They died to Free blacks from slavery

We keep getting told how whites died fighting to end slavery therefore we as blacks, who apparently did nothing need to be grateful for the great sacrifices made by whites. First off this is a silly claim. We are to be grateful that whites decided to fix a problem they created and did not have to be. However, reality is that such a claim is untrue.

New York City draft riots

The New York City draft riots (July 13–16, 1863), known at the time as Draft Week,[3] were violent disturbances in Lower Manhattan, widely regarded as the culmination of working-class discontent with new laws passed by Congress that year to draft men to fight in the ongoing American Civil War. The riots remain the largest civil and racially charged insurrection in American history, aside from the Civil War itself.[4]

U.S. President Abraham Lincoln diverted several regiments of militia and volunteer troops after the Battle of Gettysburg to control the city. The rioters were overwhelmingly working-class men, mostly Irish or of Irish descent, who feared free black people competing for work and resented that wealthier men, who could afford to pay a $300 (equivalent to $9,157 in 2017[5]) commutation fee to hire a substitute, were spared from the draft.[6][7]

Initially intended to express anger at the draft, the protests turned into a race riot, with white rioters, predominantly Irish immigrants,[4] attacking black people throughout the city. The official death toll was listed at either 119 or 120 individuals. Conditions in the city were such that Major General John E. Wool, commander of the Department of the East, said on July 16 that "Martial law ought to be proclaimed, but I have not a sufficient force to enforce it."[8]

The military did not reach the city until the second day of rioting, by which time the mobs had ransacked or destroyed numerous public buildings, two Protestant churches, the homes of various abolitionists or sympathizers, many black homes, and the Colored Orphan Asylum at 44th Street and Fifth Avenue, which was burned to the ground.[9]

The area's demographics changed as a result of the riot. Many black residents left Manhattan permanently with many moving to Brooklyn. By 1865, the black population fell below 11,000 for the first time since 1820.

New York City draft riots - Wikipedia

The New York draft riots was a relatively small part of US Civil war era history. It has very little to compare with 300,000 Union soldier lives lost. Whether these northern soldiers fought for the principle of stopping slavery or not, they did fight and die in that war, and for blacks to shrug that off, merely shows a degree of mental incapacity.

Excellent comment. However "merely shows a degree of mental incapacity." I'd say "merely shows a degree of lack of education."

The average IQ of a negro in the US is in the low eighties.
Does anyone really believe they give a shit about the REP soldiers who lost their lives trying to free the slaves?
bell curve iq - Google Search:
If you were talking about who led the fight to end slavery and for civil rights then you should have said so in the OP. However, you never made any such distinctions in the OP or in any of your posts in this discussion, you only claimed that whites never fought.

Again, that wasn't the point of the OP. The point was only that whites never fought. But we both know this to be false, don't we?

No, the OP said whites did not fight to end slavery. And they didn't.
You have no idea what they were fighting for. Many people go to war, not all that fight are fighting for the same reason. You don't know that many of those white men fighting the Civil War may have been fighting to free the slaves, since very few white people even owned slaves.

My great, great, great grandfather was a Confederate soldier. He joined the 9th Florida Regiment.

We know why he fought because he wrote letters. Almost 200 of them and they have been donated to the Library at the University of Florida. Anybody with access to the library can go read them.

He joined the army after Lincoln said he was going to raise an army to invade the South and kill Southerners.

He was protecting his home.

He fought in the Battle of Olustee, which was an invasion of Florida by the filthy Union Army.

Later on he was sent to defend Richmond from the Yankee invasion. He fought at the Battle of Cold Harbor.

After the war he did not accept the parole by taking the loyalty oath. He just left and walked home to Florida from Virginia. It took him six months. No I-95 back then.

Nothing about slavery in his letters. He was a farmer and rancher and didn't own slaves. The letters also indicate a Libertarian view of things. He decided to fight when he felt threaten. I suspect that was the motivation by most Confederate soldiers.
the race pimps don't want to hear that.
everything has to revolve around them

It's funny how you racists tell your stories. Nobody white owed slaves. Yes you race pimps don't want to admit that whites did not fight to free blacks from slavery.

my point: then whites did not fight to keep slaves.

that's your logic
No, the OP said whites did not fight to end slavery. And they didn't.
You have no idea what they were fighting for. Many people go to war, not all that fight are fighting for the same reason. You don't know that many of those white men fighting the Civil War may have been fighting to free the slaves, since very few white people even owned slaves.

My great, great, great grandfather was a Confederate soldier. He joined the 9th Florida Regiment.

We know why he fought because he wrote letters. Almost 200 of them and they have been donated to the Library at the University of Florida. Anybody with access to the library can go read them.

He joined the army after Lincoln said he was going to raise an army to invade the South and kill Southerners.

He was protecting his home.

He fought in the Battle of Olustee, which was an invasion of Florida by the filthy Union Army.

Later on he was sent to defend Richmond from the Yankee invasion. He fought at the Battle of Cold Harbor.

After the war he did not accept the parole by taking the loyalty oath. He just left and walked home to Florida from Virginia. It took him six months. No I-95 back then.

Nothing about slavery in his letters. He was a farmer and rancher and didn't own slaves. The letters also indicate a Libertarian view of things. He decided to fight when he felt threaten. I suspect that was the motivation by most Confederate soldiers.
the race pimps don't want to hear that.
everything has to revolve around them

It's funny how you racists tell your stories. Nobody white owed slaves. Yes you race pimps don't want to admit that whites did not fight to free blacks from slavery.

my point: then whites did not fight to keep slaves.

that's your logic

In his letters my GF said that he fought to protect his family.

By the way, he was distrustful of all government for the most part, including the Confederate government. He just wanted to be left alone. That asshole Lincoln threaten him by declaring that an army was to be raised to kill Southerners.

There were four of the Confederate states that first voted not to secede over that asshole Lincoln being elected but then later changed their minds when that asshole Lincoln declared he was going to kill Southerners.

Speaking of slavery the US is the slave country.

It had slavery for almost 100 years before the Civil War, during the Civil War and for almost a year afterwards. The Confederacy was a slave nation for only a fraction of the time the US was slave. Slavery was a legal on the Federal level even during the war.

That asshole Lincoln didn't even end slavery in the Union. West Virginia was allowed to keep their slaves as was Maryland and the occupied territory around New Orleans. Slaves fortified DC during the war. The "Emancipation Proclamation" really didn't emancipate anybody for the most part,

The problem with most dumbass Americans is that they only have a Jr High School history textbook knowledge of the Civil War, written by the winners.

The US flag is the flag of slavery. It even continues today with the welfare state.

Every Union soldier fought for slavery because slavery was a legal institution in the US during the Civil War. To "preserve the Union" meant to preserve the laws of the US that included slavery.
No, the OP said whites did not fight to end slavery. And they didn't.
You have no idea what they were fighting for. Many people go to war, not all that fight are fighting for the same reason. You don't know that many of those white men fighting the Civil War may have been fighting to free the slaves, since very few white people even owned slaves.

My great, great, great grandfather was a Confederate soldier. He joined the 9th Florida Regiment.

We know why he fought because he wrote letters. Almost 200 of them and they have been donated to the Library at the University of Florida. Anybody with access to the library can go read them.

He joined the army after Lincoln said he was going to raise an army to invade the South and kill Southerners.

He was protecting his home.

He fought in the Battle of Olustee, which was an invasion of Florida by the filthy Union Army.

Later on he was sent to defend Richmond from the Yankee invasion. He fought at the Battle of Cold Harbor.

After the war he did not accept the parole by taking the loyalty oath. He just left and walked home to Florida from Virginia. It took him six months. No I-95 back then.

Nothing about slavery in his letters. He was a farmer and rancher and didn't own slaves. The letters also indicate a Libertarian view of things. He decided to fight when he felt threaten. I suspect that was the motivation by most Confederate soldiers.
the race pimps don't want to hear that.
everything has to revolve around them

It's funny how you racists tell your stories. Nobody white owed slaves. Yes you race pimps don't want to admit that whites did not fight to free blacks from slavery.

my point: then whites did not fight to keep slaves.

that's your logic

Yes, they did fight to keep slaves.

Belief in states rights, as well as an agriculturally based economy that was dependent upon slave labor was the souths position for maintaining slavery in that region, and was the souths reason for fighting the war.

Furthermore, the prospect of allowing slavery to encroach upon the northern states and potentially affect a predominately white, manual labor workforce, was not going to be allowed to happen.

Slaves were freed by default, to save the country.

Had Lincoln lived, he would most likely have ordered a roundup of all former slaves and either recolonized them, or let them starve to death, or be lynched into eventual exinction by trying to survive under Jim Crow laws.
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so true----another boring personal anecdote-----my mom followed my dad
to FLORIDA----when he was in the Navy
during world war II. She roomed in a private house of a local doc and his wife---
Sunday came around and the friendly lady
invited mom to church. Mom said---"oh--
I don't go--I am a jew" My mom told me that the lady was SHOCKED and kinda
denied it with "BUT YOU LOOK JUST LIKE US" People were very ---provincial
just 75 years ago------barely left their little
10 mile areas. One hundred and fifty years ago they were CLUELESS. I have more stories from my own childhood OUT
IN THE STICKS OF NEW JERSEY. HOWEVER there were very ardent anti-
slavery people back then---pre civil war.
The vast majority of people just clueless.
Out in the sticks of New Jersey----well--nevah mind
And in the Civil War days, they didn't have TV, radio, computers, etc, and if they had a newspaper, they probably couldn't read it anyway.
Every Union soldier fought for slavery because slavery was a legal institution in the US during the Civil War. To "preserve the Union" meant to preserve the laws of the US that included slavery.
FALSE! Exactly the opposite is true. Every Union soldier fought to EXclude slavery, because slavery was NOT a legal institution in the US during the Civil War. It was banned by the Emancipation Proclamation.
Seriously? The intent was to cripple the souths economic system, and force them back into the union.

Which is why the emancipation proclamation only freed the slaves who were in the confederate states.
If the Civil War wasn't partly about freeing the slaves, they would not have been freed.
Yes, whites who had slaves and brought slaves to this country were responsible. WERE, as in past tense.
And even within that past tense, those whites who had slaves and brought slaves to this country, were a tiny % of all American whites.
You have no idea what they were fighting for. Many people go to war, not all that fight are fighting for the same reason. You don't know that many of those white men fighting the Civil War may have been fighting to free the slaves, since very few white people even owned slaves.

My great, great, great grandfather was a Confederate soldier. He joined the 9th Florida Regiment.

We know why he fought because he wrote letters. Almost 200 of them and they have been donated to the Library at the University of Florida. Anybody with access to the library can go read them.

He joined the army after Lincoln said he was going to raise an army to invade the South and kill Southerners.

He was protecting his home.

He fought in the Battle of Olustee, which was an invasion of Florida by the filthy Union Army.

Later on he was sent to defend Richmond from the Yankee invasion. He fought at the Battle of Cold Harbor.

After the war he did not accept the parole by taking the loyalty oath. He just left and walked home to Florida from Virginia. It took him six months. No I-95 back then.

Nothing about slavery in his letters. He was a farmer and rancher and didn't own slaves. The letters also indicate a Libertarian view of things. He decided to fight when he felt threaten. I suspect that was the motivation by most Confederate soldiers.
the race pimps don't want to hear that.
everything has to revolve around them

It's funny how you racists tell your stories. Nobody white owed slaves. Yes you race pimps don't want to admit that whites did not fight to free blacks from slavery.

my point: then whites did not fight to keep slaves.

that's your logic

Yes, they did fight to keep slaves.

Belief in states rights, as well as an agriculturally based economy that was dependent upon slave labor was the souths position for maintaining slavery in that region, and was the souths reason for fighting the war.

Furthermore, the prospect of allowing slavery to encroach upon the northern states and potentially affect a predominately white, manual labor workforce, was not going to be allowed to happen.

Slaves were freed by default, to save the country.

Had Lincoln lived, he would most likely have ordered a roundup of all former slaves and either recolonized them, or let them starve to death, or be lynched into eventual exinction by trying to survive under Jim Crow laws.

This is a misreading of the trajectory of Lincoln’s growth.
My great, great, great grandfather was a Confederate soldier. He joined the 9th Florida Regiment.

We know why he fought because he wrote letters. Almost 200 of them and they have been donated to the Library at the University of Florida. Anybody with access to the library can go read them.

He joined the army after Lincoln said he was going to raise an army to invade the South and kill Southerners.

He was protecting his home.

He fought in the Battle of Olustee, which was an invasion of Florida by the filthy Union Army.

Later on he was sent to defend Richmond from the Yankee invasion. He fought at the Battle of Cold Harbor.

After the war he did not accept the parole by taking the loyalty oath. He just left and walked home to Florida from Virginia. It took him six months. No I-95 back then.

Nothing about slavery in his letters. He was a farmer and rancher and didn't own slaves. The letters also indicate a Libertarian view of things. He decided to fight when he felt threaten. I suspect that was the motivation by most Confederate soldiers.
the race pimps don't want to hear that.
everything has to revolve around them

It's funny how you racists tell your stories. Nobody white owed slaves. Yes you race pimps don't want to admit that whites did not fight to free blacks from slavery.

my point: then whites did not fight to keep slaves.

that's your logic

Yes, they did fight to keep slaves.

Belief in states rights, as well as an agriculturally based economy that was dependent upon slave labor was the souths position for maintaining slavery in that region, and was the souths reason for fighting the war.

Furthermore, the prospect of allowing slavery to encroach upon the northern states and potentially affect a predominately white, manual labor workforce, was not going to be allowed to happen.

Slaves were freed by default, to save the country.

Had Lincoln lived, he would most likely have ordered a roundup of all former slaves and either recolonized them, or let them starve to death, or be lynched into eventual exinction by trying to survive under Jim Crow laws.

This is a misreading of the trajectory of Lincoln’s growth.

How so? What was left behind were nothing but his statements on what he planned to do going forward.
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Every Union soldier fought for slavery because slavery was a legal institution in the US during the Civil War. To "preserve the Union" meant to preserve the laws of the US that included slavery.
FALSE! Exactly the opposite is true. Every Union soldier fought to EXclude slavery, because slavery was NOT a legal institution in the US during the Civil War. It was banned by the Emancipation Proclamation.

This post shows the ignorance of idiots that got their knowledge of the Civil War from a pathetic Jr High School history book written by the winners.

The reason that asshole Lincoln sent troops to kill Americans was to "preserve the Union". That was the reason for the war until the Union dead started mounting up and they needed the Black cannon fodder.

Slavery was legal on the Federal level all during the Civil War. The filthy ass union soldiers ere fighting to preserve Federal control, which included the laws that legalized slavery.
So IM2, we haven't heard from you on this, so if the Civil War wasn't partly about slavery, then why were the slaves freed? If it was just about conserving the Union, slaves would not have been freed. Agree?
I would tend to agree with that. If there's a war, but the war is not about cows grazing, cows will continue to graze. If it's not about fishermen fishing, fishermen will continue to fish. Duh!
All in all, this is a dumb thread. We're all arguing with a nutjob, who keeps saying what we all know isn't true, and is downright ridiculous, as well as offensive.
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All in all, this is a dumb thread. We're all arguing with a nutjob, who keeps saying what we all know isn't true, and is downright ridiculous, as well as offensive.

Apparently you don't know, because the OP was based on what historians say based on study and research..
Yes, whites who had slaves and brought slaves to this country were responsible. WERE, as in past tense.
And even within that past tense, those whites who had slaves and brought slaves to this country, were a tiny % of all American whites.

Doesn't matter because all whites benefitted from the things slavery produced.
It's funny how you racists tell your stories. Nobody white owed slaves. Yes you race pimps don't want to admit that whites did not fight to free blacks from slavery.
Is there a doctor in the house ? Seriously.

Doesn't matter because all whites benefitted from the things slavery produced.
Blacks benefitted too. Before coming to America, they lived in mud huts, had no medical defenses against disease, got killed by lions and hippos, and went around chasing monkeys for food. Even slavery, with food, clothing, shelter, and medical care, was a step up for them.

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