not all that fight are fighting for the same reason. You don't know that many of those white men fighting the Civil War may have been fighting to free the slaves, since very few white people even owned slaves.
So, all those dead white guys that fought in the civil war, their lives are meaningless, according to IM2. Somehow, ignoring the past black African/Muslim Arab slave traders and centering on whites instead,
as the favorite whipping boy of any historical transgressions. But wait a minute! Hold on here, black American slaves just pulled themselves up out of slavery by their boot heels? IM2 says so, No Muss, no fuss. Um, I must have missed that delicate little side note in history class. When did this mysterious event happen?

You missed a lot of things in history class. Whites did not die to free blacks. There will be no talking about Arabs or Africans since they did not create the US constitution. Whites should not have done what they did.

I never learned in MY history classes that whites died to save blacks (except a few ----not a big deal) You are right---whites did not die to save blacks in the USA. ----and guess what------black servicemen in world war II did not die to save jews. ----It is a commonly held belief based on islamo Nazi propaganda that the US entered world war II----TO SAVE DA JEWS. I would not be surprised if there are some blacks OUT THERE who believe that BS

My father fought in the European theatre and took a bullet for a nation that did let him vote when he came back home. He did fight to stop Hitler. Had he been in the pacific theatre that would have been a different story So your comparison is stupid.

your idiotic post IM2------is not at all responsive to my post. My father was in
the North Atlantic-----also fighting "HITLER"------so?

Your post was the idiotic one. I'm black and haven't heard that tale you say about blacks fighting t save jews. My father and uncles fought in that wars and they didn't say that. But they did save jews. They did not fight then after the war ended create another system that made jews second class citizens then claim they are responsible for freeing the jews like you retard white racists try to do. So your presentation of a straw man shows that you're just another moron who happens to be white and unable to accept that a black person doesn't kiss your asses thankful to you whites for our freedom.

wrong again----I did not say that BLACKS claimed to have joined up to SAVE THE JEWS------I said that white southern Baptists made that claim. I am a NORTHERN JEW------I never heard a jew claim that white northern jews "FREED THE SLAVES"
You missed a lot of things in history class. Whites did not die to free blacks. There will be no talking about Arabs or Africans since they did not create the US constitution. Whites should not have done what they did.

I never learned in MY history classes that whites died to save blacks (except a few ----not a big deal) You are right---whites did not die to save blacks in the USA. ----and guess what------black servicemen in world war II did not die to save jews. ----It is a commonly held belief based on islamo Nazi propaganda that the US entered world war II----TO SAVE DA JEWS. I would not be surprised if there are some blacks OUT THERE who believe that BS

My father fought in the European theatre and took a bullet for a nation that did let him vote when he came back home. He did fight to stop Hitler. Had he been in the pacific theatre that would have been a different story So your comparison is stupid.

your idiotic post IM2------is not at all responsive to my post. My father was in
the North Atlantic-----also fighting "HITLER"------so?

Your post was the idiotic one. I'm black and haven't heard that tale you say about blacks fighting t save jews. My father and uncles fought in that wars and they didn't say that. But they did save jews. They did not fight then after the war ended create another system that made jews second class citizens then claim they are responsible for freeing the jews like you retard white racists try to do. So your presentation of a straw man shows that you're just another moron who happens to be white and unable to accept that a black person doesn't kiss your asses thankful to you whites for our freedom.

wrong again----I did not say that BLACKS claimed to have joined up to SAVE THE JEWS------I said that white southern Baptists made that claim. I am a NORTHERN JEW------I never heard a jew claim that white northern jews "FREED THE SLAVES"

Well I have been told multiple times and you see by the reaction here of your fellow whites how they believe whites died in the civil war to free blacks. Jew or not. In fact a Jew from the south cosigned it in a post here in this thread.
Oy vey, not this again. IM2 contends that...for starters, many northern whites didn't fight the rebels to end slavery. That may be true, Lincoln himself was conflicted on slavery. But IM2 is not seeing the forest for the trees here, regardless of the intent of the federal government, the effect was the TOTAL and absolute abolition of slavery. And with that, There isn't much else to add.
No it's not. Whites DID die to free blacks and you know this. You're using the Civil War to argue your point but the problem is, regardless of the reason whites fought the Civil War for, whites did fight and die to free slaves and secure civil rights for blacks.

Nope, that did not happen. And as we see by the legal decisions made after the civil war whites did not fight to secure the civil rights of blacks. THAT, is what I know. And it is what YOU need to learn.

So what are these people, black albinos?

Why is it that you want to give whites credit for things they did not lead? Things they were faces in the crowd for but not responsible for doing? How much more dishonest can you get? 1white person dies in a civil rights protest and you want to claim whites died for our civil rights like they organized and led the march. 300 blacks may have been beaten and killed, the organizers are black and have had their lives threatened but we must only recognize that one white so your white ass can feel good about yourself. I'm not going to do that. Whites had no real role in civil tights leadership or organization. Yes there were whites who showed up, but blacks were the organizers and creators of organizations and groups that made it happen.

If you were talking about who led the fight to end slavery and for civil rights then you should have said so in the OP. However, you never made any such distinctions in the OP or in any of your posts in this discussion, you only claimed that whites never fought.

If blacks had not done these things whites weren't going to.

Again, that wasn't the point of the OP. The point was only that whites never fought. But we both know this to be false, don't we?

No, the OP said whites did not fight to end slavery. And they didn't.

So then why did you bring up the matter of who started and led the fight for Civil Rights? You wrote an entire paragraph on it for Christ's sake. Besides, you can't tell me you've never heard of John Brown and the Harper's Ferry Raid.
Nope, that did not happen. And as we see by the legal decisions made after the civil war whites did not fight to secure the civil rights of blacks. THAT, is what I know. And it is what YOU need to learn.

So what are these people, black albinos?

Why is it that you want to give whites credit for things they did not lead? Things they were faces in the crowd for but not responsible for doing? How much more dishonest can you get? 1white person dies in a civil rights protest and you want to claim whites died for our civil rights like they organized and led the march. 300 blacks may have been beaten and killed, the organizers are black and have had their lives threatened but we must only recognize that one white so your white ass can feel good about yourself. I'm not going to do that. Whites had no real role in civil tights leadership or organization. Yes there were whites who showed up, but blacks were the organizers and creators of organizations and groups that made it happen.

If you were talking about who led the fight to end slavery and for civil rights then you should have said so in the OP. However, you never made any such distinctions in the OP or in any of your posts in this discussion, you only claimed that whites never fought.

If blacks had not done these things whites weren't going to.

Again, that wasn't the point of the OP. The point was only that whites never fought. But we both know this to be false, don't we?

No, the OP said whites did not fight to end slavery. And they didn't.

So then why did you bring up the matter of who started and led the fight for Civil Rights? You wrote an entire paragraph on it for Christ's sake. Besides, you can't tell me you've never heard of John Brown and the Harper's Ferry Raid.

It's just this simple, whites did not fight in the civil war to free blacks from slavery. I posted what I did because of this link YOU posted fool.
Oy vey, not this again. IM2 contends that...for starters, many northern whites didn't fight the rebels to end slavery. That may be true, Lincoln himself was conflicted on slavery. But IM2 is not seeing the forest for the trees here, regardless of the intent of the federal government, the effect was the TOTAL and absolute abolition of slavery. And with that, There isn't much else to add.

I see fine. The fact is that whites did not fight to free blacks from slavery.
Oy vey, not this again. IM2 contends that...for starters, many northern whites didn't fight the rebels to end slavery. That may be true, Lincoln himself was conflicted on slavery. But IM2 is not seeing the forest for the trees here, regardless of the intent of the federal government, the effect was the TOTAL and absolute abolition of slavery. And with that, There isn't much else to add.

I see fine. The fact is that whites did not fight to free blacks from slavery.
But, despite them and you, that's exactly what DID happen, Abolition and the end of slavery in America. Ever hear of unintended consequences ? Who knows what lurks in the subconscious minds of people that have been dead over 150 years. Certainly not you. But slavery ended because white people died to end it. Why are you so threated by that? Facts are facts.
So what are these people, black albinos?

Why is it that you want to give whites credit for things they did not lead? Things they were faces in the crowd for but not responsible for doing? How much more dishonest can you get? 1white person dies in a civil rights protest and you want to claim whites died for our civil rights like they organized and led the march. 300 blacks may have been beaten and killed, the organizers are black and have had their lives threatened but we must only recognize that one white so your white ass can feel good about yourself. I'm not going to do that. Whites had no real role in civil tights leadership or organization. Yes there were whites who showed up, but blacks were the organizers and creators of organizations and groups that made it happen.

If you were talking about who led the fight to end slavery and for civil rights then you should have said so in the OP. However, you never made any such distinctions in the OP or in any of your posts in this discussion, you only claimed that whites never fought.

If blacks had not done these things whites weren't going to.

Again, that wasn't the point of the OP. The point was only that whites never fought. But we both know this to be false, don't we?

No, the OP said whites did not fight to end slavery. And they didn't.

So then why did you bring up the matter of who started and led the fight for Civil Rights? You wrote an entire paragraph on it for Christ's sake. Besides, you can't tell me you've never heard of John Brown and the Harper's Ferry Raid.

It's just this simple, whites did not fight in the civil war to free blacks from slavery. I posted what I did because of this link YOU posted fool.

Music To Bring Americans Together Again! - Canyon News

Regardless what the consensus was among union soldiers about the issue of slavery, some of them, in fact, fought to end it and felt that was their personal reason for fighting in the war.

Here is a website that has quotes taken from union soldiers' letters about slavery and why they fought.

A couple of quotes:

"… Our Government handles slavery as tenderly as a mother would her firstborn… When shall it be stricken down as the deadly enemy of freedom, virtue, and mankind?

"… As long as we ignore the fact (practically) that Slavery is the basis of this struggle (the Civil War) so long are we simply [cutting] down a vigorously growing plant that will continually spring up and give new trouble at very short intervals. We must emancipate.”
Why is it that you want to give whites credit for things they did not lead? Things they were faces in the crowd for but not responsible for doing? How much more dishonest can you get? 1white person dies in a civil rights protest and you want to claim whites died for our civil rights like they organized and led the march. 300 blacks may have been beaten and killed, the organizers are black and have had their lives threatened but we must only recognize that one white so your white ass can feel good about yourself. I'm not going to do that. Whites had no real role in civil tights leadership or organization. Yes there were whites who showed up, but blacks were the organizers and creators of organizations and groups that made it happen.

If you were talking about who led the fight to end slavery and for civil rights then you should have said so in the OP. However, you never made any such distinctions in the OP or in any of your posts in this discussion, you only claimed that whites never fought.

If blacks had not done these things whites weren't going to.

Again, that wasn't the point of the OP. The point was only that whites never fought. But we both know this to be false, don't we?

No, the OP said whites did not fight to end slavery. And they didn't.

So then why did you bring up the matter of who started and led the fight for Civil Rights? You wrote an entire paragraph on it for Christ's sake. Besides, you can't tell me you've never heard of John Brown and the Harper's Ferry Raid.

It's just this simple, whites did not fight in the civil war to free blacks from slavery. I posted what I did because of this link YOU posted fool.

Music To Bring Americans Together Again! - Canyon News

Regardless what the consensus was among union soldiers about the issue of slavery, some of them, in fact, fought to end it and felt that was their personal reason for fighting in the war.

Here is a website that has quotes taken from union soldiers' letters about slavery and why they fought.

A couple of quotes:

"… Our Government handles slavery as tenderly as a mother would her firstborn… When shall it be stricken down as the deadly enemy of freedom, virtue, and mankind?

"… As long as we ignore the fact (practically) that Slavery is the basis of this struggle (the Civil War) so long are we simply [cutting] down a vigorously growing plant that will continually spring up and give new trouble at very short intervals. We must emancipate.”

You are pathetic. You want us to credit the entire white race for a few when the majority did not give a damn about slaves. Second, you want to make this claim even though whites did not let blacks fight for most of the fucking war. If every white had fought for slavery, they were fighting to correct a mistake whites themselves made.

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