They shot off their own teeny weenies

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Fear this teaper

Uh nope.

flacaltenn's mistake.

I have NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER said that a gun's only use is "to kill people".

I wish you fools wouldn't LIE.


I never make mistakes that HUGE. And I don't lie on public message boards.. Good thing your rep is off..

technically he only said 'to kill' not 'to kill people' but of course there is also target practice for sport but what are they practicing for, i guess is his kill.
[MENTION=11971]Valerie[/MENTION] - Thanks ...

How funny. [MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] can't read. He wanted to see the word "people", so he saw the word "people". And, in his head, that means I wrote the word "people".

And, he said he doesn't make mistakes that big??

He saw something that is not there and then lied about it. For anyone who cares, here's my original post. Its #27 in this thread.
:lol: jeebus, this thread took a turn for the worse...

have you nutz been data mining mal's personal photos again? :eusa_hand:
:lol: jeebus, this thread took a turn for the worse...

have you nutz been data mining mal's personal photos again? :eusa_hand:

Don't look for [MENTION=42777]DigitalDrifter[/MENTION] [MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] to admit they were wrong. In fact, I expect them to double down on their lies.
:lol: jeebus, this thread took a turn for the worse...

have you nutz been data mining mal's personal photos again? :eusa_hand:

Don't look for [MENTION=42777]DigitalDrifter[/MENTION] [MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] to admit they were wrong. In fact, I expect them to double down on their lies.

So you said this:

Fact is, the purpose of guns is to kill.*

That's it.*


Those who wanna say they're made for target practice - bullshit. You practice on a target so you can kill with fewer shots.*

And then when another member made this comment:

He also said that a gun has only one use.. To kill people...*
That's very 2nd Amendment of him..

You then responded with this:

Good Fucking GAWD.*

WHERE did I ever ever ever ever say THAT???????????????????????????????????

Learn to read and quit making ASSSSumptions.

So what's the deal here, are you going to deny what's right in front of all of our faces ?
:lol: jeebus, this thread took a turn for the worse...

have you nutz been data mining mal's personal photos again? :eusa_hand:

Don't look for [MENTION=42777]DigitalDrifter[/MENTION] [MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] to admit they were wrong. In fact, I expect them to double down on their lies.

So you said this:

And then when another member made this comment:

He also said that a gun has only one use.. To kill people...*
That's very 2nd Amendment of him..

You then responded with this:

Good Fucking GAWD.*

WHERE did I ever ever ever ever say THAT???????????????????????????????????

Learn to read and quit making ASSSSumptions.

So what's the deal here, are you going to deny what's right in front of all of our faces ?

Is Luddy a female or not?
:lol: jeebus, this thread took a turn for the worse...

have you nutz been data mining mal's personal photos again? :eusa_hand:

Don't look for [MENTION=42777]DigitalDrifter[/MENTION] [MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] to admit they were wrong. In fact, I expect them to double down on their lies.

So you said this:

And then when another member made this comment:

He also said that a gun has only one use.. To kill people...*
That's very 2nd Amendment of him..

You then responded with this:

Good Fucking GAWD.*

WHERE did I ever ever ever ever say THAT???????????????????????????????????

Learn to read and quit making ASSSSumptions.

So what's the deal here, are you going to deny what's right in front of all of our faces ?

You gonna post where I wrote
He also said that a gun has only one use.. To kill people...

Post a link to where I wrote that.
The problem here is that some are too dumb to understand that "people" are not the only beings that possess life and therefore are not the only ones that can be killed.

Some people use guns to kill non-human animals.

Reference the word, "hunting".

I don't know how to write it simpler than that.
The problem here is that some are too dumb to understand that "people" are not the only beings that possess life and therefore are not the only ones that can be killed.

Some people use guns to kill non-human animals.

Reference the word, "hunting".

I don't know how to write it simpler than that.

You do realize, that if you disagree with a teaper...they tend to have knee jerk reactions, lie, and manufacturer your opinions for you. I get your point, it makes sense...the children will play semantics...just realize that.
Why not require citizens to take the same oath and training as police and military?
How many officers do you know run around "packing heat" in their panties?

Seriously, why not train all citizens to follow the same procedures required of
officers before entrusting them with arms and authority to defend the laws.

Most people I know who are gun advocates already commit to defend the Constitution.
The GOVT cannot regulate or force such a requirement.
But the PEOPLE can choose to adopt it in each district that agrees to such
screening and compliance to prevent people from abusing arms for unlawful purposes.

I happened across this news story -

Bibb Crime Files: Man accidentally shoots himself in penis

A Macon man was treated at Coliseum Northside hospital Thursday after he accidentally shot himself in the penis. The man was parked at the gas station at about 9:30 p.m. when he attempted to holster his .45. Immediately after the gun went off, he drove to a friend's house in Lake Wildwood. When he got to the friends house, he took off his pants and saw that he had "shot himself in the penis and that the bullet exited out of his buttocks." The spent round fell onto the floor. The man's friend drove him to Coliseum Northside hospital and he was then transferred to the Medical Center of Central Georgia.
Why was he sitting outside a gas station with a loaded gun?

And then this -

At least five Americans accidentally shot off their penises since 2010 | Death and Taxes
The 18-year old Floridian shot a bullet through his penis and left testicle while he was attempting to clean a gun he bought at a party the month prior.



Why was he carrying a gun into a store?

A lone shopper blew away his testicles on a Sunday afternoon while walking the aisles at Lowe’s Home Improvement in Washington state. The gun was kept not-so-safely in his waistband.

Why was he carrying a gun into a Lowes? To hold up the plumbing supplies aisle?

A 17-year old in Vallejo, California, was spotted holding his wounded crotch while walking into the emergency room. At the time of the report, the kid didn’t tell anyone what happened.

The good news here is that this 17yo idiot won't be reproducing.

Each news story referenced at the link.

Clearly, not everyone should be carrying around a loaded gun. Indeed, many people just aren't smart enough to be able to handle it.

And, as I asked above, why are these idiots carrying guns into businesses? Normal people don't carry guns around with them. They're either nutz or planning to commit a crime.

One thing for sure, this bunch of trigger happy fools won't be called "pricks" ever again.
The problem here is that some are too dumb to understand that "people" are not the only beings that possess life and therefore are not the only ones that can be killed.

Some people use guns to kill non-human animals.

Reference the word, "hunting".

I don't know how to write it simpler than that.

You do realize, that if you disagree with a teaper...they tend to have knee jerk reactions, lie, and manufacturer your opinions for you. I get your point, it makes sense...the children will play semantics...just realize that.

Ad they're dishonest cowards.

[MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] and [MENTION=42777]DigitalDrifter[/MENTION] both read more into my words than I actually wrote. They are wrong and they lied about me.

Don't expect either of them to admit it though.
The problem here is that some are too dumb to understand that "people" are not the only beings that possess life and therefore are not the only ones that can be killed.

Some people use guns to kill non-human animals.

Reference the word, "hunting".

I don't know how to write it simpler than that.

You do realize, that if you disagree with a teaper...they tend to have knee jerk reactions, lie, and manufacturer your opinions for you. I get your point, it makes sense...the children will play semantics...just realize that.

Ad they're dishonest cowards.

[MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] and [MENTION=42777]DigitalDrifter[/MENTION] both read more into my words than I actually wrote. They are wrong and they lied about me.

Don't expect either of them to admit it though.

You do have to admit...your post was poorly worded to give that impression. You clarified, that is good enough for me...but a you did give these teapers a little ammunition.

Good luck with this one...pretty soon, more teapers will join in and assault and insult you. I suggest you respond in dumb, repeat the same thing over and over, and never make a point.
Don't look for [MENTION=42777]DigitalDrifter[/MENTION] [MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] to admit they were wrong. In fact, I expect them to double down on their lies.

So you said this:

And then when another member made this comment:

You then responded with this:

So what's the deal here, are you going to deny what's right in front of all of our faces ?

You gonna post where I wrote
He also said that a gun has only one use.. To kill people...

Post a link to where I wrote that.

Will you please read the post again. I didn't say you wrote that particular comment, "Flacaltenn" did when they caught you in a lie.
You do realize, that if you disagree with a teaper...they tend to have knee jerk reactions, lie, and manufacturer your opinions for you. I get your point, it makes sense...the children will play semantics...just realize that.

Ad they're dishonest cowards.

[MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] and [MENTION=42777]DigitalDrifter[/MENTION] both read more into my words than I actually wrote. They are wrong and they lied about me.

Don't expect either of them to admit it though.

You do have to admit...your post was poorly worded to give that impression. You clarified, that is good enough for me...but a you did give these teapers a little ammunition.

Good luck with this one...pretty soon, more teapers will join in and assault and insult you. I suggest you respond in dumb, repeat the same thing over and over, and never make a point.

There was nothing equivocal or unclear in my original post.

Guns are made for only one purpose - to kill.

Why should I have to explain to idiots that both human and non-human animal possess life and can be "killed"?

This really comes down to their sloppy reading and their very strong desire to fight and argue over nothing. They chose to "misunderstand" and that's on them.
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