They died to Free blacks from slavery

Apparently you don't know, because the OP was based on what historians say based on study and research..
"what historians say based on study and research.." Classic liberal MO. Go find some liberal professor or think tank who says what you want to hear, and then go around touting their line, as if we all had to believe it, because those guys are sooo well-educated and respectable. LOL.

It's like I said .. If you have a war that's not about cows grazing, cows will continue to graze.
Please hear the commenter out. This is very interesting.

He is a mentally ill race baitor , a one trick pony..

That would be you.

I wonder if you even are black.

Probably another white pretending to be black.

Another dumb ass white who actually can't believe there are blacks who can't stand white racism.

Youre white...

I figured him out..
the race pimps don't want to hear that.
everything has to revolve around them

It's funny how you racists tell your stories. Nobody white owed slaves. Yes you race pimps don't want to admit that whites did not fight to free blacks from slavery.

my point: then whites did not fight to keep slaves.

that's your logic

Yes, they did fight to keep slaves.

Belief in states rights, as well as an agriculturally based economy that was dependent upon slave labor was the souths position for maintaining slavery in that region, and was the souths reason for fighting the war.

Furthermore, the prospect of allowing slavery to encroach upon the northern states and potentially affect a predominately white, manual labor workforce, was not going to be allowed to happen.

Slaves were freed by default, to save the country.

Had Lincoln lived, he would most likely have ordered a roundup of all former slaves and either recolonized them, or let them starve to death, or be lynched into eventual exinction by trying to survive under Jim Crow laws.

This is a misreading of the trajectory of Lincoln’s growth.

How so? What was left behind were nothing but his statements on what he planned to do going forward.

Just three days before he was assassinated, Lincoln openly supported the notion of voting rights for free blacks.
If you were talking about who led the fight to end slavery and for civil rights then you should have said so in the OP. However, you never made any such distinctions in the OP or in any of your posts in this discussion, you only claimed that whites never fought.

Again, that wasn't the point of the OP. The point was only that whites never fought. But we both know this to be false, don't we?

No, the OP said whites did not fight to end slavery. And they didn't.
You have no idea what they were fighting for. Many people go to war, not all that fight are fighting for the same reason. You don't know that many of those white men fighting the Civil War may have been fighting to free the slaves, since very few white people even owned slaves.

My great, great, great grandfather was a Confederate soldier. He joined the 9th Florida Regiment.

We know why he fought because he wrote letters. Almost 200 of them and they have been donated to the Library at the University of Florida. Anybody with access to the library can go read them.

He joined the army after Lincoln said he was going to raise an army to invade the South and kill Southerners.

He was protecting his home.

He fought in the Battle of Olustee, which was an invasion of Florida by the filthy Union Army.

Later on he was sent to defend Richmond from the Yankee invasion. He fought at the Battle of Cold Harbor.

After the war he did not accept the parole by taking the loyalty oath. He just left and walked home to Florida from Virginia. It took him six months. No I-95 back then.

Nothing about slavery in his letters. He was a farmer and rancher and didn't own slaves. The letters also indicate a Libertarian view of things. He decided to fight when he felt threaten. I suspect that was the motivation by most Confederate soldiers.
the race pimps don't want to hear that.
everything has to revolve around them

It's funny how you racists tell your stories. Nobody white owed slaves. Yes you race pimps don't want to admit that whites did not fight to free blacks from slavery.
Where did anyone say whites didnt own slaves? The majority of whites did not. If nobody fought to free slaves, how did they get free?
It's funny how you racists tell your stories. Nobody white owed slaves. Yes you race pimps don't want to admit that whites did not fight to free blacks from slavery.

my point: then whites did not fight to keep slaves.

that's your logic

Yes, they did fight to keep slaves.

Belief in states rights, as well as an agriculturally based economy that was dependent upon slave labor was the souths position for maintaining slavery in that region, and was the souths reason for fighting the war.

Furthermore, the prospect of allowing slavery to encroach upon the northern states and potentially affect a predominately white, manual labor workforce, was not going to be allowed to happen.

Slaves were freed by default, to save the country.

Had Lincoln lived, he would most likely have ordered a roundup of all former slaves and either recolonized them, or let them starve to death, or be lynched into eventual exinction by trying to survive under Jim Crow laws.

This is a misreading of the trajectory of Lincoln’s growth.

How so? What was left behind were nothing but his statements on what he planned to do going forward.

Just three days before he was assassinated, Lincoln openly supported the notion of voting rights for free blacks.

He had to after Frederick Douglas and Sojourner Truth told him blacks were not going back to Africa like he wanted.
He had to after Frederick Douglas and Sojourner Truth told him blacks were not going back to Africa like he wanted.
So how does that compel him to advocate for voting rights for free blacks ? Looks like Unkotare's post is valid.

The fact is blacks didn't have to be freed, be given voting rights, or get anything from the US govt. They got what they got, because it was intended to be that way.
like the schoolyard bully, our criminal justice system harasses people on small pretext but is exposed as a coward before murder.

it hauls masses of black men through its machinery but fails to protect them from dying. it is at once oppressive and inadequate.
He had to after Frederick Douglas and Sojourner Truth told him blacks were not going back to Africa like he wanted.
So how does that compel him to advocate for voting rights for free blacks ? Looks like Unkotare's post is valid.

The fact is blacks didn't have to be freed, be given voting rights, or get anything from the US govt. They got what they got, because it was intended to be that way.

Actually we did have to be allowed all those things.
The Civil War was partly about freeing the slaves, otherwise the slaves wouldn't have been freed.
The “Go back to Africa” argument says that if black people do not like it in America, they should go back to Africa. Mostly it is not an argument about Africa but about the kindness of white people. It makes the point that White Americans have been nicer to black people than anyone else in the world, even nicer than black Africans would be.

Pat Buchanan loves this argument and makes it more directly. Here he is in 2008:

First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.

Where to begin?

First, it assumes that blacks are richer in America because White Americans have been kinder to them than Africans would be. Wrong: blacks are richer in America because America is richer.

The pie is so big in America that even when it is divided unjustly, as it is, it still leaves most people with more pie than any ordinary person would get in the Third World. Which is why people from the Third World come to America: poverty is worse than racism. But that does not excuse racism.

The argument also overlooks how Africa got to be so poor and screwed up. It turns a blind eye to the effect of the Atlantic slave trade on Africa and the effect of white rule, both direct (colonial empires) and indirect (banana republics).

And like the Arab trader argument it makes whites look good by comparing them to someone else.

But the worst thing about this argument is that it is such a huge lie.

Whites pretty much let blacks twist in the wind, like we saw on television right after Katrina. Blacks are like unwanted stepchildren in America. Whatever blacks have achieved has been in spite of whites for the most part. Most whites were quite fine with Jim Crow, if you remember. And even now most seem to be quite fine with failing black schools, black ghettos and high rates of black unemployment and crime (so long as it is not in their neighbourhood). Thus the kindness of white people.

And just so you know how morally broken this argument is, it goes back to slave days. Here is Robert E. Lee in 1856:

The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known & ordered by a wise Merciful Providence.

Spoken like a true white person: it is not so bad and, besides, it is not our fault.
The “Go back to Africa” argument says that if black people do not like it in America, they should go back to Africa. Mostly it is not an argument about Africa but about the kindness of white people. It makes the point that White Americans have been nicer to black people than anyone else in the world, even nicer than black Africans would be.

Pat Buchanan loves this argument and makes it more directly. Here he is in 2008:

First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.

Where to begin?

First, it assumes that blacks are richer in America because White Americans have been kinder to them than Africans would be. Wrong: blacks are richer in America because America is richer.

The pie is so big in America that even when it is divided unjustly, as it is, it still leaves most people with more pie than any ordinary person would get in the Third World. Which is why people from the Third World come to America: poverty is worse than racism. But that does not excuse racism.

The argument also overlooks how Africa got to be so poor and screwed up. It turns a blind eye to the effect of the Atlantic slave trade on Africa and the effect of white rule, both direct (colonial empires) and indirect (banana republics).

And like the Arab trader argument it makes whites look good by comparing them to someone else.

But the worst thing about this argument is that it is such a huge lie.

Whites pretty much let blacks twist in the wind, like we saw on television right after Katrina. Blacks are like unwanted stepchildren in America. Whatever blacks have achieved has been in spite of whites for the most part. Most whites were quite fine with Jim Crow, if you remember. And even now most seem to be quite fine with failing black schools, black ghettos and high rates of black unemployment and crime (so long as it is not in their neighbourhood). Thus the kindness of white people.

And just so you know how morally broken this argument is, it goes back to slave days. Here is Robert E. Lee in 1856:

The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known & ordered by a wise Merciful Providence.

Spoken like a true white person: it is not so bad and, besides, it is not our fault.
Blacks ARE better off in the US than they are in Africa. It's a fact.
The “Go back to Africa” argument says that if black people do not like it in America, they should go back to Africa. Mostly it is not an argument about Africa but about the kindness of white people. It makes the point that White Americans have been nicer to black people than anyone else in the world, even nicer than black Africans would be.

Pat Buchanan loves this argument and makes it more directly. Here he is in 2008:

First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.

Where to begin?

First, it assumes that blacks are richer in America because White Americans have been kinder to them than Africans would be. Wrong: blacks are richer in America because America is richer.

The pie is so big in America that even when it is divided unjustly, as it is, it still leaves most people with more pie than any ordinary person would get in the Third World. Which is why people from the Third World come to America: poverty is worse than racism. But that does not excuse racism.

The argument also overlooks how Africa got to be so poor and screwed up. It turns a blind eye to the effect of the Atlantic slave trade on Africa and the effect of white rule, both direct (colonial empires) and indirect (banana republics).

And like the Arab trader argument it makes whites look good by comparing them to someone else.

But the worst thing about this argument is that it is such a huge lie.

Whites pretty much let blacks twist in the wind, like we saw on television right after Katrina. Blacks are like unwanted stepchildren in America. Whatever blacks have achieved has been in spite of whites for the most part. Most whites were quite fine with Jim Crow, if you remember. And even now most seem to be quite fine with failing black schools, black ghettos and high rates of black unemployment and crime (so long as it is not in their neighbourhood). Thus the kindness of white people.

And just so you know how morally broken this argument is, it goes back to slave days. Here is Robert E. Lee in 1856:

The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known & ordered by a wise Merciful Providence.

Spoken like a true white person: it is not so bad and, besides, it is not our fault.

repatriation is an answer

African-americans can easily remove themselves from the oppression they claim comes from white people. Their US dollar will go much farther there. If African americans are as valuable to our economy and culture as many claim, then think about how much they can contribute to an all black country politically, socially and culturally.

Africa needs you.
The “Go back to Africa” argument says that if black people do not like it in America, they should go back to Africa. Mostly it is not an argument about Africa but about the kindness of white people. It makes the point that White Americans have been nicer to black people than anyone else in the world, even nicer than black Africans would be.

Pat Buchanan loves this argument and makes it more directly. Here he is in 2008:

First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.

Where to begin?

First, it assumes that blacks are richer in America because White Americans have been kinder to them than Africans would be. Wrong: blacks are richer in America because America is richer.

The pie is so big in America that even when it is divided unjustly, as it is, it still leaves most people with more pie than any ordinary person would get in the Third World. Which is why people from the Third World come to America: poverty is worse than racism. But that does not excuse racism.

The argument also overlooks how Africa got to be so poor and screwed up. It turns a blind eye to the effect of the Atlantic slave trade on Africa and the effect of white rule, both direct (colonial empires) and indirect (banana republics).

And like the Arab trader argument it makes whites look good by comparing them to someone else.

But the worst thing about this argument is that it is such a huge lie.

Whites pretty much let blacks twist in the wind, like we saw on television right after Katrina. Blacks are like unwanted stepchildren in America. Whatever blacks have achieved has been in spite of whites for the most part. Most whites were quite fine with Jim Crow, if you remember. And even now most seem to be quite fine with failing black schools, black ghettos and high rates of black unemployment and crime (so long as it is not in their neighbourhood). Thus the kindness of white people.

And just so you know how morally broken this argument is, it goes back to slave days. Here is Robert E. Lee in 1856:

The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known & ordered by a wise Merciful Providence.

Spoken like a true white person: it is not so bad and, besides, it is not our fault.
Blacks ARE better off in the US than they are in Africa. It's a fact.
they don't act that way.
Yes, whites who had slaves and brought slaves to this country were responsible. WERE, as in past tense.
And even within that past tense, those whites who had slaves and brought slaves to this country, were a tiny % of all American whites.

4% of all african slaves brought to the new world were imported to North America

Those 4% are doing all the whining
All in all, this is a dumb thread. We're all arguing with a nutjob, who keeps saying what we all know isn't true, and is downright ridiculous, as well as offensive.

I have a hard time being offended on the internet. The internet is well, the internet.

Your nut job just regurgitates the same old blame whitey rhetoric that has been used to shame whitey for decades.

Black "intellectuals" such as Michael Eric Dyson use the same talking points ad nausea non-stop without acknowledging his black privilege.
The “Go back to Africa” argument says that if black people do not like it in America, they should go back to Africa. Mostly it is not an argument about Africa but about the kindness of white people. It makes the point that White Americans have been nicer to black people than anyone else in the world, even nicer than black Africans would be.

Pat Buchanan loves this argument and makes it more directly. Here he is in 2008:

First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.

Where to begin?

First, it assumes that blacks are richer in America because White Americans have been kinder to them than Africans would be. Wrong: blacks are richer in America because America is richer.

The pie is so big in America that even when it is divided unjustly, as it is, it still leaves most people with more pie than any ordinary person would get in the Third World. Which is why people from the Third World come to America: poverty is worse than racism. But that does not excuse racism.

The argument also overlooks how Africa got to be so poor and screwed up. It turns a blind eye to the effect of the Atlantic slave trade on Africa and the effect of white rule, both direct (colonial empires) and indirect (banana republics).

And like the Arab trader argument it makes whites look good by comparing them to someone else.

But the worst thing about this argument is that it is such a huge lie.

Whites pretty much let blacks twist in the wind, like we saw on television right after Katrina. Blacks are like unwanted stepchildren in America. Whatever blacks have achieved has been in spite of whites for the most part. Most whites were quite fine with Jim Crow, if you remember. And even now most seem to be quite fine with failing black schools, black ghettos and high rates of black unemployment and crime (so long as it is not in their neighbourhood). Thus the kindness of white people.

And just so you know how morally broken this argument is, it goes back to slave days. Here is Robert E. Lee in 1856:

The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known & ordered by a wise Merciful Providence.

Spoken like a true white person: it is not so bad and, besides, it is not our fault.

repatriation is an answer

African-americans can easily remove themselves from the oppression they claim comes from white people. Their US dollar will go much farther there. If African americans are as valuable to our economy and culture as many claim, then think about how much they can contribute to an all black country politically, socially and culturally.

Africa needs you.

That being said, some of the alt right, extreme wackos who are here, and are outraged about immigration, affirmative action, and what they claim is restriction of their "free speech" rights, can also leave and return to Europe.

They need you as well.
The “Go back to Africa” argument says that if black people do not like it in America, they should go back to Africa. Mostly it is not an argument about Africa but about the kindness of white people. It makes the point that White Americans have been nicer to black people than anyone else in the world, even nicer than black Africans would be.

Pat Buchanan loves this argument and makes it more directly. Here he is in 2008:

First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.

Where to begin?

First, it assumes that blacks are richer in America because White Americans have been kinder to them than Africans would be. Wrong: blacks are richer in America because America is richer.

The pie is so big in America that even when it is divided unjustly, as it is, it still leaves most people with more pie than any ordinary person would get in the Third World. Which is why people from the Third World come to America: poverty is worse than racism. But that does not excuse racism.

The argument also overlooks how Africa got to be so poor and screwed up. It turns a blind eye to the effect of the Atlantic slave trade on Africa and the effect of white rule, both direct (colonial empires) and indirect (banana republics).

And like the Arab trader argument it makes whites look good by comparing them to someone else.

But the worst thing about this argument is that it is such a huge lie.

Whites pretty much let blacks twist in the wind, like we saw on television right after Katrina. Blacks are like unwanted stepchildren in America. Whatever blacks have achieved has been in spite of whites for the most part. Most whites were quite fine with Jim Crow, if you remember. And even now most seem to be quite fine with failing black schools, black ghettos and high rates of black unemployment and crime (so long as it is not in their neighbourhood). Thus the kindness of white people.

And just so you know how morally broken this argument is, it goes back to slave days. Here is Robert E. Lee in 1856:

The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known & ordered by a wise Merciful Providence.

Spoken like a true white person: it is not so bad and, besides, it is not our fault.

repatriation is an answer

African-americans can easily remove themselves from the oppression they claim comes from white people. Their US dollar will go much farther there. If African americans are as valuable to our economy and culture as many claim, then think about how much they can contribute to an all black country politically, socially and culturally.

Africa needs you.

That being said, some of the alt right, extreme wackos who are here, and are outraged about immigration, affirmative action, and what they claim is restriction of their "free speech" rights, can also leave and return to Europe.

They need you as well.
It pronounced 'illegal immigration' asshole!
Ya everyone in the inner city shit holes REALLY benefited from having the 'First Affirmative Action President'.
My First Amendment rights are guaranteed by the Second Amendment!
Come get some!
The “Go back to Africa” argument says that if black people do not like it in America, they should go back to Africa. Mostly it is not an argument about Africa but about the kindness of white people. It makes the point that White Americans have been nicer to black people than anyone else in the world, even nicer than black Africans would be.

Pat Buchanan loves this argument and makes it more directly. Here he is in 2008:

First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.

Where to begin?

First, it assumes that blacks are richer in America because White Americans have been kinder to them than Africans would be. Wrong: blacks are richer in America because America is richer.

The pie is so big in America that even when it is divided unjustly, as it is, it still leaves most people with more pie than any ordinary person would get in the Third World. Which is why people from the Third World come to America: poverty is worse than racism. But that does not excuse racism.

The argument also overlooks how Africa got to be so poor and screwed up. It turns a blind eye to the effect of the Atlantic slave trade on Africa and the effect of white rule, both direct (colonial empires) and indirect (banana republics).

And like the Arab trader argument it makes whites look good by comparing them to someone else.

But the worst thing about this argument is that it is such a huge lie.

Whites pretty much let blacks twist in the wind, like we saw on television right after Katrina. Blacks are like unwanted stepchildren in America. Whatever blacks have achieved has been in spite of whites for the most part. Most whites were quite fine with Jim Crow, if you remember. And even now most seem to be quite fine with failing black schools, black ghettos and high rates of black unemployment and crime (so long as it is not in their neighbourhood). Thus the kindness of white people.

And just so you know how morally broken this argument is, it goes back to slave days. Here is Robert E. Lee in 1856:

The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known & ordered by a wise Merciful Providence.

Spoken like a true white person: it is not so bad and, besides, it is not our fault.

repatriation is an answer

African-americans can easily remove themselves from the oppression they claim comes from white people. Their US dollar will go much farther there. If African americans are as valuable to our economy and culture as many claim, then think about how much they can contribute to an all black country politically, socially and culturally.

Africa needs you.

That being said, some of the alt right, extreme wackos who are here, and are outraged about immigration, affirmative action, and what they claim is restriction of their "free speech" rights, can also leave and return to Europe.

They need you as well.

opposing those policies is not extreme and the way the opposition is conducted is not extreme
like the schoolyard bully, our criminal justice system harasses people on small pretext but is exposed as a coward before murder.

it hauls masses of black men through its machinery but fails to protect them from dying. it is at once oppressive and inadequate.
Got any evidence for this mish-mash ?

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