They say Trump is corrupt

The internet needs to come down in price, many can't afford it. Its horrible to pay 70 just for internet for Comcast and another 80 for basic TV with no premium channels. How many people can afford this? Not the working poor that is for sure. To read news one much now subscribe for all major papers online. How many people are left behind from shopping on the net, to bill paying on the net, access to the SOS on the net, sales ads on the net. Everything is internet and the working poor or those seniors who live on their SS can't afford the net.

This has got to change.
Trump & Co. corrupt? Such a strong word! Could we just say, "Ethics challenged"?
The internet needs to come down in price, many can't afford it. Its horrible to pay 70 just for internet for Comcast and another 80 for basic TV with no premium channels. How many people can afford this? Not the working poor that is for sure. To read news one much now subscribe for all major papers online. How many people are left behind from shopping on the net, to bill paying on the net, access to the SOS on the net, sales ads on the net.

:iyfyus.jpg: You are not serious are you? The working poor in the United States is the most fortunate working poor in the world... People survive without the internet everyday... And God forbid that they have 75 channels, but no Premium Channels if they have cable... I have a suggestion... If you are so concerned about the working poor, find a family and buy them a $40.00 HDTV 180 mile range TV Antenna... Solves that problem... While you are there make sure they have Library Cards for the Public Library which is funded by your tax dollars... I don't know if you know that there are computers inside said library... Solves that job hunting problem without a computer... News papers are 50 to .75 cents a day... Save the beer cans their drinking to pay for the newspapers... Paying bills cans still be paid by snail mail...

I am all for people getting a hand up when it is needed... But some of the working poor you speak of are professional poor people and it pays damn well... While you are out looking for a family to help, keep a tally of the I-Phones being toted around...
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The internet needs to come down in price, many can't afford it. Its horrible to pay 70 just for internet for Comcast and another 80 for basic TV with no premium channels. How many people can afford this? Not the working poor that is for sure. To read news one much now subscribe for all major papers online. How many people are left behind from shopping on the net, to bill paying on the net, access to the SOS on the net, sales ads on the net.

:iyfyus.jpg: You are not serious are you? The working poor in the United States is the most fortunate working poor in the world... People survive without the internet everyday... And God forbid that they have 75 channels, but no Premium Channels if they have cable... I have a suggestion... If you are so concerned about the working poor, find a family and buy them a $40.00 HDTV 180 mile range TV Antenna... Solves that problem... While you are there make sure they have Library Cards for the Public Library which is funded by your tax dollars... I don't know if you know that there are computers inside said library... Solves that job hunting problem without a computer... News papers are 50 to .75 cents a day... Save the beer cans their drinking to pay for the newspapers... Paying bills cans still be paid by snail mail...

I am all for people getting a hand up when it is needed... But some of the working poor you speak of are professional poor people and it pays damn well... While you are out looking for a family to help, keep a tally of the I-Phones being toted around...

You've got to be out of your mind.
Any working poor in that first link? None that I saw. Enough to have you in hysterics though, producing bogus links, unable to back up your assertion. Not going to bother with the rest.
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He didn't ignore them, can you say "net neutrality"?
I'm a bit slow of following. Could you draw a picture map, please?

What company was pushing hard for net neutrality because ISPs were threatening to throttle their content? Can you say Netflix?


So let me see if I have this straight. Your theory is that Netflix is giving Obama a TV deal because he helped pushed through laws to keep Net Neutrality in place? This is what you're going with?

Let me ask this. Did you come up with this on your own or was it spoon fed to you by one of your favorite indoctrination sites?
Shortly after they added Rice to their board.
Sarandos and his wife, Nicole Avant, held a fundraiser for President Barack Obama's 2012 campaign in Southern California in 2009, and raised over $700,000 for the Democratic candidate.[12]

In 2009, Sarandos married former United States Ambassador to the Bahamas (2009-2011), Nicole Avan

They got an ambassadorship and with that much cash and influence I'm pretty sure regulations and laws.

Hey if Obama makes good stuff I'm on board......but giving a former President $50 million to create tv shows, something which he has never done, seems fishy.
The internet needs to come down in price, many can't afford it. Its horrible to pay 70 just for internet for Comcast and another 80 for basic TV with no premium channels. How many people can afford this? Not the working poor that is for sure. To read news one much now subscribe for all major papers online. How many people are left behind from shopping on the net, to bill paying on the net, access to the SOS on the net, sales ads on the net. Everything is internet and the working poor or those seniors who live on their SS can't afford the net.

This has got to change.

Do you actually believe it will bring down prices?
And how is an online newspaper any different from having the paper delivered? You're still paying one way or another.
As far as not being able to afford it goes I call bullshit.
Every hood rat you see has an Iphone with internet access.
Now what did the money that Sheldon Adelson give to Trump and the Rep convention get him, the movement of the embassy to Jerusalem.

What did beautiful choc cake get the Trumps, license to trade wares in China for Trump and Ivanka. I am quite sure Jared sisters are still peddling his apts.

PS: is Obama still the Potus.
Everyone agreed it should be moved.....Trump was the only one with the balls to do it.
The internet needs to come down in price, many can't afford it. Its horrible to pay 70 just for internet for Comcast and another 80 for basic TV with no premium channels. How many people can afford this? Not the working poor that is for sure. To read news one much now subscribe for all major papers online. How many people are left behind from shopping on the net, to bill paying on the net, access to the SOS on the net, sales ads on the net. Everything is internet and the working poor or those seniors who live on their SS can't afford the net.

This has got to change.
Uh, you know that's how it works. The point is don't be poor
Learn a skill get a job....we have close to zero unemployment.....there are still plenty of jobs out there. Or if you need to catch up on news, go to the library, it's free internet there.

But I am always for lower prices, as long as it's not mandated by the govt.
Now what did the money that Sheldon Adelson give to Trump and the Rep convention get him, the movement of the embassy to Jerusalem.

What did beautiful choc cake get the Trumps, license to trade wares in China for Trump and Ivanka. I am quite sure Jared sisters are still peddling his apts.

PS: is Obama still the Potus.

Yeah, that embassy move has only been law since 1995. LMAO

What company was pushing hard for net neutrality because ISPs were threatening to throttle their content? Can you say Netflix?
I'm a bit slow of following. Could you please draw a picture map instead of asking vague questions without context? Thanks.

Like, from your questions, am I to assume Obama assured net neutrality for Netflix and has been rewarded some years later for that assured net neutrality? Is that the map you drew there?


He didn't ignore them, can you say "net neutrality"?
I'm a bit slow of following. Could you draw a picture map, please?

What company was pushing hard for net neutrality because ISPs were threatening to throttle their content? Can you say Netflix?


So let me see if I have this straight. Your theory is that Netflix is giving Obama a TV deal because he helped pushed through laws to keep Net Neutrality in place? This is what you're going with?

Let me ask this. Did you come up with this on your own or was it spoon fed to you by one of your favorite indoctrination sites?

Only place I've seen anything on the mulatto messiahs deal is here. None of it matters to me, I don't have Netflix.


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