They shot off their own teeny weenies

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Good Fucking GAWD.

WHERE did I ever ever ever ever say THAT???????????????????????????????????

Learn to read and quit making ASSSSumptions.

That drama was all in vain your Luddlyness. I never reply to something somebody never said.. I know what you said.. Shame that you don't..

As usual, the RWs try to side track the discussion with sexual innuendo. Or, the just try to change the subject to other causes of death.

Fact is, the purpose of guns is to kill.

That's it.


Those who wanna say they're made for target practice - bullshit. You practice on a target so you can kill with fewer shots.

The subject of this thread are the many so-called "accidental" killings done by idiots with guns.

If you can't address that subject, fuck off.

How long have you had this memory issue? Is one page your limit now?


Both I and DigitalDrifter SHOWED YOU where you said that.. This is a copy of Post #59 or so.. APPARENTLY --- YOU CAN'T OR WON"T READ YOUR OWN THREAD.. The link to your quote and the quote is in the quotes above.. Don't miss it this time.

And your sudden dishonesty is appalling -- as is the FIVE MENTIONS with which you taunted me with into this response this morning. This is one of the worse examples I have EVER SEEN on USMB of a poster being a dishonest pain in the ass.. :eek:

XXXXXXX ...... if it's because you are certified leftist and expect to shout your way out of lying -- you're pretty much going to the top of my list of time-wasters..


I think she's having some sort of breakdown.
That drama was all in vain your Luddlyness. I never reply to something somebody never said.. I know what you said.. Shame that you don't..

How long have you had this memory issue? Is one page your limit now?


Both I and DigitalDrifter SHOWED YOU where you said that.. This is a copy of Post #59 or so.. APPARENTLY --- YOU CAN'T OR WON"T READ YOUR OWN THREAD..

And your sudden dishonesty is appalling -- as is the FIVE MENTIONS with which you taunted me with into this response this morning. This is one of the worse examples I have EVER SEEN on USMB of a poster being a dishonest pain in the ass.. :eek:

If your issue stems from dementia or drug abuse, I will show compassion and drop this. But if it's because you are certified leftist and expect to shout your way out of lying -- you're pretty much going to the top of my list of time-wasters..

Its post #27.

I'm not going to retype my responses but it is YOU who (willfully?) misunderstood and used your own mistake as a reason to attack.

It is YOU who is dishonest.

And, its especially dishonest to say I am mentally sick or on drugs.

Enough is enough.

You are right.. I agree.. "enough is enough".. XXXXXXX :eusa_angel:
But unfortunately that leaves all those other distasteful explanations.

You cannot make a statement like that in a thread about accidental maimings with guns and not expect to be corrected.. We ALL want folks to be more responsible and careful around dangerous objects. Perhaps if leftists allowed gun safety issues to be openly discussed amongst students -- that would be a good start. Personally, I'm not opposed to mandatory gun safety certifications if it can be done convieniently with on-line or at home courses..
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As usual, the RWs try to side track the discussion with sexual innuendo. Or, the just try to change the subject to other causes of death.

Fact is, the purpose of guns is to kill.

That's it.


Those who wanna say they're made for target practice - bullshit. You practice on a target so you can kill with fewer shots.

The subject of this thread are the many so-called "accidental" killings done by idiots with guns.

If you can't address that subject, fuck off.

I believe in the second amendment. I believe we have the right to own guns and I believe we should be working to protect that right. But, the nutters don't agree. They think they should be able to kill anybody for any reason.

Everything from Skittles to loud music - to certain assholes, and you know who you are, none of that matters - all people are fair game to you idiots.

You little wannabes, you twerps who think owning a tin foil hat is the same as owning a gun, YOU are the worst enemies of the second amendment.

this only proves my point about how much you lie and troll this board. you don't believe in the second amendment and no one thinks you should be able to kill anyone for any reason.

fuck off liar.
As usual, the RWs try to side track the discussion with sexual innuendo. Or, the just try to change the subject to other causes of death.

Fact is, the purpose of guns is to kill.

That's it.


Those who wanna say they're made for target practice - bullshit. You practice on a target so you can kill with fewer shots.

The subject of this thread are the many so-called "accidental" killings done by idiots with guns.

If you can't address that subject, fuck off.

I believe in the second amendment. I believe we have the right to own guns and I believe we should be working to protect that right. But, the nutters don't agree. They think they should be able to kill anybody for any reason.

Everything from Skittles to loud music - to certain assholes, and you know who you are, none of that matters - all people are fair game to you idiots.

You little wannabes, you twerps who think owning a tin foil hat is the same as owning a gun, YOU are the worst enemies of the second amendment.

flacaltenn is correct, luddley lied
i want luddley to cite examples of people saying they should be able to kill anybody for any reason o r all people are fair game
[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]

i predict he won't, because he is lying through his least no one on this board has ever said it, so referring to the folks on this board only proves what lying POS he is

Both I and DigitalDrifter SHOWED YOU where you said that.. This is a copy of Post #59 or so.. APPARENTLY --- YOU CAN'T OR WON"T READ YOUR OWN THREAD..

And your sudden dishonesty is appalling -- as is the FIVE MENTIONS with which you taunted me with into this response this morning. This is one of the worse examples I have EVER SEEN on USMB of a poster being a dishonest pain in the ass.. :eek:

If your issue stems from dementia or drug abuse, I will show compassion and drop this. But if it's because you are certified leftist and expect to shout your way out of lying -- you're pretty much going to the top of my list of time-wasters..

Its post #27.

I'm not going to retype my responses but it is YOU who (willfully?) misunderstood and used your own mistake as a reason to attack.

It is YOU who is dishonest.

And, its especially dishonest to say I am mentally sick or on drugs.

Enough is enough.

You are right.. I agree.. "enough is enough".. XXXXXXX :eusa_angel:
But unfortunately that leaves all those other distasteful explanations.

You cannot make a statement like that in a thread about accidental maimings with guns and not expect to be corrected.. We ALL want folks to be more responsible and careful around dangerous objects. Perhaps if leftists allowed gun safety issues to be openly discussed amongst students -- that would be a good start. Personally, I'm not opposed to mandatory gun safety certifications if it can be done convieniently with on-line or at home courses..

What a novel idea! Been sending Boy Scouts to summer camp for over 10 years where they take various shooting merit badge courses as well as an annual local gun club campout and so far they've all come back alive and haven't killed a single person. Of course they learn and shoot on ranges with NRA certified RSO's. No different than teaching a kid about woodworking, welding or electrical work. Proper tool respect and usage. :thup:
Why would anyone teach kids about woodworking? After all, trees can't be cut in America and without wood what's to work on? Well, maybe imported wood but we have imported illegals to deal with that.
Why would anyone teach kids about woodworking? After all, trees can't be cut in America and without wood what's to work on? Well, maybe imported wood but we have imported illegals to deal with that.

Don't make me take off my renewable fiber woven belt with bamboo buckle and beat you with it. :slap:
You remember what the Left did to the NRA Eddie Eagle program dontcha?

Still exists, but it's virtually banned from the school system because you can't even THINK about a gun, draw a gun or chew your poptart into the shape of gun without getting expelled. So the kids will never hear Eddie Eagle tell them that --- "If you see a gun -- Leave -- Don't touch it --- Find an adult immediately".. Or other potential lifesaving advice..

Boy scouts markmanship and safety programs have probably saved many lives.. Gets to a point where Americans become too stupid to be trusted
with dangerous objects because it's always the objects fault..
You remember what the Left did to the NRA Eddie Eagle program dontcha?

Still exists, but it's virtually banned from the school system because you can't even THINK about a gun, draw a gun or chew your poptart into the shape of gun without getting expelled. So the kids will never hear Eddie Eagle tell them that --- "If you see a gun -- Leave -- Don't touch it --- Find an adult immediately".. Or other potential lifesaving advice..

Boy scouts markmanship and safety programs have probably saved many lives.. Gets to a point where Americans become too stupid to be trusted
with dangerous objects because it's always the objects fault..

Pens, phones and truth can be deadly. Take appropriate precautions.

i want luddley to cite examples of people saying they should be able to kill anybody for any reason o r all people are fair game
[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]

i predict he won't, because he is lying through his least no one on this board has ever said it, so referring to the folks on this board only proves what lying POS he is


[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]
You also earlier had the nerve to claim it's the rw'ers here who turn a gun into something sexual, when it's you in fact who always brings up penises when a gun thread comes along.

Unfortunately, the correlation between teabaggers and their guns compensating for lack of penis size is well known. I'll bet you drive a big ol' pickemtruck too, huh?





You also earlier had the nerve to claim it's the rw'ers here who turn a gun into something sexual, when it's you in fact who always brings up penises when a gun thread comes along.

Unfortunately, the correlation between teabaggers and their guns compensating for lack of penis size is well known. I'll bet you drive a big ol' pickemtruck too, huh?

You have a gun Nancy? Who knew?
You also earlier had the nerve to claim it's the rw'ers here who turn a gun into something sexual, when it's you in fact who always brings up penises when a gun thread comes along.

Unfortunately, the correlation between teabaggers and their guns compensating for lack of penis size is well known. I'll bet you drive a big ol' pickemtruck too, huh?






Well in your mind maybe.
Posting about a black guy shooting himself in the penis is RACIST.

The guy looks white to me. Hmmm, you must be a teaper. Nice try though.

As usual, the RWs try to side track the discussion with sexual innuendo. Or, the just try to change the subject to other causes of death.

Fact is, the purpose of guns is to kill.

That's it.


Those who wanna say they're made for target practice - bullshit. You practice on a target so you can kill with fewer shots.

The subject of this thread are the many so-called "accidental" killings done by idiots with guns.

If you can't address that subject, fuck off.

I believe in the second amendment. I believe we have the right to own guns and I believe we should be working to protect that right. But, the nutters don't agree. They think they should be able to kill anybody for any reason.

Everything from Skittles to loud music - to certain assholes, and you know who you are, none of that matters - all people are fair game to you idiots.

You little wannabes, you twerps who think owning a tin foil hat is the same as owning a gun, YOU are the worst enemies of the second amendment.

You are speaking of uneducated, racist teapers who want a race war. The 2nd Amendment is a good thing as it will be their demise when they try to start their race war. I have been going to the shooting range in preparation. I dare any teaper to step on my lawn...skittles or loud music...I'm shooting for a bullseye.

Lol. Race war? That is so 1950's. If war comes, it will be conservatives against liberals. And since it is the conservatives who own most of the guns...

you'll lose.

Why don't you give us a list of tools that Americans misuse and wound themselves.
If they are too stupid for a pistol, they are probably too stupid for a chainsaw, a nailgun, large fireworks, a hangglider or a high speed internet connection.

We all want to live in your fantasy "idiot proof -- zero risk" nirvana of a society.. At least most IDIOTS would..


Only one of those was designed to kill.
Why don't you give us a list of tools that Americans misuse and wound themselves.
If they are too stupid for a pistol, they are probably too stupid for a chainsaw, a nailgun, large fireworks, a hangglider or a high speed internet connection.

Only one of those was designed to kill.

So when Justin Bieber roars by your house at 89mph in his rented ASSAULT Ferrari, you decide to take a picture. And end up getting egged..

Ok. Maybe that was...
As usual, the RWs try to side track the discussion with sexual innuendo. Or, the just try to change the subject to other causes of death.

Fact is, the purpose of guns is to kill.

That's it.


Those who wanna say they're made for target practice - bullshit. You practice on a target so you can kill with fewer shots.

The subject of this thread are the many so-called "accidental" killings done by idiots with guns.

If you can't address that subject, fuck off.

I believe in the second amendment. I believe we have the right to own guns and I believe we should be working to protect that right. But, the nutters don't agree. They think they should be able to kill anybody for any reason.

Everything from Skittles to loud music - to certain assholes, and you know who you are, none of that matters - all people are fair game to you idiots.

You little wannabes, you twerps who think owning a tin foil hat is the same as owning a gun, YOU are the worst enemies of the second amendment.

this only proves my point about how much you lie and troll this board. you don't believe in the second amendment and no one thinks you should be able to kill anyone for any reason.

fuck off liar.

Oh, the irony!

[MENTION=1528]Yurt[/MENTION] all you do is troll, whine, cry and piss your panties after a breakdown.
The guy looks white to me. Hmmm, you must be a teaper. Nice try though.

As usual, the RWs try to side track the discussion with sexual innuendo. Or, the just try to change the subject to other causes of death.

Fact is, the purpose of guns is to kill.

That's it.


Those who wanna say they're made for target practice - bullshit. You practice on a target so you can kill with fewer shots.

The subject of this thread are the many so-called "accidental" killings done by idiots with guns.

If you can't address that subject, fuck off.

I believe in the second amendment. I believe we have the right to own guns and I believe we should be working to protect that right. But, the nutters don't agree. They think they should be able to kill anybody for any reason.

Everything from Skittles to loud music - to certain assholes, and you know who you are, none of that matters - all people are fair game to you idiots.

You little wannabes, you twerps who think owning a tin foil hat is the same as owning a gun, YOU are the worst enemies of the second amendment.

You are speaking of uneducated, racist teapers who want a race war. The 2nd Amendment is a good thing as it will be their demise when they try to start their race war. I have been going to the shooting range in preparation. I dare any teaper to step on my lawn...skittles or loud music...I'm shooting for a bullseye.

Lol. Race war? That is so 1950's. If war comes, it will be conservatives against liberals. And since it is the conservatives who own most of the guns...

you'll lose.


I'm no liberal, but like I said, you are welcome to try to step foot in my yard.
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