They died to Free blacks from slavery

The “Go back to Africa” argument says that if black people do not like it in America, they should go back to Africa. Mostly it is not an argument about Africa but about the kindness of white people. It makes the point that White Americans have been nicer to black people than anyone else in the world, even nicer than black Africans would be.

Pat Buchanan loves this argument and makes it more directly. Here he is in 2008:

First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.

Where to begin?

First, it assumes that blacks are richer in America because White Americans have been kinder to them than Africans would be. Wrong: blacks are richer in America because America is richer.

The pie is so big in America that even when it is divided unjustly, as it is, it still leaves most people with more pie than any ordinary person would get in the Third World. Which is why people from the Third World come to America: poverty is worse than racism. But that does not excuse racism.

The argument also overlooks how Africa got to be so poor and screwed up. It turns a blind eye to the effect of the Atlantic slave trade on Africa and the effect of white rule, both direct (colonial empires) and indirect (banana republics).

And like the Arab trader argument it makes whites look good by comparing them to someone else.

But the worst thing about this argument is that it is such a huge lie.

Whites pretty much let blacks twist in the wind, like we saw on television right after Katrina. Blacks are like unwanted stepchildren in America. Whatever blacks have achieved has been in spite of whites for the most part. Most whites were quite fine with Jim Crow, if you remember. And even now most seem to be quite fine with failing black schools, black ghettos and high rates of black unemployment and crime (so long as it is not in their neighbourhood). Thus the kindness of white people.

And just so you know how morally broken this argument is, it goes back to slave days. Here is Robert E. Lee in 1856:

The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known & ordered by a wise Merciful Providence.

Spoken like a true white person: it is not so bad and, besides, it is not our fault.
ALL in this one post, you criticize Robert E. Lee and Pat Buchanan for saying the about the same thing YOU said >> "blacks are richer in America because America is richer. The pie is so big in America that even when it is divided unjustly, as it is, it still leaves most people with more pie than any ordinary person would get in the Third World. "

And I said the same thing too, further back in the thread.

As for the Arab slave trader. Arab Muslims didn't just trade slaves. They owned them too. To them, black Africans had only one reason for existing - to be slaves. In fact, black slavery, is so deeply embedded in the Islamic world, that the Arabic word for "black" (abed or abeed), also means "slave"
they don't act that way.

4% of all african slaves brought to the new world were imported to North America

Those 4% are doing all the whining
That's because they are TRAINED to whine - by Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, et al race hustlers. Often to gin up VOTES for Democrats.
That being said, some of the alt right, extreme wackos who are here, and are outraged about immigration, affirmative action, and what they claim is restriction of their "free speech" rights, can also leave and return to Europe.

They need you as well.
And globalist whites living in America (but whose loyalty is to the world) can leave and go join the world outside the US. Some of them may need to, when the US govt comes after them (Hillary Clinton comes to mind)
opposing those policies is not extreme and the way the opposition is conducted is not extreme
The most common display of black privilege and black racism is black support of Affirmative Action. For them, racial discrimination is A OK as long as blacks are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims. Hypocrites.
The “Go back to Africa” argument says that if black people do not like it in America, they should go back to Africa. Mostly it is not an argument about Africa but about the kindness of white people. It makes the point that White Americans have been nicer to black people than anyone else in the world, even nicer than black Africans would be.

Pat Buchanan loves this argument and makes it more directly. Here he is in 2008:

First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.

Where to begin?

First, it assumes that blacks are richer in America because White Americans have been kinder to them than Africans would be. Wrong: blacks are richer in America because America is richer.

The pie is so big in America that even when it is divided unjustly, as it is, it still leaves most people with more pie than any ordinary person would get in the Third World. Which is why people from the Third World come to America: poverty is worse than racism. But that does not excuse racism.

The argument also overlooks how Africa got to be so poor and screwed up. It turns a blind eye to the effect of the Atlantic slave trade on Africa and the effect of white rule, both direct (colonial empires) and indirect (banana republics).

And like the Arab trader argument it makes whites look good by comparing them to someone else.

But the worst thing about this argument is that it is such a huge lie.

Whites pretty much let blacks twist in the wind, like we saw on television right after Katrina. Blacks are like unwanted stepchildren in America. Whatever blacks have achieved has been in spite of whites for the most part. Most whites were quite fine with Jim Crow, if you remember. And even now most seem to be quite fine with failing black schools, black ghettos and high rates of black unemployment and crime (so long as it is not in their neighbourhood). Thus the kindness of white people.

And just so you know how morally broken this argument is, it goes back to slave days. Here is Robert E. Lee in 1856:

The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known & ordered by a wise Merciful Providence.

Spoken like a true white person: it is not so bad and, besides, it is not our fault.

repatriation is an answer

African-americans can easily remove themselves from the oppression they claim comes from white people. Their US dollar will go much farther there. If African americans are as valuable to our economy and culture as many claim, then think about how much they can contribute to an all black country politically, socially and culturally.

Africa needs you.

That being said, some of the alt right, extreme wackos who are here, and are outraged about immigration, affirmative action, and what they claim is restriction of their "free speech" rights, can also leave and return to Europe.

They need you as well.
It pronounced 'illegal immigration' asshole!
Ya everyone in the inner city shit holes REALLY benefited from having the 'First Affirmative Action President'.
My First Amendment rights are guaranteed by the Second Amendment!
Come get some!

I know how it is "pronounced", you moron.

Your "first and second amendment " rights are no different than any other legal citizens.

"Come and get" what?
  • Thanks
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That being said, some of the alt right, extreme wackos who are here, and are outraged about immigration, affirmative action, and what they claim is restriction of their "free speech" rights, can also leave and return to Europe.

They need you as well.
And globalist whites living in America (but whose loyalty is to the world) can leave and go join the world outside the US. Some of them may need to, when the US govt comes after them (Hillary Clinton comes to mind)

If they do, that's not my problem.
The “Go back to Africa” argument says that if black people do not like it in America, they should go back to Africa. Mostly it is not an argument about Africa but about the kindness of white people. It makes the point that White Americans have been nicer to black people than anyone else in the world, even nicer than black Africans would be.

Pat Buchanan loves this argument and makes it more directly. Here he is in 2008:

First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.

Where to begin?

First, it assumes that blacks are richer in America because White Americans have been kinder to them than Africans would be. Wrong: blacks are richer in America because America is richer.

The pie is so big in America that even when it is divided unjustly, as it is, it still leaves most people with more pie than any ordinary person would get in the Third World. Which is why people from the Third World come to America: poverty is worse than racism. But that does not excuse racism.

The argument also overlooks how Africa got to be so poor and screwed up. It turns a blind eye to the effect of the Atlantic slave trade on Africa and the effect of white rule, both direct (colonial empires) and indirect (banana republics).

And like the Arab trader argument it makes whites look good by comparing them to someone else.

But the worst thing about this argument is that it is such a huge lie.

Whites pretty much let blacks twist in the wind, like we saw on television right after Katrina. Blacks are like unwanted stepchildren in America. Whatever blacks have achieved has been in spite of whites for the most part. Most whites were quite fine with Jim Crow, if you remember. And even now most seem to be quite fine with failing black schools, black ghettos and high rates of black unemployment and crime (so long as it is not in their neighbourhood). Thus the kindness of white people.

And just so you know how morally broken this argument is, it goes back to slave days. Here is Robert E. Lee in 1856:

The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known & ordered by a wise Merciful Providence.

Spoken like a true white person: it is not so bad and, besides, it is not our fault.
ALL in this one post, you criticize Robert E. Lee and Pat Buchanan for saying the about the same thing YOU said >> "blacks are richer in America because America is richer. The pie is so big in America that even when it is divided unjustly, as it is, it still leaves most people with more pie than any ordinary person would get in the Third World. "

And I said the same thing too, further back in the thread.

As for the Arab slave trader. Arab Muslims didn't just trade slaves. They owned them too. To them, black Africans had only one reason for existing - to be slaves. In fact, black slavery, is so deeply embedded in the Islamic world, that the Arabic word for "black" (abed or abeed), also means "slave"

I've said nothing close.
That being said, some of the alt right, extreme wackos who are here, and are outraged about immigration, affirmative action, and what they claim is restriction of their "free speech" rights, can also leave and return to Europe.

They need you as well.
And globalist whites living in America (but whose loyalty is to the world) can leave and go join the world outside the US. Some of them may need to, when the US govt comes after them (Hillary Clinton comes to mind)

America is part of the world dumb ass.
opposing those policies is not extreme and the way the opposition is conducted is not extreme
The most common display of black privilege and black racism is black support of Affirmative Action. For them, racial discrimination is A OK as long as blacks are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims. Hypocrites.

AA does not discriminate against whites.
Last edited:
That being said, some of the alt right, extreme wackos who are here, and are outraged about immigration, affirmative action, and what they claim is restriction of their "free speech" rights, can also leave and return to Europe.

They need you as well.
And globalist whites living in America (but whose loyalty is to the world) can leave and go join the world outside the US. Some of them may need to, when the US govt comes after them (Hillary Clinton comes to mind)

America is part of the world dumb ass.
why is it that only certain countries are not supposed to define their own borders?


in addition to the US taxpayer , mass immigration hurts "you people" more than any other demographic. You people are competing against them and losing.
That being said, some of the alt right, extreme wackos who are here, and are outraged about immigration, affirmative action, and what they claim is restriction of their "free speech" rights, can also leave and return to Europe.

They need you as well.
And globalist whites living in America (but whose loyalty is to the world) can leave and go join the world outside the US. Some of them may need to, when the US govt comes after them (Hillary Clinton comes to mind)

If they do, that's not my problem.

it might not be your problem, but it should and does concern you
If the Civil War wasn't partly about slavery then why were there blacks fighting with the North? To preserve slavery?
That being said, some of the alt right, extreme wackos who are here, and are outraged about immigration, affirmative action, and what they claim is restriction of their "free speech" rights, can also leave and return to Europe.

They need you as well.
And globalist whites living in America (but whose loyalty is to the world) can leave and go join the world outside the US. Some of them may need to, when the US govt comes after them (Hillary Clinton comes to mind)

If they do, that's not my problem.

it might not be your problem, but it should and does concern you

It should not, and does not.
That being said, some of the alt right, extreme wackos who are here, and are outraged about immigration, affirmative action, and what they claim is restriction of their "free speech" rights, can also leave and return to Europe.

They need you as well.
And globalist whites living in America (but whose loyalty is to the world) can leave and go join the world outside the US. Some of them may need to, when the US govt comes after them (Hillary Clinton comes to mind)

If they do, that's not my problem.

it might not be your problem, but it should and does concern you

It should not, and does not.
I don't know about your school district, but ours has difficulty with school budgets caused by mass immigration.

Taxes go up, up, up and traffic get worse, worse worse

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