They knew! Obama aides debated 'you can keep your plan' lie


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
They knew! Obama aides debated 'you can keep your plan' lie

At first, the aides and speech writers tried to make it a true statement. “ If you like your plan you can probably keep it.” But it wouldn’t sound good enough to the voters.

And internal reports showed that as many as 93 million voters would lose their insurance…that was too many so they didn’t want to confuse them with facts!

Ala! Lie!

Now we know that for political reasons, the president's advisers told him to go out and lie. The excuses they offer for the lie are those of a con man. They sound like a bunch of used car salesmen who neglected to mention that the vehicle was involved in a serious accident and has an oil leak, because that would confuse the buyer dazzled by the chrome on the grille.

They knew that if the president told the truth, there would be Democrat senators and representatives who would vote against it. Those members of Congress who voted for Obamacare and now face the wrath of voters in 2014 have a stark choice to make.

Either they turn on the president for lying to them, or they support the president. If they turn on him, they will retaliation, no doubt. Turning on the president could include supporting legislation to modify or repeal the ACA legislation.

Then there is the i-word. Is lying to the American public about a president's signature transformative legislation a high crime and misdemeanor?

Read more: Blog: They knew! Obama aides debated 'you can keep your plan' lie
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